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The Consequences of My Sins
The Consequences of My Sins
The Consequences of My Sins
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The Consequences of My Sins

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Anthony "Slick" Boone has concocted a perfect blend of romance, drama, friendship, and heartbreak that will take readers on an emotional roller coaster. With each idea, word, or action having consequences, Drew and his friends don't know they have to prepare themselves for the inevitable ripples that are

Release dateApr 3, 2024
The Consequences of My Sins

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    The Consequences of My Sins - Anthony "Slick" Boone



    of My Sins



    Copyright ©2024 Anthony Boone All Rights Reserved


    I dedicate this novel to my family, my wife Melissa and our two amazing sons, Anthony, Jr., and Cameron. The unconditional love and support of my family is everything to me. I love you guys more than you will ever know.

    To the loving memory of my grandmother Irene S. Ingram.

    Also, to the real Uncle Richard and Aunt Mina of our family.



    I like to thank GOD, first and foremost! With HIM I am able to do all things.

    To GOD be the glory!

    Thanks to Michael V. Smith for his insightful first read.


    About the Author

    Anthony Boone serves as the CEO of MoBo Entertainment, a global independent streaming service, and is recognized as an author, film producer, and entrepreneur. Additionally, he is happily married and a proud father to two incredible sons.



    Dedication ........................................................................................... i

    Acknowledgment ............................................................................... ii

    About the Author .............................................................................. iii

    Chapter 1 ............................................................................................ 1

    Chapter 2 .......................................................................................... 15

    Chapter 3 .......................................................................................... 29

    Chapter 4 .......................................................................................... 33

    Chapter 5 .......................................................................................... 37

    Chapter 6 .......................................................................................... 45

    Interlude ........................................................................................... 50

    Chapter 7 .......................................................................................... 55

    Chapter 8 .......................................................................................... 70

    Chapter 9 .......................................................................................... 90

    Chapter 10 ........................................................................................ 95

    Chapter 11 ...................................................................................... 114

    Chapter 12 ...................................................................................... 120

    Chapter 13 ...................................................................................... 138

    Chapter 14 ...................................................................................... 153

    Chapter 15 ...................................................................................... 168

    Chapter 16 ...................................................................................... 181

    Chapter 17 ...................................................................................... 199

    Chapter 18 ...................................................................................... 215

    Chapter 19 ...................................................................................... 238


    Chapter 20 ...................................................................................... 267

    Chapter 21 ...................................................................................... 296

    Chapter 22 ...................................................................................... 311

    Chapter 23 ...................................................................................... 328

    Chapter 24 ...................................................................................... 337

    Chapter 25 ...................................................................................... 352

    Chapter 26 ...................................................................................... 383

    Chapter 27 ...................................................................................... 454

    Chapter 28 ...................................................................................... 471

    Chapter 29 ...................................................................................... 485

    Influences ....................................................................................... 495


    Chapter 1

    It was early Saturday morning, about 55-60 degrees. The sun was shining, and the leaves had begun to change colors. There was a crisp, clean, coolness in the air. A typical mid-November day in North Carolina. I was awakened by the distant sounds of a vacuum cleaner from down the hall. I sat on the edge of my bed in a pair of gym shorts and a T-shirt. My Aunt Mina immediately came into my bedroom as if she had some kind of sixth sense and knew I was up.

    Good morning, Drew! How did y’all do last night?

    She was wide awake and full of energy. I on the other hand, was barely functioning.

    We won by one point, I said with a raspy voice, as I tried to clear my throat.

    That was a close game! How did you do?

    I had 27 points.

    What! That's wonderful Drew! Michelle told me you made the winning shot.

    Yeah, I made two free throws at the end.

    Go boy! I hear you. She said dusting off the dresser and the TV.

    "You keep it up, maybe you'll get a scholarship to college, get your degree and a good job. Then you can help your mother out some.

    She's been had it hard ever since your father died. Bless her heart.

    I heard you on the porch last night. Sounded like you were having a good time. Anybody I know?" She said with a smirk.

    Nah, I don't think so. I just met her last night.

    Where did you meet her? Do you like her? What’s her name?

    I was still sitting on the edge of my bed with my hand over my face. I just kind of cut my eyes at her.


    Joe introduced me to her. Her name is April.

    What’s her last name? Where's she from? Who are her parents...

    Aunt Mina, don't you think that dresser and TV are clean enough?

    Are you trying to tell me I'm asking too many questions? I can catch a hint. You clean your room then! I was trying to help you out, Bruh.

    She kind of rolled her eyes at me and walked down the hall.

    Breakfast will be ready in a few minutes. (mumbling)I'll find out soon or later.

    I made my way into the kitchen. The house was eerily quiet now that Aunt Mina had stopped vacuuming. The house was spotless as usual after her Saturday cleaning. She left breakfast on the counter, pancakes and bacon. I fixed a plate and went back to my room.

    As I sat eating, my phone rang. I see the name and feel myself smile. I gather myself before I answer.


    Hi, you up?

    Yeah, I’ve been up for a while.

    I just got up. I was tired.

    You just got up and you call me?

    Don’t flatter yourself, I can hang up.

    No, we're good.

    Are we?

    Yeah, chill.

    Oh okay…I had a good time last night.

    Yeah, it was cool.

    What were you doing?


    Watching TV.

    You promised me a car wash. Is the offer still good or were you just talking?

    Is the car still dirty?

    Is it?!

    Chuckling. I got you.

    I have to get dressed and get something to eat. I can come and get you in about an hour.

    That's cool. You remember which house?

    Yeah, I remember.

    Alright, I'll see you around 2:00.

    At exactly 1:58, the doorbell rang. I was still watching the basketball game in my room. I had planned on going in the living room earlier, before 2:00 rolled around. I knew if I didn't answer the door and leave immediately Aunt Mina would be giving April the third degree and we would never leave. Unfortunately, I got caught up in the game and lost track of time. Just as I suspected, before the doorbell could finish ringing, Aunt Mina was saying come in.

    You here to see Drew?

    Yes Ma’am. Is he home?

    Yeah, come on in. I'm his Aunt Mina.

    I'm April, nice to meet you.

    I could hear them talking from my room. I didn't come out. I waited to see if Aunt Mina would call me.

    You sure are a pretty little something.

    Thank you.

    I don't think I've ever seen you before.

    No Ma’am, I live over in Highwoods.


    Oh, so you don't go to school with Drew?

    No Ma’am, I go to MLK.

    Well, how did you meet Drew?

    At the game last night.

    I knew it was time to move in now. Aunt Mina was about to grill her, but before I could, I heard April's voice again.

    You have a lovely house and I just love these little ballerina figurines.

    Ballerina figurines! What ballerina figurines? I've never seen any figurines.

    Thank you.

    Where did you get them? My mother would love to have some of those.

    I got them at this shop on 10th street. I can give you the address if you want.

    "If you don't mind. My mother's birthday is coming up soon and I could get her some of these. Were you a ballet dancer Mrs....

    Just call me Mina. Yes, I was for a while. That was all I ever wanted to do: be a famous ballerina.

    Really? Why did you stop? I bet you were good.

    "I was, but it’s a long story. I'll have to tell you some other time.

    Let me get Drew and I'll write down that address for you."

    I could hear Aunt Mina coming down the hall so I rushed back to my seat like I was watching the game. I never knew she used to be a dancer. That seems so out of character for her.

    Aunt Mina was probably the most southern woman you could ever meet. I mean that in the sweetest way. She exemplified southern hospitality, hardworking, church-going, God-fearing, house robe-wearing, pie baking, naturally beautiful, gray-streaked hair… the 4

    sweetest woman you’ve ever met. And I loved her with all my heart…but a ballerina, I just couldn’t see it.

    Drew! April is here. She's a sweet girl. Don't you be treating her like you do them other little girls.

    What! And how do I be treating other girls?

    You know what I'm talking about boy. You say and do anything you want to them little girls and they come running right on back like little puppies as soon as you call ‘em.

    Aunt Mina, I'm your nephew, your blood. Shouldn't you be telling April not to mistreat me?

    Ain't nobody gonna mistreat you. The way these girls drool over you, you’d think you were Denzel or somebody.

    Denzel! Who is that?

    Boy, don’t play with me!

    You two sure got cozy awfully quick.

    She’s a sweet girl. I like her.

    You know what Auntie...for some reason, so do I.

    Gon’ now! Don't keep the girl waiting all day! She said with a smile.

    I walked into the living room. April was strolling through her phone. She lifted her head and smiled at me, it was like the sun coming out from behind the clouds after a spring shower. I don’t really know how to describe it but something happened when she smiled at me and I knew I was in trouble. It seemed like a rainbow had emerged and everything in the room was more vivid, and I couldn’t take my eyes off her. -- She was so pretty.


    Hi! You’re wearing those to wash my car?

    It's not that it?


    You saw it in the dark. You haven't seen it in the light. But it's too late to back out now. It’s all yours.

    I'm suddenly a little scared but I’m ready.

    I just have to get something from your aunt, and I'll be ready.

    Here you go April. They have good sales all the time.

    Thank you, Mrs. Mina.

    I started toward the door hoping April would follow my lead.

    She followed, but so did Aunt Mina, right onto the porch. And she never stopped talking. Are you coming back for dinner? Do you have practice today? What time will you be back?

    We finally got away from Aunt Mina and headed to the car wash.

    To my surprise there weren't a lot of people there. It was usually packed on Saturdays, even if it was raining. It was kind of the local hangout. I was glad no one was there though. - April’s car was really dirty! She confessed it hadn't been cleaned in about a month. Her Dad usually cleans it, but he’d been so busy. It took us hours, but I didn't mind though. I found myself intentionally going slow so we didn’t have to leave. We talked and laughed and had a good time. We vibed right from the jump. It was like we’d known each other for a long time. There was no real awkwardness between us. It was like we skipped right passed that and went straight to our comfort zones. It was kind of weird how we just got along right away. I know when it's new everyone puts their best foot forward, and shows their best side, but this was different. It was genuine, no pretense, easy. There weren’t a lot of people there when we started washing April’s car, but by the time we finished, there were people and cars everywhere. I don't know about April, but I hadn’t noticed any of them arrive. For two hours I hadn’t thought about anything or anyone else. She had my full attention. But during that time, the carwash had become loud and chaotic with people talking and loud music from surrounding cars.

    Eventually some people we knew were starting to arrive.


    Just as we were about to leave, Joe pulled up. Joe was my best friend. Joe could also be a loudmouth asshole sometimes. He knew it, I knew it, and everybody else knew it, but he was my boy and I was probably his only friend. -- He saw us putting the floor mats in.

    He parked his car and walked over to where we were. He had this big silly grin on his face. I knew right then he’d had sex with Zoey and he couldn't wait to tell me about it...but I didn't want to hear it today, not right now anyway. Zoey was April's girlfriend. She and Joe had hooked up last night too. Zoey kind of had a reputation around town.

    I didn’t know if it was true or not, but that look on Joe’s face kind of said it all. I didn’t know why I didn’t want to hear about it, at least not at that moment. Then again, I knew if he told me about him and Zoey he’d want to know what happened between April and me, and I didn’t feel like explaining what was happening between us...because in all honesty, I didn’t know. All I knew was that I liked being with her and we were having a good time. And until I saw Joe, I hadn't thought about having sex with April. I can honestly say it hadn’t even crossed my mind, not even once. That was something I didn’t understand. I was seventeen years old, and sex was my main purpose in life. It’s the main purpose of nearly every horny seventeen-year-old boy. But my hormones had remained completely in check somehow.

    I didn’t know how to explain that to somebody like Joe, so I tried to avoid it.

    I managed to keep Joe from talking about his date with Zoey for a few minutes by talking about the basketball game. Then I asked April if she was ready to go. I told Joe I would hit him up later. He didn’t say anything, but I was sure he wanted to.

    We were in the car, and I was trying my best to think of something else to do because I wasn't ready to go home. I didn't want our time together to be over, but I couldn't think of anything to say or do. I wanted to ask her to go to the movies, but I was hungry, and if we ate, I wouldn't have enough money for a movie. I only had $30. April had 7

    started pulling off and I still hadn't come up with anything. Then she said, "I'm getting cold. You want to ride with me to my house, so I can change clothes? I played it cool, at least I think I did. I couldn’t let her see how happy I was, but I was pretty happy to hear her say that. This could take a while, plus I could see where she lives. That kind of stuff was important in high school.

    One side of town was where the so-called rich lived and yet another was the hood. Another side was where all the so-called thots lived, the easy sex And you wore the label of your section of town no matter what kind of person you were. You could be the sweetest girl in the world, but if you lived in the section of town that was considered the thot section, every guy thought you were an easy lay and tried to smash. No one wanted to date the girls from that part of town. They only wanted one thing from them, and it was unfair because some of those girls had more scruples and self-respect than any girls I ever met. Whereas the so-called rich girls were some of the biggest freaks that I’d ever seen. Some of them had been with every guy on the football and basketball team.

    Can I ask you a personal question?

    Yeah, I guess.

    You live with your aunt and uncle. Where are your parents? If I'm being too nosey, just say so.

    "Nah, it’s cool. I get that question a lot. My father died when I was a baby, a few months old. He had cancer. He was a mechanic. He and my mother owned a little shop. He worked on the cars, and she ran the business. So, when he died, she lost her husband and her job, no mechanic, no shop. Aunt Mina said she took it real hard. She had a hard time recovering, you know. So, my Aunt Mina and Uncle Richard came and got me. They brought me here to stay with them for a while, until my mom could get back on her feet. I ended up staying until I was about 3 or 4, then Mama took me back to New Jersey with her.


    By that time I had gotten used to living here, all that freedom and space to play, plus, I had two cousins to play with. Tony and I are only a couple of months apart, and my cousin Michelle is a year younger than us. In New Jersey, I had to stay in the house all the time, and I didn't have anyone to play with. We came back to visit on Mama's vacation that summer. They said they could see a difference in me, and I was so much happier here. So they let me stay and I've been here ever since.

    What does your mother do now?

    Now you're being nosey! I'm just kidding! -- She does accounts receivable for an accounting firm. She visits a lot, even makes some of my games when she can.

    Really? My mom is a CPA.

    We got to April’s house. They had a huge brick house. There was a new Lexus and a Denali parked in the driveway. Now I wanted to be nosey.

    I was dying to know what her father did. My first instinct was to just yell it out. Damn! What the hell do your parents do? And how much do they make? And can your mom get my mom a job? But I knew that would have been too tacky, so I chilled.

    We went inside and it was huge and immaculate. It was decorated like something off HGTV, very modern. It wasn't stuffy though, not like some houses, where you're scared to move because you think you might break something. It felt really comfortable and cozy. There was a soda can on the coffee table without a coaster. There were a couple of throws, some home-decorating magazines on the couch, and one or two dishes in the sink. It wasn't junky or anything. It just made the house look lived in and I liked that. It helped me to relax.

    April immediately took her jacket off and threw it on the couch.

    For some reason my eyes just followed that coat. As it hit the couch, the label was revealed. I hadn’t noticed it before, but that jacket was Michael Kors. It retailed at about five hundred dollars. I knew that 9

    because my cousin Michelle was trying to get Aunt Mina to buy her one. Aunt Mina asked her if she had lost her mind! And April was out washing the car in hers.

    Have a seat. You want something to drink?

    My attention went back to April. She had managed to make her way to the kitchen with the refrigerator open.


    Coke, fruit punch, apple juice, ginger ale, or water?

    Wow, a lot of choices! Hmmm...Coke.

    Here you go. You can sit in here or you can go in the family room and watch the game while you're waiting.

    Which way is the family room?

    Straight down the hall.

    I watched TV while April went upstairs to change. The family room felt more relaxed with a big, cushy brown couch and a huge flat-screen TV. I turned the game on and sat back on that cushy couch. It was in the 2nd half, Duke vs Carolina. I couldn’t believe I had forgotten about the game. Duke was up by one with 11:42 left in the game. It was about 6:30 then. At 7:15 April came into the room. She looked like a breath of fresh air. She had showered and put on some cut-up jeans, a hoodie and a pair of Jordans. She re-did her ponytail.

    Man, she was so pretty to me. She smelled good too.

    You ready? She asked.

    Whenever you are.

    Man was I lying. There was 01:20 left in the game and the score was tied at 72.

    Who won?

    It’s tied up with 01:20 left.

    Really? Whose ball?


    As I was about to stand up so we could leave, April sat down.

    Let's watch the rest of this before we go. If I didn't know it before, I knew it now. I love this woman!! We watched that last 01:20, which took about 10 minutes.

    Carolina won at the buzzer by one.

    You ready to take me home now?

    You READY to go home?

    No, not really. What I wanted to do was take you out to eat and see a movie, but I've only got $30. Honestly, I just want to spend some time with you. I don't really care where we go or what we do.

    Blushing. "Well, the movie and dinner sound good. If that’s an invitation,-- You've got $30, and I've got $40, we’re rich!

    Totally! April smiled.

    If you pay for dinner, I'll pay for the movie.

    I can't ask you to do that.

    You didn't, I asked you. There's a catch though. -- You have to let me see whatever movie I want.

    I could live with that. I wasn't pressed to see any movie anyway.

    That was just an excuse to spend time with her.

    That's cool. Then I get to pick dinner. You like barbecue?

    The Rib Shack?


    Sounds good to me. She said with the most inviting smile.

    I like this girl! That was my next thought, and I mean I really, really like her. -- We went to my house. I took a quick shower and changed. I put on jeans, a hoodie, and a light jacket. It was getting a little chilly out. We ate dinner and caught the 9:55 show. She picked some chick flick. I don't remember the title, but I know it wasn't a movie any guys my age would have picked to see. Some old soap 11

    opera-type love story. But truthfully, it was kind of good. Of course, I couldn't let her know how much I enjoyed it. She would have been dragging me to those kinds of movies all the time. I realized thinking like I made the assumption there would be more dates. I also knew my Uncle Richard hated it when my Aunt Mina made him watch those Lifetime movies. So, I assumed I wasn’t supposed to like them either.

    Don't ask me why, it's just a man thing. We're not supposed to enjoy these types of movies for some reason, so I tried to pretend like I didn’t.

    So, what do you think?

    The movie? Hmm, it was okay, you know for a chick flick.

    You know you liked it. Come on, you can tell me. I won't tell the fellas.

    That made me chuckle a little. She was kind of cool.

    What do you mean? You won’t tell the fellas! Tell the fellas what?

    She tried to talk with a deep voice. I guess she was imitating a man.

    I’m a man. I don’t watch chick flicks. Come on Bruh you can tell me. It's okay. I’m not going to tell anybody!

    You’re funny! You know that. -- Okay, I liked the movie. It was pretty good.

    See, that didn’t hurt, did it?

    Actually, it was quite painful.


    Hey, I thought you were shy?

    She gave me the cutest, sheepest grin before answering as if her secret was out. She had somehow been exposed.


    "I am kind of...maybe more of an introvert than shy. I don’t talk much around people I don't know and people I know and don't like.

    People I know and do like, say I talk too much."

    You must really like me then.

    You saying I'm talking too much!

    Nah, I'm just kidding. But you set yourself up so good for that one, it was sitting right there. We both smiled and chuckled.

    It was about 12:00 am and April was taking me home. We had to pass the car wash on the way. There were a lot of people still out there.

    Joe must have seen us, he threw his hand up as we rode by. We got to my house, I thanked her for the movie, and she thanked me for dinner and attempting to clean her car. I asked her to come sit on the porch.

    She said she could only stay a little while, because she had to get up early for church. The temperature had dropped a few degrees more, so it was a little cold now. As we sat, April had her arms folded. I knew she was cold so I put my jacket around her shoulders and caressed her arms to try and warm her. This was really the first time I had touched April. Her arm felt so soft, and her hair smelled like some sort of flower. In the spring, when the wind blows and flowers are blooming, I can still smell her hair and I can still feel the softness of her arm, and it takes me back to that night.

    When I began caressing her arm April didn't say anything. She just put her head down. Then she turned and looked at me, and her eyes...her eyes said things words could never express. At that moment, I knew it was okay for me to kiss her. But this wouldn't be any ordinary kiss. Every other time I had kissed a girl before it was with the purpose of trying to get her pants...not this time, not this kiss. This was a tender kiss, a passionate kiss. A kiss that reflected the sparkle in our eyes. We didn’t know it then but it was a kiss that changed our lives. After we kissed, she laid her head on my shoulder and my arm was still around her, caressing her. But I wasn't caressing for warmth anymore. I don't believe either one of us was cold any longer. No, this caress was of affection...sincere, loving affection. I would venture to 13

    say, that if April and I had been old enough and I had asked her to marry me that night, the look in her eyes told me she would have accepted. If there was ever a moment that solidified being in love, that kiss was it for us and I think we both knew it. We didn't really say much to one another for the rest of the night. We just lay in each other’s arms. We sat there for a while, until our pulse rate and blood pressure returned to normal. Then the coldness in the air made its presence known again. It was about 1 am now and quite cold. I walked April to her car with my arm and my jacket still around her shoulders.

    We didn't talk. I don't think either one of knew what to say. I know I didn’t! We didn't really understand what was happening at the time. I gave her a little peck on her lips, and she gave me my jacket and got in the car. She started her car and rolled the window down.

    Thank you for letting me wear your jacket.

    Anytime. -- Sorry about keeping you out so late...again. You still going to church?

    I'm gonna try.

    Text me when you get home?


    Without even knowing what I was doing, I reached out my hand.

    Before I had time to think about it, April extended her hand, and placed it right into mine. We said good night and she drove off.


    Chapter 2

    It’s been almost two months, I wanted to tell April how I felt, but I was seventeen and I didn’t really know what it was I was feeling.

    All I’ve ever wanted from a girl to that point was sex. I’ve never just wanted to be with a girl just because, but I did with April. I thought about her all the time. I didn’t know what it was about her, but man I loved being with her...and when we were together nothing else really Joe, or who was having a party, nothing. The funny thing was that when we were together, we hardly ever did anything. Well, we didn’t do any of the things most teenagers do. All we ever seemed to do was watch movies and lay on that cushy brown couch in their family room, but it always seemed to be enough.

    We’d get some food, some snacks and lay back in the same spot every time. I would recline on the sectional and April would curl up right on my chest. I loved the way her hair smelled and the way she held on to me, like she never wanted to let me go. Thinking back that was a big part of it, the way she held on to me. It was something I’d never felt before and because of that I never wanted to go.

    Most of the time, April would fall asleep five minutes into the movie, unless it was some kind of romantic movie, otherwise she would sleep right through the entire thing. I wouldn’t wake her until the movie was over. She’d wake up all disoriented asking me what happened. She’d say, Dang Drew! Why did you let me fall asleep? I wanted to see that. I’d just say rewind it and hit play. She’d just roll her eyes and call me a smart ass. Man, I wouldn’t have traded one second of it for anything in this world.

    I didn’t know if that meant I loved her or what. All I knew was that when I was with her, I was happy. I was like a kid at Christmas every time she came around. She made my heart smile. -- And I think maybe she felt the same about me because she never wanted me to leave her...even when she fell asleep on me. I was feeling something 15

    inside that I just didn’t understand, and I needed to talk to somebody about it, but not just anybody. I needed someone that would listen, that could help me, but I didn’t know who. I didn’t dare talk to Tony or Joe. They would just clown me, say I was soft or whipped, even though I may have been, I didn’t want to be clowned about it. This was serious to me. I didn’t want to hear that kind of crap! I really cared about this girl.

    She wasn’t just another chick to me. I wanted someone to listen, but who? Michelle? She would listen. We’ve always bent each other’s ear, but Michelle had never thought anyone was good enough for me.

    She thought every girl I dated was a Thot and a gold digger and they were trying to get something from me, but I didn’t have a damn thing!

    I mean she literally scared girls away... threatening to beat them up if they didn’t leave me alone. I knew it was just her way of saying she loved me, but she was too much like her mother (Aunt Mina), a mother hen.

    Although she was starting to like April a little, I didn’t feel comfortable talking to her about it either. I think her opinion would have been less than objective. I definitely couldn’t talk to Aunt Mina about it. She was nosey enough already. Uncle Richard! That should have been my first thought. Uncle Richard always listened with a soft ear, and never repeated anything you matter how incriminating, he never used it against you and he never made you feel stupid about anything you said. If it’s on your mind then it’s worth talking about, is what he always said.

    Although he was only my uncle through marriage, he treated me like I was his own. He treated me the same way he treated his own kids, my cousins, Tony and Michelle. When they got new clothes, I got new clothes.

    When they got an allowance, I got an allowance. And when it was time for ass whippings, he spread those around equally too. Uncle Richard didn’t play. He was a quiet man for the most part. He worked hard as a Sales Rep for a pharmaceutical company. Thus, he was on 16

    the road a lot. He was content to let Aunt Mina run the house, making decisions about most things, bills, what we could or could not do, where we could or could not go. He supported whatever she said. He never undermined her or second-guessed her...not in front of us anyway. She even disciplined us most of the time, which was good, because the last thing you wanted her to say was, wait ‘til your father gets home, or uncle gets home. That was like being on death row. All day long you would be a nervous wreck, watching every car that passed. Just the thought of Uncle Richard getting a hold on you was enough to make you not want to do anything wrong again ever in life!

    I swear! Uncle Richard didn’t play. And he didn’t say things but once, but when he spoke, oh my God! You better take notes, because you didn’t want him to have to say it again. Sometimes he didn’t even have to speak. He could just look at you a certain way and you knew you better straighten the hell up. If you didn’t know what you were doing wrong, it would be wise not to do anything until you figured it out! –

    Aunt Mina was the only one who got away with talking trash to him, but even she knew when to stop. What can I say? He was the man of the house...period. And being the man of the house, he took care of us. We knew no harm would come to us as long as he was there. He was like Superman to us. He was stronger than all the dads in the whole wide world. As strong as he was, he had this way about him that was comforting.

    You could come to him with anything. He didn’t always have the answer you wanted to hear, and even when he told you things that you didn’t want to hear, or things that may have hurt you at the time...there was still a comfort in his words. You may not have left happy, or got what you wanted, but you knew deep down what he was telling you was for the best, and knowing that made it somehow easier to deal with.

    It was Saturday, and Uncle Richard was in the garage putting oil and anti-freeze in Aunt Mina’s car. He had on his favorite Saturday outfit, a pair of faded Levi’s, a blue and white flannel shirt, and his boots he wore working around the yard and the house. Whenever 17

    Tony and I saw him with those boots on. We knew he was about to do some work around the house and we prayed he didn’t call our names, because if he did there was no need to make any plans for that Saturday. God, I can still hear his voice now. It’s Saturday, we’re laying around in our room watching videos or a football game and you hear this voice, this massive voice, it almost sounds like Dark Vader as it echoes through the house. Tony!! Drew!! Come out here. And I swear I think our first reaction every time was to say,

    Damn!. It was not too loud though, that would have only doubled the work. -- Most of the time I guess he didn’t really keep us that long, a few hours. It just seemed like forever. But if he did keep us cutting grass and cleaning up all day he usually gave us a little something extra in our allowance. He was a good man, a fair man. -- The side door to the kitchen opens to the garage. When I opened the door, Uncle Richard barely turned his head, just cut his eyes enough to see who it was and continued pouring the coolant in the car. I walked over to the car and sat down on a crate. Uncle Richard cut his eyes at me again but didn’t say anything.

    Hey Unc! Something wrong with the car?

    He looked at me for a second before he responded. I guess he could tell my concern for the car wasn’t genuine.

    No, you know how cold-natured your aunt is. She keeps the heat on high the entire time she’s driving and never checks the oil, coolant or anything. I’m just trying to keep her from blowing it up.

    Oh...yeah, she does like it hot.

    I didn’t say anything after that. I was just sitting there. I was trying to think of a way to talk about love, a way to ease into it, but before I could figure anything out, Uncle Richard looked at me.

    What’s on your mind son?

    Oh, nothing!

    You sure?

    18 love Aunt Mina, right?

    Very much.

    "When you first fell in love, how did you know you were in love?

    I mean, how can a man tell?"

    A man?

    You know what I mean.

    All ‘you’ have to do is look in the mirror.

    What do you mean?

    "Drew, even a blind man could see that you’re in love. -- Everyone responds differently to falling in love. There’s no rule book or anything.

    You know all the things you feel when she’s around and how you think about her when she’s not, and all the things you want to do with her and for her? -- That’s love. Look at me, it’s freezing out here but I’d rather be cold than let my baby be cold. I think I would literally freeze to death before I’d let your aunt be cold for one second. She can’t stand to be cold. You probably pay it no mind when she says she’s cold, but that means something to me. It’s important to me. –

    It’s the little things like this that constitute love the way she looks when she wakes up in the morning, the way her hair smells, how excited I get every time she walks in the room...the way she looks at me. If you have any doubt that you’re in love, just stop and think about some of the things you do. -- How important is her happiness to you? What are you willing to do to make her happy?"

    Anything! That was the first thought that came to my mind, and I really believed that I would do anything for April. God, I must really have it bad!

    Thanks, Unc.

    And I started to get up.

    Have you told her yet?


    Told who what?

    I was about to play dumb, but I knew he had already seen right through me.

    April? -- No. I’m not sure how she feels about me.

    The same way you feel about her.

    Smiling. You think so?

    Trust me son.

    So, I should tell her?

    I’m sure it would mean a lot to her. Wouldn’t you like to hear it?

    Yeah...yeah! Does she really love me? Could she be waiting for me to tell her? Is the guy supposed to say it first? -- I’m going to tell her. I just don’t know how I’m going to tell her.

    All that next week, I kept trying to build up the nerve, but I could never seem to do it, or it never seemed to be the right time.

    It was Friday and we had a home basketball game. April came to all our games now. She never went to her school’s games anymore. I guess that should have told me something about how she felt, for school spirit was like religion when you’re in high school. To forsake your own school to go cheer for your archrival was basically like a...sin. As much as I cared about April, I don’t think I could have cheered for her school, cheer for her...yeah, but her school? Hell no! I hated them with a passion. She must love me. I found myself looking for any clue that would tell me she loved me. I’m just going to tell her.

    I’m going to tell her tonight, at the game.

    Normally Joe and I hung out on Friday nights after the games. One of the area high schools would have a dance as a fundraiser for some group or club or there would be a party at the Recreation Center, or somebody's house. If nothing was going on, we usually just hung out at Smitty's, a local burger joint until they ran us away. Then everyone would migrate to the car wash. There would be so many cars at that 20

    car wash sometimes, and every one of them would have their music pumpin' as loud as it would go, trying to drown out the next guy. I usually headed home when the crowd went to the car wash. I didn't like hanging out over there. Guys sold drugs over there sometimes, and the cops were always riding through harassing people. And to small-time cops, one black person was no different from the next, and I wasn't about to get caught up in somebody else's mess. Not to mention Uncle Richard told me to keep my ass from over there! One weekend someone even got shot over there. I told Joe, he needed to stop going up there. Bullets don’t have any names on them. A lot of those guys didn't like Joe either. Joe’s folks had a little money, and they gave him everything he wanted, car, clothes, jewelry, money.

    And you know how jealous kids can be in high school. They want to fight you, take your money and clothes, and just do cruel stuff to you for no reason. Joe didn't care though, he would take me home and go right back up there. He would go to a party in the worst neighborhoods by himself. If there were girls there...Joe was going to be there, no matter what.

    Since I've met April, none of that stuff seemed to matter. All I wanted to do was be with her on that cushy brown couch. I would swear I was in heaven. You couldn't pay me to leave.

    On Saturdays when Joe would come and tell me about all that went on at the party and Smitty's, how this girl was looking for me, who he tried to smash, who got to fighting, who got sexed, whatever. He'd tell me all this exciting stuff, normally I would be upset about missing out.

    Then he'd ask me what we did. And I'd say, We just chilled. He'd say, You on lock down man. You missed it. I'd want to tell him so bad, you’re the one that missed it! I know it didn’t seem cool and I wasn’t up on all the scoop, but I was right where I wanted to be.

    I got to the game early, well before April. Whoever got there first usually waited in the lobby for the other. I went and stood up against the wall opposite the door so I could see everyone as they came in. I was so nervous, but anxious at the same time. I kept rehearsing in my 21

    head what I was going to say. I wanted to be cool, but I wanted it to sound sincere, because I really did love her. ‘April, there’s something I want to tell you. I don’t really know how to say this. No, no, no! That sounds like I’m about to break up with her.’ I kept going over it again and again. Still, I didn’t know what I was going to say. Then my mind started to wander and everything in that lobby became more enhanced, so vivid. I remember every face I saw that night, every person that spoke to me and everything they said. I remember every little kid running around playing tag, I remember that old man that’s at every basketball, football, and baseball game we have, Lincoln’s number one fan. I remember him patting me on my shoulder and that his coat smelled like moth balls.

    Still to this day, when I think about that night, I smell the aroma of popcorn, feel the energy in the building and nervousness that I felt.

    As I stood there inhaling it all, April came through the door. My heart

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