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See the World Through Child's Eyes
See the World Through Child's Eyes
See the World Through Child's Eyes
Ebook141 pages1 hour

See the World Through Child's Eyes

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About this ebook

The journey through our emotional inner longings, while meeting ourselves in a deeper way.


It's truly undeniable that our lives are a reflection of what we believe in, and what we feel deep inside.

And because words can easily become places, I would love to share some of the scenic emotional transitions, of some of my deepest life-changing decisions,  some metaphors and some real life knowledge, that later became wisdom to myself.
To help better decide on how to act in many different life scenarios, in different stages of our human evolution.

Born from a love seedling that blossomed from the depths of me, urging to breathe, it incubated into physical form at its own inner rhythm.


May these bridges we call words bring you the comfort your soul longs for, let their beat carry you back to your innate wholeness, one that your heart knows so well.


They will guide you gently into a silent awakening, to a deeper truth, to a much more meaningful life experience, every time you are open enough to receive it.

In the deep knowing that it no longer belongs to me, I open my hands and set it free, so that it can become all that it can be, to all those who might feel the calling to, more than read it, fully experience it.


May my loving embrace, in every word, gently guide you back home.

PublisherRúben G.T.
Release dateMay 7, 2024
See the World Through Child's Eyes

Rúben G.T.

From an early age I realized that many of us don't fit into pre-existing models of pre-established occupations. We feel the urge to make what doesn't yet have a name and create the path. Creativity allows me to access deeper parts within myself and transform those inspired visions and ideas into the physical reality. I encourage you to access your imagination as often as you possibly can and allow it to fully blossom into a new born reality. We all collectively benefit when we individually honor this sacred space and manifest our inspired creations. One of my chosen ways of being at service is through Paragliding instruction. Origens is my brand name, the wings you already have, now it's time to remember. Providing an Intuitive Paragliding Experience, while doing my best to extend your Flight beyond the sky. It's a real pleasure sharing them with you.

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    See the World Through Child's Eyes - Rúben G.T.


    While we go along with our lives, sometimes we miss the bigger picture, and that is where all the magic lives.

    It's truly undeniable that our lives are a reflection of what we believe in, and what we feel deep inside.

    It's really important to take this kind of step back, to look at the bigger picture, and get a wider, broader perspective of what is truly going on outside, and that is the real magic of self-awareness and consciousness.

    It's truly through these fields that we get a real life perspective of events, without any filter or alteration from any source outside of ourselves.

    We are truly the origin of everything that occurs all around us, because in a deeper sense, we are responsible for reflecting out in the world, the actions that come from our thoughts and from our beliefs.

    And that is a sacred space that should be nurtured very closely and carefully by us.

    Because it's truly the cradle of life, our own life, as it affects not only ourselves, but also every other person that comes into our field of interaction.

    So, in a deeper sense, we are kind of cosmic co-creators of every single moment in our lives.

    And by being aware of this, we stop being just an observer, which we will always be, however we become actors, real life actors, the main actors in the role that was given to us, the moment we were born.

    And that is truly priceless, we can be real co-creators of our own reality, by being aware of every step we take.

    Let's go on this journey together and unveil some deeper meanings to everything seemingly unconnected until now.

    Let's allow ourselves to be surprised in every sentence.

    Every word then, becomes our intentional reality.

    Start inside

    What would be the steps to start a journey if you could decide on those?

    What would be the terms you would choose, what sceneries would you see, what decisions would you make along the way?

    Everything comes down to choice, free will.

    To what extent does it apply fully to the unveiling of our life stories?

    I don't have the answers to those.

    I have, however, some life stories.

    And because words can easily become places, I would love to share some of the scenic emotional transitions, of some of my deepest life-changing decisions, some metaphors and some real life knowledge, that later became wisdom to myself.

    To help better decide on how to act in many different life scenarios, in different stages of our human evolution.

    In the end of the day it's all about feeling good with your own decisions.

    The act of not regretting something you did, and even if you do, for a moment in time, you should consider going inside and self correct.

    Not to blame or shame yourself, to auto correct your inner compass, because shame shouldn't be a part of you.

    You shouldn't be ashamed of who you were, when you were deciding differently, than what you are deciding now.

    So, instead of shame, we could use the word unawareness, because when you are unaware, you make decisions from a different point of view.

    One that is lacking perspective, distance, perception, texture, context.

    Everything that makes life what it is.

    It's interesting because we sometimes believe life is just happening randomly, all around us, to us.

    When in fact there's very little things that are truly random about life.

    It just seems like that until we are distant enough, so that from that distance, we can look back and see the picture that was formed by our passage through that time and space.

    And so, everything becomes clear with that broader perspective.

    That is what is special about life.

    Whenever we give our full undivided attention to our present moment, it can easily become a glimpse of eternity in itself.

    And that is a precious awareness to have, let's enjoy it together now.

    The journey begins

    What if we could engineer our life, what if we could decide how our lives are going to turn out, would we?

    This is a question for which I'm not looking for an answer.

    It's kind of rhetorical, so what I mean with this is, what if we had in our hands the power to decide our own destiny, our own fate, would we use that power in our favor or would we consider everyone else around us also.

    This is actually a very big question, that requires a lot of introspection, and we should definitely take the time to take it deeper within ourselves.

    Because it's not as simple as it appears to be.

    When we have the power in our hands to decide our own fate but we know that, at the same time, it implies other people around us and their lives too, it should give us a healthy feeling of responsibility.

    Our actions have, let's call it effects, instead of consequences, in other people's lives too.

    So the important fact here to consider is that, for every decision we make and action we take, it implies a change in the course of our own path, our own journey in the long term.

    Even the smallest of all decisions implies an action, because decisions and actions are always connected.

    And that action actually changes a lot more than it appears, in our own lives, and in the lives of others also.

    Like when you decide to change what you do for a living.

    When your mission becomes more important than a simple daily job that you would otherwise accept as normal.

    When you become intuitively connected to yourself, in a deeper way, you become more aware of your choices, and from that space you can start creating things from a different perspective.

    One that has a lot more depth and meaning, to yourself and to others.

    So, one of the greatest gifts that we can offer the world, is to align ourselves to the best of our abilities, the deeper and the better we can, to our true essence, and start manifesting from that place of deep alignment within ourselves.

    Then we can become real gifts for ourselves and to everyone around us.

    Because our actions are no longer simply random, they become conscious decisions, from the awareness that is unveiled within deeper and deeper levels of connection, with ourselves and with everybody around us.

    Every single soul that comes in touch with us feels it, and our actions become much more meaningful from that place of inner alignment.

    Inspired action

    Words can be just words until we get them transformed into meaningful events, powerful heart centered actions, that change the whole of our existence from deep within.

    I truly believe that we can transform everything around us by our own example, silently carving ourselves to the best of our abilities, and showing up to our own life celebration, in every day apparently ordinary actions.

    The path always unveils itself each step we give, in the direction that our heart feels as right, at each given moment.

    There's something really curious about human heartfelt words, they come alive as soon as we pronounce them.

    There's also another amazing fact about this frequency we call communication.

    It's really not restricted to the reason of the humanly known, we can totally be receivers from much higher cosmic and universal energy words.

    They arrive to us the moment we intentionally open our hearts and accept that apparently silent guidance.

    It happens every day, in every situation we face, with every person we talk to.

    There's a deeper communication possible, always.

    The more we tune into it, and are grateful for it, the more it unveils deeper and deeper layers of mystical timeless wisdom.

    We can then be a beacon of hope, and shine a light upon every apparent stranger that crosses paths with us.

    Every one of us has this innate built in ability, we just need to tune into it, and start using it, so that it becomes second nature to us.

    Sometimes, seemingly unrelated events open up this inner portal wider than ever before.

    Some people, some questions, some intentions really broaden our perspective of what it means to communicate, because there's a world of difference between talking rational words, carefully thought for, and merely allowing our heart to fully express, by surrendering the thoughts of what we would expect from a given situation, to let it unravel whatever is best for everyone involved.

    When we are truly in silence inside, this deeper truth comes up naturally and presents itself upon the mere presence of someone in

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