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The Wedding Crasher: A Hilarious and Heartwarming Tale of Unexpected Love, Laughter, and Lace
The Wedding Crasher: A Hilarious and Heartwarming Tale of Unexpected Love, Laughter, and Lace
The Wedding Crasher: A Hilarious and Heartwarming Tale of Unexpected Love, Laughter, and Lace
Ebook172 pages2 hours

The Wedding Crasher: A Hilarious and Heartwarming Tale of Unexpected Love, Laughter, and Lace

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Get ready to fall head over heels for "The Wedding Crasher," a delightful romantic comedy that will leave you laughing, crying, and believing in the magic of unexpected love. Follow the story of Molly Thompson, a quirky and talented wedding planner, as she navigates the ups and downs of planning the high-profile celebrity wedding of Alexander Federer and Scarlett Montague.

As Molly works tirelessly to make the wedding perfect, she finds herself drawn to Alexander's charm and genuineness, leading to an unlikely friendship that gradually blossoms into something more. But with Scarlett's increasing suspicions and her own deep-rooted insecurities, Molly must confront her feelings and the potential consequences of acting on them.

From disastrous bachelorette parties to wedding dress fittings gone wrong, Molly's journey is filled with hilarious mishaps and heartwarming moments. As tensions rise and the wedding day approaches, Molly finds solace in the unconditional love of her cat, Whiskers, who plays a surprising role in bringing her and Alexander closer together.

Faced with a difficult decision, Molly must choose between following her heart or maintaining her professionalism. In a twist of fate, a hilarious and goofy incident at the wedding brings Molly and Alexander together, forcing them to confront their true feelings for each other.

"The Wedding Crasher" is a testament to the power of love, trust, and the courage to follow one's heart. Get ready for a turbulent ride filled with laughter, tears, and the joy of embracing life's imperfections.

Release dateMay 7, 2024
The Wedding Crasher: A Hilarious and Heartwarming Tale of Unexpected Love, Laughter, and Lace

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    Book preview

    The Wedding Crasher - Trisie Amberheart

    Meet Molly Thompson

    The alarm clock buzzes, and Molly Thompson’s eyes flutter open. She reaches for her phone, a smile spreading across her face as she reads the date: June 15th, her 32nd birthday. Molly sits up, stretching her arms above her head, and glances at the framed photo on her nightstand—a picture of her parents on their wedding day. She traces her finger over the intricate lace of her mother’s gown, the same dress that inspired her childhood dream of becoming a wedding planner.

    Molly swings her legs out of bed, her feet landing on the plush, cream-colored rug. She pads to the kitchen, where her favorite breakfast awaits—a steaming mug of hazelnut coffee and a warm, flaky croissant from the bakery down the street. As she savors each buttery bite, Molly goes over her schedule for the day, her mind already buzzing with ideas for her clients’ upcoming weddings.

    With a contented sigh, Molly sets her empty mug in the sink and heads to the bathroom to get ready. She hums along to her favorite playlist, a mix of upbeat pop songs and classic love ballads, as she applies her signature look: a swipe of rosy blush, a coat of mascara, and a dab of pink lip gloss. Molly twirls in front of the mirror, her flowy sundress swishing around her knees, and grabs her oversized tote bag before heading out the door.

    The walk to her office is short, just a few blocks from her cozy apartment. Molly breathes in the fresh morning air, admiring the vibrant flowers blooming in the window boxes of the quaint shops lining the street. She waves to Mr. Jenkins, the elderly owner of the corner bookstore, who is setting out his daily display of bestsellers. Happy birthday, Molly! he calls out, his eyes crinkling behind his glasses. Thank you, Mr. Jenkins! Molly replies, her heart warming at the kind gesture.

    As she approaches the charming brick building that houses her business, Happily Ever After Events, Molly feels a surge of pride. She pushes open the glass door, the tinkling bell above announcing her arrival. The receptionist, Lisa, looks up from her computer screen, a knowing grin on her face. Happy birthday, boss! she exclaims, holding out a small, neatly wrapped gift. Molly takes the present, her eyes misting with tears. You shouldn’t have, she says, carefully peeling back the shimmery paper to reveal a delicate silver bracelet adorned with a tiny wedding cake charm. It’s perfect, Molly whispers, fastening the clasp around her wrist.

    Molly makes her way down the hallway, admiring the framed photographs lining the walls—snapshots of beaming brides and grooms, their joy captured in each image. She stops at the last photo, a candid shot of herself, clipboard in hand, directing a group of bridesmaids. Molly smiles, remembering the chaos of that wedding day and how she kept everything running smoothly.

    Finally, she reaches her office, a cozy space filled with plush armchairs, colorful mood boards, and shelves overflowing with wedding magazines. Molly settles into her desk chair and her eyes drift to the corkboard above her computer, where she has pinned a collection of thank-you note from satisfied clients. She reads a few, her heart swelling with each word of gratitude.

    A soft knock at the door interrupts Molly’s thoughts. Come in, she calls out, swiveling in her chair to face the visitor. Lisa pokes her head in, a mischievous glint in her eye. Your 10 o’clock is here, she announces, stepping aside to reveal a tall, handsome man in a tailored suit. Molly’s jaw drops, and she quickly composes herself, rising to her feet.

    Alexander Federer, the man says, extending his hand with a dazzling smile. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Miss Thompson.

    Molly shakes Alexander’s hand, her mind racing to process the fact that one of Hollywood’s most eligible bachelors is standing in her office. Please, call me Molly, she says, gesturing for him to take a seat. As Alexander settles into the plush armchair, Molly takes a moment to study him, and she notes the way his dark hair is perfectly coiffed and how his blue eyes seem to sparkle under the soft lighting.

    I must say, I love your outfit, Alexander remarks, his gaze drifting over Molly’s ensemble. She glances down at her vintage-inspired dress, a quirky mix of polka dots and floral print, paired with her favorite red heels. Thank you, Molly replies, a slight blush coloring her cheeks. I always believe in dressing for the occasion, and meeting with a client as esteemed as yourself definitely calls for something special.

    Alexander chuckles, leaning back in his chair. Well, I’m flattered. And I must say, your office is just as charming as you are. He takes in the whimsical decor, from the string of fairy lights draped across the bookshelf to the framed vintage movie posters on the walls. It’s like stepping into a romantic comedy.

    Molly grins, her eyes lighting up. That’s the idea! I’ve always been a sucker for a good rom-com. In fact, my love for all things romance led me to become a wedding planner. She gestures to the stack of DVDs on her desk, titles like When Harry Met Sally, and Notting Hill peeking out from the pile.

    A woman after my heart, Alexander says, his tone playful. I must admit, I’ve indulged in a romantic comedy or two myself. There’s just something about the way they make you believe in love, even in the face of adversity.

    Molly nods, her heart fluttering at the thought of bonding with Alexander over their shared love of the genre. Exactly! And that’s what I strive to do with every wedding I plan—create a real-life romantic comedy, complete with the perfect happy ending.

    As they continue to chat, Molly grows more and more at ease in Alexander’s presence. She shares stories of her favorite hobbies, like the yoga classes she takes at Zen Studios to unwind after a long day of wedding planning, or the pottery workshops she attends at Clay & Co. to tap into her creative side.

    I’ve always found that having a creative outlet helps me stay inspired in my work, Molly explains, gesturing to the hand-painted vase on her desk, filled with a vibrant bouquet of sunflowers. Plus, it’s a great way to de-stress when the wedding world gets a little too chaotic.

    Alexander leans forward, his eyes twinkling with amusement. Speaking of chaos, I heard through the grapevine that you once had a bit of a mishap at a client’s wedding involving a runaway flower girl and a misplaced ring.

    Molly groans, covering her face with her hands. Oh, no. Who told you about that? she asks, peeking through her fingers.

    A little birdie named Lisa, Alexander teases, nodding towards the door. But don’t worry, she only sang your praises. Apparently, you handled the situation with such grace and humor that the bride and groom couldn’t stop raving about you.

    Molly sighs, a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. It’s true. I may be clumsy, but I always try to keep a positive attitude, no matter what challenges come my way. After all, a wedding planner’s job is to make sure the day goes off without a hitch, even if it means chasing down a flower girl in three-inch heels!

    Alexander throws his head back, laughing. Well, I must say, I’m impressed. And I have a feeling my fiancée and I are in very capable hands with you at the helm of our big day.

    Molly’s heart skips a beat at the mention of Alexander’s fiancée, a reminder of the role she’s here to play. She takes a deep breath, pushing down the flutter of attraction she feels towards the charming actor, and shifts into professional mode.

    Speaking of your big day, why don’t you tell me a bit more about your vision for the wedding? I’m all ears and ready to make your dreams a reality.

    As Alexander describes his ideal wedding, Molly finds her mind drifting to thoughts of her own support system—the close-knit group of family and friends who have been by her side through thick and thin.

    Her sister, Emily, is at the top of that list. Just two years apart, the Thompson sisters have always been inseparable. Every Sunday morning, they meet up at The Cozy Café for brunch, a tradition they started back in college. Over plates of fluffy pancakes and sizzling bacon, they catch up on each other’s lives, swapping stories and offering advice.

    Molly smiles, remembering the previous weekend’s brunch, when Emily had regaled her with tales of her latest dating misadventures. I swear, Molly, Emily had said, stabbing a piece of fruit with her fork, I’m thinking I’m cursed. Every guy I meet is a total dud or just looking for a quick fling.

    Molly had reached across the table, squeezing her sister’s hand. Don’t give up hope, Em. Your Prince Charming is out there somewhere. And in the meantime, you’ve got me to commiserate with over mimosas.

    Emily had grinned, clinking her glass against Molly’s. What would I do without you, sis? You’re like my personal fairy godmother, always ready with a pep talk and a glass slipper.

    Molly’s thoughts then turn to her childhood, and the countless summers she and Emily spent at their grandparents’ farm in the countryside. She pictures them as little girls, giggling as they chased each other through the fields of wildflowers, their pigtails bouncing with each step.

    One particular memory stands out—the time they played hide-and-seek in the old barn. Molly had climbed up to the hayloft, thinking it was the perfect spot to evade her sister. But as she settled into the soft, sweet-smelling hay, she heard a loud creaking noise. Before she could react, the floorboard gave way, sending Molly tumbling down into a pile of loose straw.

    Emily had come running at the sound of Molly’s surprised yelp, her eyes wide with concern. But when she saw her sister, sitting in the middle of the hay pile, bits of straw sticking out of her hair at odd angles, Emily had burst into laughter. Molly, realizing the absurdity of the situation, had joined in, and soon the two girls were clutching their stomachs, tears of mirth streaming down their faces.

    Molly? Are you still with me?

    Alexander’s voice snaps Molly back to the present, and she shakes her head, a sheepish smile on her face. Sorry, I was just lost in thought for a moment there. You were saying something about the color scheme?

    As Alexander continues to outline his wedding vision, Molly can’t help but think of how much she wishes her own friends could be here to witness this surreal moment. She pictures Sophie, her best friend and confidante, squealing with excitement at the prospect of planning a celebrity wedding. Sophie, with her infectious enthusiasm and zany sense of humor, has been a constant source of support for Molly, both in her personal and professional life.

    Then there’s Lila, the level-headed one of the group, who always seems to have a solution for every problem. Molly can almost hear her voice, calm and reassuring, as she offers advice on how to handle a tricky client or a last-minute wedding day emergency.

    And of course, there’s Jenna, the hopeless romantic, who never fails to get misty-eyed at every wedding they attend. Molly smiles, picturing Jenna’s reaction to the news that she’s planning Alexander Federer’s nuptials. She’d probably start planning the bachelorette party on the spot, complete with a rom-com movie marathon and plenty of champagne.

    Molly’s heart swells with gratitude for her tight-knit circle of friends, each one bringing their own unique personality and perspective to the table. She makes a mental note to call them as soon as her meeting with Alexander is over, to share the exciting news and plan a celebratory girls’ night at their favorite hangout spot, The Rustic Pub.

    As the meeting with Alexander comes to a close, Molly feels energized and inspired. She walks him to the door, her mind already buzzing with ideas for his upcoming nuptials.

    Thank you so much for meeting with me, Molly, Alexander says, shaking her hand warmly. I can already tell that you’re the perfect person to bring our vision to life.

    Molly beams, her cheeks flushing with pride. It’s my pleasure, Alexander. I can’t wait to get started on making your wedding day everything you and your fiancée have ever dreamed of.

    As she watches Alexander leave, Molly leans against the doorframe, a wistful smile playing on her lips. She’s always been a hopeless romantic at heart, and planning weddings has been her way of bringing a little of that movie magic to life.

    Her love for romantic comedies started at a young age, when she would stay up late with Emily, watching classic films like When Harry Met Sally and Sleepless in Seattle. Molly was entranced by the way these movies portrayed love—as something beautiful, complicated, and worth fighting for.

    One film had always stood out to her—Love Actually. Molly loved the way the movie wove together multiple storylines, each one showcasing a different aspect of love. From the giddy excitement of a new crush to the bittersweet ache of unrequited affection, Love Actually captured the full spectrum of romantic emotions.

    Molly had watched the movie countless times, each viewing bringing a new appreciation for the way it celebrated the power of love to bring people together. She had even incorporated elements of the film into her own wedding planning, from the elegant red and white color scheme to the heartfelt speeches given by the bride

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