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The Merchant of Venice | Simple Shakespeare Series
The Merchant of Venice | Simple Shakespeare Series
The Merchant of Venice | Simple Shakespeare Series
Ebook109 pages1 hour

The Merchant of Venice | Simple Shakespeare Series

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Explore the nuances and moral complexities of Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice" through Jeanette Vigon's accessible adaptation, featured in the Simple Shakespeare series. This modern retelling simplifies the original's archaic English while retaining its powerful narrative, transforming Shakespeare's elaborate verses into straightforward contemporary speech. This adaptation brings the emotional stakes and ethical questions of Venice's mercantile society to the forefront, making it highly relatable for today's audience.

Designed to appeal to both newcomers to Shakespeare and those familiar with his work seeking a refreshing take, this version of "The Merchant of Venice" examines the challenging consequences faced by a merchant entangled in risky financial and moral decisions. It explores timeless themes such as justice, discrimination, and redemption, demonstrating the enduring relevance of these issues.

This adaptation is perfect for students first encountering Shakespeare, as well as teachers looking for dynamic teaching materials. Dive into this vivid reinterpretation of "The Merchant of Venice," where the intricate dealings and courtly drama are portrayed with newfound clarity and emotional resonance. Through her storytelling, Vigon connects the past with the present, illustrating the timeless nature of Shakespeare's themes and their power to inspire change and understanding.
Release dateApr 28, 2024
The Merchant of Venice | Simple Shakespeare Series

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    Book preview

    The Merchant of Venice | Simple Shakespeare Series - Jeanette Vigon




    Copyright © 2023 Jeanette Vigon

    All rights reserved.

    This edition within the Simple Shakespeare series is a modern adaptation of William Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice, tailored for a broad audience by simplifying the language and reimagining scenes for contemporary understanding. While it preserves the core story and characters from Shakespeare's original, this version introduces significant modifications aimed at making the timeless tale accessible and engaging for modern readers. The adaptation respects the essence of the original work, offering a bridge between Shakespeare's Elizabethan English and today's vernacular, ensuring that the themes of love, conflict, and fate resonate with a 21st-century audience.


    Why I wrote this book the way I did


    ACT I

    scene 1

    scene 2

    scene 3

    ACT II

    scene 1

    scene 2

    scene 3

    scene 4

    scene 5

    scene 6

    scene 7

    scene 8

    scene 9


    scene 1

    scene 2

    scene 3

    scene 4

    scene 5

    ACT IV

    scene 1

    scene 2

    ACT V

    scene 1


    For Further Reading

    About the Author



    Crafting the Simple Shakespeare series was an endeavor fueled by a passion to make Shakespeare's timeless tales accessible and relatable to a modern audience, while retaining the essence that has captivated readers for centuries. The decision to reinterpret these classic plays in modern English and in a past tense novel style was rooted in the desire to bridge centuries of linguistic evolution, bringing the stories to life for contemporary readers who may find the original Early Modern English daunting.

    The choice of a past tense novel format was a deliberate one, aimed at transforming the dynamic and immediate action of Shakespeare's plays into narratives that unfold with the thoughtful pace and introspection of a novel. This allows readers to immerse themselves deeply in the worlds Shakespeare created, experiencing the depth of character development and plot intricacies in a new light.

    Translating Shakespeare's complex language and themes into modern English required careful consideration to preserve the nuanced storytelling and rich emotional tapestry of the original works. It was imperative to maintain the integrity of the stories, ensuring that the modernized versions stay true to the spirit of Shakespeare's intentions. This involved not only translating the language but also adapting the cultural and historical contexts to be more understandable, without diminishing the plays' original meanings and the universal themes they explore.

    Furthermore, adapting these plays into a past tense narrative form necessitated a reimagining of Shakespeare's dramatic structure. The original acts and scenes, designed for the stage, were transformed into chapters and sections that flow seamlessly in written form, offering readers a cohesive and engaging narrative journey.

    The Simple Shakespeare series is an homage to the enduring relevance of Shakespeare's work, crafted with the belief that the core of these stories—themes of love, power, fate, and human nature—are as resonant today as they were in Shakespeare's time. By presenting these tales in a form that is both familiar and fresh, the series aims to spark a new appreciation for Shakespeare among readers who might otherwise shy away from his work due to its original linguistic complexity.

    In creating this series, it was my hope to demystify Shakespeare, proving that his plays are not relics of the past but living stories that continue to enlighten, entertain, and inspire. It has been a journey of discovery, not only in translating words but in unveiling the timeless humanity at the heart of Shakespeare's plays. I invite readers to explore these reimagined classics, to find joy in the stories that have shaped our literary heritage, and to see in them reflections of our own lives and times.

    It has been a profound privilege to journey through the worlds of Shakespeare in this new light, and I am eager for readers to experience the magic of these stories, told anew.


    In this contemporary English version of The Merchant of Venice, William Shakespeare’s incisive exploration of justice, mercy, and the complexities of human desire is thoughtfully reimagined to resonate with modern audiences while retaining the original’s dramatic intensity. The backdrop remains the bustling trade hub of Renaissance Venice, but the dialogue has been refreshed to mirror the speech patterns of today, enhancing the accessibility and immediacy of the play’s potent themes.

    Shylock, a Venetian Jewish moneylender, becomes central in a narrative interwoven with themes of prejudice, revenge, and the law. His demand for a pound of flesh as collateral in a merciless bond with the merchant Antonio is presented in a way that underscores contemporary dialogues about ethnic and religious discrimination. This adaptation highlights the ambivalence of Shylock’s character, portraying him as both a villain and a victim, which fosters a deep reflection on the nature of justice and revenge.

    Portia, disguised as a young male lawyer, navigates the legal intricacies with wit and intelligence, challenging traditional gender roles and emphasizing themes of equality and the subversion of expectations. Her famous plea for mercy in the courtroom scene is delivered in a modern idiom, making her arguments about the qualities of mercy more poignant and compelling to today’s audience.

    The subplot involving Jessica, Shylock’s daughter, who elopes with Lorenzo, deepens the exploration of loyalty, identity, and the painful consequences of breaking familial bonds. This element adds a personal dimension to the broader societal issues explored in the play.

    By transforming Shakespeare's eloquent language into today’s vernacular, this adaptation not only makes the narrative more accessible but also ensures that the emotional and ethical dilemmas of the original text resonate profoundly with contemporary viewers. It invites audiences to engage with the tragic complexities of The Merchant of Venice, reflecting on enduring themes of justice, mercy, and human prejudice that remain relevant in our own time.

    ACT I


    SCENE 1

    In a quiet street of Venice, Antonio walked alongside his friends Salarino and Salanio, a frown creasing his forehead. Honestly, I can't explain why I feel so down, he confessed. It's draining me, and you say it's wearing you out too. But where this sadness comes from, what it’s really about—I still have to figure that out. It’s gotten to the point where I'm barely even myself anymore.

    Salarino looked at him thoughtfully. It's like your mind is out at sea, where your ships with their grand sails dominate the waters like lords of the sea, soaring high above the smaller traders who bow down as they pass.

    Salanio chimed in, nodding, Trust me, if I had my money tied up in such risky ventures, I'd be restless too. I’d be outside pulling at the grass to see which way the wind blows, staring at maps, checking every potential hazard that could threaten my ships. It would definitely keep me up at night.

    Salarino agreed, his voice tinged with

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