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Shadows Over the Shire: The Awakening of Frodo Cutton (Book 5)
Shadows Over the Shire: The Awakening of Frodo Cutton (Book 5)
Shadows Over the Shire: The Awakening of Frodo Cutton (Book 5)
Ebook41 pages29 minutes

Shadows Over the Shire: The Awakening of Frodo Cutton (Book 5)

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In the concluding chapters of his epic journey, Frodo Cutton cements his legacy as a mage and leader in the Shire. He documents his knowledge for future generations, explores new magical realms with the discovery of powerful crystals, and prepares for emerging threats. Frodo's wisdom grows as he uncovers ancient magical artifacts and establishes a mage academy, training a new generation in the ethical use of magic. His journey from a simple Hobbit to the Eternal Guardian of the Shire is marked by profound reflections on leadership, the passing of mentors, and the enduring power of community and magic. As he faces the future, Frodo's legacy of peace, protection, and enlightenment is assured, leaving a lasting impact on the Shire and its inhabitants.

Release dateMay 10, 2024
Shadows Over the Shire: The Awakening of Frodo Cutton (Book 5)

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    Book preview

    Shadows Over the Shire - Lysandra Starfire

    Shadows Over the Shire:

    The Awakening of Frodo Cutton

    (Book 5)

    Lysandra Starfire

    (Imprint Logo)

    Copyright © 2024 by Lysandra Starfire.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any form whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations in critical articles or reviews.

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Printed in the United States of America.


    First Edition: May 2024


    41 Frodo's Legacy

    42 The Crystal Caves

    43 The Gathering Storm

    44 The Legacy of the Rings

    45 The Passing of Gandar

    46 The Mage Academy

    47 The First Students

    48 Lessons Beyond Magic

    49 The Festival of Lights

    50 The Eternal Guardian

    About the Author



    Frodo's Legacy


    s the sun dipped below the rolling hills of the Shire, casting a warm, golden glow across the green meadows, Frodo Baggins stood at the edge of Bag End. His eyes swept over the landscape, the very heart of his world, reflecting on the journey that had transformed him from a simple hobbit into a mage and a leader. The scene before him was peaceful, a stark contrast to the adventures that had marked his earlier years.

    Frodo’s mind wandered back to those who had inspired him: Gandalf, with his deep wisdom and mysterious ways; Bilbo, whose stories of adventure beyond the borders of the Shire had first ignited the flame of curiosity within him; and Sam, whose steadfast loyalty had been his anchor in the most perilous of times. Each memory, vivid and poignant, was a stepping stone that had shaped his path.

    Lost in thought, Frodo was brought back to the present by the approach of Pippin Took. Time had woven wisdom into Pippin’s once impulsive nature, though it had not dimmed his mischievous sparkle. Thinking about the old days? Pippin inquired, joining Frodo’s quiet vigil.

    Yes, Frodo replied with a soft smile, his gaze still fixed on the horizon. And reflecting on how far we’ve come since. It’s not just about reminiscing, Pippin. It’s about understanding how those adventures have crafted the very essence of our home here.

    Pippin nodded thoughtfully. "We’ve seen so much change, Frodo.

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