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The Affair
The Affair
The Affair
Ebook101 pages1 hour

The Affair

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About this ebook

A spoiled rich self-indulgent pet wife, Veronica, is married to a financially successful timid passionless drone of a husband, Hunter. 


Not only is she cheating with Nathan, she's fooling around with the Jennifer and she shamelessly raves about her affair.




As the film got going, Veronica lifted the seat arm up out of her way and snuggled into Nathan. His arm went around her and held her tight. He would rub her arm or squeeze her and then smile at her. She felt dizzy with desire. She would glance over and Jennifer and they would share a look and Jenny seemed to be saying 'go for it'.

PublisherTodd Geller
Release dateApr 30, 2024
The Affair

Todd Geller

Todd Geller writes scorching hot new adult romance novels. He especially loves flawed characters who help each other heal. His books are the perfect mix of heat, humor, and heart. When he isn't writing, he's chain drinking tea or debating which fictional character would be the best in bed.  With Todd's books, you can count on confident heroines, plenty of steamy tension, and deliciously assertive leading men. There are no guarantees in life, but with his books, you know everything will work out in the end. However, a perfect ending would not be nearly as satisfying without a seemingly insurmountable challenge. Todd loves to add plenty of adversity in his stories, creating unforgettably dynamic characters and sneaky plot twists you will never see coming.

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    Book preview

    The Affair - Todd Geller

    Chapter 1

    Veronica was exasperated . She was running late for her tee time because of the jackass exterminator. He had hung around wasting time before giving her the bill so he could ogle her. She had mentioned her husband like a hundred times and he did not get the hint.

    Now she was running so late that her foursome probably teed off without her. She got to the club and confirmed this and was set to go back home when the course manager came rushing up.

    Mrs. Monroe, I'm so glad I caught you. I'm sorry your regular group went ahead but they did not want to wait any longer, he said.

    That sounded like them. Jennifer hated waiting and would have wanted to leave her behind.

    Is your handicap still a twelve? I've got a new member that would like to play and we need someone to show him around the course. he continued.

    Veronica was not sure she wanted to do this. Some members were real hackers and it would be painful to find their ball fifty times. The manager saw her reluctance and went on.

    He claims to be a fifteen and I'm inclined to believe him.

    He pointed to the corner of the clubhouse where a man was browsing the shirts. He had to be a foot taller than her 5' 2" frame and she looked at him appraisingly. He had sandy hair that was combed neatly and he seemed to be bursting out of his white polo shirt. His bermuda shorts were black but had some pattern that was hard to follow from across the room. Spending four hours or so with this hunk would be worth it if he could string a few sentences together.

    Her husband was out of town again and had not taken care of her needs in over a month. Of course, she would never do anything, but a little flirting would be fun. So, she smiled at the manager and said she would be delighted to play with him.

    He called over Mr. Sandstone and introduced them. He insisted that she call him Nathan and she countered that Veronica would be fine as well. The manager assured them that they were clear to start when they were ready and they left the clubhouse.

    He offered to let her warm up or putt some before starting but she deferred as she was viewing this as a practice round and not sure whether she would even count this toward her handicap. They walked to separate golf carts and she heard Nathan call over and ask if she minded riding together. She said no and he moved his clubs on to her cart easily. Veronica noticed that he carried his large bag around like it weighed nothing at all.

    She drove them to the first tee and he asked which tee she preferred playing. She said the whites and he said he would prefer to play the blues if she did not mind. Veronica worried that he would be like other men and play back further than their talent allowed. He must have noticed her look because he offered to move up to the whites after the first hole if she was not comfortable with his ability. Veronica felt her cheeks color and thought that she needed to cover her feelings better.

    At the first tee box, he checked the card and she walked to the tee area with him. She noticed that he had a three wood and rolled her eyes behind her sunglasses. She took up a position behind him where he could not see her and crossed her arms. She hoped that he got 200 yards out of his drive but did not expect it. She was not paying much attention until his downswing. She jumped at the sound. It was like a gunshot and the ball went arcing out toward the fairway. It had a small bit of fade on it and landed about 250 yards out. It settled after a few bounces and she doubted she would reach his ball with her drive. The white tees were back almost to the blues but if she really caught one, she could catch him.

    Her drive was good but it was still at least thirty yards behind him. She wondered if it was luck but watching his reaction she did not think so. Their approach shots were similar and his wedge looked better than his legs, but just barely. He had about twenty-two feet and she was inside fifteen. They both missed their birdie putts and tapped in for par.

    At the second tee he waited until she nodded and felt her cheeks color again. He grinned and his pearly whites were dazzling. She could not help grinning back and followed him up to the second tee. Another great shot and another par for Nathan. She had popped her drive up a bit and ended up with a bogey.

    By the fifth hole they were chatting and she found out he was a sales consultant for a large software firm. He explained what this was and she listened attentively, even though she did not understand all of it. She talked of her husband's job and he asked some basic questions about his company and what they did.

    By the turn he had asked about her working and she was embarrassed to admit that she had no job, even though there were no kids at home. If he thought ill of her, he never showed it and she admitted that she was enjoying his company, a lot. He was nice and sweet and never even hinted about hitting on her. And his short game was to die for. He hit a flop on eight that made her gasp.

    On the eleventh fairway he had lifted his shirt to wipe some sweat and his washboard abs had caused her to almost swing and miss her approach. She had topped it and it rolled about halfway to the green. Her friends would have given her hell about it but he never said a word.

    By fourteen she was flirting and trying to get some interest. He seemed to be made of rock. She had punched his shoulder once after a bad pun and her hand actually hurt from it.

    On fifteen he finally lost a drive. They were heading down the rough and hit some small dips. She almost fell out of the cart. He had grabbed her and pulled her back in and held her firmly in place until the cart stopped. He apologized profusely for his error in driving over the bumps and then grabbing her so firmly. He was plainly embarrassed by what he had done.

    Veronica on the other hand, was completely turned on. He had saved her and then held her until he was sure she was safe. She felt her body react and was not sure what to do about it.

    They saw his ball and he got out and put another iron on the middle of the green. Once he got back into the cart, she slid over beside him so their thighs were touching albeit with shorts between them. She stayed beside him whenever she could and missed a three-footer on sixteen while watching him adjust his shorts.

    The seventeenth hole was a par three over water. There is almost no bailout area and play were always slow there. There was a group on the tee and another waiting in front of them. They were still chatting while waiting and she found herself staring at his shorts. The pattern was a zigzag going down his legs and it was somewhat mesmerizing. Without thinking, she started tracing a finger down a line before moving

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