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The Widow
The Widow
The Widow
Ebook91 pages1 hour

The Widow

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About this ebook

Jennifer's husband, Cory recently passed away.


She finds solace in the arms of a family friend Damien.


What's start as a non sexual relationship turns into deeply sexual one and reignites Jennifer's passions.


Jennifer then expands her sexual horizons and embarks on a sexual adventure.


The story has multiple participating characters who engage in spanking, foreplay, anal sex, and sex.


All characters are over the age of 18. 

PublisherTodd Geller
Release dateMay 8, 2024
The Widow

Todd Geller

Todd Geller writes scorching hot new adult romance novels. He especially loves flawed characters who help each other heal. His books are the perfect mix of heat, humor, and heart. When he isn't writing, he's chain drinking tea or debating which fictional character would be the best in bed.  With Todd's books, you can count on confident heroines, plenty of steamy tension, and deliciously assertive leading men. There are no guarantees in life, but with his books, you know everything will work out in the end. However, a perfect ending would not be nearly as satisfying without a seemingly insurmountable challenge. Todd loves to add plenty of adversity in his stories, creating unforgettably dynamic characters and sneaky plot twists you will never see coming.

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    Book preview

    The Widow - Todd Geller

    Chapter 1

    Iwas an 18-year-old virgin when I was married, believe it or not. I had very little experience with any kind of sex. My husband had been my only serious relationship, and he treated me like a lady, even when I was only 16. We had been married nearly 10 years when he was taken ill and died.

    For more than 2 years I had no desire to date. So here I am a 31-year-old widow, and now starting to realize that I greatly missed the feeling of a man. A man's strong arms holding me, a man's lips kissing me, a man's sweating body on top of me, a man's hard penis sinking deep into me. Oh, my, where had these thoughts come from? They must have been building for a while, but it seemed to burst into my consciousness overnight, much to my shock and surprise.

    My name is Jen, by the way. Well, Jen to my friends. Jennifer professionally. Jenny sometimes to my best friends, especially when we were having a little immature fun. I was often called Jenny by my husband when we were fooling around, and having decidedly mature fun. I like having three names. It is like having three personalities, and allows me to be very serious at times and to let myself go at other times.

    Damien had been a good friend of both me and my husband for years, and was one of my strongest supporters when Cory died. Even through his divorce, about a year after my husband passed, he remained a close friend and supporter. Through all of those long, emotional conversations and sometimes late nights, he never once made a pass at me. He never acted like he was there because of any attraction towards me, simply to give me support. Now, over 2 years later, I began wondering why.

    Didn't he find me attractive? I am not vain, but I feel like I am a quite attractive woman. Blessed with great genes from both my mother and father, I was 5'6", slender, had a great figure, and soft, smooth skin. My breasts were not large, but certainly large enough, (a nice, full B-cup) and sat proudly on my chest with little sag, though no-one would know that unless they saw me naked. I had shoulder length, dark blonde hair with enough natural body and shine in it to keep it always attractive. My small waist set off curvy hips that had a sexy sway when I walked in spite of myself.

    I thought of Damien when I suddenly found myself ready to start dating again. And why not? Aside from being sensitive and supportive, he was a hunk. Tall, athletic, with rugged good looks, why wouldn't a girl want to date him? When a little flirting didn't seem to work, I mentioned to him that I was ready to date, and asked if he would like to be my first. He seemed both surprised and eager, and so we were set. Only one rule - it was a real date. No talk of former spouses and the emotional stress from it. Strictly a date.

    He picked me up and we went out to a very nice dinner. Not a romantic place, but very upscale and lovely. Afterwards we went to a late movie, one that he picked for my enjoyment. A thrill shot through my body when he reached over and held my hand. I put my other hand on top of his as well as on his muscular upper arm at various times, and his arm was around my waist as we walked afterwards. It wasn't much, but at the time it seemed exciting, and a big step for me. I almost felt like a little teenaged virgin on her first date. When he kissed me goodnight, I got very flustered at first, but soon melted into his arms for a passionate kiss. Weak-kneed, I went into my house with a tingling between my legs.

    Since I had asked him out, I was determined that it was now up to him, or our little flirtation would be at an end. Therefore, I was tickled when he called me the very next day and told me how much he had enjoyed himself, asking me out for the next weekend. We had another nice date, but our third date is when it got exciting.

    After a little heavy necking on our second date, our third date found us on my sofa necking some more, but this time his hand found my breast. When I didn't object, he fondled it and worked his hand under my dress. Fondling it over my thin bra, he also stroked the flesh just above the bra cup. It had been so long since I had felt a man do even this much that I felt chills over my whole body. When his fingers reached into my bra cup far enough to push firmly against my hardened nipple, I nearly exploded. A gasp escaped from my mouth, and my hand involuntarily moved from his chest to his crotch, finding and squeezing his erection tight all in one motion.

    My mind was still racing to comprehend what we were doing as Damien feverishly tore at the buttons of my dress. It opened up and he reached in to push my bra cups up, exposing my breasts. His hand pressed firmly into one, causing a gasp from us both, and he pinched the hard nipple between his thumb and forefinger. That sent an electric spark from my nipple straight to my pussy. My nipples had always been extremely sensitive, and it had been so long since anyone other than me had touched them. I am sure that by this time my panties had to be wet, and my whole body was on fire.

    When his hand reached under my dress and quickly ran up my leg to my crotch, I stopped kissing.

    No, I said firmly, though gasping for breath. Not that much. Not yet.

    Why? he asked. We're not young kids, we like each other, and we both need this.

    That was true. In fact, I was a very sexual person. My sex life had been very full. My husband and I had frequent sex, and were not shy about trying many positions and being very open about what we liked. The only way I had been conservative was in not cheating on my husband. I never even contemplated sex outside of marriage. So, although I was very experienced, at this point I felt almost prudish, simply because this was a whole, new, uncomfortable world I was entering. I tried reminding myself that this was okay, it was normal. My mind bounced back and forth

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