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The Power of the Parables: Game Over!
The Power of the Parables: Game Over!
The Power of the Parables: Game Over!
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The Power of the Parables: Game Over!

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Have you ever wondered why Jesus spoke in parables? That question and many more will be answered in this book. Have you ever said to yourself that you wish you would have known a friend better? Have you ever wondered that about Jesus? Jesus is giving us a

Release dateApr 23, 2024
The Power of the Parables: Game Over!

Medelia G. Jordan

As a retired educator, I have not lost my passion for helping others, especially our youth, to know God better. I spent thirty years as an educator, as well as many years in choirs and worship teams. I studied many endeavors in education, including elementary education and psychology. With five endorsements: reading, writing, science, Spanish, and music, I then furthered my education with a master's degree in science and taught science in middle school for twenty years. Bringing this education all together gives me a way to help and teach others.

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    The Power of the Parables - Medelia G. Jordan




    OF THE



    by Medelia Jordan


    Jeffrey M. Jordan

    Trilogy Christian Publishers

    A Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Trinity Broadcasting Network

    2442 Michelle Drive

    Tustin, CA 92780

    Copyright © 2024 by Medelia G. Jordan and Jeffrey M. Jordan

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    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available.

    ISBN 979-8-89041-525-7

    ISBN 979-8-89041-526-4 (ebook)


    What must our response be to the parables? Jesus wants us to not only respond to Him, but He also wants us to understand and respond to the parables. They are of utmost importance because Jesus spoke these illustrations to show us how to live. How did the scribes and Pharisees respond to the kingdom principles that Jesus told them? They held to their own thinking, traditions, and the law. We will discuss the kingdom principles that Jesus taught, and we will also look at the motives and responses of that time in history. Finally, we will look at the principles that Jesus set forth in-depth and discuss our own responses (given we also have a fallen sin nature). We will also discuss the human condition of the flesh, which takes our strength away, and discuss how the Holy Spirit can renew and strengthen us to fight the battles on our knees, using the understanding of the Word of God. What might better responses be, you might wonder, then doing things in our own strength, for whom else is to do it?

    This is the turnkey to a successful life. We will be the focus together on the life of Jesus. Jesus is brilliant; His thoughts are beyond our understanding, and we will explore His genius as He exposes the follies, foolishness, and hardened hearts of mankind. He has come to redeem all of mankind, yet we must understand that salvation is a choice. He is the Lord Incarnate God and has the best ideas on how to navigate this earth. We are heaven-bound if we have accepted Him as our Savior. He came first to the Jews, but then to every man, and the gentiles have been grafted into the plan of eternal life. You see, redemption is the plan for every man, but some walk away from their divine appointment. It is my hope that you will understand how much God loves you and that you will take hold of His hand to know Him and let Him direct your path. It is also my hope that you will use the tools provided in this book to use, just like you were in a class, and work to understand the Bible, along with the Bible reading. Furthermore, some of you might enjoy teaching this yourself, so I have provided resources and ideas for power point illustrations and bulletin board ideas. Because there will be also the words of Jesus, I admonish you to pay close attention and learn what Jesus has to say to you. He loves us so much, and He does have a divine plan for us all.


    As it turned out, and as God would have it, I was compelled to write these books, which seem to express the different stages of spiritual development. As with all of the books, it is a tribute to God. I am also thankful to TBN, CBN, and my spiritual mentor, Dr. Marilyn Hickey, for all the amazing work that she does around the globe. This is also a personal dedication for the blessing of being a part of the TBN family. As always, there are people in life who make our own lives also much better. I would like to dedicate this book to God for giving me the ideas for his purposes, and I am also thankful to the many people who have helped make this journey possible. My family, Josie, who has helped me find a path forward (grateful), as well as my brother, who is an incredibly hard worker and great father and family man. Also, thank you to Carolyn Curtis and my three children (forever in my heart), who have been an incredible source of blessing. I am so grateful to all of them as well. I am also thankful for a friendship with Lois Robbins. We share a love of the Word of God and prophesy, which is an encouragement for all. When I think of all the work that goes into helping others, TBN and CBN stand out, along with Dr. Marilyn Hickey, who helped me in so many ways. All of these wonderful people I honor, along with all the other authors who generate thought and interest in our Lord Jesus Christ. To God be the glory for His wonderful kingdom principles. Jeff and I, who worked on this book, have also been touched by our mentors, who came into our lives as a blessing, and we are thankful for such good will. This book is also dedicated to other people who read this book and are blessed by the kingdom principles of God to move forward in their own lives with His grace and knowledge.

    Chapter 1


    Jesus wants you to know the will for your life. He is the resurrection life. Even if you do not know God, He will speak to you through this book. He gives us an invitation to know Him in the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, along with the Acts, as well as the rest of the Bible. I invite you to journey together to see what God has for your life. When we see the red letters in the Bible, let’s pay special attention to His words. He has a plan for your life, which he also reveals to all mankind. He expresses it in the parables, and there are many layers to uncover, including Jesus, the church, self, and other lessons, which will also include the heavenly kingdom’s principles expressed for us to know. This book is also for mentors, educators, and those who want to know and understand the Word of God, as expressed in the parables. Furthermore, Jesus uses many stories and Word pictures to help us understand Him better and to further our knowledge about His kingdom principles. In this way, it will become clearer to you why he did these parables and how he thinks as you read this book (along with the Bible). I hope you not only find this book engaging but that you fall in love with Jesus because He loves you. Jesus explains the principles of the parables in His own words. I enjoy the parables because they are stories and because Jesus tells us, in His own compelling way, how to live a successful life. He gives us all truth by His mercy and grace. I invite you to journey with me until the end of this book. Let us also tell you about the trials and habits that can hinder a walk that can be helped and made right by studying the parables. Finally, you will not only learn how God restored my path but how to restore your walk with Jesus as well. Let’s look at the parables.

    Jesus points out early on in the parables a very important distinction in Matthew, chapter 8. He tells us there are two kingdoms. This would have helped me just to understand that very important idea and let it sink into my heart. However, it is clear when one studies the Bible that there are not only two kingdoms but also that the fallen one (the tempter) is trying to interrupt our path. In addition to this, God will also test us to see if our loyalty really resides with Him. Right from the very word GO (Game ON, as I call it), there was Satan saying, Did God really say that? Then, also God uses the tree of the knowledge of good and evil to establish obedience and trust. That is part of God’s will, to test us to see if we truly love Him and will put Him first. He also tells us in Psalm 91 that because you have known His name, He will honor you and satisfy you with long life. That one verse, which is in Psalm 91, can change your life, so I recommend memorizing it.

    But first, let’s try to understand the foundation of what is happening on Earth, both now and way back in history. In Matthew 13:24–30 and verses 36–43, this principle of the seed sower is expressed fully. Read chapter 13 after you view the kingdom principle and after you have responded in a tangible way. See, if your answers change after you have read it. This book is meant to be addressed along with the Bible and not a separate event so that everything will become clearer and easier to remember. You can read this book and then follow along with the Bible a second time with a highlighter to reinforce your learning as another way to understand the parables more fully. Matthew, chapter 13, 3–9, and Matthew, chapter 13:18–23 are pictured here first, and I will talk about it at length later. This principle is plainly laid out for us to see and think about for our own understanding.

    To begin, the field has wheat, which has begun to sprout. Then, man, who was sowing the wheat (represented by a good man, simply). Next, we see the enemy who came into the field (as an uninvited guest). The enemy also sowed seed, but it was a darnel seed meant to destroy and contaminate the entire harvest. Darnel is similar to wheat and cannot, at first, be detected until very late in the process. Darnel is an imitation of wheat and will manifest later as corruption to the harvest over time. The enemy is a trespasser, having no right to be there, but notice that the damage was done while the men slept (which is another clue to the problem here). Then, notice a bit of time went by, and the servants began to detect the distinct difference of corruption in the crop, asking the master of the field what to do. They were not only perplexed but also were very annoyed. Now, the field, to note, represents the world, and the master (the Lord and Savior) owns the field (which is the entire world analogy). The devil is the trespasser here. In American terms, we would call the enemy a squatter, who uses the field for his own purposes against the owner’s field and without the owner’s permission ("сosmos—the world). The scripture gives us further perspective in that we learn that the Earth belongs to the Lord. It belongs to Him and everything in it. We also know in Matthew, chapter 16:15–16 that Simon Peter gives us further insight here in his response, to say that You are the Christ, the Son of the living God."

    Thus, two sowings of seed are going on in the world (and both belong to the Lord). The Lord is in charge of the harvest, and He knows that both the darnel and the wheat are growing simultaneously. The kingdom has the son of man who is sowing and the evil one sowing alongside as a trespasser of the field. Diablos, or Satan, is exposed as the enemy who has come to ruin the harvest. We see here that the servants were angry and confused as to what to do. The answer came back to them, and for us to know, that the righteous are not to placate or fraternize with the world, but to love and stay faithful to God, and to leave the darnel (which is the corrupt seed) alone. Here is the lesson: Love cares more for others than for self. This is a great reminder that we need to have the will to love. If there is a big area of murky water and someone is swimming around in it, you do not jump in the water with them but help them to see that the water is not clean and show them a way out. For example, it is here that I am reminded of brilliant minds, such as President Trump and Candice Owens, who are currently leading the way in America for this charge. Let us remember our armor and the helmet of salvation so that we can become a disciple of Jesus as we understand this great commission. In fact, there are many great leaders who are now taking charge to carry the torch of truth. Another example here are great pastors, such as Bobby Shueller and Matt Haggee, both doing a great job, but from different denominations, exemplifying unity of the body of Christ. We are also to take our place and become great leaders and disciples of the Lord Jesus by pursuing righteousness. However, this book is designed for us to know that we are all moral agents and soldiers of the truth. We are to pay attention to what God would have us do, and we are to delight in His commandments and focus on our task at hand.

    Kingdom Principle—Set your mind on things above (Colossians 3:2).³

    Let the harvest alone! To their surprise, Jesus told them to leave them both alone and to not disturb the crop until it was time for the harvest. It was clear that the master (Jesus) gave the instruction. They will both grow together, and one will sow deception (corruption) with the intent to destroy the entire harvest. So, leave the wheat alone with the darnel (counterfeit) or tares in it? Yes, both will grow together until the end of the age and until the harvest is ready. Even though right now, as back then, there are two manifestations of growth, our job is not to tear out the tares but to be the source of wheat, or the fruit of the good crop. Even King David struggled with this idea and said that he would be envious of the wicked, for they had such strength. Read Psalm 72.

    It is here that we can understand that the fate of the wicked is in God’s hands, and yet we will learn that we are the soldiers of faith and must step up to fight the good fight by doing our part in this world. It also helps us to know that Psalm 72 says that it is good for a person to draw near to the Lord. We can also trust in the Lord and declare all His works. It might seem, in the short—run, that the wicked are getting ahead, but he understood that God is sovereign and that He would fairly judge. Going further in our understanding, the evil will be torn out by God at the appropriate time when the harvest is ripe. God knows what imitation looks like in the world, and so should the church. He does not want His disciples or the church at large to remain passive. The church is to remain pure and not mingle with different values within the church or in the world. We are to be concerned with our part in the harvest by being the good part of the crop but take an active part to create moral change. We have no real power to uproot the darnel, and that is not our focus. Our attention goes to the good seed and what the Lord Jesus would have us to do. It is clear we are all on the earth, and each will be growing side by side, but that does not mean that we do nothing. We should not be frustrated because our duty is to God Himself. If the church remains holy and speaks the truth in love and pray, God will draw them to Himself. He knows how to do that, but the church has a responsibility to not falter in the faith and to root out corruption within the church, as well as speak out against the wrongs we see. Now, read the parable out loud in Matthew, chapter 13. Respond with your thoughts in a journal, if possible. Have a journal ready for your thoughts and the scriptures you want to note, and be ready to discuss this in your group because this book is a response—driven process to know and understand our purpose and to be successful in our journey with Jesus.

    In fact, Jesus even warned the church that it was also devoid of the truth of God, and He stated that they had adopted many pagan practices and had become like the world. We are to be the good seed because both the evil and the good will prevail until the end. We now understand that the fallen one will continue to sow evil seed of temptation, discord, and wickedness. It is our job to understand both kingdoms will grow side by side. However, our job is different. We are to be the light and the salt and to grow truth by sowing the purposes of God. Don’t pluck out the darnel by trying to uproot it, for its very nature is corruption. Instead, know that it is happening even right now, and push back with God’s truths. Now, that being understood, in terms of the two kingdoms, everything we do is in response to God, and we do not do the judging but instead discern and make decisions based on the bigger picture in God. Testing and tempting will continue, but the manifestation of the fruit will reveal who are the wolves and the sheep are at the end, and for His purposes. There will also be wolves in sheep’s clothing within the church, so we must understand that light will expose the darkness and be on guard with the protection of the armor. Every thought, every action, every purpose will be known by God, and the fruit will be seen so that we can tell the difference. Look for evidence of fruit. Good seed produces good fruit. Thoughts must be weighed, measured, and sifted out to determine the source of the thought.

    Do you remember what was the servant’s response to what Jesus said with regard to the scripture regarding the harvest? My response is that I always thought that I had to be plunking out the bad seed, and so I was very overwhelmed and discouraged by two different things going on in the crop. I also thought that I had to capitulate and fraternize with the world in a way that gave the darnel authority as if we were sharing the same food at the table. My response is now to understand that we are to occupy (which is a military term) and to hold our ground. This is the basic foundation of the truth of the crop and for which we will operate in this world until Jesus returns (when the harvest is ready). I don’t want to get sidetracked anymore or frustrated by the bad behavior that I see in the world. I don’t want to be consumed with thoughts of how to right the wrongs. Instead, we are told to pray without ceasing and to give it to the Lord Jesus in prayer and listen to what He would have us do. He fights our battles when we are down on our knees, and if we do that, He will give us the correct action plan that is needed.

    What is your response? In what ways have you not understood? How can you respond now to this very important parable? Write down your thoughts about the parable and your responses and share them with your group. Check your thinking to what you thought and the correct belief of knowing how to live as a soldier of the Lord. There is a correct way to admonish change, and otherwise, if done unwisely, it will hurt you, your children, your family, the church, and our society. We are to be bold in our faith, follow Jesus, and also be careful that we are not hurting our own causes through divorce, misuse of money, or other selfish avenues. Parents carry the mantle of faith while their children are young, and it is not worth taking away the innocence of childhood by avoiding or ignoring good practices in our own homes. We, parents, are the ones who are to remain strong, and our hope of restoration is found in Jesus. Stay the course!

    Is this idea of two sowings going on at the same time confusing? Jesus tells us that we will be able to understand this based on the fruit we see of any person, so I will skip ahead to tell you how Jesus felt about even a fig tree not bearing fruit. This is noted for us in Matthew, chapter 21, 18–23, and is a good transition from the entire crop to the manifestation of good fruit. So, why was Jesus so emphatic about the fig tree not bearing any fruit? This is a layered message for us to understand the importance of bearing fruit and recognizing its value. To note, this is a Middle Eastern illustration, and many were farmers and keepers of the land at that time in history. This example would be understandable to them. The importance of the fruit is established here, and the fig tree itself. Most fig trees do not even bear fruit until June anyway, so why all the concern, right? The answer is that the fig tree was bearing leaves, and this is a clue to the problem. In the parable of the fig tree, it was about April. In history, vineyards, wheat, and fig trees were prominent back at that time, so we are to understand that any fig tree that has leaves is supposed to bear fruit. Discuss your thoughts right now with your group after you read the parable of the fig tree seen for us above in Matthew.

    When we think of a chain-link fence, we can surmise that every chain is as strong as its weakest link and no stronger, and every castle or kingdom is as strong as its least guarded gate. Weak individuals will also impact the community, leaving gates wide open to the entrance of the enemy, and therefore, the weakness of the national life is created. Who, then, is to guard the gate? Should we leave that very important task to the world? There is a close relationship between an individual and the nation. Jesus knew that they could understand the weather because they were used to navigating by it, whether it was for purposes of harvesting or fishing or navigating the waters safely. They understood the weather. However, they resisted understanding spiritual things. Back in history at that time, we see that the Galatians were a very contemptuous people. Even at the time of Pilate, the Galatians were crowded together and mingling with one another at the festivals, but their thoughts were given to man instead of God. They preferred the praises of men instead of God, and they looked to men to get their esteem and rewards. Furthermore, they were also mingling their blood with sacrifices—that was the backdrop at that time, and that was wicked. Jesus was telling them they misunderstood life itself because they did not understand, or would not accept, the spiritual ramifications of life.

    For example, the moral implication of the fig tree tells us that if it does not bear fruit, it should not be allowed to cumber or take up space in the ground. If we consider for a moment that we are that fig tree, we then can understand that the Master Gardener is looking for fruit because it is his soil, and he is looking for productivity. With this in mind, we know that God bestows His mercy and grace on all of us. However, when the harvest is ready, we know that a fruitless tree has no use and is no good to anyone, and consequently, it will be rooted out. So, the lesson is clear as to what we are to do. Read Matthew, chapter 21:18–23, out loud, write down, discuss your thoughts with your group, and journal your thoughts. Fruit is the combination of all things. Discuss in your group what that means to you.

    Kingdom Principle—Be doers of the Lord, and not hearers only.⁴ God expects fruit. David said in the Bible many pondering thoughts. He said he wondered why God even thinks about man and is mindful of him. Still, it might be surprising to know that if we fail to bear fruit, we will be called out only because we have chosen not to yield and bear fruit but to resist. The test of life, then, is to be faithful to God and not squander or resist our opportunities to know Him. He beckons us to turn and repent from idolatry (oh yes, we are engaged in other things) and from false thinking so we can enjoy an abundant life in Him. That is why the fig tree is spoken of in Matthew, chapter 21:18–22, and is cursed and does wither or die away. What was the response of the disciples that were with Him? They didn’t seem to get it or understand, but neither did Jesus explain it because of the obvious rejection that was in place at that time. Hopefully, this will make more sense to us now why Jesus took swift action against the tree. The fig tree was not even supposed to have leaves, but if it was one of the early bloomers, why did it not have figs? Jesus was hungry (spiritually as well as physically), so when He walked over to the tree, He immediately noticed that there was no fruit. He does not tell why this would have happened. Was the enemy causing the tree to bloom early and bear no fruit? In science, we would call this a false positive. Some might suggest (and wrongly so) that Jesus was angry. Isaiah gives us further insight into this parable and puts it this way: The crown of the pride of the drunkards of Ephraim shall be trodden under foot; and the fading flower of his glorious beauty, which is on the head of the fat valley, shall be as first ripe fig before the summer; which when he looketh upon it seeth while it is yet in his hand he eateth it up.⁵

    When Jesus came to the fig tree, it had nothing but leaves, which is also unnatural. It was ripe with nothing—no fruit! So, why did it even have leaves, and could it be that Satan was at work in this action? It was a false—positive. When we see this result, one must take action. Was Jesus taking action against the tempter?

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