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Shadows Over the Shire: The Awakening of Frodo Cutton (Book 1)
Shadows Over the Shire: The Awakening of Frodo Cutton (Book 1)
Shadows Over the Shire: The Awakening of Frodo Cutton (Book 1)
Ebook53 pages41 minutes

Shadows Over the Shire: The Awakening of Frodo Cutton (Book 1)

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In "Shadows Over the Shire: The Awakening of Frodo Cutton," a peaceful existence is upended when Frodo Cutton, a humble Hobbit, discovers untapped magical abilities within himself. His tranquil life in the Shire grows complex as he grapples with his new powers, which lead him to Gandar, a wandering wizard, who sees great potential in Frodo. Under Gandar's mentorship, Frodo confronts not only the mystic arts but also the skepticism of his community. As he masters his gifts, Frodo faces an emerging darkness threatening the Shire. He must navigate his dual role as a protector and a mage, uniting friends and former foes to safeguard his home. This tale weaves a journey of magic, growth, and the fight for harmony in a world where magic and mundane intertwine deeply.

Release dateMay 10, 2024
Shadows Over the Shire: The Awakening of Frodo Cutton (Book 1)

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    Shadows Over the Shire - Lysandra Starfire

    Shadows Over the Shire:

    The Awakening of Frodo Cutton

    (Book 1)

    Lysandra Starfire

    Copyright © 2024 by Lysandra Starfire.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any form whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations in critical articles or reviews.

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Printed in the United States of America.


    First Edition: May 2024


    1 Frodo’s Awakening

    2 The Wandering Wizard

    3 A Hobbit’s Doubt

    4 First Sparks

    5 Leaving Home

    6 Crossroads

    7 The Elemental Master

    8 A Friend in Need

    9 The Dark Woods

    10 Artifact of Light

    About the Author



    Frodo’s Awakening


    n the world's heart lay the Shire, a verdant patchwork of rolling hills and lush gardens, dotted with quaint Hobbit holes nestled snugly under grassy knolls. The air here was always sweet with the scent of blooming flowers, and the clear waters of the Bywater Stream sang merrily as they wound through the peaceful landscape. Among the well-trodden paths, Greenhill Path was beloved by the local Hobbits for its panoramic views of the entire county.

    Each morning, the sun rose over Dawnend Cottage, spilling golden light onto the meticulously tended garden of young Frodo Cutton. His days followed a comfortable routine: tending his vibrant patches of tarragon and thyme, visiting the bustling market to barter for fresh produce, and occasionally stopping by the Green Dragon Inn for a pint of the finest ale. It was there he often met with Mrs. Brandybuck, an elderly Hobbit whose tales of the Shire’s past were as rich and varied as the ales she fondly critiqued.

    Ah, Frodo, did I ever tell you about the Great Delving of ’29? Mrs. Brandybuck would begin, her eyes twinkling as she leaned closer, a crooked smile spreading across her face.

    Frodo, ever curious, would nod eagerly, his ale momentarily forgotten as he lost himself in her stories.

    Despite his amiable nature, Frodo was known among his peers for being unusual, often found with his nose buried in a tome of ancient lore or gazing up at the starlit sky, charting the paths of constellations. These habits marked him as distinct from his more earthbound peers. Frodo’s deep-seated yearning for knowledge was kindled by a lineage whispered to have been touched by far-off lands and strange magics.

    The social fabric of the Shire was woven tight with festivals and communal feasts, and none were more vibrant than those held at the Green Dragon Inn. Here, amidst raucous laughter and lively folk dances, stories of mild adventures and harmless mischief were shared, painting a picture of a community content with the simple pleasures of life.

    One gusty afternoon, as Frodo and his close friend Hammerfest Hammy Gardner were returning from the market, a sudden fierce wind caught a heavy branch, sending it plummeting towards Hammy. In a flash of panic and without a thought, Frodo reached out, not with his hands, but with an unspoken command born of desperate will. The branch halted mid-air, inches from Hammy, then gently set itself on the ground. The air seemed to pulse with an unseen force, leaving

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