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The Logical Logo: The 7-Step Process for Achieving Repeatable Logo Design Success
The Logical Logo: The 7-Step Process for Achieving Repeatable Logo Design Success
The Logical Logo: The 7-Step Process for Achieving Repeatable Logo Design Success
Ebook61 pages30 minutes

The Logical Logo: The 7-Step Process for Achieving Repeatable Logo Design Success

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About this ebook

Is there a step-by-step process for designing a logo, and if so, what is it? I am sure you will agree that there are many opinions and views on the principles and processes that make for great logo design and brand creation, and in our unregulated graphic design industry there is no 'official' process that all designers are prescribed to follow. There is, however, general agreement on what the typical 'logo design process' should include. In my experience, I have found that following a systematic and logical creative process, when designing a brand, ensures more consistent and repeatable success.


In this book, The Logical Logo, I systematically guide you through the 7 steps I have created, as well as provide you with practical tools for you to apply immediately to your next logo design brief. You will find that following these 7 steps will empower and equip you, as the designer, to create beautiful brands that are consistent with the highest levels of industry standards, and exceed your client's expectations.


'The Logical Logo', with the 7 'how to' steps, includes:

  • An overview of the current challenge facing Graphic Designers.
  • The importance of 'Method' vs 'Mystery'.
  • All 7 steps unpacked in detail with examples, sketches, case studies, and diagrams.
  • Original planning sketches and the resulting final logos for actual clients.
  • Client questionnaire template example to guide your client briefings.
  • Logo presentation structure and guidelines.
  • General tips, tricks, and insights throughout.

With The Logical Logo, you will have a handbook to guide you through creating brands that are strategically grounded, creatively inspired, and meticulously crafted.

PublisherGary van Zyl
Release dateMay 12, 2024
The Logical Logo: The 7-Step Process for Achieving Repeatable Logo Design Success

Gary van Zyl

Gary is a Senior Graphic Designer and Art Director with a successful career spanning 24 years. He qualified with his National Diploma in Graphic Design in 1998 and has since worked in leading design agencies and on national, as well as international, brands. Since 2014, Gary has been running his own Design Agency called Design Capital and is highly regarded by his peers and clients for his design expertise in the context of modern business.

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    Book preview

    The Logical Logo - Gary van Zyl


    In this comprehensive guide to logo design, Gary van Zyl masterfully distils over 25 years of design expertise, offering readers an invaluable resource for crafting memorable and effective logos. His methodical approach and keen insight have profoundly influenced my own work, shaping my design philosophy and contributing significantly to my success in the field. This book is an essential tool for designers at any level, brimming with practical wisdom and innovative strategies that only a true expert like Gary could provide.


    Joshua Jaffe

    Creative Director: Brand Infusion



    The challenge for the Graphic Designer:

    The question of how to design a great logo has been answered in different ways and by many designers, educators, as well as industry professionals, and this number seems to be increasing exponentially, in recent times, with the global accessibility made possible by the internet and social media. One can do a simple Google search, only to find that there are many diverse, but in most cases overlapping, opinions on the subject.

    So, is there an ‘absolute’ answer out there, and if so, what is it? While I don’t believe that the 7-step process I advocate in this book is necessarily an exhaustive one that is superior to all others, I do believe it is thorough, and based upon sound design logic, due diligence, best practice, as well as tried and tested industry norms.

    Figure 1: Logo construction lines for a logo design


    Method or Mystery?

    The industry is generally in agreement: As graphic designers, we find ourselves in an unregulated industry governed by the ‘laws’, or rather 'principles', of design. These principles and laws are not found in some official form of design legislature or enforced by a governing body (not as far as I am aware of anyway), but rather they have been discovered and realised by our industry over many decades of application, and there are extensive writings on the subject that have shaped our views, general literature and student curriculums.

    Reassuringly, I am pleased to say, I have found that most reputable designers and creatives the world over agree on the fundamentals, principles, and laws, that make for great logo design, and design in general.

    On a serious note: and as a disclaimer, it must be said that the design principles and processes which I will unpack, are not exclusive to me and not new to the world of design - I can definitely say that for the principles and general concepts discussed, but as for the ‘7-Step Logo Design Process’ outlined in this book - that is my own.

    I am not saying that there is no designer out there going about things the exact same

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