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The Ongoing Assault - Eroding America's Democracy
The Ongoing Assault - Eroding America's Democracy
The Ongoing Assault - Eroding America's Democracy
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The Ongoing Assault - Eroding America's Democracy

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This book is a compilation of blog articles written by Virgil Lassiter ( at various times, and on various subjects, beginning in 2014 and continuing today. The articles are arranged in chapters of "like" sub

Release dateMar 13, 2024
The Ongoing Assault - Eroding America's Democracy

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    The Ongoing Assault - Eroding America's Democracy - Virgil Lassiter

    Chapter One:

    The Remaking Of America

    Jul 1, 2015: Feeling Steam Rolled?

    About a year ago I wrote that the progressives were out of the closet and openly professing their socialist divisive agenda.

    It appears that they have found the keys to the kingdom they hoped for. They have learned how and when to manipulate a very agreeable media to advance their agenda and are now very blatant about labeling everyone and anyone who opposes them as bigots, racists, Islamaphobes, homophobes, etc.

    Take the same sex marriage ruling from the Supreme Court. Same sex marriage is now the law of the land. What people are slowly grasping is that if you in any way chose to react negatively toward such unions, you are in the wrong regardless of your moral or religious beliefs. In fact, at a certain level you may be guilty of discrimination under the law for not welcoming same sex couples with open arms. It is already being purposed that churches and organizations with opposing views be stripped of their non-profit status, something that they have enjoyed because society identified the magnitude of the good works they perform as part of their mission.

    In the aftermath of the terrible crazed gunman shooting in Charleston, NC, which killed nine God-fearing, church-going folks, the Confederate Rebel flag has been cast as a symbol of hate. Reaction was almost break-neck when major stores, car manufacturers, NASCAR and municipalities moved to ban the flag altogether because the gunman took a selfie of himself with that flag. I am sorry, but any right-minded person can see this for what it is—caving in to an agenda.

    Does anyone remember the famous words from Rohm Emanuel, Obama’s Chief of Staff? Don’t let a good crisis go to waste. Slavery, Jim Crow, and the rest is way back in our history and to now attempt to pin those nefarious events on a flag of our past is preposterous. Progressives have no trouble in revising history to meet their needs. Would anyone stand still for the eradication of ancient Egyptian artifacts because the kings supported slavery on a massive scale?

    The Confederate flag is not a rallying cry for racism or anti-black violence. It is a remembrance of a people tough enough to take a stand. A stand which most of America knows was wrong and regrets for the damage it did to our fragile union. The Confederate flag today stands for the individuals who stood for their cause, fought, died, or were injured. By banning the flag should we also ban the memory of the ancestors of our southern citizens?

    Here comes the steamroller again. Just today in New York City there is a planned demonstration whose main event will be the burning of the U.S. flag. The reason is unclear and garbled at best, but it is merely another attempt for far-left elements to gain ground in building an atmosphere of hate for America. The fallacy of this is almost laughable. You hate the country which will allow you to do and say just about anything you want? Try such stunts in China or Iran and see where that gets you.

    There really is too much to cover in this short space, so sadly I will put this away for now. With one warning before I go: when you see the steam roller coming, know that without your voice it will never stop, and you, my friends will be leveled.

    Jul 7, 2015: Progressive Blackmail—Oh Sorry, I Meant Extortion

    Progressives are learning all about blackmail—oh sorry, I should say extortion, it is more PC.

    The following three paragraphs are from an article by Jeff Dunetz appearing on

    Interior Secretary Sally Jewell told D.C. Mayor Muriel E. Bowser this spring that the National Park Service, which owns the land beneath Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium, was unlikely to accommodate construction of a new stadium for the Redskins unless the team changes its name.

    Personally, I think we would never consider naming a team the 'Blackskins' or the 'Brownskins' or the 'Whiteskins.' So, personally, I find it surprising that in this day and age, the name is not different, Jewell, who heads the department that includes the Bureau of Indian Affairs, told ABC News' David Kerley when asked whether the name should be changed.

    But in talking with tribal leaders, this has not been the issue that they have talked about with me, and I think that there is debate, even among the Native American community, on the Washington Redskins, and certainly there are a lot of people who have pride in that team, Jewell added. So, my personal views are not necessarily reflected in the tribes that I talk to. It isn't high on their agenda.

    This is clearly an attempt by an Obama Administration Cabinet officer to inflict a social agenda that not even the alleged offended parties care about. In fact, the article highlighted the Red Mesa, Arizona high school Redskins team. The team is very proud of their Indian heritage and their team name. Tribal leaders, by Secretary Jewell’s own admission, are not all that interested in the Washington Redskins professional football team or its name. Secretary Jewell is openly stating that she is acting on her own personal opinion and threatening to penalize the football team unless they cave in to her personal demand to change their name.

    It is the progressive ‘my way or the highway’ routine. Agree with me or you are a racist, a bigot, or worse. Sorry, Madam Secretary, but even the Native Americans don’t agree with you. Agendas matter more to progressives than facts do.

    Historical revisionism is another avenue that progressives like to travel down. Take the Confederate flag controversy. The flag has been around for over 200 years and was the symbol of a divisive time in our country where two opposed armies of United States citizens conducted war against each other. Owning of slaves was not the primary reason for war. Northerners owned slaves during the war. President Lincoln first proposed the idea of the Emancipation Proclamation to his cabinet in the summer of 1862 as a war measure to cripple the Confederacy and primarily a tactic to shorten the war. The end result, of course, was a major positive for the country at the end of the war. So, casting the ‘rebel’ flag as representing something short of the KKK is not founded in fact.

    It is very convenient for radicals and progressives to distort history to their advantage; in this case, attempting to remove an artifact of the war for the rebirth of our nation. You cannot have a United States history without the Confederacy, or the Rebel flag, no matter how much you wish for it. Yet, the progressives have mobilized their constituents and scared corporate America. Stalwart companies such as Walmart, Target, and NASCAR, to name a few, pressured by the far left, jumped on the effort to eradicate the flag. Recall that the hubbub began with the crazy gunman who killed 9 innocent church-going folks in Charlotte being shown in a self-taken photo with guns and the Confederate flag. Making a connection between the sick mindset of one individual and our southern citizens, many of whom are ancestors of the people who fought under that flag, is just as bigoted as any other blanket judgment on any other segment of our society.

    Distortion, pressure, revisions, name calling, and attacking the opposition are the weapons of the progressive liberals. Unfortunately, they have a full head of steam and momentum fully encouraged by Mr. Obama, their chief cheerleader.

    The progressive cult has waged war on marriage for years now and scored a success of sorts in the same sex arena.

    Miriam Webster dictionary has already changed their definition of marriage to:

    any of the diverse forms of interpersonal union established in various parts of the world to form a familial bond that is recognized legally, religiously, or socially, granting the participating partners mutual conjugal rights and responsibilities, and including, for example, opposite-sex marriage, same-sex marriage, plural marriage, and arranged marriage.

    For millennium, the definition of marriage was a union between one man and one woman. Changing the definition does not make something so. It merely obscures history, tradition and in this case, natural law. Bathing the White House in rainbow colors still does not change the wrongheadedness at the core, nor does a contorted and fabricated SCOTUS decision change it. A union between two same sex persons cannot transcend to a marriage in a real sense. Call it what you will, but marriage it is not. When such an arrangement may/can produce children as a product of the two individuals’ sexual intercourse, then—and only then, will it qualify as a marriage. The progressive push was not to gain legal recognition and certain rights for same sex couples that many already had, it was aimed directly at co-opting the word marriage.

    The extortion will continue when religious rights become endangered for opposing the new ‘marriages.’ Protests, activists, and court cases will be rained down on the religious who do not cave in to the coming demands. With recognition, the progressives will seek to maximize the effect by attempting to bring churches and synagogues to their knees. It is there where their rhetoric and social standing will be challenged, and with Gods’ grace, defeated—threats, extortion, blackmail notwithstanding.

    Apr 22, 2016: Who’s Got The Power Now?

    For all of you people who have been asleep for the last 100 years, what you are now seeing is the maturity, learned behavior, and manifestation of progressive politics on steroids.

    From the time of Theodore Roosevelt and the Bull Moose Party, the progressive liberal elements of society have been trying and trying to indoctrinate their ideas, methods, and programs into the mainstream. For decades, they were swatted back by citizens who held firmer, more solid morale values—ones of personal responsibility, respect for God and Country, and solid work ethics. Even through the Great Depression, America was a country of self-reliance. Surely, FDR pushed progressive programs, but with limits, and for more than a political agenda.

    A milestone in advancing agenda-based progressive agendas began in the 1920s with Margaret Sanger, a eugenicist who advocated not allowing certain women to have babies at all. Her ideas and advocacy has created, over the years, one of the most powerful progressive, anti-morality movements on the face of the earth—Planned Parenthood. PP has its hands all over the 58 Million abortions performed since Roe v. Wade. Only just recently, Planned Parenthood has been exposed as barbarically selling baby parts. Do you think that America in the 1920s or 1930s would have put up with such gruesomeness?

    Did anyone hear of LBGT in 1935? Has anyone determined the size of this alleged population? Is it ½ a percent, 1, 2 or 5 percent? No one knows, yet they wield power as if they were a majority. They damn anyone who raises a voice against their agenda. They have already been successful in perverting the definition of marriage that has stood since the beginning of time. First, it was official recognition of their sexual persuasion as normal, next, it was recognizing their domestic partners and affording them all the benefits accruing to a spouse. When that wasn’t good enough, they wanted to be married. Under the blanket of LBGT rights, the ultra-progressive liberals joined forces and pushed and pushed until the din could not be ignored. They forced politicians and jurists to capitulate to their side for fear of being labeled as anti-gay.

    Somehow, the anti this or anti that has taken on new dimensions and clout. That fear of being labeled has overridden the strength of conviction or morale certitude. Weak-kneed members of society succumb to pressure that is relentless. All of a sudden, Bruce Jenner transforms into Caitlyn and is acclaimed as brave and courageous. Nowhere can you hear the words abhorrent, disgraceful, or just plain ridiculous. Just today, the Federal Court has affirmed certain toilet rights as appropriate for the LBGT folks. The ruling gives the LBGTer’s the right to use either bathroom in which they feel comfortable. Everyone else be damned. Logic dictates that individual Men’s and Ladies’ rooms will be a thing of the past as mainstream folks are forced to accommodate a minute portion of the population.

    Let us not pass on the Occupy Wall Street folks. Driven by the super ultra wing of the progressive movement, crowds of, for lack of a better word—unwashed morons gathered in locations in lower Manhattan to allegedly protest the greed of Wall Street. Okay, so Wall Street is the money engine of the world, and it is located right in New York City. Shouldn’t that be a good thing? I am still unclear of what the purpose of these protests were. Did they want to close Wall Street down? To what benefit? Did they want Wall Street to open their vaults and hand out money? The whole thing was just absurd.

    This is the politics of envy and class warfare at its finest. You have it and I want it, plain and simple. Here lies a key difference in the world of ultra liberals, progressives, and socialists—when I see one of those big, sleek, beautiful yachts, I wonder what life decisions the owner made to enable them to own such a fine thing—NOT—It is not fair because I don’t have one! Sorry folks, but in reality, there is no free lunch—somebody always has to pay for it. That is a nugget that these folks keep ignoring because it doesn’t suit their agenda.

    Trump 2016 written in chalk on campus steps is now a reason to be offended and create a media buzz. Seriously, who is paying attention to such weak-minded people? I have been offended a million times in my life and have yet once had to seek counseling to help me get over it.

    Black Lives Matter is a tale of a whole other wing of the progressive ultra-liberal movement but one that you can start to see much more easily. Born out of certain tragic events centered on deaths of Black males in conflicts with police. A window opened for these activists to push an anti-police agenda, which on its face, is pure hogwash. Does anyone dare call the areas in which these events occurred ghettos anymore? The police take their lives into their hands every time they enter those areas in an effort to keep the peace. The BLM folks continue to perpetuate lies that were long ago disproved so they can support their agenda. Hands Up Don’t Shoot—debunked—didn’t happen. These folks have learned from Al Sharpton. Does anyone remember Tawana Brawley?

    A complete and outright lie that was pushed so hard it became credible until the investigation proved it was all staged. But those who heard the story and bought into it stuck with their belief regardless of the proof. That is exactly how fuel is put in the tanks of these movements. The proof is always labeled fraudulent, or cover up, or racist. That way, it does not ever change the original story. The power in these situations is the race card. Mr. Obama has not been reluctant to deal such cards himself. If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon Martin. Former Attorney General Eric Holder said, The reason people oppose President Obama is because he is black. These types of statements provide the fuel that allows the activists to show up and spew invectives without consequence. Their leaders have shown them how.

    History and fact fall prey to the liberal progressive socialist movement every day. The entire south of the United States, once part of the Confederacy, are now labeled racists and demoted to second class citizens. The opportunity to accomplish this swiping assault on those great states was a crazy boy who killed folks in a church. A very tragic event indeed. The image of him in front of the rebel flag became the cause celeb and blamed for his actions. Once again, the agenda drove the action and history was banished by state after state that had the nerve to acknowledge their past by flying the confederate flag. It was immediately and forever racist. Even a classic TV show, the Dukes of Hazard, was eradicated because the car driven by the stars was emblazoned with the flag.

    So, in the matter of weeks, people who took pride in the fact that their family members had fought for their beliefs, were now cast as shameful, sad, people, who were racist to their core. Sorry folks, but the deepest parts of the southern states had moved so far away from that past that it was no longer relevant. Didn’t Atlanta have a Black mayor, and aren’t there many other Black political leaders across the other southern states as well? Yet the progressives are never ones to miss an opportunity to push their agenda.

    In sports vernacular, what the progressive ultra-liberal socialists have now is momentum. If there is no will to combat these forces, all is lost. The great American experiment will have lived its last days and crumble into some yet unknown existence that will have the founding fathers crying in their graves. I am glad I lived it when it made me proud, but I am sad to know it seems just about over.

    Jul 15, 2016: So Tired of Being Angry

    Terrorists, Black Lives Matter, attacks on law enforcement, race rhetoric, poor leadership, political divisiveness—all are rampant across our country and the world.

    With that as the backdrop, Nice, France happens. A fire rises in the belly to put a stop to all the madness. When will it stop? How in the world do we put the cork back in the bottle?

    49 people were killed in the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, 5 police officers are shot and killed protecting a peaceful protest of the citizens voicing their reactions to questionable deaths in Louisiana and Minnesota. 84 people who were celebrating a joyous holiday, Bastille Day, the equivalent to our 4th of July, are run down in the street. French President Hollande said that another 50 are barely hanging on to life due to the very critical nature of their injuries.

    I am not sure I can focus on this latest event as a standalone because it is now a collective of more and more egregious attacks from too many quarters. It is as if the value of human life must now give way to ideology and agendas. Has the humanity of the world suffered so greatly that acceptance of violence and death is a given? Is it now beyond the ability of people to reconcile the monstrousness that walks among us, to understand in a grander sense of what is happening and address the root causes?

    For millennia, man has found ways to be barbaric and unreceptive to ideas that are not their own. Have we not come closer to being enlightened enough to arrive at a place where violence, distrust, disrespect, and aggression are identified as unwanted and not welcomed.

    The many opposing groups, religions, races, and political agendas have wrought this anger and despair. Each can be held up to scorn for the strident rejection of anything that does not move in lockstep with their ideology. Half-truths, slanted words, and even lies are encountered in the daily diatribes of each side.

    The culmination of this environment can easily be open revolution, war in the streets between all the varied and different factions, or it can provoke the entire world, both leaders and citizens, to rise up, put personal agendas aside, and join forces to achieve a civility that has been lost.

    Honest words must be spoken, falsehoods rejected, and common ground found or else the perpetuation and advancement of this amorphous and barbaric climate will fester and grow. If that is allowed to happen then the prescription for the end of civilization will be written in the fabric of life and the only one who will be able to do anything about it will be Almighty God.

    Nov 10, 2016: Snow Flakes Unite

    Okay, so the election didn’t go their way. Is that any reason to be in the streets, burning American flags and chanting Not Our President? What is this, a third-world country?

    Academia is up in arms and offering the traumatized students among other things, therapy dogs, crayons, and coloring books, free passes out to exams and crying rooms. Apparently, safe spaces were not enough.

    Now seriously folks, just stop the BS.

    Twice Obama was elected, but did the opposition go to the streets, need to be coddled or otherwise protected? Seems that the left is not constrained by anything that passes for adult behavior or good manners.

    Am I to understand that the left gets offended every time they are not agreed with or something or other goes a different way? Am I also to understand that when things go against them it is America’s fault and warrants the burning of the flag, rioting, and other acts of civil (not so much) disobedience?

    The founders of this country have put a system in place that has survived for over two hundred years. It is this very system that gives the 50 states the voice by way of the Electoral College. Without this system of electing a President smaller states would be ignored and left out of the process. It was an act of genius and something we should treasure. Every four years the rumblings are that the Electoral College is outdated and should be somehow modified or replaced. That would be folly and potentially disastrous.

    The transfer of power Is a hallmark of what America is. The President, the President-elect and Mrs. Clinton all came out yesterday and called for a healing and moving forward as a united people. All politics were placed aside, and they spoke as leaders. They do not see eye to eye by any stretch of the imagination but understand that the ability to disagree and still lead is built into our governing documents. Anything less would immediately put the United States into the same category of a backward third-world country.

    The snowflakes in the streets are a product of academic and parental failure. On the part of academia, history (without revisionism) is barely taught. For years students have not learned about the history of our country, the struggles, the gains, the wars, the progress, the leadership that is the United States. Without perspective, without understanding of where we have been there can be no foundation for where we will go in the future. Today’s parents, many of whom are from the hippie generation, have proved to be weak in terms of teaching respect, self-reliance, humility, and basic good manners. The peace and love generation virtually invented protesting and anarchy and are passing it along. Time outs, participation trophies, allowing the challenge of legitimate authority by parents creates a child that is lacking in formation and centered solely on their own wants and wishes.

    Support for bad behavior begets more bad behavior. Look no further than the Occupy Wall Street or the Black Live Matter agenda’s. Once acknowledged and not challenged this things fester and return over and over again with more strength.

    Persons that hold legitimate positions of authority must denounce the unrest of the weakest part of our population.

    Dec 18, 2018: Understanding the Fight

    The art of words, debate and rhetoric is lost.

    Conversation, dialogue, debate have sunk to amazing new lows.

    The ability to have discourse with those who hold different viewpoints is lost.

    I have many friends who are not of my mindset when it comes to social issues or politics in general. Should I disavow them and not recognize the real reasons why I call them friends?

    All humans are multi-faceted. They can possess divergent opinions on a myriad of matters, sometimes actually in conflict within themselves. How about a fiscally conservative liberal who is generally very progressive with social justice issues yet can be fiscally responsible in terms of monetary policy. Are they not of two different minds? People are not single issue thinkers or doers.

    The bounds of normalcy are in conflict by opposing forces. There is the LGBTQ same sex proponents and then there are those who do not agree with those positions or lifestyles. The objections could be from a moral standpoint or merely a personal preference that does not ascribe to those contingents. What appears to be a complete refusal of allowing freedom of speech to different points of view is happening and more frequently every day. The opposition takes the position that any contrary disagreeable stands are wrong and possibly evil. Epithets of racist, homophobe, xenophobe, misogynist, are thrown around with abandon.

    Most times nothing could be further from the truth. The progressive left is a very aggressive psychology. Either you agree with them and support their entire agenda, or you are the enemy.

    Follow how this agenda has built over the years. In no particular order of development or importance, some of the agenda political activist

    groups are Pro-choice, LGBTQ, Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Socialist Democrats, Open borders, and Islamophobia, to name but a few.

    Of late the broadening of issues has reached a fever pitch. Just one example shows the depth of dysfunction of these elements of society. Enter into the world the choice of deciding your preferred gender—or should I say your sexual identity. Science, genetics, DNA, chromo-somes be damned. So powerful have the outrageous proponents become that elected officials are afraid to combat them and cave into their demands. Of note are the ‘transitioning’ in jail demanding and receiving medical assistance and even surgery at the expense of the government. Allowing biological men to utilize women’s restrooms simply because they claim that gender identity. Never mind that they are men and have male genitalia.

    The media perpetuates the mindset by presenting the cases of parents who have decided to enable their young children—sometimes four, five or six years old—in claiming a gender identity they were not born with as normal. But, if you disagree there will be hell to pay as you are crucified for being ignorant, mean spirited, or just plain stupid not to understand this phenomenon.

    The steamroller of words coming from those camps is shrill, empty of valid arguments, mean-spirited and accusatory. The modus operandi of the left is to avoid or distort facts at all costs and label anyone who doesn’t agree as corrupt, liars, disingenuous and somehow seeking the destruction of whole groups of people.

    Being supportive of almost anything else does not matter if you are not in agreement. You could be the world’s kindest, gentlest, most loving, charitable human but if you don’t agree with the LBGTQ lifestyle, or anyone of the other leftist agendas, you are then to be thrown upon the trash heap of human waste.

    The progressive left has brought the fight. Conservatives and right-leaning folks are all for leaving everyone alone to pursue their own happiness, but not at the expense of tradition, moral beliefs and just plain societal norms and correctness. Even though free speech is the bedrock of the United States of America, there are occasions where this right has been abused and thwarted by the left. Antifa is a prime example. They are taking to the streets in violent attacks on groups of people who do not subscribe to their way of thinking just because they verbalize that difference. Which is ironic, because by definition, the suppression of free speech is the foundation of fascism.

    These groups have learned, with the help of mainstream media, to manipulate the presentation of their agendas, demands, and cause de jour with conviction. Being championed in the media lends credibility and allows the spreading of their messages. There is no refuting because there are little opportunities to present opposition even moderately without being attacked.

    The white privilege argument has been distilled to a new subgroup. Of late, the old white guys are the enemy in most everything. They are being accused that their wealth, stature, influence, and power have all been achieved through corrupt means and at the expense of some oppressed group or other.

    It may be the old white guys will need to take the fight to the opposition to stand for the things learned at the feet of their parents. The love of family, the love of God and country are emblazoned in their hearts and minds. Perhaps these foolish insurgents need to be put in their place. It will be a big task, but they must be confronted. Do not expect politicians or the government to stand up to them; they represent the all-important votes needed to get elected and reelected.

    This fight cannot be by the old white guys alone. It will need to be each and every American man and women with a backbone who is willing to suffer the attacks and take back the traditions that we stand for.

    May 15, 2019: The New Privileged Class

    The Johnny-come-lately Muslims are claiming something that all of the predecessor immigrants never have—special treatment, broad accommodations, changes of language and rhetoric that is permissible in the public discourse, workplace rules, etc. Never before has any group of immigrants been treated to such an overwhelming capitulation of the norm.

    Is there even a scintilla of the same deference to the Christians and Jews that built this country?

    Can prayers be said in schools? NO.

    Can Muslims have set aside times to do their multiple prayer times? Yes.

    Are uniform allowances being made for hijabs in police departments, the military and other places that have dress codes and specific rules about attire? Yes.

    Are there phrases and words that are now disallowed from the government and journalistic style guides? Yes.

    You have to ask yourself why?

    The overzealous progressive left, in much the same way as they proclaim the moral high ground in terms of the crisis at our southern border, claim that they are only protecting a victim class. Hogwash. The southern border aside, the trend is to place our citizenship to the back of the bus. All things immigrant, legal or otherwise, are premiere and top causes for the left.

    By bending over backwards to these Muslim immigrants, the progressive liberal left is throwing our history, culture, tradition, and yes, even long-held values, under the bus for the newest lot of immigrants. Even the illegal Mexican aliens were not given the same treatment in such short order.

    They refuse to believe that these waves of immigrants, namely Muslims, are different from all the other many diverse ethnic groups who have arrived in our country.

    Fourteen hundred years of history tell us that Islam is as much a political organization as it is a religious organization. Supporters claim that Islam is a peaceful religion when history paints a different picture. From the times of the Ottoman Empire and through the centuries, Muslims sought expansion, domination, and conversion of huge swaths of territories. The Barbary Coast Pirates were Muslim marauders. Al-Qaida, ISIS, Hamas, and the Muslim Brotherhood are focused on continuing to build a caliphate from the conquered. The means to their goal is through infiltration, transformation and ideological dishonesty, and barring that working, violence is an accepted tool.

    Ideology can be a two-edged sword. The naïve left in America want to create an America that the founders never dreamed of. The Islamists, through their strident religious claims for autocracy of any civil constraints, pressures the liberal left to acquiesce to their victim status. It is being seen in the halls of our very own Congress, public schools, and on the streets of many cities. Anti-Semitic rhetoric is tolerated, excused, and even defended. The Congressional leadership on the Democratic side has lost control and are fearful to take any action or even speak out against the Muslim representatives who continue to spew open and veiled commentary that goes directly against the American support of Israel.

    Fast forward 3 to 5 years—if nothing is done, Congress will be overrun by many similar representatives voted into office from

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