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Shadows Over the Shire: The Awakening of Frodo Cutton (Book 2)
Shadows Over the Shire: The Awakening of Frodo Cutton (Book 2)
Shadows Over the Shire: The Awakening of Frodo Cutton (Book 2)
Ebook44 pages31 minutes

Shadows Over the Shire: The Awakening of Frodo Cutton (Book 2)

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In this thrilling fantasy adventure, young hobbit Frodo Cutton discovers a mysterious artifact that awakens latent magical abilities within him. As he learns to harness his newfound powers under the guidance of the wizard Alaric, Frodo uncovers an ancient evil rising in the lands beyond the Shire.
The dark sorcerer Sarnath, once thought vanquished, has begun to gather his forces again, threatening the peace and tranquility of Frodo's homeland. Realizing he must take action, Frodo embarks on a perilous quest to forge alliances with the other races of the realm - Elves, Dwarves, Ents, and Men.
Together with his loyal friend Pippin and a growing company of brave companions, Frodo strives to master both his magical abilities and his role as a leader. He must navigate a treacherous landscape of espionage, betrayal, and warfare as he rallies a grand alliance to stand against Sarnath's encroaching darkness.
With richly detailed worldbuilding, deep character development, and a sweeping narrative of friendship, courage and sacrifice, "Shadows Over the Shire" delivers an epic tale of a hero rising to confront a timeless evil. Fans of classic fantasy will delight in this fresh yet familiar adventure that pays loving homage to the genre's most beloved tropes while weaving an engrossing original story.

Release dateMay 10, 2024
Shadows Over the Shire: The Awakening of Frodo Cutton (Book 2)

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    Book preview

    Shadows Over the Shire - Lysandra Starfire

    Shadows Over the Shire:

    The Awakening of Frodo Cutton

    (Book 2)

    Lysandra Starfire

    Copyright © 2024 by Lysandra Starfire.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any form whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations in critical articles or reviews.

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Printed in the United States of America.


    First Edition: May 2024


    11 Return of Darkness

    12 The Dwarven Forge

    13 Guardians Awaken

    14 The Whisper in Shadows

    15 Unity Forged

    16 Strengthening Bonds

    17 The Seers' Vision

    18 Betrayal Unearthed

    19 The Final Preparations

    20 The Night Before

    About the Author



    Return of Darkness


    s dawn’s gentle light filtered through the ancient trees of Mirkwood, the unexpected sound of hurried footsteps broke the serene morning calm. Frodo and Pippin, already stirring from their slumber, looked up in alarm as a breathless messenger, cloaked in the dust of long travel, burst into their campsite.

    Master Frodo! the messenger gasped, hands on knees, struggling to catch his breath. News from the Shire—grave news!

    Frodo stood swiftly, his expression one of immediate concern. What is it? Speak quickly!

    It’s Sarnath, sir, the messenger managed between heaving breaths. He’s return. There are rumors—he’s amassing power, targeting the Shire. They say he seeks vengeance and aims to assert dark dominion over the lands that defied him.

    A cold wave of dread washed over Frodo, his heart sinking as the reality of the threat hit him. His home, his people, now under a shadow he had hoped to thwart. Thank you for bringing this news, Frodo murmured, his fists clenching as he fought to control his rising panic.

    Turning to Pippin, whose face had blanched at the mention of Sarnath, Frodo’s voice was thick with resolve. We need guidance, Pippin. I must speak with Alaric.

    Without wasting another moment, the pair quickly packed their belongings, the urgency of the threat propelling their movements. Bidding a hasty farewell to the tranquility of their camp, they embarked on a hurried journey to seek Alaric’s counsel, a sage known not only for his wisdom but his understanding of dark forces.

    Their pace was relentless, and by the time they reached Alaric’s dwelling, the shadows of evening were beginning to

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