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Ebook141 pages2 hours


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Twenty years have passed since Ryder Kennedy, front man for the hugely success rock and roll band "FREIGHT TRAIN" abruptly walked off the stage in Las Angeles in 1971 while performing the band's final encore song only to completely disappear. Ryder had gone into complete seclusion on a small island noted for its proximity to Cape Cod in Massachu

Release dateDec 5, 2023

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    Book preview

    PHOENIX - Brian Dongelewic


    By Brian Dongelewic



    Second sighting


    Aggressive surprise

    Morning secrets

    Unexpected performance company

    A ghost from the past

    Thoughts of revenge

    Taking the first step

    A business decision

    Reaching out to a Ghost

    Coming home

    What a find

    Ryder’s surprise

    The Ghost goes to work

    Going public

    Feeding the threat


    Creating the Wish list

    Sure, why not

    Obtaining a means to an end

    Identifying options

    Just touching base

    A travelling threat

    Boston Bound

    One down, one to go

    The maestro has arrived

    Getting ready for rehearsal

    Kicking off the jam

    First day success


    Repeated success

    Scouting time

    Afternoon delight

    Considering the options


    One step closer

    Moving right along

    A surprise interest

    Another task checked off

    A very unpleasant surprise

    Spilling a secret and making a deal

    A huge unexpected addition

    Shot down hard

    First cut

    A bad break

    Release and response

    Memory lane

    Home inspection

    Time to step out?

    Would-be visitors

    Bad timing

    Scheduling exposure

    New helpful information

    It’s a Plan

    Pieces coming together


    Life or death time

    Waiting game


    A visit from THE ghost from the past


    Catching up

    Phoenix rises

    Chapter 1:      The sound of the surf breaking against the deserted beach at the cross-over time of outgoing to incoming tides never failed to relax him. The communal squawks of a handful of hungry sea gulls provided a perfect backdrop for the solitude he so enjoyed. In less than one month, summer will be gone and fall will ease into the daily life of everyone here on the island.

    He takes a sip of one of his favorite drinks, a nicely oaked and buttery chardonnay from Napa Valley that has been chilled to his liking. In just one more week, he will celebrate his relocation to this paradise from the completely chaotic life he knew in California. That was twenty years ago. It is hard for him now to believe that he led the life and lifestyle that identified him as someone he wouldn’t recognize now. He doesn’t miss it….much.

    A cool breeze accompanies him as he sits alone on the edge of a dune that is just beyond the reach of the incoming tide. Sunset is still one hour away, but time no longer matters to him. He takes another sip of wine, relishing its taste. Then he looks up and down the beach, for no real reason. Hmmm….just what he has been searching for….solitude indeed.

    He hears some noise, coming from his house that is positioned just twenty or so yards from the beach, the private beach that he owns. He turns to see a number of sea gulls engaged in competition to see who can win the mast few morsels of food left on his dinner plate, on one of the many tables on his deck. He smiles as he thinks only the strong will survive. The last rays of the shine bounce off the entire wall of windows that are his home’s exterior. He smiles thinking that no one person needs or deserves such a majestic home here on the island, but it is his.

    He turns back around and continues to look at the beach, first to his left and then to his right. As he looks further up the beach he sees a figure walking in his direction. It is a single person walking within the reach of the breaking waves and a slow pace. Who is that and what are they doing on my beach, he thinks. He continues to watch as the person closes the gap between them. In a short time, the person has reached an area on the beach that puts her within twenty yards of where he is sitting.

    He stands up, slowly, not yet sure if he should accost her for being here or not. But he takes her all in. Probably a few years younger than him with model looks….VERY pretty and VERY fit. And based upon the clothing and limited jewelry she was wearing, probably very well off. She smiles at him.

    Hi neighbor.

    Neighbor, he thinks?

    Neighbor? What do you mean by neighbor? I own this stretch of this beach. I don’t have any neighbors.

    She continues to smile at him.

    Well, you do now. It’s not impossible to find a good stretch of land here if you do your due diligence. I did mine. My property begins at the end of your property, about one hundred yards up the beach. Do you know the old Morgan estate? Well, I bought it. I closed on it yesterday. Did you know the Morgans?

    He answers, reluctantly.

    Yes, but I didn’t like them, and they didn’t like me. We were completely different people. Our paths rarely crossed.

    She turned just briefly as a loud wave crashed before her.

    Yeah, well, then it’s probably just as well that they sold their place to me.

    He was quiet for less than a minute.

    So, do you plan on living here year-round or is this just a vacation place for you?

    She gave him a great smile before responding.

    Oh, I plan on living here year-round. I have some great renovation ideas and I can’t wait to get started. How about you/ Do you live here year-round and how long have you owned your home?

    He looked down, considering his response.

    Long enough, I guess….almost twenty years, and yes, I live here year-round.

    She is shocked to hear this. Twenty years?

    Wow, that’s a long time.

    He shakes his head affirmatively.

    Yes, I guess it is. But I love it here.

    She is staring at him intently now.

    Can I ask you a couple of personal questions? You don’t have to answer either of them if you don’t want to.

    Sure, ask away.

    Ok. So, what is your name, and do you live here alone….girlfriend? wife maybe?

    He smiles and shakes his head.

    Nope, I’m single and un-attached at present.

    He pauses for a longer time than she expected.

    Ok, what’s your name?

    He hesitates, but finally answers.

    My name is Ryder. Ryder Kennedy.

    He watches her closely to see any signs of recognition, but her face remains calm and objective.

    Great. I’m Samantha. Samantha Donahue. But everyone calls me Sam. Hey! We’re both Irish. That could mean trouble.

    They both laugh at that.

    He  smiles at her.

    Well, welcome to Nantucket. As long as you don’t hold loud/busy parties with a lot of noise-makers and you don’t own a dog that will dig up my limited garden, we will get along just fine.

    She continues smile at him.

    Not a dog lover?

    Sure I am. I just don’t love what a few of them can do.

    Thanks, Ryder.

    Ryder remembers that he still has a half bottle left of wine, but only one glass.

    Hey, I only have one glass here with me, mine, but it’s empty now. Would you like to try a bit of my wine? It is very good – one of my favorites.

    What is it called?

    It’s called Impeccable, it’s from a Napa Valley producer who makes some awesome wines.

    She considers his offer just briefly.

    Sure, why not.

    He pours some wine into the glass and hands it to her. She accepts the glass and raises it to eye level to take a closer look. Then she swirls the wine a few times before taking a healthy sip.

    Well, do you like it?

    Yes. I mean, wow. This is very good. Thanks for sharing.

    You’re most welcome. You are the first person that I have seen on my beach and talked with for a very long time. I enjoyed talking with you.

    She smiles at him.

    Me too. I hope to be a regular here on the beach. The ocean calls to me.

    "Ryder looks past her at the waves.

    Yeah, it calls me too. Well, time for me to get back inside. I hope to see you again some time. Goodnight Samantha…errr….I mean Sam.

    She laughs before turning away.

    Goodnight Ryder.

    Chapter 2:  The following morning finds Ryder sitting at a small table on one of his side decks. He is alternating strumming his guitar, making notes in his notebook and sipping a nice freshly brewed Italian coffee, the kind he grew to love during his time in California. He is composing yet another song, one that, like all of the others, will never be heard by anyone but him. But creating songs continues to be enjoyable to him. He still loves his music, just not the all-encompassing lifestyle that it has brought him.

    Ryder puts aside his guitar and moves his notebook away from him before taking hold of his coffee cup and standing up. He slowly walks on his deck toward the rear of his house. When he reaches the railing there he looks out to see that the tide is once again receding, with a flock of hungry sea gulls diving into the water, looking for bait fish. He sips his coffee and his eyes sweep the beach. What a pleasant surprise. Not far up the beach is Sam, standing about knee deep in the water as the water first envelopes her feet then leaves them uncovered as is the way with a tide. Sam is true to her word, he thinks. She is walking slowly toward his backdrop beach, stopping occasionally to pick up and examine some sea shells, which she carefully returns to the water afterwards.

    As Sam continues to walk, she looks up at Ryder’s house and sees him standing on the rear deck, looking down at her. She smiles at him and waves Hello. But before Ryder can return the wave, she pivots and starts to retreat back to her own property. She has picked up her pace and she is covering ground quickly. She doesn’t look back and it doesn’t seem that she saw him return her wave. After watching her for a few minutes, Ryder finishes the remaining coffee in his cup and heads for one of the many sliding glass doors to go inside. It’s time for breakfast.

    Ryder enters the kitchen and walks toward one of his many mini-wine racks to put another bottle of Impeccable to put in his refrigerator. Who knows? It may come in handy on the beach again.

    After taking a quick look inside his refrigerator and then into his pantry, Ryder sees that a visit to the grocery store is overdue. He can settle for a couple of scrambled eggs and toast for now, but that is about it for now.

    Ryder breaks three eggs into a small mixing bowl and adds just a dollop of whole milk to the eggs. He preheats a medium-sized fry pan with some butter and pours himself a coffee refill. He puts two pieces of sourdough bread in his toaster and then he pours the egg mixture into the pan and uses a spatula to scramble the eggs. They are done in just a couple of minutes and Ryder pours them onto a plate, adding salt and pepper. The toast pops up and he quickly spreads some butter on both slices. Everything seems to taste better outdoors so he picks up his plate, fork and coffee cup and heads for the sliding door to his deck.

    Ryder sits at his favorite table and dives in to his breakfast. A couple of seagulls fly by him, obviously smelling potential food, but they don’t approach him. Ryder wipes his mouth, takes a sip of his coffee and stares out at the breaking waves of the ocean. Life is good; life is SO very good.

    Chapter 3:  Time passes quickly for Ryder. He keeps busy, starting most days with a rigorous workout routine that would seem grueling to many. He wants to keep fit

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