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A Dragon Tamer's Fable: A Dragon Tamer's Fable, #2
A Dragon Tamer's Fable: A Dragon Tamer's Fable, #2
A Dragon Tamer's Fable: A Dragon Tamer's Fable, #2
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A Dragon Tamer's Fable: A Dragon Tamer's Fable, #2

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A tale of dragons, those who Tame them, and the one who leads them all. 


The adventures of Sebastian Allor and his dragon Nocte continue in the second volume of A Dragon Tamer's Fable. A battle against the Ni'in has left the Kyin with fewer members, including one very close to the Au'ren. This century's Great Tamer has appeared, and with the Rydonnian throne vacant a regency takes place. The Romafsian Elves now have a vested interest in the future of Rydonn, and Sebastian Allor prepares to lead them all.


A Dragon Tamer's Fable, volume 2 of 4

Release dateApr 12, 2024
A Dragon Tamer's Fable: A Dragon Tamer's Fable, #2

G.J. Shalla

Originally from a small town in southern Ontario, Gabe wrote the first version of A Dragon Tamer’s Fable at fifteen years old, just over a decade ago. Unfortunately, without a dragon of her own, she was left to wander fields and forests and dream of them instead. Currently residing on Prince Edward Island, Gabe has lived coast to coast across Canada. And since dragon Taming is a somewhat unattainable goal, she spends her time as a volunteer firefighter and involved community member instead. Otherwise, she is likened to a cave hermit, occasionally emerging to go on adventures with her husband Rupert, her Australian shepherd Rohan, and her sassy cat Terry. A Dragon Tamer’s Fable is also available as an immersive audiobook and podcast on all major listening platforms. Three additional volumes of Seb and Nocte’s adventures will follow this first novel.

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    Book preview

    A Dragon Tamer's Fable - G.J. Shalla

    A Dragon Tamer's Fable

    Volume II of IV

    G. J. Shalla


    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without written permission of the copyright owner except for the use of quotations in a book review. 

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental. 

    Copyright © 2024 by G. J. Shalla

    ISBN 978-1-7781647-6-7 (ebook)

    ISBN 978-1-7781647-5-0 (paperback) 

    Cover design by Anastasia Sheptikita, Rose Goldthorp, and G.J. Shalla.

    All other artwork including map design by G. J. Shalla. 

    Editing by Jeanine Harrell

    First edition April 2024

    To Terry.

    From the late nights when Seb and Nocte were first created,

    to publishing years later.

    Rest easy my whiskered writing companion.



    Chapter Twenty-Five

    Chapter Twenty-Six

    Chapter Twenty-Seven

    Chapter Twenty-Eight

    Chapter Twenty-Nine

    Chapter Thirty

    Chapter Thirty-One

    Chapter Thirty-Two

    Chapter Thirty-Three

    Chapter Thirty-Four

    Chapter Thirty-Five

    Chapter Thirty-Six

    Chapter Thirty-Seven

    Chapter Thirty-Eight

    Chapter Thirty-Nine

    Chapter Forty

    Chapter Forty-One

    Chapter Forty-Two

    Chapter Forty-Three

    About G.J. Shalla

    Also By The Author

    Chapter Twenty-Five


    Arthur and Viven were walking around the palace together discussing future guard details when Rian jogged up to them. He nodded as a greeting, his handsome face was serious. He was in his uniform, distinguished as a captain by a red medal over his heart.

    Our dragons have received word from the city guards. The Elvish King and his outfit should be here in the next five minutes. I wasn’t sure who I should inform since Seb isn’t here… Rian looked between the two older men.

    Thank you for telling us, Rian. We’ll handle it. Could you inform the Princess, please? Viven dismissed him, and he and Art hurried to the Great Hall. It was terribly informal to receive the King without some form of royalty present; a Council member and Kyin leader would have to do. They decided to meet him outside of the palace to watch the Elvish dragons fly in.

    They were gorgeous creatures! All of them were scaled in pastel hues and more slender-bodied than Rydonnian dragons. They looked delicate, but they were still powerful creatures despite their appearances. The Elvish King’s dragon was the largest of the incoming group. The dragon was powder blue in colour and was draped in thin golden bands. The dragon of an indisputable King. Nine others formed the group. The elegant dragons landed gracefully, and the Elves dismounted.

    The Elvish King approached the men tensely, and two Elves followed at his heel. Both had long hair down to the mid of their backs, though one was light blond and the other dark brown.Good afternoon.

    Good afternoon, Your Majesty. The Humans bowed their heads respectfully. They had already met the King before on one of his previous visits. It was evident he didn’t want to waste time on pleasantries. This way, sir. Viven led the ensemble through the massive wooden doors.

    Forgive my abruptness, but how is she? Lord Ëau’ryl asked. Their boot heels clacked against the marble floors, and they hurried up a wide staircase.

    She’s been looked after by the best physicians in the city, and she seems quite well, though she’s been quiet, Arthur answered. It unnerved him that the Elves were taller than he and Viven. Not by much, but enough for a grown man to feel a bit small.

    The Elvish King didn’t reply. His pale face was expressionless. The Humans had much they needed to say to the Elf but now wasn’t the time. They stopped at an oak door far down the broad hallway. Two Human guards were posted there but Art gave them a nod and they cleared away. With a quick knock, the King opened the door and let himself in. The dark-haired guard turned to the other Elves and gave them positions. Five were instructed to patrol the palace, and two were posted at the grand stairway they had just used. He and his blond companion stood sentinel outside the Princess’s door.

    Lord Ëau’ryl’s room is two doors down, across the hall. If you need anything, please let us know. Viven informed the Elvish guards, and he and Art quickly left the tense scene. They hadn’t needed to excuse Seb or bring up anything awkward; Viven didn’t blame the King for being so urgent in seeing his daughter.


    The Princess rose from her chair at the knock, and her father entered, shutting the door quietly. He strode over to her with an expression of gratitude and relief and embraced her tightly. She put her arms around her father’s neck and returned the sentiment, though her embrace was far more rigid. He pulled back and took her face in his soft hands, looking at her with intense compassion and tenderness. My sweet Feli, are you alright? The Princess nodded, unable to speak. She was wrought with unease. You are so pale and thin; what did they do to you? What happened? Her father, who was scarcely expressive, was brimming with emotion.

    It’s a long story, she replied quietly. Please, sit down.

    He brought a chair angled to hers and sat forward on the seat. His rich, animal hide travelling robes and leather boots had mud flecked over them. Her father usually kept his appearance meticulous. He prompted her into speaking, You went back to Rydonn for a final visit before Leo planned to move forward on the Ni’in, and when you were expected to return, only your guards came.

    The Princess nodded, keeping her hands folded in her lap so he wouldn’t see them tremble with anxiety. Yes. The Prince and several of his guards did me the honour of escorting me—they were going to take me to the Iunctura, but we were intercepted by Blakai. It was thirty or so of them against perhaps ten of us; we had no choice but to submit. Her father clicked his tongue in annoyance, and she continued with a waver in her voice, They insisted that I went with them. So I sent my guards home to you, and Leo returned here. None of them were willing to leave me, but my life was… She cleared her throat. I was leverage, I assume, to hold off the battle between the Kyin and Blakai.

    But the battle proceeded regardless, and the Prince was slain. Lord Ëau’ryl added the information that he knew. Felicita inclined her head, trying not to think of the deceased Prince. And the Great Tamer—Allor—he rescued you?

    Felicita nodded. He rescued me, found the Rydonnian crown, and defeated the Ni’in leader.

    A fine list of accomplishments…, he murmured. But how are you, Feli? We have been worried senseless about you! I have never seen an Elf more distraught than Ky’ëll. He’s waiting outside the door for you, when we have finished speaking.

    She raised her head at the mention of his name. Ky’ëll was her father’s blond-haired personal guard and the Elf she had been promised to for well over two centuries. Felicita paled noticeably, and her father took her hand in his.

    Dear, are you unwell? His deep blue eyes searched her face caringly. You can tell me anything, you know that, don’t you? There is not a thing you can say that will deter my happiness at seeing your face.

    Felicita struggled with her emotions and exhaled deeply. Words refused to come to her, and her cheeks flushed back from their paleness. The King watched her worriedly. He could tell she was struggling with whatever she needed to say. No one has hurt you, have they? he asked in a low, anxious tone.

    The Princess shook her head. She had to say it. She had to get it over with. Now. With a single breath, Over the past year I’ve been having an affair with Leo, and I’m carrying his child.

    The King dropped her hand and sat back in immediate shock. The Princess stared at the floor in shame. She looked up after a considerable silence. Her father was gazing at a random spot on the floor. His silence continued, and Felicita said, Say something, please… However, the King remained silent and grave. When he still refused to speak, she pleaded, Dad, say something, please!

    The Elvish King stirred and leaned forward, rubbing his face wearily. She expected anything other than what followed. Ky’ëll is going to be devastated…

    The Princess felt a glint of annoyance. Why would he be devastated?

    Her father looked up at her in exasperation, Feli, Ky’ëll absolutely adores you. He worships the ground you walk on!

    Her face burned. He’s failed to show it.

    Failed to show it! he exclaimed, sitting up. Have a heart, Feli. When we first received news of your capture, Grymyn and I quite literally held him back from flying to rescue you. I had to threaten him and his dragon several times with imprisonment, knowing that if he stormed the Ni’in army, they would have you killed! Her father didn’t sound angry, but he was thoroughly upset. He asked me every single day since your capture to come to Rydonn to rescue you. Do you know how difficult it was to deny him when I wanted nothing more than to do the very same myself? He has been the most miserable soul all this time...!

    The Princess was silent. If Ky’ëll showed his passion for her when she was gone but not when she was present, then…

    I need a while to process this... I do not know where to begin. He stood up and exhaled deeply, heading to the door without looking at his daughter.

    Felicita rose and took a few steps after him. She wanted to speak now… She had been imagining their conversation ever since she realised she was pregnant. But her father was distressed at the information and, no doubt, exhausted from his journey. The conversation would have to continue some other time. He opened the door, and as he stepped out, Ky’ëll rushed in. He embraced her more tightly than he ever had before.

    Thank the Ancients, you’re alright, Feli! He murmured above her pointed ear. The door clicked close behind the Elvish King. Ky’ëll did the same as Lord Ëau’ryl, he took her face in his hands and looked at her with intense concern. Then, he kissed her forehead and her red lips deeply. The Elvish Princess felt an unprecedented flurry of emotion storm inside her. She drew her lips away in confusion. She felt shame, guilt, and anger. You have no idea how worried I’ve been, dear one. Ky’ëll stroked her cheek, and Felicita drew away again, trying to keep hold of her emotions.

    Ky’ëll, stop. Please.

    Stop? Stop what? the Elf asked, still holding her arm. Do you need to sit? Your cheeks are flushed, Feli.

    The concern in his voice and the use of her pet name ripped into her pained heart. She made the mistake of glancing up into his sky-blue eyes, which were filled with worry. She backed away. I’m pregnant, she breathed, with Prince Leo’s child.

    Ky’ëll froze. The Princess folded her arms across her chest, holding her breath. What? he whispered.

    The Princess kept her gaze from him. We have been having an affair since I started visiting Rydonn last year. I’m two months along in the pregnancy, at most, she said quietly.

    Ky’ëll remained silent. His face was tense, and his chest had begun to rise and fall more and more quickly. She expected him to shout, Greats above, even strike her. But he turned on his heel and hauled open the door, slamming it so hard behind him that the old door nearly cracked. She heard someone shout his name, and she ran to the door and into the hall. But Ky’ëll was already gone. The dark-haired guard, Grymyn, turned to her in grave bewilderment and questioned, What in the name of the Greats did you say to him?

    She felt ill. There was no point in hiding it. In a matter of months, there would be no way of hiding it, anyway. With mild hesitation, she murmured, I’m carrying Prince Leo’s child. The guard stared at her in shock, then looked toward the stairs in grief for his friend.


    The Elvish King walked through the familiar marble corridors. Grymyn followed behind him, though Ky’ëll had disappeared for well over an hour. He noted that the Prince’s study was unguarded and decided instead to seek solace in the library. Several people were in the spacious yet cosy room, including Viven and Alace. She pointed to a book on a higher section of a shelf than she could reach, and Viven took it down for her with a grin. He had a crimson-covered dossier in his other hand. The King approached them and dipped his head slightly.

    Would you happen to know if the Great Tamer is on the palace grounds at the moment?

    Alace glanced at Viven, who replied, Unfortunately, he isn’t. He’s home for a short visit. Though he should be returning to the city within a week.

    Where is ‘home’?

    DeepCreek, a small town on the other side of the country, sir.

    Ah yes, I remember now, Lord Ëau’ryl recalled. And he trained within your group, did he not?

    He did. He noticed the Humans stiffen with surprise.

    Nothing about his life will be private anymore he said with a faintly amused tone. As he sat in a velvet chair, he asked, And how skilled is he? He is relatively new to Taming, is he not?

    Alace and Viven sat down on a settee, feeling it would be rude to stand when the royalty was seated. Alace nodded. Though you wouldn’t know to look at the pair. He and Nocte are impressive.

    I heard of his latest exploits. I am well aware of Rydonn’s unrest with the Ni’in these past years; if tradition follows, there should be a calm for a century or two—on that particular front.

    Alace smiled in her typical cheerful way. It was a sight to see, from the start of the battle to the seizing of the crown!

    You were there for the entire event? the King asked with particular interest. Would you be so good as to recount it?

    Alace and Viven took turns retelling the battle, the Princess’s rescue, and the retrieval of the crown in a way only a close couple could. They easily picked up after each other’s sentences and added in whatever the other left out.

    ...You two helped save Felicita’s life, then, the King concluded.

    Alace and Viven blushed. It could hardly be called that… to be honest we were following Seb’s lead, somehow, Alace replied. He had such authority over the situation that we swapped roles! She grinned, and Viven nodded in agreement.

    Take credit where credit is due, the King said softly. You said yourself you fought a Ni’in guard while Masters Viven and Allor were detained. So, thank you, both. I owe you a debt. The couple shifted uncomfortably at the King’s gratitude. Should you ever need anything, you have but to ask.

    That isn’t necessary! Alace jumped to her feet after glancing at Viven’s watch. But thank you. I’m sorry, but I have a previous engagement to attend to. She glanced down at Viven before hurrying out of the library with her book. Viven stood up after her.

    I agree with Alace. With all due respect, Seb is the one you should thank. Without him leading the army, your daughter’s rescue could have been delayed interminably.

    The King nodded and thought carefully about the information he had obtained. Felicita had been kept in a cell-like room for weeks… He should have made an advance—he would have, though he knew it would be considered an invasion of Rydonn. He stood and asked Viven before he left, Am I right to assume you know the Great Tamer reasonably well? The Human nodded, and the Elf continued, Perhaps you would know the best way to repay him, then. I am unfond of owing debts; I hope you understand.

    Viven scratched his stubble thoughtfully and sighed after a moment. Seb’s… a quiet person. And when he tells you that there’s nothing to be repaid, because he undoubtedly will, he won’t say any more on the subject. Viven paused and added as an afterthought, If you were willing to answer any questions about dragons he might have, he would be thrilled, however.

    The Elvish King raised his dark eyebrows. Dragons… as Great Tamer, it would make sense for him to be fond of them.

    Viven inclined his head. Sorry I couldn’t be of more help. But Seb only cares about three things—dragons, his mother, and his future fiancée. Viven added hastily, And books.

    Is it a safe assumption that he’s returned to DeepCreek to engage this young lady?

    Yes, sir.

    The King began to fit pieces of the puzzle together. The events surrounding his daughter’s capture and rescue and what could possibly draw the Great Tamer away from the capital city. Thank you, Master Viven, for your patience in answering my questions.

    It was my pleasure. Viven dipped his head before striding out of the library with one hand in his pocket and the other holding the dossier.


    Ky’ëll stopped at the Princess’s door and asked the guards on duty, Is anyone with her?

    No, Captain, one of the Elves replied. They wore forest-green uniforms hemmed in gold. With their stoic expressions and perfect posture, they showed the qualities of a highly-trained unit.

    The platinum-blond Elf nodded. You’re relieved, then. Go ensure your bags made it to the guard quarters. The guards bowed their heads, and Ky’ëll slipped into the Princess’s room without a knock. She glanced up from the book she was reading, startled. Seeing it was Ky’ëll, she immediately closed it. His fair face was clouded over. She started to rise, but he raised a hand. I want to know why. His voice was cold and harsh.


    Why. I want to know why you cheated. And why with the Prince? why now? I want to know why—Ky’ëll’s voice rose and the colour heightened in his cheeks—you didn’t have the decency to speak to me about this sooner. A year! You have been sleeping with him for nearly a year? The hurt and anger in his voice were very real.

    Princess Felicita attempted to remain calm. She kept her hands folded in her lap and her eyes on his. He gave me something you haven’t.

    Ky’ëll was nearly trembling with rage. I am well aware, since you’re carrying his child, he spat vehemently.

    The Princess flushed and rose to her feet defensively. I wasn’t referring to that, though it was a factor, yes! He was affectionate and passionate and exciting! He made me feel like my presence was wanted!

    Ky’ëll rolled his eyes, even more deeply hurt than before. I have no doubt, just like he did with all the other ladies he’s bedded! Do you really think he cared for you? He was known even in our land for being a dog!

    You didn’t know him, so do not speak ill of him. He was everything I needed, and that was enough! she shouted, her cheeks flaring.

    I could have been everything you needed! Ky’ëll thundered, taking a few steps toward her. I thought I was doing the honourable thing by respecting your body and taking our relationship slowly!

    Two hundred years, Ky! Two wasteful centuries of smothered affection!

    "Yes, only two centuries! Elves take things slowly, love does not need to be a flurry of outward passion. This—he gestured at her stomach—is the result. What do you think would have happened if he had lived, Feli? Ky’ëll was quite close to her now, though the Princess refused to back away. Do you think he would have married you? Do you think your father would have let him? I wouldn’t have been surprised if Leo told you to get rid of it!"

    She slapped him so hard her hand stung. Ky’ëll scarcely flinched, but he did go quiet. I should have known. I should have known there was too much Human in you. He strode over to the door and added over his shoulder, Consider our relationship ended, Your Highness. The Elf slammed her door shut again, and the Princess returned to her chair, crying bitterly.

    Chapter Twenty-Six


    Sebastian wrapped his arms around Fauna as they flew over Rydonn. She kept her long, auburn hair in a braid and wore her horse-riding gear. She wore one of her heavier travel cloaks around her shoulders. He remembered the way Fauna caressed Nocte earlier that day, thanking the dragon for protecting him against the enemy dragon in the mountain. She showed no fear of his beloved partner. Nocte even flicked his tongue at her affectionately for her praise. Two of Fauna’s suitcases were strapped behind them on Nocte’s back. The dragon insisted he didn’t mind, but Seb made certain they landed for a quick rest every hour.

    That night, they checked into an inn. It was their first time officially lodging together. As soon as their bags hit the bedroom floor, they were enfolded in each other’s arms. Their passion abruptly stopped when Seb pulled off his white shirt and Fauna saw his wound. The stitches still held the gash closed. She delicately touched his skin next to it. It still looked so angry…

    Maybe we shouldn’t—

    Seb took her hand swiftly and stooped to kiss her. Let me love you, he murmured into her ear and kissed her neck feverishly. Fauna kept a close eye on the wound as pleasure washed over her body that night and the nights following. Seb never once complained of it hurting, and Nocte wouldn’t respond when she asked the dragon privately about it. The dragon gladly let Fauna pet his scales, but he barely spoke to her unless Seb was part of the conversation.


    Come in. Princess Felicita invited to a knock at her door.

    Her father entered, and she set aside embroidery that she was working on. He began, How are you feeling?

    I’m fine, thank you.

    I noticed Ky’ëll has resumed his post at your door. Did you speak with him?


    And how was he?

    How would you be? She said quietly, Our relationship has come to an end, if that is what you’d like to know.

    He sat down in the chair next to her and sighed. Young love is always difficult.

    We aren’t young. The Princess scoffed.

    To be sure you are! Give it time, perhaps your relationship can be mended. Now, the Elvish King moved on to his reason for speaking with her, I have spent the last few days determining your course of action. Had your child been by anyone other than Leo, this would have been far more simple. As it stands, we will have to respect some of Rydonn’s demands regarding ‘it’. But we can worry about that once we are home.

    I’m not going home.

    Lord Ëau’ryl, who up until this point had been calm and relatively relaxed, stiffened. What do you mean?

    I mean, I am not returning to Romafsi with you.

    Her father’s face clouded over. Anger didn’t suit Elves; their sharp features accentuated the expression darkly. Explain yourself.

    The Princess crossed one ankle over the other and folded her hands in her lap. She kept her tone and expression placid. We will incur far less trouble with the Rydonnians if I remain here.

    For the pregnancy alone, then you will return?

    No. Until my child is crowned.

    At this, the King stood behind his chair and gripped the back irritably. Do you think they will simply allow you to stay?

    I have already asked the future regent, and he agreed readily.

    Of course, he agreed readily! the King cried, exasperated. Having both you and the child remain in Rydonn gives them leverage over every aspect of our agreements, from commerce to diplomacy!

    Calm down, Felicita said sharply. Think about it more thoroughly. How would it go over with the Rydonnians if their future ruler was raised in a foreign country, with a different language and values, among everything else? Not to mention, I highly doubt they will let the child leave Rydonn in the first place. It would give Romafsi far too much power.

    Felicita. Her father struggled to keep his tone from being too patronising. You are the one who needs to think more thoroughly. Stay here for the pregnancy, return home afterward, alone.

    The Princess leapt to her feet, her ivory skin scarlet with rage, I will not leave my child!

    One way or another, you are coming back to Romafsi. Rydonn will not want an Elf raising their ruler, Felicita!

    I will repeat myself—I am not leaving my child. And if you and the Rydonnians attempt to execute any plan to separate us, I will kill myself.

    The King fell silent in shock. "You are being absolutely ridiculous. Irrational. Listen to yourself."

    You listen to yourself! You want to take a mother away from her child. There is no one in this world who can raise it with more love and attention!

    You made your choice to have an affair with a Prince. As I said, if this had been with anyone else, it would have been simple. If it were Ky’ëll, you would wed, and it would be the end of it.

    Could we leave him out of this, please? the Princess exclaimed in frustration.

    No, because I am still terribly upset about all of this, Felicita! the King thundered, truthfully more upset than he had ever been in his immortal life. "He is the son of one of my closest friends; his father served our army for over a millennia before he passed! He adored the two of you together, and quite frankly, I do too! I believe there is no one better suited to you, or ever will be. He treats you as I want you treated, with respect, devotion, and fidelity. He stressed the last word, and the Princess looked away. I have never once been disappointed in you in your four hundred years until this affair. Not because of the pregnancy, but because you have betrayed someone who loves you so dearly."

    The Elves fell silent. Neither one spoke for several moments. The Princess sat down again with a heavy sigh. Lord Ëau’ryl resumed, I will take what you have said into consideration. The regent is meant to arrive shortly, and I have things I need to discuss with him. I will mention your idea of staying and determine his intentions. He went to say something more, but he refrained. His daughter had her hand resting on her stomach subconsciously. The Elvish King left the room without another word.


    One rainy afternoon a couple of days later, the palace was filled with excited murmuring. Nocte had been spotted at the edge of Imperior, and the city guards sent word through their dragons. It only gave the palace a few moment’s notice before their arrival, but it was enough to have Viven and Alace meet them at the rear entrance. Seb walked in with one bag on his shoulder and the other under his arm. His cloak dripped onto the floor, and his hair was soaked.

    And here I thought we’d sneak in through the back! He grinned at the older Tamers. Fauna entered behind him, walking slowly to take in the palace’s beauty.

    Hello, it’s good to see you again. She smiled, also soaked through.

    They greeted her warmly. Since somebody left before we could discuss anything—Viven gave Seb an unamused glance—we had a room made up for you as well. The door across from Seb’s. He offered to take a bag, but Seb assured him he had it taken care of. Two servants had already gone past them with Nocte’s saddle and his own bags to take to his room.

    We’ll be down in a bit, though I want to give her a tour right away! Seb smiled, starting to walk.

    You do have someone here who’s been waiting for your arrival, don’t forget, Viven reminded.

    Right! We’d better be quick then. Seb led the way, and Fauna followed, looking all around her at the majesty of Magni Tectus.


    The Elvish King exited his room, and Grymyn and Ky’ëll stayed close behind. As they neared the grand stairway, they heard cheerful voices.

    Come on, short stuff! a young man called.

    I’m not short. You’re just freakishly tall! a young lady protested.

    You’ll have time to look around later, he replied with a laugh, but I think we’ve kept him waiting long eno— The young man nearly ran smack-dab into the Elf at the top of the stairs since he was busy looking behind him. Seb dropped the bag that was on his shoulder, and it hit the ground with a heavy thud in front of the King. Sorry about that, the young man said instantly with a broad smile. He quickly realised who was standing in front of him.

    Master Allor, I presume?

    Yes, sir, Sebastian Allor at your service! Seb offered his hand, and the King took it hesitantly.

    A Human custom, forgive me. The Elf gazed into the young man’s friendly, honey-brown eyes.

    That’s right, Elves bow, don’t they? Seb dipped his head respectfully, and Fauna stepped beside him. This is my fiancée, Fauna Byne.

    It’s an honour, Your Majesty. She curtsied politely with a smile.

    The honour is mine. He inclined his head. May I request a meeting with you as soon as possible? he directed to Seb.

    Of course! I’m all yours in ten minutes. Seb smiled so kindly that the King felt obliged to forgive his informality.

    Shall I meet you in your study, then?

    The handsome young man looked taken aback. My study… Yes, I’ll meet you there. He hauled the heavy bag back up onto his shoulder, and the parties went their separate ways.


    Seb strode into the study in a smart, dry outfit, though his hair was still damp. He smiled at the Elvish King, who was admiring a framed dagger on the wall.

    Please, take a seat! I apologise for not being present when you arrived, but I had engaging business to attend to. Seb sat behind the wooden bureau. How was your journey?

    It was a bit rushed, under the circumstances. Lord Ëau’ryl straightened his robes as he

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