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Specter Thriller Collection
Specter Thriller Collection
Specter Thriller Collection
Ebook133 pages1 hour

Specter Thriller Collection

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The Specter Thriller Collection contains two Psychological Thriller/Science Fiction stories: The Zodiac Project and The Cave written by Jessica Berry. 


THE ZODIAC PROJECT: A group of 23 people are kidnapped and imprisoned underneath Area 51 for the testing of a new superhuman serum for the elite. As the experiments progress, various mental disorders are displayed from various points of view to shed light on how it may feel to have such illness. The cosmos are then mixed within this tale as it takes a supernatural turn, along with various zodiac signs and their abilities being included. 


THE CAVE: A newfound cave was tragically found by the Rondeth brothers, and a group of explorers volunteer to explore the depths below. As they journey further below stranger things occur. Quantum physics and philosophy combine - along with other mind twists leaving the readers questioning, "what is real?".

PublisherJessica Berry
Release dateApr 28, 2024
Specter Thriller Collection

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    Book preview

    Specter Thriller Collection - Jessica Berry

    The Zodiac Project

    By: Jessica Berry

    Copyright © 2022 Lavender Moon Media, LLC

    All rights are reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

            This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Warning: The unauthorized reproduction  or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to five years in prison and a fine of $250,000.

    For more information, contact:

    ISBN: 9798765564813

    Table of Contents

    The Zodiac Project


    This book is not dedicated to a particular person, place or thing but simply the strength we all use to endure life’s challenges.


            The inspiration behind this book initially came to me in a dream. The entire concept was unheard of so I decided to share it with you here, on The Zodiac Project . This piece of work took around two years for me to complete due to me still being in college for a big portion of it.

            The purpose of this work is to entertain and educate. If you wish to read it simply as a story you may, but the option to dive deeper and question the realities the characters are faced with is an option. In fact, I suggest the latter.

            Everyone in the world has experienced some sort of trauma in their lifetime, whether it be small or large. In this book you will see the effects of different instances on each character’s mental state. This is to teach the reader what kind of effect they can have on others, and for people who struggle with mental health to feel heard.

            Astrology is also incorporated into this book, with a mix of Sci-Fi and Fantasy to create a compelling story. It was hard for me to write, and it can be hard to read. Are you ready?


    A pen is clicking in the corner at a steady pace. This has been going on for minutes. It stops, but only because I will it to. I order the piano to play itself in the background. It starts off pushing its own keys quietly and steadily as it then builds momentum and volume.

            If I wanted to hear noise I would make noise. The man holding the pen is frozen, and it falls out of his hands onto the floor.

            The man imposing his will had to keep a grip on the scientist, he had to be over the top. He had to remain in power, no matter how small the instance. He loathed him. He had made him his personal Frankenstien, the first of his subjects. After everything he had the audacity to call himself his father.

            Still, after everything. Giles would be lying if he said he didn’t do all of this out of fear. And lie to himself he did.


     car roars along the wet street as it plays its music preposterously loud enough to wake the whole town - within this car is me. I am banging my head to the latest song that has captured the ears of American culture, speaking of things we do not participate in - which sounds so much better with the few shots I have allowed into my system. I am smiling, laughing and everything is as it always has been on a weekend night.

    The moon shines a dim brightness among the world with its fullness, and the stars shine brightly through the angry clouds as if they had a message for the people below. I am not focused on that. My friend, Callie, hands me a bottle and speaks words I pretend I understand over the blaring music, to which I nod and continue to drink.

            Evan. That’s who I am really looking forward to seeing. I thought we had a connection some time ago, but he ghosted me and it has been itching at the back of my mind ever since. I wondered what he thought was not good enough about me. I did everything right. I’m hilarious, beautiful and intelligent… and what else could he want? My hand flicks away at some of my long blonde strands of hair that shielded my vision from the glaring light in front of me. Blocked. I’m still blocked. He entertained me, swept me off my feet with hopes that he would not be like the others, had his way with me and left me like a piece of trash. Am I just that - someone to throw away?

            My thoughts are abrupted by my head hitting the back of the chair in front of me by the sudden halt of the car. No one ever said Cody was a good driver, but at least I didn’t have to be the DD. My makeup better not be smeared, I swear. I spent over two hours pulling this whole look together. Sure enough, there is a cream-colored mark on the once black leather. I rub my forehead in an attempt to blend what may have been taken off. What if my forehead is red? Fuck. The door opens.

            Drink too much already? We’re here, says Cody.

            I stumble out, but still careful enough to not ruin my new shoes. Tennis shoes. It doesn’t exactly fit my outfit but I’d rather not have to deal with broken toe nails in the morning from strangers trampling on my feet like a fleeing herd. But then again, why am I wearing new shoes to a party? I guess I didn’t think it through.

            I came with my best friend Kayla and her boyfriend. I don’t count Cody because I just met him and he’s already gotten on my nerves. Who meets a new group of people and acts like an idiot? Him apparently. Social IQ is so far at the back of that man’s mind it may as well not exist in his little world. Whatever, as soon as I get inside of this party I’m losing him. I’d rather third wheel.


            The booming bass continuously penetrates the ears of the visitors in the long ruined house. Future ear damage will be noticeable by morning. Everyone is too intoxicated to stand straight or speak correctly. Most won’t remember this moment at all - and that is what I’m betting on. I have been planning this moment for a month, carefully curating the perfect scenario to which I can claim the last piece. Tonight I am Jordan Addams, Pi Kappa Phi president and notorious football legend hosting the best party this dinky town has ever experienced. Why am I here? A supposed old friend. The countless pills I’ve swallowed along with long days in the gym have allowed me to create the complete embodiment of such a person without a doubt. To which all would work out except for now I cannot move throughout this already stuffy place without every female in sight attempting to take me home. Admittedly - I am tempted. But if I don’t do this tonight I may not get another chance for a while.

    I don’t have much time. I plow through the sea of nameless heads in search of a girl with light blonde hair and blue eyes. German? Probably. I’m not concerned with ethnicity, but rather what the person can offer. I’ve thought about you long and hard, Gianna, and I know you’re what I’m missing.


            It’s been a mere twenty minutes and I have already introduced myself to the soiled water below me in the toilet seat. The bathroom is unkempt to the extent of it being repulsive - the girls would rather pee in the shower, making it even worse. I hate to let my hands touch the dirty tiles but I would rather not fall over and make it worse - I spent over $800 on this outfit the other day. Dumbass. Dumbass. Dumbass. I feel my wet hair pulling away from my face as I let my dinner loose. I can’t remember how much I’ve had to drink - I attempted to drown my scars and worries and ended up suffocating myself instead.

    Evan, I hope you don’t see, better yet, hear about this. But you never cared about me anyways, did you? You will be laughing about it with your buddies in your dorm soon enough with a new girl with similar looks to me wrapped in your arms, ready for what later in the night has in store. I was just a quick one-time memory and a laughable mistake.


            A girl comes up to me,

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