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Networking For Introverts: Gracefully Exiting A Conversation
Networking For Introverts: Gracefully Exiting A Conversation
Networking For Introverts: Gracefully Exiting A Conversation
Ebook261 pages3 hours

Networking For Introverts: Gracefully Exiting A Conversation

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About this ebook

Perfect for introverts who want to network comfortably but are concerned about getting stuck in a conversation. If you've ever gotten trapped in a conversation or been cornered by a pushy person at a work event then you know it can ruin your evening. Now you can learn an easy way to get out of those situations and make going to meetings or other business functions much more productive and less stressful. 

Networking is important to any professional or business owner. Be prepared for events by learning these time-tested techniques for bringing the conversation to a close and moving on by creating your own personal exit plan. In this Book you will learn skills to make it easy and comfortable so you never have to feel trapped again.

The techniques in this Book come from over 30 years of experience attending meetings and networking. The tips are things used by professionals every day to stop people from wasting their time. Learning to get out of a conversation can be even more tricky than getting one started. Feeling trapped by someone who just won't take a hint that you don't want to talk anymore can be incredibly uncomfortable. I developed this Book to help my students who have felt "cornered" before and didn't know how to get away from the other person without feeling awkward. 

One of my clients, Kim, spent 20 years avoiding networking events because she was traumatized in this way. She was able to overcome her aversion and learned these easy to learn techniques... and now she has no fear of meeting people professionally.

The chapters in this Book are broken down so that you will understand not only what to say, but why it can help you. The practice techniques will enable you to be more confident, more quickly. This Book will help you take full advantage of professional opportunities to make connections and build relationships to further your career or build your business.

Release dateJan 8, 2024
Networking For Introverts: Gracefully Exiting A Conversation

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    Networking For Introverts - Gaurav Sanjiv Kalangan


    Published by Gaurav Sanjiv Kalangan

    Copyright © 2024 Gaurav Sanjiv Kalangan

    All rights reserved.

    Thank you for having an authorized edition of this book and for complying with copyright law. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the copyright holder.

    Distributed by Gaurav Sanjiv Kalangan

    Networking For Introverts: Gracefully Exiting A Conversation

    Design and composition by Gaurav Sanjiv Kalangan Cover design by Gaurav Sanjiv Kalangan For permission credits.

    To offset the number of trees consumed in the printing of our books, Gaurav Sanjiv Kalangan donates a portion of the proceeds from each printing to the Arbor Day Foundation. Gaurav Sanjiv Kalangan has replaced over 50 trees since 2022.

    First Edition

    I dedicate this to the dreamers, healers, and givers who deliver value through art and invention, expression, and creation. With all my love.

    Table of Contents


    Table of Contents


    The Complete Personal Networking

    Quick Win! Network In The Time Period You Live In

    Quick Win #2 You Can Expand Your Personal Network Right Now!

    Introduction: The Beginning of Your Road to Networking Success

    Smart Networking Strategies

    Great Networkers Keep the Conversation Going

    Bad Assumptions Can Kill a Networking Relationship

    Brilliant Networking Strategies

    Create a Virtual Networking Salon on Zoom

    Great Networkers Connect with Old Contacts

    Smart Networkers Give it Away for Free

    More Great Networking tips

    Smart Networkers Avoid the Law of Reciprocity

    Networking Power of a Friend of a Friend

    Who is in Your Power Circle?

    Can You Make Money From Your Network?

    Smart Networkers Give Something Back

    You Need Your Own Personal Board of Advisors

    The Power of Your Voice

    Make Your Presentation Your Own

    Great Networkers are Empathetic

    Business Conferences are Great Opportunities for Networking

    How to Persuade Anyone

    It's Not What You Say, It's What They Hear

    Be The Bearer of Your Own Bad News

    Use the power of your voice

    Speaking Your Way to a Bigger and Better Personal Network

    Avoiding The Initial Wrong Turn Most Speakers and Presenters Make

    Developing Expert Judgment for Your Public Speaking and Presenting

    The Radical Yet Simple Solution To Finding Great Messages

    Your Stories Will Make Your Ideas Unforgettable

    Your PowerPoint Will Create Engagement, Not Slumber

    Building an Ethical Cheat Sheet Just for You

    This Is The Do Or Die Moment For Your Speaking Improvement

    There Is a Perfect Test for Your Speech Or Presentation

    I Will give You a Personalized Professional Presentation Critique Right

    More on Networking Through Social Media

    Be a People Pleaser. Just Don't Overdo it.

    How Shy People and Everyone Else Can Be a Networking Star

    Charisma in Networking is Overrated

    Make Your Linkedin Profile Shine

    Post Your Ideas on Linkedin (Even my dog thinks it's a good idea)

    Great Networkers are Great Listeners

    Here Are the Two Words You Need to Know

    Pay Attention in Your Personal Lives

    The Business Benefits of Being a Great Observer

    Great Job Interview Tips

    Look like a winner

    How to persuade anyone

    Acing Virtual Interviews

    Great Books About Networking

    We Are Almost Done, But It's Not Too Late for Your Final Questions

    Final Thoughts

    Get and Give Feedback On Everyone In Your Personal Network, Starting Here

    Congratulations! You are Now A Master Networker

    Who Should You Choose as a Networking Partner?

    Excerpts of The Seven Elements of Powerful Communications

    Power Networkers are Great Salespeople

    How to Pitch Your Idea to a Venture Capitalist

    Empathy Will Help You Make Money

    We All Make Mistakes. Now What do You do?

    Should You Knock the Competition?

    Tell Them Something They Don't Know

    Tell Stories. Lots of Them

    Sales Conferences Are Great Networking Opportunities if You do it Right

    Go Small or Go Home

    Great Networkers and Sales People Really Listen

    How to Get Over Anxiety as a Salesperson and Networker

    Build Trust With Your Prospect

    What I Learned From the Best Communicators in the World

    In Business Development, Your Don't Have to Invent Something

    What is a Sales Funnel?

    More on Sales Funnels

    One Last Chance to Make This Book Better for Your Permanent Learning Library

    Should You Do PR for Your Firm?

    Neuroplasticity: Changing your Brain for Improving your Life

    Synaptic Plasticity Part 1

    Synaptic Plasticity Part 2

    Synaptic Plasticity Part 3

    Please, Leave a Review

    Plasticity Of Entire Brain Regions

    What Does Neuroplasticity Depend On

    Exercises To Up Your Neuroplasticity Level Part 1

    Exercises To Up Your Neuroplasticity Level Part 2

    Neuroplasticity Conclusion

    Instruction How To Rate The Book

    Why Is It Hard To Memorize Information Part 1

    Ineffective Memorizing Methods

    Effective Methods

    More Effective Methods

    How to Memorize Even Faster

    How Fast Do You Read

    Read 3x Faster With

    Training The Angle Of View

    A Little About Human Vision

    Schulte Table




    Relaxation (2)

    Research Project

    Breathing One-Four-Two

    Rewrite Your Life Story Script and Transform Your Life

    Set BIG Goals

    Make Real Decisions

    Consistency Is Key

    Nothing Is Impossible

    How To Be Accountable

    Live In The Moment

    Being Adventurous

    Words Of Success

    Life-Long Learning

    No Such Thing As Failure



    Perfect for introverts who want to network comfortably but are concerned about getting stuck in a conversation. If you've ever gotten trapped in a conversation or been cornered by a pushy person at a work event then you know it can ruin your evening. Now you can learn an easy way to get out of those situations and make going to meetings or other business functions much more productive and less stressful.

    Networking is important to any professional or business owner. Be prepared for events by learning these time-tested techniques for bringing the conversation to a close and moving on by creating your own personal exit plan. In this Book you will learn skills to make it easy and comfortable so you never have to feel trapped again.

    The techniques in this Book come from over 30 years of experience attending meetings and networking. The tips are things used by professionals every day to stop people from wasting their time. Learning to get out of a conversation can be even more tricky than getting one started. Feeling trapped by someone who just won't take a hint that you don't want to talk anymore can be incredibly uncomfortable. I developed this Book to help my students who have felt cornered before and didn't know how to get away from the other person without feeling awkward.

    One of my clients, Kim, spent 20 years avoiding networking events because she was traumatized in this way. She was able to overcome her aversion and learned these easy to learn techniques... and now she has no fear of meeting people professionally.

    The chapters in this Book are broken down so that you will understand not only what to say, but why it can help you. The practice techniques will enable you to be more confident, more quickly. This Book will help you take full advantage of professional opportunities to make connections and build relationships to further your career or build your business.

    The Complete Personal Networking 

    Imagine going through life, doing business with and dealing with people who are already your friends, who already know you, never cold calling, never having doors slammed on your face when you're knocking on them. Well, when you become a master at personal networking, this can be your life. This is a skill anyone can learn. I'm so happy to partner in this cause with a masterful, masterful personal networker and communicator, Independent Author. Bob has networked his way from CNN, the White House to ABC News to hosting prime time TV shows to now consulting with major corporations all over the globe. Bob. Hey, thanks, There is no faster route to success than being an outstanding networker.

    Networking is about the exchange of ideas, insights and contacts with professionals who have some of the same goals as you do. Networking can be great if you're trying to raise money to start a business, if you want to increase sales, take your company to the next level or to help you to find that ideal job for you, I'll teach you how to network effectively, intelligently and strategically, even if you're shy or introverted. I know that much of the success that I've enjoyed in life is because others help me to get their networking is what brought me to where I am today. So please join us. You're going to learn a lot.

    Quick Win! Network In The Time Period You Live In

    Quick tip, you must network in the time period you live and you must use the technology of the times, it's now the twenty twenties. You need to find the 10 people in your industry. You care about the most, you respect the most. And go to your phone, find them on Twitter, Facebook, other social media and start following them. Don't start asking them for favors. Don't ask them for a job, but follow them and make insightful comments to their post. You do it once. It won't make any difference, but if you do it regularly for months or even years, they will become a part of your network.

    Quick Win #2 You Can Expand Your Personal Network Right Now!

    Let's dive in with one more quick win. You never know who might be helpful to you or interesting to you in your life when it comes to networking. So reach out to people regardless of where you meet them. They could be teachers, they could be college professors. They could even be instructors right here on this platform. If you want to go ahead and connect with me or Bob, pretty easy to do, just go to our bio page and you can connect with us on LinkedIn or Twitter. It's up to you. You don't have to, but it's another opportunity for building your personal network.

    Introduction: The Beginning of Your Road to Networking Success

    Hey, thanks, There is no faster route to success than being an outstanding networker. Networking is about the exchange of ideas, insights and contacts with professionals who have some of the same goals as you do. Networking can be great if you're trying to raise money to start a business. If you want to increase sales, take your company to the next level or to help you to find that ideal job for you. I'll teach you how to network effectively, intelligently and strategically, even if you're shy or introverted. I know that much of the success that I've enjoyed in life is because others help me to get there. Networking is what brought me to where I am today. So please join us. You're going to learn a lot and you're going to earn a lot.

    Smart Networking Strategies

    Here are the three most powerful words in networking ready? Here's what's possible when you are reaching out to somebody as a potential networking partner, you want to show them that by combining forces, both of you could have a better tomorrow, a more positive future than what you have separately today. Here's what's possible. Engages the imagination. It sees something that could be. And by the way, imagine is another very powerful word. If you start a sentence with imagine if we combine forces, your knowledge of technology, my ability in the world of marketing. Imagine what we could accomplish as a team together, how we could make incredible connections for the future.

    Imagine here's what's possible. Or what if phrases and words that again connect us to a better tomorrow, a better future for both of us. Here's what persuasion either in networking or anything else should never be. It should never be about pressuring anybody. It shouldn't be about strongly arming them or cajoling them. If you have to do that, then they're wondering to themselves, why should I do this? What does this person really offer me instead? Here's what's possible. Talks about something better for both of you in the future.

    Great Networkers Keep the Conversation Going

    Great networkers keep the conversation going, what do I mean by that? Networking is not a one off proposition. It must be cultivated, kept going, attended to like a garden, if you will. There's no hey, just checking in to see how things are going. Who cares? You have to always offer something of value to the person that you're connected to in your network. Hey, here's an article I thought that you'd find interesting, or here's an insight that I picked up at a conference I attended recently, or here's a link to a podcast that I thought of you when I heard it, or here's a chapter that I think you might find interesting.

    Here's a book that I read recently that I think might be of value to you. Always offer something that is of value to the person that you're connected to in your network. Here's what you should never do. I recently got an email from this guy that I've met a few times and he says, Dear Bob, how are things going? This is during the time of the covid pandemic shut down. While business is challenging these days, I'm adjusting to how things are and I'm still consulting, mostly doing it from home. Hope you're doing well.

    How are things going? But who cares? He was not offering me anything of value and it didn't even sound like he cared that much about me. He could have sent that same email to anyone. Please don't do that. Be seen as someone who is smart, who is on top of not only your industry, but the industry that the person you're connected to is seen as a guy or gal that knows what they are talking to be of value to anyone who is in your network.

    Bad Assumptions Can Kill a Networking Relationship

    It should be painfully obvious that we should not make assumptions about people based on superficial things like race, gender, ethnicity or age, but yet we still do and it stops us from making great network connections. Same thing about tired old ideas that are way beyond their expiration point. Let me give an example. In the advertising world, they still believe that you could only sell a product to somebody who is between the ages of 18 and forty nine. The belief is that if you're over forty nine and I certainly am, you can't change your mind from one toothpaste to the other toothpaste. Well, in my own life, my wife and I go on different vacations every year.

    I've changed the line of my clothing choices often and I used to be a PC user. Now I use Apple products. So believe me, those old rules should be tossed out, especially if you're looking to connect with somebody to make a meaningful network for yourself and for the person that you're talking to. Speaking of talking to them again, we make the foolish assumption that people understand us and that can turn off a potential networking relationship. I don't know about you, but like me, I get up in the morning, I stumble to the kitchen, and start the coffee. But I'm also beginning that internal dialogue that does not end until later that night. When I go to sleep, I understand myself perfectly.

    I speak Independent Author fluently. The foolish assumption that I would make is that others understand me as well, and that would be a very dumb idea on my part. So you should always follow the important statements with things like here's what I mean by that. Here's an example of what I'm talking about. Here's how I came to this conclusion. Here's why. But I think this means for the future, again, you're giving an explanation to what you just said that will solidify any great potential networking relationship. Be clear, be understandable, and toss out old rules about assumptions.

    Brilliant Networking Strategies

    My friend Orlando Camargo is one of the smartest people I know, he speaks English, Spanish and Japanese fluently. The guy is really on top of his game. And I reached out to him. I said, Orlando, what are your networking strategies? And he gave me some great ideas. I want to pass them on to you. His number one is to be focused, targeted in terms of who you reach out to have an intention in mind. In other words, he said, if you want a job, great, reach out to people who can help you to get the job that you're looking for. If you were to grow your business, that's a different set of people targeting people who are experts in expanding your business on and on and on.

    Again, think to yourself, what do I want? Who am I looking for? Just don't throw it out there and say I just want to network with interesting people. That's a strategy. It's not his strategy. And I think his strategy is the right one. Number two, he says, is old school. What does he mean by that? Well, he writes handwritten notes and sends them to people about what he's doing and what's going on in his life and wants to know what's happening with them. And those handwritten notes are so, so different from what we're all experiencing today with email and texting that people really reach out to him and they respond overwhelmingly in a positive way.

    He also might include an article that he thinks might be of interest to them, or he flipped out a couple of recipes and sent them to people that he wanted to reach out to. So, again, be old school and write notes, try it, see how people react to it. If you're like Orlando, you're going to get a very positive response, he says. Less bullhorn, more engagement. What does he mean by that? Our tendency is when we go on to a place like LinkedIn is we talk about ourselves and our ideas, which is fine. There's nothing wrong about that. But he says if you see somebody who's written a post that you find interesting and you think to yourself, I don't like to engage with that person, I'd like to connect with that person.

    I'd like that person to

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