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Before the Last Sky: Biblical Poetry for  When the Wood is Dry
Before the Last Sky: Biblical Poetry for  When the Wood is Dry
Before the Last Sky: Biblical Poetry for  When the Wood is Dry
Ebook386 pages1 hour

Before the Last Sky: Biblical Poetry for When the Wood is Dry

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About this ebook

Who would ever think of creating Christian haiku? John Mark
Peterson did, and he has done the Christian faith a favor. For
the entire Liturgical Year, Mark has authored haiku that are
beautifully composed, biblically grounded, and spiritually
enriching. They bring contemplation to the mind and joy to
the heart. Read them!

Father Th omas G. Weinandy, OFM, Cap.
Capuchin College, Washington DC
Former member of the Vatican’s International Theological

The biblical poetry contained in Before the Last Sky by John
Mark Peterson has the potential to open new horizons for
everyone who reads it. Faith comes by hearing, and the
marvelous rhythm generated by Mark's creative combination
of Scripture with the language of poetry affords the reader
with encounters that can free heart, mind and soul. The great
saint and poet Pope John Paul II said, "Faith frees thought
and opens new horizons to the language of poetry” (March
18, 1994). What a beautiful blessing!

Father Stan Fortuna, CFR
Release dateMay 14, 2024
Before the Last Sky: Biblical Poetry for  When the Wood is Dry

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    Before the Last Sky - John Mark Peterson

    © 2024 John Mark Peterson. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse  05/10/2024

    ISBN: 979-8-8230-2404-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 979-8-8230-2403-7 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2024905678

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    Ordinary Time I


    Easter and Pentecost

    Ordinary Time II and Christ the King

    For a world quickly forgetting the beauty of poetry, and its unique nourishment of the human soul, John Mark Peterson has provided believers this wonderful compilation of biblical poems! Using the unique haiku style of poetry, Mark feeds us with inspiration throughout the entire year, with the Scriptural citations provided to further enrich one’s moments of meditation on the Word of God! It will bless your prayer life!

    Father Nathan Malavolti, TOR

    Franciscan University of Steubenville

    As a Benedictine monk, I have grown accustomed to taking time daily to be immersed in the Word of God. The Scriptures always provide such a rich feast for the heart. What this book by John Mark Peterson does is creatively make the Scriptures come alive by using the haiku form. I like to connect themes I have read from different books of the Bible in a prayer journal. As I read through this book, I felt Mark has done that for us, and in a beautiful way that allows us to enter into the liturgical seasons of the year with a greater faithfulness. I encourage you to explore the riches of Scripture for yourself using this beautiful book as a guide.

    Father Meinrad Miller, OSB

    Monk of St. Benedict’s Abbey, Benedictine College, Atchison, KS


    When a person writes a book he is called an author. When a person paints a picture he is called an artist. Yet, as evidenced in this most singular work entitled, Before the Last Sky, John Mark Peterson shows himself to be both author and artist. Employing the famous Japanese poetry style known as "haiku, Peterson offers the reader – especially those blessed with a mature faith and some knowledge of scriptural themes and biblical theology – reflections that are both pithy and profound. Some are comforting, others challenging, yet all are provocative – small but brilliant gems mined from the depths of Holy Writ. For example, the title of the book finds a reference in one haiku from Ordinary Time II: Darkness covers earth / But we’ll see Christ as He is / Beyond the last sky." How beautiful! Despite this life often entangled with contrast and contradiction – light and darkness, virtue and vice, life and death – everything will end with God who is victorious and transforms chaos into cosmos. Love conquers!

    Most certainly, John Mark Peterson – author and artist – validates in literary fashion, the well-known maxim: Great things come in small packages. It would be hard to find a similar work today; one which braids both Western and Eastern elements. Here is a new fusion where simplicity is wedded to profundity. For this reason, caution should be applied. One must not simply read the text, but ponder it. The connoisseur never gulps fine wine, but rather sips and savors it. In short, the text has taste – even a texture – which offers the reader a fresh poetic experience. Indeed, for those who may find the haiku message more cryptic than clear, the writer has graciously provided ample scriptural references.

    I believe Before the Last Sky is a book best appreciated when read in a quiet ambience. With fine art and poetry, stillness and silence are almost required in order for our distracted selves to absorb beauty and truth. Curiously, books which people truly treasure are more often found on their night stand rather than their coffee table. The former is for personal reflection, the latter is for public perusal. Indeed, when the activities and affairs of the day are before or behind us, the early morning or late evening often provide an almost sacred space – a solitude – where we can simply relax and enjoy that which is most precious and personal to us. Before the Last Sky – John Mark Peterson’s tour de force of biblical verse; may it not be his last, but the first of many!

    Father Glenn Sudano, CFR


    Some years ago, reflecting on our hectic and stress-filled times, the late Pope Benedict XVI lamented, Put simply, we are no longer able to hear God. He was right, of course. We all know that today we are bombarded daily with information/propaganda of all sorts. It doesn’t necessarily have to be this way; but if we don’t make a conscious effort to withdraw from the dominant culture we can find ourselves overwhelmed by the

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