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Flickering Flame of Courage
Flickering Flame of Courage
Flickering Flame of Courage
Ebook139 pages22 minutes

Flickering Flame of Courage

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"Flickering Flame of Courage" is a powerful collection of poems that explores the essence of bravery and the strength it takes to face life's challenges. Each poem delves into the raw emotions that come with overcoming fear and standing up for what is right, capturing moments of triumph and resilience. Through vivid imagery and heartfelt verses, this book ignites the spark of courage within each reader, reminding us all that even the smallest flame can illuminate the darkest of times. Whether reflecting on personal battles or drawing inspiration from courageous acts, "Flickering Flame of Courage" offers a poetic journey into the heart of what it means to be brave. Let these poems kindle your spirit and encourage you to embrace your inner strength.

Release dateMay 5, 2024
Flickering Flame of Courage

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    Book preview

    Flickering Flame of Courage - Naivara Hazelspirit

    Blaze of Undying Valor

    In the heat of battle, unyielding flames,

    Valor burns bright, undeterred by claims.

    A warrior's resolve, firm and true,

    Blaze of undying valor, shining through.

    Vigor Lit by Flames

    Within the fire's dance,

    Sparks of passion ignite,

    A fierce will awakens,

    Embracing the challenge of the night.

    In the furnace of adversity,

    Strength is tested and refined,

    With every trial endured,

    A warrior's spirit defined.

    Screaming Flames of Courage

    Roaring inferno ablaze,

    Voices of fear conquered,

    Bravery rises from the blaze,

    Courage in hearts unbothered.

    In the scorching heat of battle,

    Resolve burns brighter still,

    Amidst the chaos and the rattle,

    Valor stands strong with iron will.

    Fearless Illumination

    In the darkest corners of the night,

    Courage shines with blinding light,

    Fear retreats in the face of might,

    Guiding us to a path so right.

    Shadows dissolve with each step taken,

    Clarity found in steps unshaken,

    Strength within cannot be forsaken,

    In the glow of fearless illumination.

    A beacon of hope amidst the storm,

    Faith in ourselves, bold and warm,

    No obstacle can cause us harm,

    For we are protected by our inner form.

    Embracing the unknown with open arms,

    Dismantling fears, sounding alarms,

    We walk the path of truth and charms,

    Fearless illumination, an inner balm.

    Glowing Determination

    In the heart of the weary soul

    A spark ignites, a burning goal

    Amidst shadows, a flickering light

    Guiding the way through darkest night

    With each step, the flame grows strong

    Defying odds, where hope belongs

    Striving forward, against all odds

    Driven by dreams, beneath the gods

    Towering Inferno

    Fire crackles, consuming all in sight

    Burning bright with insatiable might

    Roaring flames reaching for the sky

    Inferno dances, never asking why

    Chaos and destruction in its wake

    A force of nature, no soul can

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