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Tressa Explores Books 1, 2, 3, & 4.: Tressa Explores
Tressa Explores Books 1, 2, 3, & 4.: Tressa Explores
Tressa Explores Books 1, 2, 3, & 4.: Tressa Explores
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Tressa Explores Books 1, 2, 3, & 4.: Tressa Explores

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In A Blonde Girl's Diary, book 1,  "Tressa Explores J. E. Michelle delivers tantalizing and exhilarating short reads that will leave you gasping for more.
      A beautiful threesomes; Tressa, a student, a sophisticated male and a mysterious seductive woman.
      Over the top and strictly for entertainment. Get in the Mood and Enjoy! Contemporary FMF romance story.
      Don't miss out on this stand-alone, quick read FMF MENAGE ROMANCE.

A Lusty Girl's Diary, Book 2, Immerse yourself in the seductive fantasy of threesomes, where Tressa, a daring student, becomes entangled in a lustful game with a sophisticated man and a mysterious and alluring woman. But be warned, this is not your typical love triangle - it's an over-the-top, steamy historical fantasy journey strictly for those seeking pure entertainment and unapologetically intense FMF romance. Get ready to be swept off your feet and lose yourself in this stand-alone, quick read, guaranteed to satisfy all your desires for sexy and thrilling menage encounters.


Temptation Diary, Book 3. The Two Tressas.
      In a world bound by societal expectations, modern-day Tressa struggles to reconcile her yearning for respectability, marriage, and family with an insatiable desire for more—more than any one man can offer. When she stumbles upon the dusty, forgotten diary of her Regency-era namesake, Tressa, the Duchess of Langford, an unexpected connection is forged across the centuries.
      As Tressa delves deeper into the diary's pages, she discovers a kindred spirit in the Duchess—a woman who dared to defy the constraints of her time, pursuing passion, love, and independence in a world that demanded her submission. In the Duchess's candid words, Tressa finds solace, inspiration, and perhaps the key to unlocking her own desires.
      "Temptations," will leave readers questioning the limits they place on their own heart's desires.

Seduction Diary, Book 4. Tressa, a headstrong and curious woman, stumbles upon a long-lost diary from the opulent world of Regency-era England. Her eyes widen as she reads the scandalous entries of the Duchess of Langford, and her forbidden desires.
Experience the heat and passion of this sizzling historical erotic romance, filled with steamy encounters, scandalous liaisons, and a love that defies all boundaries. Brace yourself for a journey filled with desire, betrayal, and ultimately, liberation.

Release dateJan 29, 2024
Tressa Explores Books 1, 2, 3, & 4.: Tressa Explores

J. E. Michelle

Erotic romance and Instalove author J. E. Michelle seeks encounters with kick-ass women, dark sexy vampires, or gaslight era rakes, and some gorgeous cinnamon roll, heart of gold heroes you'd love to love. She writes stories packed with everything that we have come to know and love about Erotic Romance – action, adventure, heroes worthy of our love—or lust, and strong, big and beautiful, feisty women. Why choose and bisexual menage with light. BDMS may occur in the short stories. Nothing offensive but not too tame either, just raunchy fun and anything consensual goes—it's all sweet and spicy, modern, historical or paranormal fantasy.

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    Book preview

    Tressa Explores Books 1, 2, 3, & 4. - J. E. Michelle

    Tressa Explores Books 1, 2, 3, & 4,

    Also by J. E. Michelle

    An Urban Ménage

    Ava’s Triple Temptation

    Christmas Date

    Choclate Box (Coming Soon)

    Purrfect Love (Coming Soon)

    Erotic Shorts

    Baby Girl

    Wild & Wet

    Wild Rose

    Her Gothic Prince

    Hot Wild Nights, 5 Erotic Shorts: Baby Girl, San Francisco Scarlett, Training the Governess, Wild & Wet

    Good Girls/Bad Boys


    Gothic Erotic Shorts

    San Fransisco Scarlett

    Secret Agents in France - Espionage in World War Two

    Reckless Behavior

    Dangerous Alliances

    Steamy Shorts

    Hockey Hero Passion

    Thrown Into Love Again

    The Art of Desire

    Unleashed Desire

    Artist's Models

    A Model Threesome

    Men In Love

    The Art of Desire Books 1, 2, 3, & 4.

    The Starbound Passion Series

    Intergalactic Seduction

    Rhea's Alien Encounter

    Creature Embrace

    Bound By Alien Passion

    The Starbound Passion Series Books 1, 2, 3, & 4.

    Tressa Explores

    A Blonde Girl’s Diary

    A Lusty Girl's Diary

    Seduction Diary

    Temptation Diary

    Tressa Explores Books 1, 2, 3, & 4.

    Tressa Explores Books 1, 2, 3, & 4,




    Tressa Explores Books 1, 2, 3, & 4,




    Tressa Explores Books 1, 2, 3, & 4,




    Tressa Explores Books 1, 2, 3, & 4,




    Copyright © 2024 by J. E. Michelle

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


    A Blonde Girl’s Diary


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    A Lusty Girl’s Diary


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Temptation Diary


    1. Tressa Kensington:

    2. Tressa Feels Lonely

    3. Forbidden Temptations

    4. Tressa, the Duchess of Langford

    5. Learning the Art of Love

    6. Society's Censur

    7. A Romantic Retreat

    8. A Night of Temptation

    9. Unorthodox Arrangement

    Seduction Diary


    1. The Enigmatic Diary

    2. Unveiling Desires

    3. Chance Encounters

    4. Writhing with pleasure

    5. The Duke's Invitation

    6. Forbidden Liaisons

    7. Afterglow

    8. A Love Unveiled

    A Blonde Girl’s Diary


    In "Tressa Explores J. E. Michelle delivers tantalizing and exhilarating short reads that will leave you gasping for more.

    A beautiful threesomes; Tressa, a student, a sophisticated male and a mysterious seductive woman.

    Over the top and strictly for entertainment. Get in the Mood and Enjoy! Contemporary FMF romance story.

    Don't miss out on this stand-alone, quick read FMF MENAGE ROMANCE.



    Tressa stared at her phone, the blue light of its screen casting an eerie glow across her pale, drawn face. She had been expecting this text for days, staring at her phone each night until the early hours of the morning, hoping for its arrival. And now here it was, finally, after weeks of anxious waiting - a single, cryptic sentence promising a glimpse into a world both unfamiliar and longed for.

    She read and re-read the glowing words, her breath catching in her chest with each pass. Could she do this? After a lifetime of walking the straight and narrow, of playing strictly by the rules, the opportunity to explore the unknown called to her like a siren's song. Her heart raced as her mind spun with possibilities, each more exhilarating and terrifying than the last.

    Tressa glanced at the clock, its angry red numbers reminding her how late the hour was growing. She should sleep, she knew she had work in the morning. And yet, sleep evaded her as her thoughts churned.

    She was no longer a child, and the time had come to make her own choices, to seek her own adventures, to discover her own desires. Her hands trembled as she held the phone, but beneath her uncertainty she felt the steely determination of a woman ready to take a leap into the dark unknown.

    The rules could no longer contain her - she had outgrown their restraints. Her life stretched before her, and she was ready to start living it.

    The text seemed to pulse on the screen, as if echoing the pounding of her heart. This was it - the moment she stepped off the cliff and unfurled her wings. With a deep, shaking breath, Tressa tapped out a brief reply and hit send before she could reconsider.

    The die was cast, and her old life was behind her. A new adventure waited, and she surged to meet it.

    Tressa watched as Joshua, the track team coach, ran lap after lap around the track, admiring the graceful way his lanky body moved. He was like a gazelle, all lean muscle and fluid strides. When he finished his run and came off the track, she caught his eye and smiled shyly. To her delight and surprise, he waved in return, and she felt her heart skip a beat. Could he actually be interested in her, a mere freshman?

    For weeks after, Tressa gathered her courage to talk to him, hoping for another smile, another wave. And yet, each time she worked up the nerve to approach him, something intervened - a phone call, a student with a question, a friend stopping by for a chat. She began to despair that the fates were against her, anxious that she had imagined any spark of interest she had seen in his warm brown eyes.

    Until one day, after watching him coach the distance runners through an intense sprint workout, he noticed her sitting in the stands. As the team headed to the locker rooms, he changed direction and loped up the steps toward her instead. Her heart leapt as he smiled down, a mixture of nerves and excitement churning in her stomach.

    I've seen you here a lot recently. What's your name? he asked, and she answered without hesitation, thrilled at the opportunity to finally talk to him.

    From that first conversation, the words flowed easily between them, as if they were old friends. He was charming and funny, showing a genuine interest in getting to know her. Before she knew it, they had started meeting for coffee after practice a few times a week, staying later and later each night as they discovered a shared passion for books, art, and adventure. Her crush deepened into something more as the weeks passed, and to her delight, the feeling seemed mutual. Each moment they spent together felt as if fate itself had woven their lives together at last.

    One sunny Saturday afternoon, Joshua invited Tressa on a picnic at a little park near campus. She eagerly accepted, thrilled at the thought of spending an uninterrupted day together.

    As they laid out a soft blanket under the dappled shade of a massive oak tree and unpacked the picnic basket Joshua had packed, Tressa felt a spark of connection that made her feel truly alive for the first time. In Joshua's company, she had found someone who made her feel whole.

    They sat close together on the blanket, talking and laughing as they enjoyed the simple meal. I'm so glad you suggested this, Tressa said. It's the perfect day to be outside.

    Joshua smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners.

    I'm happy to hear that. I've been wanting to get you alone like this for a while now.

    He reached out and tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear, his fingers lingering against her cheek.

    Tressa's breath caught at his touch, her heart pounding as she leaned into his hand. I've been wanting the same thing, she admitted in a whisper.

    Joshua needed no further encouragement. He bent his head and kissed her softly, hesitantly at first, then more firmly as her response left no doubt about her feelings.

    Tressa felt as if the world had fallen away, leaving just the two of them beneath the rustling oak branches. She was dizzy with joy at the rightness of it all. This was where she was meant to be.

    That perfect summer day marked the beginning of many more adventures together. From long drives along winding coastal roads to hiking secluded mountain trails, Tressa felt she had an entire world of possibilities open before her with Joshua by her side. Before the summer's end, she knew without a doubt that she was deeply, irreversibly in love.

    Tressa and Joshua continued to date as the summer progressed, and with each passing week their connection deepened. Even after spending nearly every day together, Tressa still felt butterflies dance in her stomach each time he turned his warm gaze on her.

    One night, feeling particularly brave, she sent him a text admitting her growing feelings for him in no uncertain terms. Her heart pounded as she typed out the message and hit send before she could second-guess herself.

    The adrenaline of her bold decision sent shivers down her spine. What have I done? she wondered, suddenly anxious about how he might respond. Her feelings were out in the open now, and there was no taking them back.

    A few minutes later, her phone chimed and she snatched it up eagerly. Joshua had replied with a single line of text: I feel the same. Meet me tonight?

    Tressa's breath caught in her throat as she read his response, relief and joy coursing through her in equal measure. She quickly replied in the affirmative, her fingers trembling over the screen.

    That night, as she rushed to meet Joshua at their usual coffee shop hangout, a multitude of uncertainties swirled in Tressa's mind. And yet not for an instant did she regret her bold text. She had taken the first leap, and now her heart soared at the thought of where it might lead. The future was unwritten, but she was ready to face it with the man she loved by her side.

    When she arrived at the coffee shop, Joshua was waiting for her, two cups of coffee in hand and a bouquet of wildflowers on the table. He stood as she approached, a smile lighting up his face, and pulled her into his arms without a word. As his lips met hers, all her fears and doubts melted away. This was her destiny calling, and she was ready to answer.



    He had noticed her the moment she had stepped into his classroom on the first day of the semester. Among the throng of students filing in, she stood out like a flame in the darkness. Long, jet black hair cascaded down her back in loose waves, and when she turned her head, he caught a glimpse of piercing blue eyes that seemed to see into his very soul.

    She moved gracefully to an empty seat, not once glancing up to meet his gaze. And yet, he had the distinct feeling she was aware of his stare. A hot flush crept up his neck as he realized he had been transfixed, leaning against his desk instead of preparing for the start of class. He straightened abruptly and busied himself with his notes, but his mind kept wandering to the raven-haired beauty in the front row.

    Throughout his lecture, he struggled to keep his eyes from drifting her way, worried she would catch him looking at her again. There was something mesmerizing about her, something that went deeper than her striking looks alone.

    She had a presence that commanded attention, a gravity that pulled focus to her without any visible effort on her part. He found himself stumbling over words as his thoughts strayed again and again, grasping for coherence even as his mind whispered that this was a woman worth knowing.

    When the bell rang to signal the end of class, she rose gracefully, slung her bag over one shoulder, and strode from the room without a backward glance. He stared after her, his heart pounding an irregular rhythm against his ribs. In that moment, he knew with a certainty that frightened him that his world had been upended. Life as he knew it would never be the same.

    Long after the other students had filed out, he remained standing behind the lectern, gripping its edges for support. The

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