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Alien Girl Lost in the End Times
Alien Girl Lost in the End Times
Alien Girl Lost in the End Times
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Alien Girl Lost in the End Times

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An alien girl has escaped to Earth!

The Earth is in the midst of an apocalyptic crisis!

Then the girl was killed by an Earth beauty!

Then she was killed by someone else!

Then the girl came back to life and evolved into the form of Earth Beauty and went to kill people, not mo

PublisherTroy Johnson
Release dateMar 12, 2024
Alien Girl Lost in the End Times

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    Alien Girl Lost in the End Times - Joshua Parmeter

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    Alien Girl Lost in the End Times

    Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Parmeter

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without the prior written permission of the copyright owner, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

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    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    Ebook ISBN: 979-8-8693-7668-8

    Cover designed by Joshua Parmeter

    Edited by Joshua Parmeter

    Alien Girl Lost in the End Times

    Chapter 1: Landing place should be chosen correctly, alien girl!

    It was one of the countless days in Chaos Cloud's life that was both special and mediocre.

    Special, because she comes back to life on this day, after crashing her ship, being seriously injured, being killed, and witnessing a murder.

    Mediocre because ...... these special days of dying and coming back to life would come back to her often, often, often ---- in the future.

    What's wrong with this?

    Although the girl does not quite understand what the meaning of pit father is, and she does not have a father, but she feels that the word jumped out of the spirit body that she just absorbed is particularly suitable for the current situation ...... Uh, perhaps it should also drop something to match the sound.

    Thus ......

    The girl picked up the broken leg of a zombie next to her and slammed it hard: Sure enough, it's still a pit ah it is!

    Her voice wasn't loud enough to attract the zombies roaming not far away and the humans who were searching not far away while fighting the zombies.

    A delicate human male saw her and ran wildly while releasing body ...from the slits of his eyes. Liquid, yelling, ...... Sis ...... you're okay ...... too good oing oing oing oing oing oing oing oing oing oing oing oing oing oing oing oing oing oing oing oing oing oing oing oing oing oing oing . ...

    And then, and then, and then this male gets pounced on by a walker.

    Crap, what kind of rhythm is this? Is it sadistic? That's not quite right! Oh yeah ...... humans say it's called loving each other!

    Sister Sister Sister Sister Help Life Life Life Ow Ow Ow Ow-- the wailing, strangled male let out an extremely miserable sound.

    Chaos Cloud had to fling out his tentacles...uh was vines that jerked the zombie away, rolled him over and carried him in mid-air, tilting his head as he observed, ......BoingBoingBoingBoingBoingBoingBoingBoingBoingBoingBoingBoingBoingBoingJiaJiaJiaJiaJiaJiaLifeLifeLifeLifeLifeLifeOwOwOwOwOwOw ...... You're barking pretty funny, two more?

    The teenage, well ahem, young human male usually referred to as a teenager looked at her with sadly downcast eyes, ...... Sis, stop it.

    If he says he won't make a scene, will Chaos Cloud stop making a scene?

    The answer is no.

    She carried the teenager in the air and waved him around, figuring that he was too weak to fight, and that it was better to hang in the air for now so that the walkers could see and eat him.

    As she was shaking her head to think about what to do next, a word popped into her head that she didn't quite understand, so she spoke, What does Sister Control ...... mean?

    The teenager blushed and averted his face, Who, who is a sister controller! Sister, your own capricious running around is the most annoying!

    Chaos Cloud seemed to understand and nodded, ...... I understand.

    The teenager froze and wanted to drop something too - what the hell did she understand anymore?

    Then he covered his eyes and his ears went red at the roots, Where is your shame, sister! Thrown into the pile of zombies? Why don't you wear clothes ah asshole!

    Chaos Cloud looked at the shy little teenager, then at himself, and fell silent for a moment.

    Some planets worship primitive nature never wear things, she looked at this planet is also very backward, thought they also worship nudity or something ...... well, into the country and so on, she got used to it.

    Stripping the zombie's clothes was stress-free, and she looked at the rotting mess in her hands, her eyes drifted for a moment, and she simply flung it to the back of her head.

    Leave such technical tasks as getting dressed to the original natives - she thought so and set the teenager down.

    Then ......

    Sis, sis don't you pick my jacket ow!


    Sis, sis don't, don't take off my shirt!


    Sister! Sister! You really can't take off your pants! If I take them off again I'll cry to you oing oing oing!

    Chaos Cloud looked at the sky speechlessly, half a day before he searched for a sentence that fit the context, Why did you ...... give up your treatment ......

    My brother genuinely kneels to her, Would you believe me if I said it was to make room for you in the beds oing oing oing oing oing oing oing oing oing oing oing oing oing oing oing oing oing oing oing oing oing ......

    Since his younger brother refused to take off his pants, Chaos Cloud could only wear a shirt over a white lab coat, revealing two slender thighs stained with thick blood, and continued to carry the teenager without any pressure-

    Where to next? She asked him, inclining her head.

    Hands clasped to his chest to hide his small ripped body, his little brother looked back at her grudgingly, Sister, let's go home ...... medicine can't be stopped.

    Chaos Cloud went silent.

    It always felt like, there was something wrong. But ...... whatever, anyway, she didn't know what she was going to do next, so - just go home! As for what the medicine is ...... Once there is something wrong, stuffing it into her brother's mouth is always the right thing to do!

    Okay, let's go home!

    Seeing that the teenager who had run away had finally found his target and returned safely, the soldiers in the perimeter fight steadily retreated to their vehicles, shoving the siblings into one in the process.

    The younger brother hurriedly asked the military elder brother on the side for a jacket to put on, before he twisted his head back and looked at Chaoyun seriously, Sister in the future if you run around so capriciously I will never look for you again!

    As soon as he said this, the military brother next to him looked at him with a slanting eye, as if to say, "Hey, kid, what are you pretending to do, who are you fooling?

    Chaos Cloud was old-fashioned, Oh.

    The brother continues, Really, really don't look for you oh!

    Chaos Cloud crossed his legs, Hmm.

    My brother turned red and held his tongue, True, true! The one who breaks his word is a puppy!

    Chaos Cloud trimmed down . The messy energy and chaotic spiritual energy in his body, reached out and touched his brother's canine head, Bark to hear it.

    My brother reflexively said, Woof.

    ...... A busload of military big brothers have silently covered their faces.


    Chaos Cloud closed his eyes and digested the mental body he had absorbed earlier, drawing on the information stored in the mental body to begin to sort out what had happened.

    She was chased by an Intergalactic Alliance ship and suffered heavy damage. Before the ship was destroyed, she opened a random jump and jumped near the planet called Earth, and then was attracted by its gravity and crashed on the continent called Country Z.

    The airship's own safety precautions were less than effective, and she landed with a massive impact that seriously injured her.

    Just then, she ran into that Earth female ...... Well ahem, according to the Earth people, she should be called ...... beautiful.

    It was a pretty powerful beauty with a heart of gold, and when she saw the soft and harmless woman climbing out of the cockpit, she didn't hesitate to take her head off with a single machete.

    Though her previously anthropomorphized Orlanthine Insectoid Centipede looked a bit odd, with a longer body and more legs, it wasn't as bad as this, was it?

    (By: ...... Which teenage girl is not afraid of centipedes, female strongman raise your hand!)

    Sighing, Chaos Cloud continued combing.

    At that point, despite having her head cut off, she wasn't dead through and through.

    Well, yeah, a hundred feet die hard or something ...... Earthlings are kinda learned.

    After the compound eyes saw the maiden stop chopping the worm, a pair of Earth females and males came from a distance ...... Well, no, an adulterer and a lecher . Woman.

    Adulterer and adulteress. The woman and the beautiful woman quarreled and fought, and the beautiful woman was killed with two fists.

    Crap, the thought of it made me angry - Mandalorian stars were born mimetic, mimicking into the person who killed them in order to kill the murderer in order to get evolved. The beautiful woman was the goal of the chaotic cloud, this life was mimicking for the sake of destroying the beautiful woman, and as a result, letting someone else get ahead of him, it was too much!

    Taking a deep breath, Chaos Cloud calmed the indignation in his heart.

    After the death of the beautiful woman, the adulterer and adulteress . The woman also dug half a day on her own body, but also took her own head to gnaw on the neck of the beautiful woman, with the intention of disguising the beautiful woman was killed by her ...... Crouching, she is soft and kind and wonderful never spit Manxing people, how can you so defame her?

    Continuing to take deep breaths, Chaos Cloud tried to calm the indignation in his heart.

    Finally, the adulteress . The woman is gone, and the seed in her body falls into the soil and absorbs all the energy and matter around her that it can, and finally blossoms, bringing her back from the dead ......

    It was fucking days ago.

    Squinting at his dozing brother next to him, Chaos Cloud snorted through his nostrils.

    Should we tell him that his sister is actually dead and has been absorbed by her, even her mental body has been swallowed?

    As an upstanding Manxian, she originally didn't have a penchant for devouring mental bodies. Nay, during these days of interstellar wanderings, she had mimicked various interstellar babies (?). The star devourers of the Brajaghou star were also once part of her COS, and in the process of fighting the star devourers, inevitably she had learned some devouring methods, so, stimulated by the strong fluctuation of the mental body at the time of the beautiful woman's death, she couldn't help but devour it.

    The spiritual body itself has powerful energy, which is more abundant than the energy contained in matter ...... Otherwise, she has not been knotted out by the result so quickly.

    Well, actually, according to the earthlings, although the body of a beautiful woman is dead, her spirit is still alive in her heart na~

    My brother duly sneezed.

    Chaos Cloud's heart suddenly softened, and he raised his hand to touch the teenager's canine head, and also helped him pull on his covered shirt.

    When the series of movements was complete, she pressed her heart, her face expressionless--

    Damn, it's still alive, asshole!

    Author's Note: Hmmm ahem, new pit opening on New Year's Day, new year, hahaha~~~~

    Attached is a picture of Chaos Cloud's (human form) persona (for reference only):

    Heartless, Lucky E, a broken-down alien refugee with a penchant for sowing seeds ......

    Chapter 2 Illiteracy is despised, stupid girl!

    Sister's name is Fang Yunyun.

    The brother's name is Lou Deep.

    Why different surnames this kind of question do not ask the alien sister, she does not understand, more do not understand what deep clouds do not know where is the meaning of the hair ...... According to the female called Fang Yunyun, the younger brother eleven years old when his parents divorced, separated from the younger brother with the mother's last name, sister with the father's last name, so it became so. The sister took the father's name, so it became like this.

    And not long after the two siblings were separated, the end of the world came. Meteorites fell from the sky, the earth's core shook, viruses leaked, the sea water backed up, half of the world's population died in this calamity. The other half of the world's population died in this disaster, and the remaining half of the world's population, part of them turned into monsters and zombies, and part of them awakened their supernatural powers. On that day, the siblings experienced the death of both parents, escape, reunion, sacrifice and protection, dedication and calculation ...... All in all, this is a rather thick history of blood and tears.

    To this day, the sister quenched a strong physical ability, the younger brother played his genius cerebral, two people in the capital base always fight for a place.

    The third year after the end of the world, the younger brother was already the chief of the virus research team, he himself was a genius, infected with the virus allowed him to develop his brain domain in a deeper level, over the years, with the virus serum he developed, the alien ability development agent, the crystal core refining liquid, the zombie evasive aerosol, and a series of special weapons developed for the zombies, he became the top technicianthat all bases wanted to snatch up.

    When Fang Yunyun remembered the appearance of carrying the fragile Lu deeply on his back back with three steps and three drops of ass, he could not help but chuckle a little, while Chaoyun also revealed a smile at the right time.

    These two siblings are a real pair of live treasures.

    The younger brother, though smart, is a weak chicken. Sister is just the opposite, strong and spends all her brain power on strength.

    The point of being limber and simple-minded and all that is quite similar to Chaos Cloud.

    Uh ...... nope, that's kinda like all Mansingers in that regard.

    Thinking of this, Chaoyun relieved. Since she couldn't absorb it, there was no harm in letting Fang Yunyun exist, since her personality was similar and she probably got along with him anyway--it wasn't because she had only learned half of her devouring ability!

    Uh cough. Lu woke up deeply and saw that she was staring, so she coughed softly to bring her back to her senses.

    Chaos Cloud glanced at him and let out a soft 'hmm' to indicate that she heard him.

    He moved closer like a caterpillar and leaned his head against her shoulder, whispering contentedly, It's ...... nice that sis is okay.

    Chaos Cloud was silent.

    She could feel the fluctuation of that spiritual energy in her body that seemed to be responding to him, very gently and calmly.

    It was very flattering and made her feel good.

    What Earthlings Call Kinship ......

    ...... is really comfortable.


    The journey was peaceful, and when they set up camp at night, the older brothers of the army guarded the periphery and surrounded the two siblings in the center.

    Pulling up a defense net around the perimeter using the crystals as an energy supply and spraying it with a zombie-avoiding aerosol, the crowd inside the security perimeter methodically boiled water to make soup and nibbled on dry food.

    Chaos Yun is a Manxian, and Manxians can survive as long as they have air, water, and light, and do not need to eat. But it can t be helped that Lu Deeply bumblingly offered the hot soup and light cakes like a treasure to send ...... the Fang Yunyun in her body and began to release the gentle spiritual power, and she was subjected to it.

    That, Lu Deep... umm cough... after finishing her meal, Chaos Cloud was sitting upright, thinking about how to open her mouth to tell him the code that she was actually not her sister, when Lu Deep interrupted her.

    Why did your sister suddenly get off the team this time? The teenager ate his fill, burped, and sat down across from her, clutching his sleeping bag, his eyes shining.

    Chaoyun choked on the words that came out of her mouth as she tried to communicate with Fang Yunyun and got an answer, Du Hanzhi asked me to come out and meet him.

    Lu Deep immediately became unhappy, Sister what are you doing seeing that smelly rascal? That guy only knows how to pick up girls, how can he compare to me! Lifting up his small chest, the fifteen year old boy was full of pride, This is what I call a man, sister, your vision is too poor!

    Chaos Cloud looked at him with contempt and flicked him on the head, He's very good with his hands and his powers, you're no match for him.

    Lu Deep instantly shriveled up, But...but...I just don't like him ......

    Chaos Cloud smiled and agreed, I don't like him either.

    Lu Shengnan instantly became energized, her little face raised, Really?!

    Chaos Cloud nodded - the one who liked him was that stupid girl called Fang Yun Yun, Man Xing talent didn't like such tangled feelings~

    The teenager who received an affirmative answer beamed with joy and almost rolled around twice hugging his sleeping bag, immediately coming back to his senses, But sis you went off the team to meet him!

    Chaos Cloud calmly: He said he found something special, maybe it's what you're looking for this time out, so I went to take a look, and what's the result? ......

    My brother craned his neck and waited for the following.

    He brought Apricot Ando to ...... to say he was breaking up with me.

    Brother's dumbfounded face, Huh?

    Chaos Cloud continued calmly, I'm also wondering, isn't that Ando Apricot courting you? When did she get together under our noses?

    My brother was embarrassed, Who, who made up the rumor! I have no interest in that bitch at all!

    Chaos Cloud glanced at him out of the corner of his eye, Oh?

    Lu deeply reddened face: In short, in short there is no such thing, sister you don't hearsay ...... right, sister you this violent temper, see that pair of dog, dog man and woman didn't fight up?

    Chaos Cloud paused, thinking about what to say.

    Lu deeply but the wood brain a turn, came to the conclusion, must be a fight, presumably sister you did not beat the two of them teamed up, otherwise would not have disappeared for so many days, but also made all the blood no clothes to wear, but, fortunately you're fine, or else - I must kill that pair of dog man and woman, and destroy everything that they destroyed everything they cared about, and by the way, let the whole world bury you with them.

    My brother said this with a silly, innocent smile.

    Chaos Cloud was about to say Fang Yunyun is dead when the words caught in his throat.

    Ewww, this is still a middle-aged teenager with newspaper potential ......

    (Author: People are supposed to be middle-aged teenagers.)

    Destroy the world or something, chaotic clouds thought about it ...... really do not know whether to light this fire ...... Solely, she just casually.

    If you can't even recognize your own sister, this brother will be a waste of time. (Hey!)

    Since she decided not to bother covering it up, she casually asked, So what, I mean, Lou Deep, how's Earth's ship building going?

    The teenager gave her a strange look: ''Before the outbreak of Armageddon, there were also rockets to send people to the sky ...... but now, resources are scarce, can't even get enough to eat, what's the point of building that thing? Two years ago, someone made a statement to build a Noah's Ark spaceship to transport the surviving humans to the circumterrestrial orbit to survive, but the cost was too huge, and what's even more hilarious is that their so-called self-circulating system of the spaceship was just a pipe dream that couldn't be reached in reality, so the project was dead."

    Chaos Cloud couldn't help but wilt a bit.

    She can't get off this planet without a spaceship rocket, which means ...... unless she dies, there's no way for her to continue interstellar travel.

    Is sister interested in airships? The teenager burrowed into his sleeping bag and raised his eyes to look at her, If sis wants it, it's fine for me to build you a small craft ...... It's just that the materials aren't quite as easy to get hold of is all.

    Chaos Cloud also into the sleeping bag, into the local customs, No, I just so eat and wait for death on the line.

    Mixed with death, the seeds she planted on other planets would blossom and be a good man again!

    As for what to do before you die,......, first go and kill those two adulterers who broke the path of your own evolution. I'm going to kill them!


    Lu Shengnan: Sister, I can't sleep.

    Chaos Cloud: So what do you want?

    Lou Deep: ...... Every time my sister reads to me, I fall asleep.

    Chaos Cloud: ......

    Damn, she can't read ah swell?

    And so--

    Don't be afraid, I'll knock you out with a slap and fall asleep.

    My brother: sub-oh, is this a pro-sister? Too ferocious ah soul!!!!

    (Author: Brother You Truth.)

    Author's comment: New Year, new weather, today's second egg ~ well, small second goods rough field.

    Road small duo set up a map:

    Come on, read along with the author: brother is weak, middle-aged teenager, sister control ......

    CHAPTER III. The power is all mine; kneel down and be at peace!

    The next day on the road, the road deep spirits, the whole person is leaking a I am very happy I am super happy air of beating, so ...... chaotic clouds: Hey, let's break out of the earth and fly into the universe.

    While this genius was so happy, if she could really extort an airship, she'd make a solid profit!

    Lu was deeply silent for a while, finally, ...... Sister have you watched too much Toy Story ......

    And he said, There's a snake in my boot.

    Chaos Cloud was still thinking about what a goddamned thing Toy Story was to be able to say something so up-to-date, when suddenly the body slammed, and she was almost knocked over - cripes, who disturbed her thinking? Don't you know how hard it is for a Mansing to think?

    Pressing Lou deeply into place, she scurried out of the military truck and flipped right onto the roof, looking around and staggering, Meowth?

    Chaoyun to cold and noble occasionally cute meow star really do not have too much good feelings, because they are too dark. A few times three times had fallen in meow star, she compared to more appreciate the woof star ...... ah, you ask why?

    Because woofers are simple minded and limber ......

    Shaking her head and throwing the nonsense out of her mind, she scrutinized the mews.

    In fact, these guys and the real meow star is still different, because ...... she shouted two meow star common language, actually no one care about her - either her level is too good, or this kind of guy is just similar in appearance, so then, she will be justified and bold and magnificent Ground: Extinguished, all extinguished, give me all extinguished, but finally caught the opportunity to bully 'Meow Star' ahahahaha ~

    The soldiers gave her sideways glances that said, You're standing around talking.

    Lu deeply stretched out his little head from the truck to look at the situation, his expression was a bit condensed: Sister, these mutant cats are very fast, their claws are very sharp, you are a power type not good to cope with it, let Captain Lu and the others play the vanguard, first reduce their speed, and then you slash across the board ......

    Lu captain surnamed Lu name Dasheng, silent or a face paralyzed, is a member of the master under the Lu deep, has been responsible for the personal safety of the Lu deep, unconditional tolerance for his capricious requirements, leading the squad to cope with the siege of such mutant beasts is also considered to be a raw and familiar ...... it, probably.

    Lu Dasheng has not yet had time to snicker at his boss's short-sighted behavior, chaotic clouds jumped down, the head of the road deep into the car press: You on this head is still a little bit of value quickly give me back to the car to stay in the mother want to destroy the meow star you squeak crooked line ah right these meow star behavior is very strange ah for Mao always to this a car pounce and the expression of a good lewd . Slutty--

    Lu deep slightly black line: Sister you speak dare to give a respite not ......

    Chaos Cloud directly raised his hand to slap away the small black cat that had been scurrying across the human net, and pulled out Lu deeply, Quickly use your clever brain to think about what's going on!

    Lu Deep's expression shriveled a bit, ...... These cats seem ...... to be in heat?

    Chaos Cloud glanced at him, Oh, they're begging for intercourse on you . Mating? Well, but, these are all male meowers ......

    Lu was deeply embarrassed for a moment, his brain circuits spinning rapidly, Sub-Oh, who must have poured the mother cat's [bleep-] on our car, Sub-Oh Sub-Oh Sub-Oh-

    Captain Lu's mouth also twitched, immediately transferred a small soldier over, commanded the small soldier clatter, the whole car with people poured a heartbreaking cold.

    Lu deep: Dilute a few more times, can attract so many mutant cats odor concentration must be extremely high, I get off first you use the water balloon to wash the car properly once again, don't break the car, we are just two cars--

    Toss it, just toss it poorly.

    By the time Meowth's courtship was less frantic, this small group of elite soldiers were all pretty much hung over, with some serious ones being pounced on by Meowth and nearly coming up for air - but soon enough, they were faced with another serious problem.

    The mews are not in heat, and then they ...... are hungry.

    Dozens of pairs of hungry, glowing green cat pupils stared at them, low animal roars suppressed in their throats, just waiting for the soldiers to leak even the slightest crack-

    Lu deeply hid his face - after tossing and turning for so long, their physical energy was also greatly depleted, so dry consumption, sooner or later finished!

    But the zombie avoidance aerosol is useless to mutant animals, usually they are many, as long as they do not run into a group of mutant animals, a single mutant animal knows better than human beings to avoid evil, see them all go around the road - who knows that today they ran into such a group of cats!

    And what worried him even more was that after fighting for so long, with human and cat blood everywhere, and both sides consuming so much, if there was another one of those things-


    A roar came from the other side of the mountain, and the dust was raised by the roar.

    The mewling ears perked up, their bodies shook, and they immediately jumped up and fled in all directions - the soldiers' faces went white, and they immediately shielded Lou deeply and fled down the road.

    Road deep face dramatically changed: Not really so unlucky right soul fade ......

    Uncertain, Chaos Cloud twisted his head to look at him, What was that thing that made you look so ugly?

    Lu deeply held her hand: ''Sister, when we face each other head on later, you don't care about me and run straight away. If you can return to the base, you directly take over the private army and research team under my name, all the research results are locked up by me, only you and I can open them - if you can, don't trust anyone, my research results are enough to guarantee you a lifetime of safety and security, and... ..."

    Chaos Cloud had a headache digesting the information in his words while having to cover his chest, it hurt so much there - damn it, Fang Yun Yun can't you settle down a bit?

    I like my sister the most in this world. Lu flashed an innocent and stupid smile deeply, making her even more cranky.

    Don't talk like I'm telling you to die, okay! Chaos Cloud got angry and threw Lu Shen deeper into the depths of the truck, What's with the 'I'm about to die and you must live' look, is that thing that's catching up to you very powerful?

    Lu Shengnan seemed to be surprised by her and was a bit speechless.

    Chaos Fire opened the window and looked out - the thing was huge, with sharp teeth and claws, but extremely dexterous in its movements, running all the way, the meowers it bumped into were all devoured ......

    Oops, still a foodie.

    Thinking leisurely, Chaos Cloud pushed open the door of the truck and waved at Lu Dasheng, You guys take Lu Deep and keep running, I'm going to take care of that eater.

    Lu Dasheng's face was horrified, and Lu Shenqin even jumped over and grabbed her, Sister, are you crazy? That's a highly evolved predator, specializing in preying on mutated animals and aberrations, you running over there won't even be enough for it to stuff its teeth...

    Chaos Cloud covered his mouth helplessly.

    Turning her head, she raised her jaw nobly and snorted contemptuously, All things are mine, kneel in peace, foolish human.

    Lou Deep: ......

    Lu Dasheng and a group of army big brothers who fled for their lives: ........................

    Chaos Cloud: short oil is so happy, finally I can put the meow star that set of pretending to act like a bully always despise her appearance now ow ow meow~

    Finally, a day where she despises someone else.


    Lu was deeply knocked out by the chaotic cloud with one hand and handed over to Captain Lu, she jumped out of the car alone and watched them go away.

    The guy whose scientific name was Predator commonly known as Big Eater (named by Chaos Cloud) finally ran a little closer to her, his speed didn't decrease at all, and he seemed to only treat her as a small snack raising his claws and grabbing over to try to throw her directly into his mouth, with no respect for the strongest person at all, only thinking of eating and devouring her!

    And Chaoyun's way of dealing with this kind of eater is - hey yo, I'm going to eat you too~

    From the soft earth instantly sprang tens of thousands of soft tentacles ...... ah no, vines swallowed the giant predator quickly and whole-

    Chaos Cloud waited for a while, then ...... burped.

    It's so filling, she'll be able to do without photosynthesis for a long time.

    Suddenly something felt very chunky, and the vines squirmed and wriggled, spitting out a rock.

    The well-fed vines slowly retracted back into the ground, leaving nothing on the ground but the rock.

    Chaos Cloud picked up the rock, looked left and right, and even got down to gnaw on it, she was not happy, It's really hard.

    The stone was small, the size of her fist, translucent, glittering in the sunlight, just a mishmash of colors, except for this drawback, it was quite pretty.

    The mental fluctuations within her body were violent, and Fang Yunyun was messing with her chest again.

    Chaos Cloud thought for a moment and agreed, Lou Deep will like it, so it's good to give it to that idiot.

    Immediately, a warm, gentle wave came from her chest.

    So she began to hike forward.

    There was a lot of commotion on her side, so Lu Dasheng would have known that the crisis had been lifted, then of course he would have stopped and waited for her.

    As she walked, she was stopped in her tracks by a group of woofers.

    She was wondering why the woofers were barking ow ow ow instead of woof woof woof when they saw her and immediately fled with their tails tucked between their legs-

    The creature they had left behind fell to the ground, unaware of death.

    Chaos Cloud reached out to poke the guy, and before he could get a solid poke, he was scratched away with a claw.

    Hey, it's kinda funny.

    Chaos Cloud then continued to poke.

    And then tickled again.

    Ouch, that's really funny.

    Poke again, poke again.


    Her hand was bitten.

    Sharp canines sank deep into her skin and crimson blood slipped from the corner of his mouth and dripped onto the floor.

    Chaos Cloud cocked his head and opened his mouth, ...... that ......

    He bit down harder.

    Then he was knocked unconscious with a bamboo stick by Captain Lu.

    ...... Someone's going to knock you out ......, Chaos Cloud said slowly, glancing at a certain humanoid creature and then at Captain Roux.

    Pick it up, pack it up, take it away.

    She's been wanting a woofie for a long time. Will she tell--

    Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupider-than-she-is woofers are the cutest, ow meow!

    Chapter 4: Creatures like humans have to be fed right?

    Lu deeply looked at Chaoyun, who was sitting leisurely to the side, with a complicated expression.

    His mood was not too stable, and the chaotic clouds decided to touch his dog s head to pacify him, and it turned out that ...... the girl shrunk her head to the back.

    Chaos cloud skimmed his mouth, a little less happy. Although she wanted to pinch his little neck, viciously forcing him to stick his head over for her to rub ...... Well, who let her be a kind Man Xing people, this kind of small things do not be too obsessive ah do not be too obsessive ~ ~

    The truck wasn't going too smoothly, and Lou Deep's face was a little white, and Chaos Cloud figured that she'd been a little hard on that handful of knives just now.

    Is he not feeling well? Or is he sick inside? Scared? Or he hasn't eaten enough ......]

    Chaoyun couldn't help but cover her chest and cursed lowly - hey hey hey that's enough! That guy doesn't even give his head a touch, she doesn't want to think about him all the time, okay? She is not really his sister, Fang Yunyun you again clamor to take over the host, I will disassemble you eight pieces of wolf swallowed internal digestion yo Hey!

    ...... Dwarf oil, idioms used well, people are no longer illiterate, SO EASY!

    The mental body in Chaos Cloud s body had a moment of silence plus ...... distortion.

    Satisfied with the silence, Chaos Cloud then looked for something else to do.

    Like, tease the woofers or something.

    Full of wariness, covered with blood, the little one issued a low hiss at her, and looked ...... so pitiful.

    Big Sister Fang, you're smiling so ...... horribly. A certain junior soldier sitting on the side, who had been acting as a background from the beginning, finally couldn't help but spit out his words.

    Chaos Cloud gave him a puzzled look, pointed at the little guy, and explained, He's in good spirits, I'm happy. That's why she was smiling ah-

    Soldier A: Hey, hey, wrong focus, right?

    Minion B: Explaining why you had to smile so horribly at that humanoid creature would be the right thing to do, right?

    Soldier C: And since when did Big Sister Fang start a fight against Dr. Xiao Lu-

    Soldier: Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! It is right to move on to another love!

    Chaos cloud since they do not know what they are thinking, only to see these several young * robust * mature * male * human individuals brow to brow, the atmosphere is subtle ...... She silently turned back, slowly thought: there is a base love or something she does not understand it!

    Speaking of which, when she first saw this little guy surrounded by a group of woofers, she thought he was also a woofer, but now that she took a closer look, this guy looks just like a human, so it's probably unlikely that he's a woofer. However, if he's not a wangxing man, why did Lu Dasheng and Lu Shenzhen insist on tying him up like a twisted vine...... Ahhhh, wrong word? Like an earthworm would be more appropriate? ...... ahahaha, thanks for the science ah ~ I'll have to ask you for more help in the future ah, illiteracy and so on really hard it ~

    (Author: Hey, hey, you just said you're going to dismantle someone, and your modesty is shattering too fast, isn't it?!)

    Well ahem, speaking of which, Big Sister Fang, we are all curious, how did you solve that predator ......? The junior soldiers browbeat finally elected the junior soldiers to come over to gossip.

    Chaos Cloud was in the middle of traveling the sky when he was called out like that, and instead of answering, he asked, Why did you tie him up like an earthworm? --Learn and apply good habits!

    Ding choked a little, tears: this time simply do not run away from the subject, directly to the topic? Hey ......

    He was bitten by a mutated wolf, and he had not been inoculated with the virus serum before, Lu Deep's voice was a little hoarse, and his low voice made Chaoyun have to prick up his ears and listen carefully, I gave him medicine, but it's not very sure, and in order to prevent him from suddenly turning into a zombie and attacking people, it's better to tie it up tightly.

    Hearing him say that, Chaos Cloud remembered those zombies that attacked Road Deep that he saw when he was just born, and silently - so those guys were human-turned ah?

    Seeing the way these humans treat walkers, she thought the two of them were a natural enemy species~

    Holding her head and thinking and thinking, and then being popularized by the Fang spirit body brother controller Yun Yun, she finally memorized the concept of zombies ah viruses ah and so on.

    Virus x Humans == Zombies + Alien + Ordinary People

    Zombies x Humans == Zombies + Shifters + Ordinary People

    Virus x Animal == Mutant Beast

    Zombies x Animals == Mutants

    Mutant Beasts x

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