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A Midsummer Night's Dream | Simple Shakespeare Series
A Midsummer Night's Dream | Simple Shakespeare Series
A Midsummer Night's Dream | Simple Shakespeare Series
Ebook86 pages1 hour

A Midsummer Night's Dream | Simple Shakespeare Series

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In an age when the enchanting tales of Shakespeare might feel remote, Jeanette Vigon offers a bridge to these classics with her adaptation of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" in the Simple Shakespeare series. Her contemporary retelling injects new life into the whimsical journey of love, magic, and transformation, making the convoluted interplay of romance, mischief, and dreams accessible and captivating for today's audience. Vigon retains the play's charm and fantastical elements while translating its poetic dialogue into language that speaks directly to the modern reader.

Ideal for both Shakespeare novices and long-time enthusiasts seeking a novel perspective, this version of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" delves into the complex dynamics and emotional depths of its characters amidst a setting that feels both timeless and immediate. Vigon elegantly unfolds the themes of love’s capriciousness, the blurring of reality and illusion, and the enchanting interferences of the fairy world, ensuring the story’s perpetual themes resonate anew.

This adaptation stands out as an indispensable companion for anyone looking to navigate the magical realm of one of Shakespeare’s most beloved comedies, without stumbling over the barriers of Elizabethan English. It serves as an invaluable asset for students being introduced to Shakespeare for the first time and for educators in search of compelling literature for their syllabus. Jeanette Vigon’s "A Midsummer Night's Dream" presents a delightful and profound journey that significantly bridges the gap between contemporary readers and Shakespeare’s vision.

Experience "A Midsummer Night's Dream" anew in this entrancing retelling, where the mystical forests of Athens come alive with dialogues that echo our present-day experiences. Immerse yourself in the entangled narratives of lovers, fairies, and craftsmen, reenvisioned through Vigon’s masterful storytelling. Step into a story where every line magnetizes you closer to the whimsical fate of characters who have never felt more vibrant or relatable.
Release dateApr 10, 2024
A Midsummer Night's Dream | Simple Shakespeare Series

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    Book preview

    A Midsummer Night's Dream | Simple Shakespeare Series - Jeanette Vigon




    Copyright © 2023 Jeanette Vigon

    All rights reserved.

    This edition within the Simple Shakespeare series is a modern adaptation of William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream, tailored for a broad audience by simplifying the language and reimagining scenes for contemporary understanding. While it preserves the core story and characters from Shakespeare's original, this version introduces significant modifications aimed at making the timeless tale accessible and engaging for modern readers. The adaptation respects the essence of the original work, offering a bridge between Shakespeare's Elizabethan English and today's vernacular, ensuring that the themes of love, conflict, and fate resonate with a 21st-century audience.


    Why I wrote this book the way I did


    ACT I

    scene 1

    scene 2

    ACT II

    scene 1

    scene 2


    scene 1

    scene 2

    ACT IV

    scene 1

    scene 2

    ACT V

    scene 1


    A bit more about Shakespeare and the play

    About the Author



    Crafting the Simple Shakespeare series was an endeavor fueled by a passion to make Shakespeare's timeless tales accessible and relatable to a modern audience, while retaining the essence that has captivated readers for centuries. The decision to reinterpret these classic plays in modern English and in a past tense novel style was rooted in the desire to bridge centuries of linguistic evolution, bringing the stories to life for contemporary readers who may find the original Early Modern English daunting.

    The choice of a past tense novel format was a deliberate one, aimed at transforming the dynamic and immediate action of Shakespeare's plays into narratives that unfold with the thoughtful pace and introspection of a novel. This allows readers to immerse themselves deeply in the worlds Shakespeare created, experiencing the depth of character development and plot intricacies in a new light.

    Translating Shakespeare's complex language and themes into modern English required careful consideration to preserve the nuanced storytelling and rich emotional tapestry of the original works. It was imperative to maintain the integrity of the stories, ensuring that the modernized versions stay true to the spirit of Shakespeare's intentions. This involved not only translating the language but also adapting the cultural and historical contexts to be more understandable, without diminishing the plays' original meanings and the universal themes they explore.

    Furthermore, adapting these plays into a past tense narrative form necessitated a reimagining of Shakespeare's dramatic structure. The original acts and scenes, designed for the stage, were transformed into chapters and sections that flow seamlessly in written form, offering readers a cohesive and engaging narrative journey.

    The Simple Shakespeare series is an homage to the enduring relevance of Shakespeare's work, crafted with the belief that the core of these stories—themes of love, power, fate, and human nature—are as resonant today as they were in Shakespeare's time. By presenting these tales in a form that is both familiar and fresh, the series aims to spark a new appreciation for Shakespeare among readers who might otherwise shy away from his work due to its original linguistic complexity.

    In creating this series, it was my hope to demystify Shakespeare, proving that his plays are not relics of the past but living stories that continue to enlighten, entertain, and inspire. It has been a journey of discovery, not only in translating words but in unveiling the timeless humanity at the heart of Shakespeare's plays. I invite readers to explore these reimagined classics, to find joy in the stories that have shaped our literary heritage, and to see in them reflections of our own lives and times.

    It has been a profound privilege to journey through the worlds of Shakespeare in this new light, and I am eager for readers to experience the magic of these stories, told anew.


    In this modern adaptation of A Midsummer Night's Dream, William Shakespeare's enchanting tale of love, magic, and mischief is reimagined for today's audience, capturing the timeless allure of the original while grounding it in a contemporary setting.

    Set against the backdrop of a present-day city during the peak of summer festivities, the story weaves together the lives of two young couples whose romantic entanglements are complicated by the magical interference of woodland fairies. The heart of the narrative unfolds in an urban park, transformed by night into a realm where the supernatural and the human world collide.

    The character of Puck, a mischievous fairy, plays a pivotal role, using magic to manipulate affections and create chaos among the mortals, leading to a series of comic misunderstandings and accidental love triangles. Meanwhile, Oberon and Titania, the king and queen of the fairies, find themselves embroiled in their own power struggles, further entangling the lives of the unsuspecting humans.

    This adaptation delves into themes of love's irrationality, the transformative power of nature, and the thin line between illusion and reality. By translating Shakespeare’s rich, lyrical language into today's vernacular, the adaptation makes the story accessible and engaging for a contemporary audience while preserving the whimsicality and depth of the original characters and themes.

    With an emphasis on the visual and comedic elements, the adaptation offers a vibrant and imaginative exploration of love’s capriciousness and the human desire for connection and harmony. The interplay between the magical and mundane worlds invites viewers to reflect on the nature of love, the forces that drive us, and the enchanting mysteries that lie just beneath the surface of everyday life.

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