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Guided by True North
Guided by True North
Guided by True North
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Guided by True North

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Discover the remarkable journey of Taryn, a highly sensitive woman with Misophonia, as she navigates life's challenges in "The Sound Within."

Taking inspiration from her life events, Taryn's work of fiction offers a light-hearted and inspiring quest for strength and relationships. With authenticity and hope, she reflects on her

Release dateMay 1, 2024
Guided by True North

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    Guided by True North - Tressi Mitchell

    Guided by True North

    Navigating Life’s Journey with Misophonia

    Tressi Mitchell

    Guided by True North: Navigating Life’s Journey with Misophonia

    Copyright © 2024 by Tressi Mitchell

    Printed in the United States of America

    This is a work of fiction. Any reference to names, characters, places, and incidents are either used fictitiously or are the product of the author’s imagination. It is a coincidence, if there is any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locations.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any fashion without written permission of the copyright owner except for the use of quotations in a book review.

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    Edited by: LuAnn S. Martin

    Published by: Tressi A. Mitchell


    I dedicate this book to my two sons, Bryan Dean & Hunter Wade, my greatest gifts. My love & respect for you is to infinity and beyond.


    To Keith, I am so grateful to you for your kindness and love and for sharing the parenting of our children. It is with your respect and support that I was able to grow into the person that I am today. Your generosity and undeniably strong work ethic have inspired me for over half my life. Through our patience, understanding, and compassion, we raised our sons, who we love so much. I admire your courageous spirit and undying passion for the work that you enjoy, which has not only inspired me to write this book but reminds me each day to do what makes me happy. I have always adored and respected you, your smile and fun-loving, light-hearted attitude towards life’s circumstances. Thank you for believing in me and the wonderful years we’ve spent together. To our sons, who bring smiles, stories, and fun into my life. There’s always a blessing in disguise in every situation. It’s something far greater that comes out of moments that test you. Please always remember that the distance between dreams and reality is called action. Keep showing up. Keep believing.

    Many thanks and hugs to all the friends who have seen me through my half a century on this earth. The power of your support and encouragement has given me hope for a better tomorrow through my life’s journey, especially Jenny C., Julie W., Barb S., Brandy C., & Jonnie M-G. A profound appreciation and respect for Kevin, who has been a close friend, co-adventurer and a saving grace to me in my time of need. A man of wonderful character and a mentor to me and many countless others. I admire your strength and determination. Thank you for all that you have done for me. You know how to pay it forward!

    An extra special thanks to my mother, LuAnn Martin. Your unconditional love, consistent encouragement, and faith in the Lord are inspirational. You are the matriarch in our family, and you lead with great distinction. Mom, you taught me that. When a flower doesn’t bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows. Not the flower.

    — Alexander Den Heijer

    About the Author

    Tressi Mitchell is a passionate writer, educator, and adventurer who has dedicated her life to the well-being of children. With a background as a former classroom teacher, faith formation teacher, and school counselor, she brings a wealth of experience and understanding to her writing.

    Having grown up in the west and raised her own children in the midwest, Tressi understands the power of exploration and travel in shaping young minds. She cherishes the memories of embarking on countless adventures with her two sons during their school years. From traversing the vast landscapes of the United States to a plan to immerse them in the vibrant culture of Mexico & Europe, they discovered the beauty of the world together.

    Photography, music, and literature have always played significant roles in Tressi’s life. As she journeyed through unfamiliar territories, she captured the essence of each place through her lens, preserving precious moments in time.

    Music became the backdrop of her experiences, interlacing with her emotions and enriching her soul. Reading and writing served as her companions, allowing her to reflect on the interconnectedness of life and the valuable lessons learned along the way.

    With a heartfelt understanding of the human experience, Tressi became inspired to write a book that explores the condition of misophonia—drawing upon her own encounters and employing creative liberties, she weaves a tale that delves into the depths of this neurological auditory sensitivity disorder. By blending real-life lessons and experiences, Tressi aims to shed light on misophonia in a unique and engaging way, inviting readers to discover the interconnectedness of our shared human struggles.

    Beyond her work on the fiction chapter book, Tressi has also nurtured a vision for a children’s book on misophonia. Recognizing the importance of early education and understanding, she hopes to provide young readers with a relatable and empowering story. Through colorful illustrations and captivating storytelling, Tressi aims to educate children about misophonia, fostering empathy and acceptance.

    In addition to her writing endeavors, Tressi finds joy in her three grand pups named Bullet, Maggie, and Red. These furry family members bring boundless happiness and love into her life, reminding her of the importance of loyalty and connection.

    When Tressi is not engrossed in the world of writing, she finds comfort in her love for long walks in nature, reading, listening to music, and engaging in meditation and yoga. These practices allow her to cultivate inner peace and connect with her spiritual side.

    With her genuine passion for storytelling, dedication to children’s well-being, and zest for exploring the unknown, Tressi invites readers of all ages to embark on an extraordinary journey of self-discovery, empathy, and connection through her captivating stories.


    In the vast expanse of life’s journey, there are times when we find ourselves standing at a unique intersection of experiences and emotions. Here, at the crossroads of empathy and personal struggle, I invite you to embark on a voyage with me through the pages of my book. 

    Guided by True North: Navigating Life’s Journey with Misophonia is a testament to the power of self-discovery, resilience, and a pursuit of acceptance. Misophonia, a neurological disorder often misunderstood and overlooked, has shaped my path in ways I never anticipated. As I navigated the complexities of this condition, I discovered the importance of following a misophonic moral compass that directs us toward understanding, compassion, and growth. 

    I’ve dedicated my life to normalizing the special needs of others—I was awakened to the realization that I, too, deserved acknowledgment and acceptance. The lack of awareness, a diagnosis in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, and a paradigm understanding surrounding misophonia propelled me to advocate not only for myself but also for the countless others who silently bear this burden. Inspired by the knowledge that we are all enough and that our journeys are woven from a range of experiences, I have sought to shed light on the multi-faceted nature of misophonia. This book serves as a guiding light, illuminating the path toward self-acceptance, resilience, and the transformative power of a growth mindset. Through personal anecdotes, introspection, and insights gained from passing through the uncharted terrain of misophonia, my goal is to empower readers to embrace their unique journeys despite the challenges they may face. 

    Remember, it is never just one thing that defines us. We are complex beings shaped by our experiences, passions, and aspirations. As we embark on this exploration together, let us foster a community where empathy reigns and understanding flourishes. I hope my book will be an impetus for change, igniting conversations and fostering a greater sense of awareness surrounding misophonia.

    Please join me as we set sail upon the far-reaching seas of life, guided by our true north, navigating the twists and turns and discovering the power within us all.




    About the Author


    Chapter 1: The Beginning

    Chapter 2: The Power of Commitment

    Chapter 3: Don’t Let Others Choose Your Path for You

    Chapter 4: Don’t Believe the World’s Greatest Lie

    Chapter 5: When Life Knocks You Down, Stay Positive and Keep Moving Forward

    Chapter 6: Don’t Let Thyself Be Fooled

    Chapter 7: Be Bold and Make Decisions

    Chapter 8: Embrace the Present

    Chapter 9: Focusing on the Process, Not the Result

    Chapter 10: Don’t Let the Fear of Failure Stop You from Pursuing Dreams

    Chapter 11: When You Make Yourself Better, It’s Better for Everyone in Your Circle

    Chapter 12: Allowing Yourself to Dream

    Chapter 13: Practice Gratitude

    Chapter 14: Time


    Chapter 1: The Beginning

    The Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins with a Single Step.

    -Lao Tzu

    As Taryn ventured on her customary walk, she embraced the rhythm of her steps as a form of comfort. With each stride, she could feel the weight of her worries lifting, allowing her mind to be clear and her focus to sharpen amid her usual inner turmoil.

    She passed families strolling hand in hand, laughter and affection filling the air; Taryn’s thoughts drifted toward her journey as a sister and daughter. Memories flooded her mind, reminiscent of the moments she appreciated with her loved ones. She reminisced about the times she had strived to be the best parent figure, both as a biological parent and a step-parent, offering love, guidance, and support with unwavering devotion.

    On her way to meet her friends, an unexpected sight caught Taryn’s attention—a candy shop adorned with colorful decorations that beckoned passersby. There, a joyful child emerged, laughter dancing like a playful melody. The sight tugged at Taryn’s heart, triggering memories of Derek, a boy who had brought challenges and infinite love into her life.

    The child’s charming chuckles awakened a vivid memory within Taryn. She could picture Derek being a mischievous and silly boy in front of a similar candy store. His desire to taste the sugary delights was almost impossible to contain. Taryn had fondly struggled to rein in Derek those days.

    For a brief moment, Taryn stood there, a gentle smile playing on her lips, as she allowed the memories of her foster family life to wash over her. Derek, a young soul who had found peace in her care, had brought a whirlwind of energy and laughter into her life.

    As the memories of their time together replayed in her mind, they softened her heart, reminding her of the depth of love and the impact she had made in Derek’s life. She had provided stability and support during his early years, artistically painting cherished moments that would be etched forever in her heart.

    With a gentle chuckle, Taryn resumed her walk, the calm breeze accompanying her every step. She felt the lessons learned and the love shared within the corners of her soul, allowing them to guide her forward.

    As Taryn continued her peaceful walk on that serene evening, melodic voices caught her attention. At first, she adjusted her earplugs to keep control of any loud noises. Yet, she turned and noticed a group of girls engaged in a spirited argument, their emotions evident in their gestures. Among them, she saw a captivating girl who seemed to command attention, drawing the admiration of boys from afar. Her beauty radiated like a beacon, captivating those around her.

    Yet, as the words of admiration echoed, Taryn’s eyes focused on conflict. The envious whispers of one girl attempting to demean the girl brought forth a surge of memories. Her life’s journey was marked by several significant moments, each leaving a profound impression on her heart. It all began with the 56 foster children who resided in her family home, starting from her second-grade year up until her high school graduation.

    In an instant, her mind was transported back to Fallon, a girl with whom she had shared much of her life. They were the same age when Fallon came to live with Taryn’s family, entering their lives in eighth grade and departing during their junior year. Fallon's charm had made her the center of attention, capturing the hearts of boys and stirring up envy among some girls.

    Taryn vividly recalled standing by Fallon’s side during those rough years. As Fallon blossomed into adolescence, her beauty became a double-edged sword, attracting attention from boys while inciting jealousy and hostility from her peers. Taryn had become her steadfast defender, fiercely shielding her from the verbal arrows of those seeking to diminish her spirit.

    Gently chuckling at the memories of their foster family life, Taryn acknowledged the complexity of their bond. Fallon had become an integral part of their lives. Despite the challenges they faced, Taryn had embraced the role of a guardian and friend, offering support during Fallon’s journey of self-discovery.

    The calm breeze was a soothing companion, jolting her back to reality. As Taryn continued her walk, her gaze went to a girl in a torn hoodie. The faint scent of smoke mingled with the air around her, presenting a life chained to addiction. The girl’s phone rang persistently—she had an unkempt appearance. Taryn couldn’t help but feel a pang of recognition as the sound triggered another memory, a memory of Rachel.

    Rachel, a girl who had come from a troubled background rife with drug abuse, had once found refuge in Taryn’s home, even if it was only for a brief period. She was older than Taryn and her brothers, carrying a weight of experiences far beyond her years. Yet, she left like the whistling of a cold winter breeze, leaving Taryn pondering about her. With a mild sigh, Taryn approached the drug-addicted girl on the roadside. She encouraged the girl to reconnect with her family with an empathic voice, slightly nudging her toward the support and care she desperately needed. Go home, dear. Your family will be looking for you, Taryn whispered quietly.

    No, no one would be looking for someone as terrible as me, the girl stuttered, wiping tears away.

    You never know, Taryn continued. Life is full of ups and downs—it all begins and ends in your mind. Know that what you give your power to will have power over you. Go ahead, be with your family, and be well. I have faith in you.

    The girl gently nodded and gathered herself before slowly heading toward the other side. Taryn’s eyes remained fixed on her as she left.

    Each memory, whether filled with joy or tinged with loss, contributed to Taryn’s growth and compassion. As she ventured forward, she was ready to extend kindness to those along her path, knowing that even the smallest deed could brighten someone’s life.

    Throughout her life, Taryn had perceived her experiences as a compass. The more she learned, the more she marveled at how such a simple perception could give people a sense of direction. Lost in her thoughts, she pondered the deeper meaning behind finding her true path as she walked. Memories intertwined with her reflections, and she recalled when her home became a refuge for a family of five children. This foster family struggled with domestic disputes and their chaotic lives. Taryn’s busy family life wasn’t without conflicts, but life always guided her on the right path. She had always embraced the role of a caregiver, providing love and care to those who needed it most.

    Her essence encompassed a visionary spirit, a strong connection to her spirituality, and a remarkable ability to foresee possibilities beyond the present moment. She embodied the heart of a dreamer, guided by the teachings of Jesus and fueled by her belief in the power of love and acceptance. Taryn often found temperance in prayer, placing her trust in God’s timing and guidance. She embraced the practice of repeating positive mantras, nurturing a mindset that focused on thinking positively and fostering a sense of inner peace.

    Though the sound within her may have caused her to be more introspective, she remained a silent leader, quietly influencing those around her through her actions and the wisdom she sought.

    She understood that the human experience was far from easy and fraught with challenges and uncertainties. Yet, with a little love and acceptance, she firmly believed that everyone could benefit and grow—thus fostering an environment of compassion and growth.

    In her unique way, Taryn led by example, embodying the qualities of a quiet leader. Throughout her life, she portrayed that true leadership extended beyond outward charisma. Instead, it was a combination of empathy, kindness, and a pursuit of wisdom to inspire and uplift others.

    With a gentle smile, Taryn continued her walk, aware of the impact she could make by embodying the values she held dear.

    As she continued her journey toward her destination, her eyes fell upon a mother struggling to navigate the busy streets while holding a toddler in one arm and trying to control a stroller with the other.

    Without hesitation, Taryn extended a helping hand to guide the stroller safely across the road. Together, they made their way toward a nearby church.

    Are you new here? Taryn asked the woman.

    Yes, I just moved in. The woman softly replied.

    Where’s your husband? Why are you alone? Taryn asked with genuine curiosity.

    Life’s been quite difficult recently, the woman uttered. My husband passed away recently, and I had to move into this neighborhood to ensure a better future for my boys.

    Are you heading towards the church? Taryn asked. She sensed the woman was lonely and felt a connection.

    Yes. The woman nodded.

    Are you preparing for a baptism? Taryn added, compassion filling her voice.

    Yes, on Sunday, She replied with a smile.

    Looks like we’ve welcomed another cutie, she gently caressed the toddler’s cheeks.

    As she walked alongside the stroller, memories flooded back to another time when a baby had come to stay with her during her junior year of high school. The baby had been an adorable bundle of joy.

    Her presence in Taryn’s foster home was a result of a dispute between her parents that escalated into a child-endangerment situation. Eventually, the baby was taken into permanent foster care, leaving Taryn with a profound understanding of the importance of providing emotional support and care to those in need.

    Lost in her reflections, Taryn engaged in a brief yet meaningful conversation with the woman pushing the stroller. As they arrived at the church, the woman revealed that she sought comfort in her faith. Taryn listened attentively, her heart understanding her.

    Before parting ways, Taryn tenderly touched the woman’s arm, saying, May you be blessed with the peace you seek. She then bid the woman farewell with a warm smile.

    May God bless you, the woman said before she left, waving goodbye.

    As Taryn continued her walk, she carried with her the memory of the woman’s strength and her struggles. It reminded her that, despite life’s challenges, compassion could comfort those in need. She stood outside the church, her gaze fixed on its magnificent structure. She took a moment to absorb its serenity. However, instead of stepping inside, she continued her solitary walk, allowing the fresh air to fill her lungs and the solid earth beneath her feet to ground her spirit.

    Taryn’s life had been a life of risks taken and regrets harbored. Yet, her intuition remained steadfast through it all, leading her toward the right choices. She had a remarkable ability to empathize with the emotional struggles of others, and it was a gift she held close to her compassionate soul. Helping and showing kindness to others was not a burden but a calling to her.

    Taryn found herself at a crossroads in her marriage, believing in the timing set by a higher power. Dealing with the challenges of her auditory sensitivity and feeling isolated, she knew that understanding her condition was crucial. Thinking about her marriage ending saddened her, but she respected her husband's dedication to providing a better future for their family. She had learned a lot from him, and those lessons helped her grow as a person.

    Through Taryn's eyes, black and white represented the negatives in life—the hurtful, sorrowful, and judgmental stuff. Instead, she embraced the gray area, where she could

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