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Cooking Class Crush
Cooking Class Crush
Cooking Class Crush
Ebook152 pages2 hours

Cooking Class Crush

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When life gets messy, love is the perfect seasoning. Veegee, a 28-year-old marketing executive with disastrous cooking skills, finds herself in a pinch when her upcoming family reunion threatens to expose her culinary shortcomings. Desperate to impress her food-loving Italian-American family, she enrolls in a cooking class where she meets Luke, a charming and talented chef instructor who takes her under his wing.

As Veegee and Luke spend more time together, their chemistry heats up both in and out of the kitchen. However, Veegee must also navigate the challenges posed by her main rival in the class, Olivia, whose competitive nature and initial dislike for Veegee create simmering tensions. Despite setbacks and misunderstandings, Veegee's determination and progress in the class begin to change Olivia's opinion of her, and an unexpected friendship forms.

But just as Veegee and Luke's relationship starts to take off, a surprise opportunity for Luke to open his dream restaurant in another city adds turbulence to their journey. With her family reunion approaching and the pressure mounting, Veegee must choose between following her heart and meeting her family's expectations.

In a heartwarming tale of love, growth, and the pursuit of dreams, "Cooking Class Crush" follows Veegee and Luke as they navigate the challenges of their budding romance while discovering the recipe for lasting love. Will they find a way to balance their aspirations and their feelings for each other, or will their relationship crumble under the heat of the kitchen?

Release dateMay 15, 2024
Cooking Class Crush

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    Book preview

    Cooking Class Crush - Trisie Amberheart


    THERE ARE TIMES IN YOUR life when you realize that your cooking skills are a complete disaster, and if you don’t do something about it, you’ll be the laughingstock of your entire family. Trust me, I know. I’m Veegee, a 28-year-old marketing executive who can barely boil water without setting off the smoke alarm. But I’m determined to change that, especially with my family’s annual reunion just around the corner.

    You see, my family is Italian-American, and food is everything to us. It’s how we show love, celebrate life, and bond with each other. And let me tell you, my family can cook. My nonna’s lasagna is legendary, my mom’s tiramisu is to die for, and even my little sister can whip up a mean carbonara. And then there’s me, the black sheep of the family who can barely make toast without burning it.

    But this year, I’ve decided to take matters into my own hands. I’ve enrolled in a cooking class, determined to impress my family with my newfound culinary skills. I mean, how hard can it be? It’s just following a recipe, right?

    Wrong. So very wrong.

    The moment I step into the classroom, I realize I’m in way over my head. The other students all look like they belong on the cover of a cooking magazine, with their fancy aprons and shiny kitchen gadgets. And then there’s me, with my secondhand apron and a set of measuring cups I bought at the dollar store.

    But before I can make a run for it, the instructor walks in, and my jaw nearly hits the floor. He’s tall, with broad shoulders and a chiseled jawline that could cut glass. His eyes are a piercing blue, and his sandy brown hair is perfectly tousled, like he just rolled out of bed after a night of passion. And when he speaks, his voice is like honey, smooth and rich and oh-so-sweet.

    Welcome to Cooking 101, he says, flashing a smile that could melt butter. I’m Chef Luke, and I’ll be your instructor for the next six weeks.

    I’m pretty sure I’m drooling, but I can’t help it. Chef Luke is the most gorgeous man I’ve ever seen, and I’m suddenly very glad I signed up for this class.

    But my happiness is short-lived, because as soon as we start cooking, it becomes clear that I’m the worst student in the class. I burn the garlic, over-salt the pasta water, and nearly set the stove on fire trying to flambé a dish. It’s a disaster, and I can feel Chef Luke’s eyes on me the whole time, probably wondering how someone so incompetent made it into his class.

    But to my surprise, he doesn’t kick me out. Instead, he takes me under his wing, patiently guiding me through each recipe and showing me the proper techniques. And as we spend more time together, I realize that there’s more to Chef Luke than just his good looks and culinary skills. He’s kind, patient, and has a wicked sense of humor that keeps me laughing even when I’m elbow-deep in a pile of dirty dishes.

    As the weeks go by, I look forward to each class more and more. And it’s not just because I’m learning how to cook (although that’s certainly a bonus). It’s because of Chef Luke, and the way he makes me feel when we’re together. Like I’m not just a disaster in the kitchen, but a person with potential and worth.

    But just when I think things can’t get any better, they suddenly take a turn for the worse. It starts with Olivia, another student in the class who seems to have it out for me from day one. She’s always trying to one-up me, criticizing my dishes and making snide comments under her breath. And then there’s the fact that she seems to have her eye on Chef Luke, always finding excuses to stay late after class and chat with him.

    I try not to let it bother me, but it’s hard not to feel a twinge of jealousy every time I see them together. And then, just when I think things can’t get any worse, Chef Luke drops a bombshell on us: he’s been offered the opportunity to open his own restaurant in another city, and he’s considering taking it.

    My heart sinks at the news, and I realize that I’m not just jealous of Olivia, but of the idea of losing Chef Luke altogether. He’s become more than just my cooking instructor; he’s become a friend, and maybe even something more.

    But I know I can’t stand in the way of his dreams, no matter how much I want him to stay. So, I do the only thing I can think of: I throw myself into my cooking, determined to prove to myself and everyone else that I’m not just a disaster in the kitchen, but a force to be reckoned with.

    And it works. By the time the final class rolls around, I’m whipping up dishes that would make even my nonna proud. And when Chef Luke tastes my final project, a decadent chocolate lava cake, the look on his face is one I’ll never forget.

    Veegee, he says, his voice soft and full of emotion. This is incredible. You’ve come so far in such a short time, and I’m so proud of you.

    I feel tears prickling at the corners of my eyes, but I blink them back, determined not to let him see how much his words mean to me. Thank you, I say, my voice barely above a whisper. For everything.

    He smiles, and for a moment, it’s like the rest of the world falls away. It’s just us, standing there in the kitchen, lost in each other’s eyes.

    But the moment is broken by the sound of applause, and I realize that the rest of the class is clapping for me. For us.

    And as I look around at their smiling faces, I realize that this is what I’ve been missing all along. Not just the ability to cook, but the feeling of belonging, of being part of something bigger than myself.

    And whether Chef Luke stays or goes, I know that I’ll always have this moment, this feeling, to carry with me. Because in the end, it’s not about the destination, but the journey. And what a delicious journey it’s been.

    A Recipe for Disaster

    Valentina Gabriella Rossi, better known as Veegee to her friends and family, sighed as she stared at the charred remains of what was supposed to be a simple grilled cheese sandwich. The acrid smell of burnt bread and melted plastic filled her nostrils, a testament to her latest culinary mishap. At 28 years old, Veegee accepted that cooking was not her forte, but with the upcoming Rossi family reunion looming on the horizon, she knew she had to take drastic measures to improve her skills in the kitchen.

    Another culinary masterpiece, I see, a voice teased from behind her. Veegee turned to see her best friend and coworker, Lila Chen, leaning against the doorframe of their shared office kitchen, a smirk playing on her lips.

    Veegee rolled her eyes, tossing the ruined sandwich into the trash. Hey, at least I didn’t set off the fire alarm this time.

    Lila chuckled, pushing off the doorframe and joining Veegee at the counter. True, but seriously, Vee, you’ve got to do something about this. The reunion is in what, three months?

    Don’t remind me, Veegee groaned, burying her face in her hands. I can already hear my nonna’s disapproving tuts and see my mom’s exasperated looks. I swear, Lila, sometimes I feel like the black sheep of the family. Everyone else can whip up a gourmet meal without breaking a sweat, and here I am, struggling to make a grilled cheese.

    Lila placed a comforting hand on Veegee’s shoulder. Hey, don’t be so hard on yourself. Cooking isn’t everyone’s thing. But if it’s really bothering you, why don’t you take a class or something? There are plenty of cooking schools in the city.

    Veegee peeked at Lila through her fingers, considering the suggestion. I don’t know, Li. Me? In a cooking class? I’d probably end up burning down the whole place.

    Oh, come on, it can’t be that bad. Plus, it could be fun! You might even meet some cute, single chefs, Lila winked, nudging Veegee playfully.

    Veegee laughed, shaking her head. Right, because nothing screams ‘date me’ like a woman who can’t even boil water without setting off the smoke detector.

    You never know, Lila shrugged, a mischievous glint in her eye. Some guys find that whole ‘damsel in distress’ thing charming.

    Well, call me Princess Charming, then, Veegee quipped, earning a snort of laughter from Lila.

    As their laughter subsided, Veegee’s mind wandered back to the upcoming reunion. She pictured her nonna’s warm, wrinkled face, her mother’s kind eyes, and her cousins’ boisterous laughter. She thought of the long, sun-drenched days at the family vineyard in Napa Valley, the air heavy with the scent of ripening grapes and the sound of clinking glasses and happy chatter. Most of all, she thought of the food–the heaping plates of pasta, the fragrant sauces, the decadent desserts. Food was more than just sustenance in the Rossi family; it was a love language, a way of expressing care and affection for one another.

    Veegee’s heart clenched at the thought of showing up to the reunion empty-handed, or worse, with a subpar dish that would only highlight her inadequacies in the kitchen. She wanted so badly to contribute, to show her family that she could be a part of their culinary traditions, even if she didn’t have the same natural talent as the rest of them.

    You know what? Maybe you’re right, Veegee said, a determined glint in her eye. Maybe a cooking class is exactly what I need. It couldn’t hurt to try, right?

    Lila grinned, clapping her hands together. That’s the spirit! Come on, let’s look up some options during our lunch break. I’m sure we can find something that fits your schedule and your skill level.

    Veegee smiled gratefully at her friend, feeling a flicker of hope ignite in her chest. Maybe, just maybe, this cooking class would be the key to unlocking her inner chef and impressing her family at the reunion. And if not, well, at least she would have some recent stories to tell about her adventures in the kitchen.


    The following Monday evening found Veegee standing outside the sleek, modern building that housed Cucina Amore, the cooking school she had chosen after much deliberation and encouragement from Lila. The school boasted an impressive roster of instructors, many of whom had trained at prestigious culinary institutes and worked in top-rated restaurants around the world. Veegee had been drawn to the Italian cooking classes, hoping to gain some insight into the dishes that were such an integral part of her family’s heritage.

    As she stepped through the glass doors and into the airy, light-filled lobby, Veegee’s nerves hummed with a mix of excitement and trepidation. The space was warm and inviting, with exposed brick walls, gleaming hardwood floors, and the faint, tantalizing aroma of garlic and herbs wafting from the kitchens beyond. Veegee made her way to the reception desk, where a friendly-looking woman with short, dark hair and a name tag that read Sofia greeted her with a smile.

    Hi there! Welcome to Cucina Amore. How can I help you today? Sofia asked, her voice warm.

    Veegee returned the smile, hoping it didn’t betray her nervousness. Hi, I’m here for the Italian Cooking Basics class. My name is Valentina Rossi, but I go by Veegee.

    Sofia nodded, checking something on her computer screen. "Ah, yes, here you are. Looks like you’ll

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