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Sexual Energy Healing
Sexual Energy Healing
Sexual Energy Healing
Ebook184 pages4 hours

Sexual Energy Healing

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About this ebook

The greatest way we are kept from freedom is not anything on the outside, but the brokenness we feel inside when who we ARE is shamed, manipulated, suppressed.
Our sexuality is who we are, our power to live the life we want to, the means by which we find our destiny.
This power of ours has been crippled by abuse, one on one as well as mass abuse of humanity.
We have blocks in our subconscious or sleeping mind that we CAN release.
These writings are realizations that have rehabilitated me and helped me walk again.

Some of the topics covered in this book are:
Sexual Shame
Sexual Shame is Unnatural
How to Actually Overcome Sexual Shame
Conversation with Granddad – Sexual Desire
Hidden Sexual Abuse
Signs of Hidden Sexual Abuse – Cheating on Yourself
The Stages of Hunger in Blocked Up Personalities
The Principle of Life
False Parents & Sexual Energy; Thrones & Dragons
Sexual energy draining by faux spiritual authorities
Crossing the Threshold
All about Jing, Mojo and Shen
The Eye and Sexual Energy
Double Energy Field – Energy Rehabilitation
How to Holistically Stabilize Energy Levels – Energy Flow from Consciousness to Body
Herbs for Hormonal & Sexual Energy Imbalance caused by Trauma around Puberty
5 Causes of Long Term Energy Draining
Energy flow problems caused by disrespect of our emanations.

PublisherCaraf Avnayt
Release dateDec 29, 2023
Sexual Energy Healing

Caraf Avnayt

Caraf Avnayt is Mom to Gavriel and a Herbalist.

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    Sexual Energy Healing - Caraf Avnayt

    Sexual Shame

    Dear Ed,

    It's the 11th of December. You know how they do terror attacks on the 11th of months? It so happens I am born on an 11th and I think it's a good day for me to start writing this to you.

    I'm writing about Sexual Shame because it's something I've suffered from all my life without knowing it. I've noticed it in others around me and been observing its effects for a long, long, time now.

    Most people think that Shame is a thing of the mind, Ed. Something that can be dealt with by thinking different.

    I've had no lack of such attempts to change my mind and relieve me of shame, Ed, but those didn't work for me.

    It's taken understanding what this shame is and how this disease got into me and all that, to really deal with it.

    You know, Ed, I've been not writing much about health matters these days to you, because I don't want to write like I used to before. People have gotten awake now Ed, to many things that were suppressed before. I don't need to write on those topics anymore. What I want to record, Ed, is the dark stuff of the hells I've been through. I want that humans know that when we're in the light, we're brighter than the light, that when we're in the dark, we're more badass than the darkness.

    I've found myself so, Ed, and I want to share what I've learned in the hell called Sexual Shame.

    Sexual Shame is Unnatural

    When I was eight, Ed, I was used in a torture ritual to cause extreme pain on every level and drain my blood filled with trauma hormones. They even injected blood right out of my heart when there was none left anywhere else. I experienced the worst cold one ever could, when that happened, and left my body in shock. I experienced being pulled by magnetism into what was like a tunnel, but a cloud of God held me tight and refused to let me go into it. I returned to my body and somehow continued my life, as if that afternoon had never happened.

    You know the story, Ed. It's in my book Spirit in all its gory details.

    But it was in the aftermath of that, when my brain had completely blocked out that it had even happened, that I began to experience Sexual Shame.

    I was eight then with no idea of what was sexuality etc. I grew up without TV, playing in the garden. In those days that's how it was. But I began to experience some sort of shame about my body that I could not understand.

    I began to notice shame in others then and what brought it on. I initially thought that it was related to underwear and private parts.

    As the years went by, I was stunned by where I saw shame show. In my mind I thought maybe people were most ashamed of being poor, wearing poor or torn clothes, victims of domestic violence putting make up on to hide their bruises, and that sort of thing.

    But in reality, all of that is nothing compared to the basic shame of sexuality.


    On a walk recently Ed, I was walking across this stretch of land that has ravines and flat land and little hillocks, all side by side. Like completely different eco systems existing just meters away from each other. This place we're living in, had a civilization and buildings of stone that got flooded in or something like that.

    Where buildings once stood, are heaps of rocks covered by shifting sands. There are very few big trees, Ed, because there's so much stone beneath, that bigger trees’ roots cannot penetrate through. So, it's mostly bushes and tall grass.

    But oh, how they grow. How they burst out at the first rain, Ed. How they leap at the sky.

    There's a grass, Ed, that leaves little burrs on our clothes as we walk by, sending its offspring out further.

    As Gabriel (my son) and I walked across, I wondered at how nature never feels sexual shame. You'll never find a plant not growing and blooming its best for any reason but actual lack of physical resources. You'll never find an animal not being sexual and reproducing for any reason but actually being prevented. They have no shame whatsoever Ed, in being the living being that they are and reproducing their kind.

    But we Ed, are made to carry sexual shame and restrict our own sexual energy, literally stunting our life force, pushing ourselves into depression, stunting our lives in every way.

    Are made to, Ed. It's no accidental thing. Let me explain.

    See Ed, sexual shame is unnatural. It's not natural. It is not a natural response to anything. It is not trauma. It is not a post trauma coping mechanism. It's critical for anyone wanting to end sexual shame in them to understand this. SEXUAL SHAME IS NOT NATURAL.

    A whole lot of faux cultures have been marketing sexual shame as natural and even desirable, just to keep control of the people. Because, if you can make a person feel ashamed and stunt their sexuality, you have got them restricted in every way. That simple.

    Sexual energy is what makes people grow and expand and find creative solutions to their problems and go beyond the limits set for them. It is basic life energy.

    Sexual shame stops all of that, makes a person a living, moving, vegetable; tied up in knots with no energy left to do anything but somehow exist in all those knots.

    So you see, sexual shame is a dependable way to control populations.

    These days they do it by shaming people with many children. Before this they shamed people getting pregnant before marriage. And you know what I'm talking about, Ed. Every human alive on earth has been made to feel ashamed at some point or the other of their sexuality.

    But the sexual shame I'm talking about runs even deeper Ed. Deeper than this mind level game - of saying too many babies is what's causing all the problems in this world. Deeper than that, Ed.

    You know Ed, the spiritual bondage of sexual shame actually IS natural for certain beings. Those who are not natural to our realm. Call them demons (I do), or call them whatever. They are not natural to our realm and therefore do not have the ability to interact with the earth, or elements of the universe in our realm. Their only method of interaction with the energy of the Earth, our realm is through us living beings and they have infiltrated our genome, making a fake race of fake humans.

    These demons in human bodies carry sexual shame, Ed, because they have no right to their own body.

    The body itself is sex, is sexuality, is sexual energy. The human body is NOT the representation of the demons or their nature. It is against everything that is their ethos. The human body is vulnerable, artistic, beautiful, sensitive and in sex, it is giving, receiving, sharing, nurturing, growing. This is all anti-demon. Demon is attacking, taking, destroying, exploiting. That's what they consider right and powerful. So when they're in human bodies they instinctively feel ashamed.

    The ethos of the human body is pleasure. The ethos of the demon etheric body is pain.

    This is a huge clash. The demon looks down on natural sexual pleasure; Is ashamed of it. The demon has entered the body to harvest energy for its egoic and its commune's egoic build-up.

    Natural human sexuality is as anti-ego as there is because it's about our merging with another. Sex is the natural end of the I.

    Meanwhile the human DNA itself has a problem with demon control. Human DNA itself carries the Spirit of God which constantly accuses the non-human energy field controlling it, of being an imposter. This adds to the sexual shame of the demon as it is constantly reminded that it has no rights to the body it is in.

    So sexual shame is natural for demons.

    What has happened is, because the majority of the world population is demons, the culture itself has become one of sexual shame and this is imposed on people as part of the group-consciousness if they want to fit in anywhere. Making self-deprecating jokes about your own sexuality, for example, will get you accepted into almost any working environment today, or even online on social media.

    Treating your own body and sexuality like a THING to be used any which way is also wildly popular.

    Breasts are called boobs, the womb is called a uterus, the lingam (I do not know any word in English that really respects it) is called dick, Johnny, and whichever demeaning name is available, the Yoni is called a cunt, which is a slur and insult.

    But I write this for the humans, Ed, the men and women, who are troubled by it, whose spirit does not accept it; whose real true life energy is suppressed because of it.

    We need to know that as humans, our body is our right.

    We've been conned by the mass consciousness, by religions and philosophies into thinking our body is our burden or a joke at best.

    One time, Ed, I wrote a poem of hate to my body.

    I don't know why you're still alive. I wish you had died then. Look what I've had to go through because you won't die. Four pages of that with detailed reasons. At the end I got the shock of my life, when I suddenly realized that my body is my soul. That my soul generated my body so I could experience what I had to. That my body is my LIFE expression. That I'm being so stupid, unfair, to judge it by whatever little my mind knew at the time.

    That without my body I was a nobody.

    The eternal life of the soul is so long Ed, and we judge it by a few years or decades as being good or bad.

    These are all the evil habits downloaded from the demon mass mindset.

    Our body is the ONLY way we can experience this realm, Ed. It is the growth and expression of the soul. It is as precious as the soul.

    And that is why we natural humans have a RIGHT to it and all of its faculties. Its instincts are holy and not up for debate.

    The natural human body is perfectly in sync with the human soul.

    For every feeling of our heart the body has an expression. We sing, dance, hug, kiss, cuddle, jump, run, crawl, sleep, wake, eat.... Everything Ed, everything, is expressing something of our soul. Perhaps the most glorious of it all, just like the most glorious thing in a plant's life is its flowering, and fruiting and making new plants, is our sexual expression.

    We have a right to it that no one can take away. We have the right to every stage in its progress, every nuance, every hidden and every open expression of our sexuality - from spirit attraction to a person, to holding our great grandchildren in our arms.

    To deal with sexual shame, Ed, we must thoroughly and properly change our mindset to respecting our body as the expression of our soul and affirm our right to our body and the fulfilment of all his or her instincts.

    Putting the needs of our soul-body first, Ed, above philosophies, above mental programming, makes a radical change for the better in energy levels and happiness.

    How to Actually Overcome Sexual Shame

    Ed, there was this man around when I was little. He was blind. He used to go around the streets of Cooke Town, Bangalore, carrying a picture of Mother Mary and a little altar hanging around his neck onto his chest, on which people could put money. He’d go around singing Ave Maria.

    Because he was blind, he couldn’t see if anyone was around listening or not. He would just sing. People from inside their gardens would watch him hobbling by, singing Ave Maria over and over, each

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