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Alpha Female Bible: Embrace Your Femininity, Develop True Self-Love & Confidence, Overcome Your Anxiety & Overthinking & Improve Your Communication Skills
Alpha Female Bible: Embrace Your Femininity, Develop True Self-Love & Confidence, Overcome Your Anxiety & Overthinking & Improve Your Communication Skills
Alpha Female Bible: Embrace Your Femininity, Develop True Self-Love & Confidence, Overcome Your Anxiety & Overthinking & Improve Your Communication Skills
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Alpha Female Bible: Embrace Your Femininity, Develop True Self-Love & Confidence, Overcome Your Anxiety & Overthinking & Improve Your Communication Skills

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Discover How You Can Become The Best Woman You Can Be, Embrace Your Divine Femininity & Create The Life You Desire By Unleashing Your Potential As An Alpha Female!

Release dateNov 26, 2023
Alpha Female Bible: Embrace Your Femininity, Develop True Self-Love & Confidence, Overcome Your Anxiety & Overthinking & Improve Your Communication Skills

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    Alpha Female Bible - Tiegan Williams

    Alpha Female Bible: Embrace Your Femininity, Develop True Self-Love & Confidence, Overcome Your Anxiety & Overthinking & Improve Your Communication Skills

    Tiegan Williams

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1. Alpha Female Characteristics

    Chapter 2. The Difference Between Realistic Concern and Doubt

    Chapter 3. Become Aware of Your Thoughts

    Chapter 4. Eradicate Emotional Dependence

    Chapter 5. Develop Confidence

    Chapter 6. Understand and Define Your Fears

    Chapter 7. Face Your Fears and Anxiety

    Chapter 8. Friendships and Happiness

    Chapter 9. Sexual Relationships and the Alpha Female

    Chapter 10. Reduce Mental Clutter


    Meditation for Overthinking

    Meditation for Creativity

    Meditation for Authentic Communication

    Meditation for Self-Love

    Feel the Warmth of Self-Love

    Meditation on Sisterhood

    Meditation for Finding the Ideal Partner

    Meditation for Unconditional Love

    Divine Feminine Energy

    Honoring Your Feminine Energy

    Embrace the Alpha Female within You

    Chapter 1. Alpha Female Characteristics

    The research on this particular type of woman is still in its infancy, in contrast to the alpha male, who has extensive studies on his conduct and behavior. Like her opposite, the alpha male, there is no one like her.

    There are few true alpha females, despite the fact that there are many alpha males and men who aspire to be like him. Because they want to be admired by other women, not many women aspire to be like her. Female leaders are much more than that. She defines her own identity; it is not one that is given to her by other women. In nature, both alphas can be found among the animal species. Observe the wolves. Observe how wolf packs behave. The alpha female is exceptional in that she simply wins without being a bitch or a saint.

    Although alpha females are typically born, this is not always the case. You can learn how to take advantage of the alpha traits. However, you must first understand what being an alpha female involves.

    An alpha female is a woman who:

    1. Is not afraid to take advantage of her femininity to influence men or close deals.

    2. Has total control over her future.

    3. Truly comes into their own when paired with an alpha male. Except for her alpha male, she is dominant over all men and women (alpha females eat beta men for breakfast, by the way).

    4. Is more ruthless than a man because you never see it coming. She will smile before cutting you.

    5. Defies classification and consistently defies the stereotype of being female or defies a group; in fact, she doesn't even believe she is a woman because she is embarrassed to the degree that many have reached by their emotional irresponsibility.

    6. Is confident. When an alpha female enters the room, you can tell right away because she glides in with a close-mouthed smile and eyes scanning the entire area in preparation for the big swoop down.

    7. Is full of contradictions, frequently leaving her male partner perplexed as to what to do with her. 

    8. Has innate leadership skills and manages to rise to the top because of her style and intellect.

    9. Is not a bitch and despises the comparison because she enjoys using her sweetness to get what she wants instead of doing something bad.

    10. Eliminates any female competition in order to attract the most desirable man in the room, and men adore her for it.

    The alpha female’s path through life diverges significantly from that of other women. She may not have arrived at her destination as neatly and efficiently as everyone else, but she succeeds almost always in whatever she focuses on. She's come a long way, but she frequently feels like she's being viewed as cold, a bitch, or a whore.

    An alpha female isn't afraid to use—and occasionally even to exploit—her femininity to influence men or close a deal.

    She works with you, and you know her. She has flawless hair, killer outfits, swaying hips, and a constant smile. The men adore her and constantly greet her at her desk, leaving her with little candies in her pencil holder. If she is the office secretary, she can typically persuade the mailroom workers to put aside their copying tasks in order to complete her stack of copies. She can force the President to fire someone or give her the next promotion if she is the Vice President without conducting a review or at least not the one that must be obtained by the smaller people. She would probably discuss it with the boss over dinner or a quiet lunch. She doesn't raise the red flag and doesn't give a damn about sexual harassment claims. She doesn't understand why other women are so easily offended when they catch a man's attention at work, and she doesn't see any other reason why women wear 5-inch heels to work other than for a man.

    An alpha female sees herself as a physical, emotional, and spiritual gift to the world. She is confident in her abilities and is proud of all that femininity has to offer. She adores being a woman in its entirety, not just a lady. She chooses to use her sexuality to increase the danger, adventure, and fun of her ascent to the top.

    Does being attractive make you more attractive to men? No way. Again, it's all about your delivery. It's your attitude that counts. Men are the most trusting creatures, so a woman who understands how to handle them will succeed both at home and at work.

    An alpha female has total control over her future.

    It's easy. Respect your life's yeses and noes. Have you ever encountered the woman who needs to consult three or four others before making a decision? What about the person who decides to attend a party one night, has a terrible time, then returns home and blames herself for wasting her time? Both of these situations involve utter confusion and a waste of precious mental resources. I'm guilty of making decisions that I later regret after going out. or staying in and wishing I went out. It took a while for me to realize that it is all in vain. You notice yourself going in circles more and more as you continue to doubt yourself. You must behave as though you are in control of your destiny, even though not everyone thinks so, my dears. Nobody wants to ride shotgun with a crazy driver who has nowhere to go or who pulls over to ask for directions every few miles. Fish or chicken for dinner tonight? Just make a choice and follow through on it. Have faith that you made it with good intentions. Then let go of it. Simply let it go.

    You shouldn't, however, let go of your health. A dominant female is extremely aware of both her inner and outer beauty. There is simply no justification with the variety of diets and exercise programs available. An alpha female is well within her healthy weight range and prioritizes feeling and looking good.

    The Alpha Female’s Relationship with Other Women

    An alpha female is at ease by herself.

    Alpha females can be either those who have friends or those who don't. They all share the ability to marshal the troops when she is ready for friends. She might disappear for weeks or even months at a time, but a friend or wing-girl is always available.

    It can be challenging to be the dominant female among friends. The majority of women (the betas) don't like alpha females and don't want to be them. This is because most women desire to be liked. Female leaders could care less about this. They simply desire victory. They pay little attention to right or wrong, how this is done or said, or what is right or wrong in general. The final straw is that many women do observe the alpha female with admiration. They adore her sass and carefree disposition. They secretly want to be as fearless and assured as she is. But being around her might serve as a reminder of their shortcomings. Additionally, alpha females believe that being around civilian women is too draining. The unsureness, the irrational emotional outbursts regarding a man. She simply lacks the time. She is all ears, though, when it comes to her alpha male counterpart. He keeps the tea kettle's steam going. She finds a sense of belonging among her beta females, who respect her and who she can guide.

    Learning to be alone while also understanding your place in the group is something that every woman could benefit from. Whether they are required or not, a good leader knows how to win people over to their cause.

    You don't want to cross an alpha female. She is special, so you won't notice her perspiring or hear her cursing at anyone. She is composed and calculating at the same time.

    She does not engage in emotional outbursts or neck-twisting threats.

    That is too frequently connected to typical female responses. As much and as long as she can, she keeps her composure or poise. Although she rejects retribution, she accepts back pay. If necessary, she will travel to the ends of the earth to destroy you using fear or another unexpected strategy. An alpha female can be your best friend or worst enemy. Of course, some alpha females won't take these drastic measures. She harbors a few of her own enemies and keeps them close by. She may even smile at you before giving you a scowl. She avoids picking fights with people on the street. She actually tolerates a lot of things.

    The goal of an alpha female is never to win over the masses.

    She isn't politically correct about her intentions and doesn't try to sugarcoat anything. She is aware that sometimes life is painful and that not everyone can handle situations correctly.

    She never engages in battle, no matter how drawn out or difficult.

    She doesn't care about doing what is right or wrong; she just wants to win. When faced with a challenging situation, alpha females should always weigh the benefits against the risks, estimate their efforts, and then move forward with caution and a smile.

    An alpha female defies categorization and consistently defies expectations of what it means to be a woman or to rise above a group; in fact, she is so ashamed of her gender that she doesn't even believe she is one; the alpha female has no issues with her gender. She merely disproves every stereotype of what a typical woman is. Her actions are unpredictable. She actually chuckles at other women who give in to every feeling and desire to the point where they disregard all reason and logic. I should stop there, but I'm easily offended, easily distracted, depressed, unreasonable, uncertain, jealous, and insecure.

    Some people may even react in a way that deviates too far from logic. Additionally, Margaret Thatcher once remarked, I owe nothing to women's lib. The so-called feminist movement

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