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The Growth Series: The Growth Series, #1
The Growth Series: The Growth Series, #1
The Growth Series: The Growth Series, #1
Ebook69 pages37 minutes

The Growth Series: The Growth Series, #1

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About this ebook

The Growth Series is a part of 3 Collections the first one is this one.


The Growth Series is Made to let you feel emotions, anger, sadness, comfort also confusion and love. 


The Growth Series is named for a reason to grow. So choose to grow with me.

PublisherRose Lateen
Release dateMay 14, 2024
The Growth Series: The Growth Series, #1

Rose Lateen

You can find me at author_roselateen on instagram but when I'm not writing poetry I wright romance and read lots of books and live to drink coffee and and I am a foodie.      I wrote this series because we need to GROW. I know I keep saying Grow and you may be wondering why do you keep saying it Rose, but when you are stressed,hurt or just have to much emotions that sometimes nothing and everything happens well that is when you need to grow with your feelings honey and show your emotions instead of hiding it.    The first book was put in many pov's and will make you see things feel things differently. It did for me.      This is my way of standing up to being quiet and tellimg myself that my opinion doesn't matter.      Because Honey it does.      I'm GROWING and I hope you join me.   Now flip the page Honey The Growth Series is waiting.

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    Book preview

    The Growth Series - Rose Lateen


    In the quiet hours before dawn's embrace,

    She rises, weary, yet filled with grace.

    Her heart a canvas, painted with care,

    Each stroke a story, each burden to bear.

    At work, she's the pillar, strong and true,

    Shouldering burdens, a relentless few.

    Her voice, a melody, with strength untold,

    Yet behind the facade, a story unfolds.

    In the boardroom, she commands the floor,

    Yet at home, her spirit yearns for more.

    A tender touch, a longing sigh,

    Echoes of dreams that seem to fly.

    Expectations weigh heavy, like chains unseen,

    A silent struggle, a heart torn between.

    To excel in all roles, a relentless quest,

    Yet within her soul, she longs for rest.

    She juggles roles with practiced grace,

    A smile in place, though tears may trace.

    For in the depths of her weary soul,

    Lies a longing for peace to make her whole.

    She's more than titles, more than tasks,

    A woman of substance, her spirit basks.

    In love's embrace, she finds her release,

    A sanctuary, a haven of peace.

    So let us see beyond the facade she wears,

    To the heart that beats, to the soul that cares.

    For in her journey, amidst joy and strife,

    Lies the essence of a woman's life.


    In the quiet of the night, a candle burns,

    Its flickering flame, a beacon yearns.

    A woman sits in the gentle glow,

    Her heart a garden, her love to sow.

    As a mother, she's the light that guides,

    Through laughter, tears, and lullabies.

    Her arms, a sanctuary, strong and warm,

    Protecting her children from the storm.

    With a tender touch, she soothes their fears,

    Wiping away their silent tears.

    In her embrace, they find their peace,

    A haven of love that will never cease.

    But beneath the surface, her heart does ache,

    For the sacrifices she's forced to make.

    A wife, a partner, expected to be,

    Everything to everyone, yet never free.

    She tends to the needs of her family's nest,

    Putting her own desires to rest.

    In the quiet moments, when no one sees,

    She longs to break free, to feel at ease.

    Yet she carries on, with strength untold,

    A silent warrior, brave and bold.

    For love's flame burns within her soul,

    A guiding light to make her whole.

    But as the days turn into years,

    The weight of expectations, her spirit sears.

    Like a candle burning at both ends,

    Her light dims, her strength wanes.

    And in the end, as the last flame flickers,

    She looks back on a life of love's whispers.

    With a heart full of memories, she sighs,

    As the final ember fades, and darkness lies.

    For she was more than just a mother and wife,

    She was the essence of love, the light of life.

    In her sacrifice, her beauty shone bright,

    A testament to the power of love's might.


    In the mirror stands a stranger, not I,

    A reflection of a life gone by.

    Once young and carefree, now adorned with grace,

    Yet beneath the facade, a soul displaced.

    I see her there, in the mirror's gaze,

    A woman lost in a bewildering maze.

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