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Unshaken: Navigating Jealousy in the Social Media Age
Unshaken: Navigating Jealousy in the Social Media Age
Unshaken: Navigating Jealousy in the Social Media Age
Ebook331 pages4 hours

Unshaken: Navigating Jealousy in the Social Media Age

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"Unshaken: Navigating Jealousy in the Social Media Age" is a compelling narrative set against the backdrop of modern society's obsession with online personas. The story unfolds through the lives of six women, divided into two trios: one of success and privilege, the other of struggle and envy.

The Successful Trio comprises Ava, a business owner balancing family and work; Bella, a corporate executive facing peer jealousy; and Clara, living a carefree, luxurious life. Their achievements and lifestyles are a constant source of envy, as depicted on social media. Despite their success, they grapple with the pressures and scrutiny of their online images.

The Struggling Trio features Diana, enduring an abusive marriage to a man working for Ava; Eva, whose life is marred by her husband's gambling and infidelity; and Fiona, caught in a cycle of abusive relationships, struggling to provide for her children. These women are consumed by envy and resentment towards the successful trio, fuelled by the idyllic lives they witness on social media.

The novel's narrative arc weaves these contrasting lives into a story of jealousy, perception, and resilience. The successful trio's challenges reveal the imperfections behind their seemingly flawless social media facades. Simultaneously, the struggling trio's journey through envy leads to moments of self-reflection and a harsh confrontation with reality.

As the story progresses, each character faces pivotal moments leading to self-realization. The novel highlights the destructive nature of jealousy and the distorted perceptions driven by social media. It underscores the importance of empathy, understanding, and the strength required to remain "unshaken" in a world where online and offline realities often diverge.

"Unshaken" concludes with each woman finding strength and perspective in their respective journeys. They learn the importance of authenticity, both in their real lives and online personas, and the resilience needed to navigate the complexities of life in the social media age. The novel serves as a testament to the power of overcoming envy and building a life grounded in reality and self-awareness.
Release dateJan 19, 2024

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    Unshaken - Malatji Onesimus

    Copyright © 2023 ONESIMUS MALATJI

    All rights reserved.

    Unshaken: Navigating Jealousy in the Social Media Age

    By: Onesimus Malatji


    Copyright ©2023 by Onesimus Malatji

    Cover Design by CiX Connect

    Interior Design by CiX Connect

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    Accuracy Disclaimer: While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information presented in this book, the author and publisher cannot be held responsible for any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies.

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    Any endorsement, testimonial, or representation contained in this book reflects the author's personal views and opinions. It does not imply an endorsement by any third party.

    Results Disclaimer: The success stories and examples mentioned in this book are not guarantees of individual success. Actual results may vary based on various factors, including effort and circumstances.

    Results Disclaimer:

    The success stories and examples mentioned in this book are not guarantees of individual success. Actual results may vary based on various factors, including effort and circumstances.

    No Guarantee of Outcome: The strategies, techniques, and advice provided in this book are based on the author's experiences and research. However, there is no guarantee that following these strategies will lead to a specific outcome or result.

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    Being one of the difficulties in my family, always stubborn, I thank God I turned out alright. I dedicate this book to my mother, Esther Malatji. I will always love you. You have raised me well until I became a fully grown man. Thank you for your prayers and support during my tough times in life.

    Additionally, I extend my heartfelt dedication to my family, Thank you. I love you so much.


    I extend my deepest gratitude to everyone who has been a part of this incredible journey, both seen and unseen. Your support, encouragement, and unwavering belief in me have been the driving force behind the creation of this book.

    To my family, for standing by me through thick and thin, for believing in my dreams, and for being a constant source of inspiration – your love and encouragement have been my guiding light.

    To my friends, mentors, and colleagues, your valuable insights and feedback have shaped the ideas within these pages. Your willingness to share your wisdom and experiences has enriched this work beyond measure.

    To all those who have supported me on my path, whether through a kind word, a helping hand, or a moment of shared understanding, thank you. Your presence in my life has made all the difference.

    To the countless individuals who have faced challenges and setbacks, yet continued to strive for greatness, your stories have fuelled the inspiration behind these words. May you find solace and encouragement within these pages.

    And finally, to the readers who have embarked on this journey with me, thank you for allowing me to share my thoughts and experiences. It is my hope that this book serves as a beacon of hope, a source of guidance, and a reminder that fulfilment can be found in every step of life's intricate tapestry.

    With heartfelt appreciation,


    Onesimus  Malatji








    In the opening chapter of Unshaken: Navigating Jealousy in the Social Media Age, we embark on a journey into the heart of the digital era, a time that has fundamentally transformed how we communicate, interact, and perceive the world and ourselves.

    The digital age, marked by the advent of the internet and the proliferation of social media, has created a new landscape of connectivity. It has brought the world closer, enabling people to share their lives, experiences, and thoughts instantaneously with others across the globe. This connectivity, while revolutionary, has also introduced complex challenges and dynamics, particularly in how we perceive and relate to each other.

    Social media platforms have become the modern agora, the gathering place where people come to share their triumphs and tragedies, to seek connection, and to find a sense of belonging. However, these platforms are not just passive windows into others' lives; they are active mirrors reflecting our desires, insecurities, and aspirations.

    In this digital realm, the lines between reality and perception often blur. The curated lives we see on screens can lead to a phenomenon known as the comparison trap, where the constant exposure to idealized versions of others' lives fuels feelings of inadequacy, envy, and jealousy. These emotions, while not new to the human experience, find a unique and potent expression in the digital age.

    The digital age has also altered the landscape of success and recognition. Achievements, both big and small, are often broadcasted and measured through likes, comments, and shares, creating new metrics of validation and success. This digital validation can become a double-edged sword, offering affirmation on one hand and fostering dependency and insecurity on the other.

    As we delve into the stories of our six protagonists, we see how the digital age has uniquely impacted their lives. For Ava, Bella, and Clara, social media is a showcase of their successes and a battleground for their insecurities. For Diana, Eva, and Fiona, it is a window into a world they yearn for, a constant reminder of what they believe they lack.

    Unshaken: Navigating Jealousy in the Social Media Age is not just a story of six women; it is a reflection of our society's struggle with the digital mirror. It explores the journey to find authenticity and resilience in a world where our worth is often judged by our digital footprints. As we turn the pages, we embark on a journey to understand, navigate, and ultimately find balance in the digital age.


    In this chapter, we delve into the life of Ava, a character embodying the epitome of modern success as viewed through the lens of the digital age. Ava stands as a beacon of achievement, running a thriving business while managing a delicate balance between her professional and personal life.

    In the heart of Unshaken: Navigating Jealousy in the Social Media Age, we find Ava, a character whose life story serves as a testament to the power of determination and hard work. Ava's ascent to the pinnacle of business success is not just a story of achieving dreams; it's a narrative about overcoming odds, breaking barriers, and redefining the meaning of success in a competitive world.

    Ava's story begins in a modest neighbourhood, far removed from the glitz and glamour she is associated with today. Born into a working-class family, she learned the value of hard work and perseverance early in life. Her parents, though not wealthy in monetary terms, were rich in their unwavering support and belief in her potential.

    From a young age, Ava exhibited a natural flair for entrepreneurship. Her first foray into business was a lemonade stand, not just any stand, but one that employed innovative marketing strategies and customer engagement techniques, far beyond her years. This early venture laid the foundation for her business acumen and sparked a flame of ambition.

    Determined to pave her way, Ava pursued her education with vigour, often balancing studies with part-time jobs. She faced challenges typical of many who strive to rise above their circumstances - financial constraints, balancing work and study, and at times, battling societal stereotypes about what a young woman from her background could achieve.

    After completing her education, armed with a blend of academic knowledge and real-world experience, Ava embarked on her entrepreneurial journey. Starting with a modest setup, her business was born out of a unique idea that she nurtured into reality. Her approach was marked by innovation, an understanding of market needs, and an unyielding commitment to quality.

    Ava's rise was not meteoric but steady. She overcame numerous challenges - economic downturns, competitive pressures, and the constant balancing act between risk and growth. Her leadership style evolved, becoming a blend of empathy and assertiveness, inspiring loyalty and dedication in her team.

    Today, Ava stands at the helm of a successful enterprise, respected not just for its financial success but also for its ethical practices and positive workplace culture. However, her definition of success extends beyond business achievements. For Ava, true success is about making a difference, mentoring young entrepreneurs, and giving back to the community that shaped her.

    In the realm of social media, Ava’s journey is portrayed as a seamless path to success, but she knows the reality is more complex. Her online persona, while inspiring to many, is a curated snapshot of her life. It highlights her achievements but seldom reflects the struggles, the setbacks, and the resilience it took to overcome them.

    On platforms like Instagram and LinkedIn, Ava’s profile is a cascade of achievements and celebratory moments. Each post is a vignette of success: awards, gala events, exotic vacations, and family celebrations. Her followers see a woman who has mastered the art of living - a seamless blend of a thriving career, a happy family, and a vibrant social life.

    Ava's online presence is not just about showcasing her life; it’s also about inspiring others. Her posts are interspersed with motivational quotes and messages, encouraging her followers to pursue their dreams and work hard. For many, she is a role model, a beacon of what determination and hard work can yield.

    However, this digital image is a curated one, selectively crafted and presented. What the public doesn't see are the long hours, the stress, the moments of uncertainty, and the sacrifices required to maintain this level of success. They don't see the struggles of balancing a demanding career with family responsibilities, or the personal sacrifices made to keep the business afloat during tough times.

    For Ava, maintaining this online persona is a constant pressure. Each post, each update, is a deliberate decision – what to reveal, what to conceal. There's an unspoken expectation to uphold this image of perfection, an image that has become as much a part of her brand as her business itself.

    Behind the screen, Ava’s life is more complex. She faces the same challenges and doubts as anyone else. There are days of exhaustion, moments of frustration with her spouse, and times when she questions her choices. These realities, however, don’t make it to her social media feed, creating a dichotomy between her public image and private reality.

    This chapter raises questions about the impact of social media on personal identity and self-perception. For Ava, like many others, the line between her true self and her digital persona becomes increasingly blurred.

    It explores the psychological effects of constantly projecting an idealized image and how it influences both the individual and their audience.

    In The Glittering Facade of Social Media, we see the complexities of living in a digital age where success is often measured by online portrayals. This narrative sets the stage for further exploration of the challenges faced by those who navigate the choppy waters of social media, where the pressure to maintain a perfect image can overshadow the realities of everyday life.

    The internal struggles of Ava as she navigates the demanding world of social media, highlighting the often-unseen pressures that come with maintaining a public image of success and perfection.

    For Ava, each social media post is more than just a snapshot of her life; it's a carefully crafted piece of her brand's narrative. Her online presence is meticulously managed, with each photo, caption, and shared story chosen to project an image of unyielding success and happiness. This constant curation is both a business strategy and a shield against public scrutiny.

    With each post that garners thousands of likes and glowing comments, the expectations from her audience grow.

    Followers look to her for inspiration, guidance, and even a form of escapism. Ava feels the weight of these expectations, understanding that her audience seeks not just the reality of her life, but the aspiration it represents.

    This chapter explores the dichotomy between Ava's real self and her online persona. While her digital presence exudes confidence and accomplishment, her real life is punctuated with challenges, doubts, and the mundanity that characterizes all human experience. Ava finds herself in moments of introspection, questioning if her online persona is a true reflection of who she is or a facade she has constructed for the world.

    Maintaining this facade of perfection takes an emotional toll. Ava experiences moments of exhaustion and anxiety, stemming from the pressure to constantly perform and present a flawless life. The fear of showing weakness or failure, even though they are intrinsic parts of the human experience, often leads to a sense of isolation.

    This constant portrayal of perfection also impacts Ava’s self-perception. She begins to measure her self-worth and success through the lens of social media engagement and approval, leading to a distorted view of her achievements and happiness.

    Ava's story in this chapter is a microcosm of a broader societal issue – the struggle to balance a public image with personal authenticity in the age of social media. It highlights the internal conflict many faces in a world where success is often equated with the ability to project an idealized version of oneself online.

    The nuanced dynamics of jealousy and admiration that Ava experiences, both personally and as observed by others. This chapter illuminates the emotional complexities underlying her journey, revealing the dual impact of envy and admiration on her life.

    Despite her achievements, Ava is not shielded from the pangs of jealousy. She occasionally finds herself envying peers who, in her eyes, seem to balance their personal and professional lives with more ease and grace. This envy, though seldom acknowledged openly, silently gnaws at her, challenging her sense of contentment and achievement.

    Conversely, Ava herself becomes an object of envy, particularly in the eyes of Diana, Eva, and Fiona. Through the lens of social media, her life appears idyllic, triggering feelings of jealousy in those who are struggling with their own challenges. Her success, lifestyle, and seemingly perfect balance become a yardstick against which they measure their inadequacies.

    The role of social media in amplifying these feelings of jealousy is significant. It presents a skewed version of reality, where Ava’s life is seen as devoid of struggles and challenges.

    This distortion feeds into the envy of others, widening the gap between perception and reality.

    Alongside jealousy, Ava also receives admiration from her followers and some peers. This admiration, while flattering and affirming, adds to the pressure of maintaining her flawless persona. It creates an expectation to continually succeed and project a life of uninterrupted success and happiness.

    The interactions between Ava and the other women, particularly Diana, Eva, and Fiona, are tinted with this dynamic of jealousy and admiration. Ava's achievements and lifestyle, as perceived through social media, become a source of resentment for them, despite her own underlying struggles and insecurities.

    This chapter also explores Ava’s internal quest for authenticity amidst these external pressures. She grapples with the dichotomy of her online persona and her real-life challenges, striving to find a balance between projecting an inspirational image and staying true to her genuine self.

    Ava’s story in this chapter is a reflection of the multifaceted nature of success in the digital age. It is not just about the achievements but also about navigating the emotional landscape of jealousy and admiration.

    Her journey underscores the importance of finding fulfilment and authenticity in a world where success is often intertwined with perception.


    The shifts focus to Bella, another central character whose story intertwines with Ava's yet stands distinct in its challenges and triumphs. Bella's journey up the corporate ladder is a tale of resilience, strategic acumen, and the intricate balance between professional ambition and personal ethics. Delves into Bella's inspiring climb up the corporate ladder, a journey emblematic of tenacity, intelligence, and strategic manoeuvring in the high-stakes world of corporate business.

    Bella's journey begins at an entry-level position within a prominent corporation. Fresh out of university, armed with ambition and a degree, she steps into the corporate world with dreams and determination. Her initial role, though small in scope, becomes her training ground, where she learns the fundamentals of the business and begins to understand the intricacies of the corporate landscape.

    Bella quickly distinguishes herself through her exceptional analytical skills and innovative problem-solving abilities. She approaches tasks with a meticulous eye for detail and a willingness to go beyond the expected. Her early successes in project management and her ability to lead teams effectively do not go unnoticed.

    As she moves up the ranks, Bella encounters the multifaceted challenges of corporate life.

    She faces tight deadlines, complex project requirements, and high-stakes decision-making. Each challenge is an opportunity for growth, and Bella embraces them with a mix of courage and calculated risk-taking. In a domain often dominated by men, Bella stands out not only for her competence but also for her approach to leadership. She breaks stereotypes, bringing a blend of empathy and assertiveness to her leadership style, challenging the traditional norms of corporate hierarchy and gender roles.

    Understanding the power of networks, Bella actively seeks mentorship and builds relationships with key individuals in the industry. These connections prove invaluable, offering guidance, opportunities for advancement, and insights into the unwritten rules of corporate success.

    Bella's path is not without obstacles. She confronts instances of bias and scepticism, often finding herself under more scrutiny than her male counterparts. However, she tackles these challenges head-on, using them as fuel to drive her forward, proving her worth through consistent performance and unwavering dedication.

    Bella’s ascent culminates in her earning a top executive role. This achievement is more than a career milestone; it's a symbol of her resilience, her ability to shatter glass ceilings, and her commitment to excellence. Her journey to this point is marked by a series of strategic moves, hard-won battles, and the relentless pursuit of her professional goals.

    In Bella, we see a role model for aspiring professionals, particularly women who aim to carve their paths in the corporate world. Her story is a testament to the fact that with talent, hard work, and strategic thinking, the heights of corporate success are attainable. In Climbing the Corporate Ladder, Bella's story unfolds as an inspiring narrative of overcoming challenges and defying expectations. It provides a nuanced look at what it takes to succeed in the competitive corporate arena and serves as a beacon of inspiration for anyone aiming to transform their ambitions into reality. Bella's ascent is not just a personal triumph but a beacon of possibility for others following in her footsteps.

    As it delves deeper into Bella's professional journey, spotlighting the complex and often perilous terrain of corporate politics. This chapter provides a candid look at how Bella adeptly navigates these dynamics while maintaining her principles and professional integrity.

    Bella quickly learns that success in the corporate world is not solely about performance and skills; it's equally about navigating the nuanced social dynamics of the workplace. She develops a keen sense of when to be assertive and when to employ diplomacy. Her ability to advocate for her ideas forcefully, yet tactfully, becomes one of her most valuable assets.

    Recognizing the importance of alliances, Bella strategically cultivates relationships across various departments and levels within the corporation. She understands that having allies can be crucial in advancing projects, gaining support for her initiatives, and facilitating her upward mobility within the company.

    Bella's ascent is not without ethical challenges. She often finds herself at crossroads where corporate interests conflict with her values. These moments test her integrity, forcing her to make tough decisions. She navigates these situations with a blend of moral clarity

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