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The Dragon and The Princess
The Dragon and The Princess
The Dragon and The Princess
Ebook207 pages2 hours

The Dragon and The Princess

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What happens when a Dragon falls in love with a Princess? Princess Seraphina tests Draykor’s love through various trials, such as fighting other Dragons, Monsters, and Mythical Beasts for her kingdom. After each is defeated, Draykor takes Seraphina to be his own, claiming and breeding in hopes of impregnation. What will the realm think when the Princess enters pregnancy with the Draykor’s dragonlings? Can Seraphina ascend Queen if she rules beside a feared Dragon?

Contains straight, lesbian, dragon, and human sex, including impregnation and breeding.

PublisherJezebel Rose
Release dateDec 18, 2023
The Dragon and The Princess

Jezebel Rose

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    The Dragon and The Princess - Jezebel Rose

    The Dragon and The Princess

    Jezebel Rose


    This is a new erotic story with explicit themes involving paranormal sex. Intended for mature audiences. This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. All persons in this story are 18 or older. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Copyright © 2023 Jezebel Rose

    Visit the author’s website:

    The Neon Rose is a registered Trademark of Jezebel Rose as is her cover designs and written stories.

    The Dragon and The Princess

    What happens when a Dragon falls in love with a Princess? Princess Seraphina tests Draykor’s love through various trials, such as fighting other Dragons, Monsters, and Mythical Beasts for her kingdom. After each is defeated, Draykor takes Seraphina to be his own, claiming and breeding in hopes of impregnation. What will the realm think when the Princess enters pregnancy with the Draykor’s dragonlings? Can Seraphina ascend Queen if she rules beside a feared Dragon?

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

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    The Dragon and The Princess

    Chapter 1

    Eldoria was a land of enchantment, where nature basked in eternal springtime, its lush forests glowing with vibrant green hues and its sparkling waterfalls cascading down from towering peaks, their mist mingling with the ethereal clouds that drifted lazily across the sky. The air was alive with the sweet scent of blooming flowers and the melodic chirping of birds, their songs accompanied by the rustling of wind through the leaves. The realm's inhabitants were equally as captivating as its surroundings; elves, fairies, and other magical creatures roamed freely, their essence weaving a tapestry of wonder and magic into every aspect of life. In the heart of this paradise stood the castle of the kingdom, a glittering beacon of power and prestige that could be seen from miles away.

    Princess Seraphina gazed out over her kingdom from the grand balcony of her chambers, her eyes reflecting the azure skies above. Her lithe figure moved with grace as she paced back and forth, hands clasped tightly behind her back. The sun danced off her golden-brown locks, flowing effortlessly down her back like a river of honeyed silk, drawing attention to her regal stature. Her ethereal beauty seemed to echo the magic woven into the very fabric of Eldoria. She was the embodiment of perfection, a shining beacon of hope for all who lived within its borders.

    As she watched the elves below, tending to their gardens or frolicking in the meadows, she couldn't help but feel a sense of longing. She yearned to join them, to feel the earth beneath her bare feet and the wind on her skin. But duty bound her, trapping her within these castle walls. Marriage proposals from foreign kingdoms littered her chambers, yet none could compare to the man who truly held her heart, the one she had loved from afar - a human named Odin, who ventured into Eldoria years ago and ignited a passion within her unlike anything she'd ever known. He had been her only lover, their union forbidden but undeniable, their connection unbreakable.

    Seraphina sighed deeply, turning away from the view and walking towards her ornate four-poster bed. Her chambers were adorned with tapestries woven with enchanted tales, and the rich scent of jasmine filled the air, making it difficult to forget his touch and taste. Her breath hitched as she thought of him, his rough hands on her hips and the devastating way he had claimed her. She couldn't shake the memories; they etched themselves onto her soul like a permanent ink. Knowing she could never bear children, she longed to feel life growing within her, to feel the stirrings of new life within her womb.

    Her thoughts drifted to their final encounter when she'd beseeched him to breed her, to leave his human world behind and join her in Eldoria. His warm lips upon hers one last time before his disappearance ...the loss of him still stung like a fresh wound. Seraphina collapsed onto the bed, tears falling silently onto the silken sheets, cursing her life and unending longing for this impossible love.

    With a shaky breath, she rose once more and made her way towards the library—the one place where she found solace in Eldoria's ancient history. The palace library was a magnificent hall filled with towering shelves of bound knowledge from across the realm. The soft glow of countless candles cast flickering shadows across the walls, dancing with every slight movement. Seraphina ran her fingers along the aged parchment of a book about the kingdom's founding, her ravenous curiosity piqued by tales of adventure and exploration. The scent of old paper combined with the essence of magic was intoxicating.

    Seraphina heart raced as she scanned the shelves, searching for any mention of him. Perhaps there was some clue or hint as to where he might be. Each page held treasured secrets, but none spoke of him. She sank to her knees in desperation, skimming through dusty tomes, each one a constant reminder of what she couldn't have. The silence was broken only by the whisper of pages turning and an occasional crackle of fireplace embers. She imagined sharing this moment with him, exploring these histories together, debating the significance of each event. The library was stifling, her desire for adventure suffocating.

    Seraphina stood abruptly, her determination renewed. She longed for adventure and to break free from the confines of royal expectations that had kept her captive within these walls. She began to pace, deliberating over possible escape routes. The lush gardens beyond the library's doors called to her, their scent wafting through the open window. A cool breeze rustled through the branches, stirring up the delicate petals of the enchanted flowers that bloomed under the moonlight.

    She couldn't contain her restless energy anymore, feeling confined by her gilded cage. Seraphina crept towards the exit, her gown whispering against the stone floor. The halls were quiet, but she could hear the distant echo of servants' voices and the clinking of cutlery from the banquet hall. She raced down corridors, feeling the cool marble beneath her bare feet. Her breath came in short gasps as she navigated her way through twisting passageways, each turn leading her closer to freedom.

    Finally, she reached the garden gates, unlatching them with trembling hands. The air outside was thick with magic, alive with possibility. The moon cast an ethereal glow over the sparkling waterfall, its waters dancing like diamonds in the night sky. Seraphina took a deep breath, inhaling the sweet scent of roses and jasmine. The cool night air caressed her skin, her heart racing as if it were trying to escape its cage. She sprinted towards the cascading waters, feeling the earth beneath her feet, alive with ancient power.

    Her thoughts drifted to him - the mysterious stranger who had ignited her passion for life. His rugged features etched into her memory, his strong embrace branding her soul. In that moment, she knew she'd risk anything for love—even her crown.

    She dove into the waterfall, the cool spray refreshing against her flushed skin, as she vanished into the darkness of the forest beyond, leaving her old life behind.

    Suddenly, she was jolted awake by a loud crash. Bolting upright in bed, heart pounding wildly, she took a moment to remember where she was—the palace library. The scent of aged parchment filled her nostrils, reminding her of the ancient tomes that lined the shelves. The soft glow of candlelight flickered across the room, casting shadows on the vaulted ceiling. Seraphina forced herself to calm down, trying to shake off the vivid dream of the dragon that consumed her thoughts.

    Her fingers trailed along the spines of dusty books, searching for something to distract her. She stumbled upon an old tome with cracked leather binding, its spine creaking as she opened it. Inside were drawings of mythical creatures and ancient runes, the words faded but legible. As she read about the prophecy of the dragon's rider, her heart raced. It was as if the gods themselves were speaking directly to her. The prophecy spoke of a chosen one who would tame the great beast, bringing peace to Eldoria and beyond.

    Her breath came faster as she turned page after page, the symbols swirling before her eyes. The words were like a drug, feeding her craving for adventure and purpose. She couldn't tear her eyes away from the text, her mind spinning with possibilities. This was what she had been waiting for—a chance to make a difference. To break free from the confines of her gilded cage and explore the world beyond the palace walls.

    She dropped to her knees, lost in thought, absorbing every word. The prophecy resonated with her, making her ache for the unknown. The candlelight danced on the parchment, casting eerie shadows across her face. Seraphina couldn't shake the feeling that the gods were watching her, waiting for her to answer their call.

    The more she read, the more she realized the prophecy was real. She could feel the dragon's power pulsing through the pages, calling to her. Her mind drifted back to the dream, the dragon's shimmering scales now replaced by the crackling of the parchment. The heat of its breath became the warmth emanating from the candles that lit her way.

    Seraphina closed her eyes, imagining herself soaring through the sky on the dragon's back, its muscular form beneath her. The power she imagined coursing through her veins was intoxicating, and she longed for it more than anything. She whispered the words of the prophecy aloud, a shiver running down her spine.

    As she spoke the incantation, a strange energy filled the room, causing the candle flames to flicker wildly. A wave of dizziness washed over her, and she fell back onto the floor, the ancient tome open on her chest.

    In the silence, Seraphina heard the dragon's roar echoing in her mind. It was coming for her, calling to her. She had no choice but to answer its call.

    Late into the night, Seraphina found herself back in her chamber, the dream still vivid in her mind. She could taste the dragon's fire on her tongue, feel its hot breath on her skin. The desire to be with it, to be one with it, was overwhelming. She couldn't deny the pull anymore. It was as if it were a part of her very being.

    Confused and curious, she sought out her trusted advisor, Lady Eleanor. The old woman's wise eyes met Seraphina's, a knowing glint in their depths. My dear, you've found the prophecy, she said softly, her voice filled with both nurturing and concern.

    Seraphina nodded shakily, recounting the events of the day. Lady Eleanor listened intently, her wrinkled face showing the weight of the news. It seems the gods have chosen you, she finally said, her voice hushed. You must follow your heart, my princess.

    Seraphina looked up at her mentor, hoping for guidance. But what does it all mean? And why now? She barely whispered.

    The old woman patted her hand gently. The prophecy speaks of a dragon rider, someone who would tame the most powerful creature in Eldoria. Someone who would bring balance to our world, Lady Eleanor explained. You must go to the dragon's lair, find him, and fulfill your destiny.

    Seraphina felt a shiver run down her spine at the thought. The dream rushed back to her mind, the heat of the dragon's breath, its massive form looming over hers. She could almost hear its roar echoing in the halls of the castle. But how do I know it's real? she asked worriedly.

    Your heart knows, Lady Eleanor replied firmly. And you've always listened to it before. This is no different.

    As night fell on the castle, Seraphina made her decision. She dressed in leather armor, strapping a short sword to her waist and tying her hair tightly back. Her heart raced with equal parts fear and excitement as she made her way through the dense forest toward the dragon's lair. The air grew thick with anticipation as she drew nearer, the sound of leaves crunching underfoot echoing through the silence. A sudden burst of flame lit up the darkness, revealing the dragon's majestic form before her. It roared, fire dancing in its throat, and Seraphina couldn't help but feel a rush of adrenaline course through her veins.

    She approached cautiously, slowly making her way towards the beast. Its scales shimmered in the firelight, reflecting every hue of red and orange, mesmerizing her. Its eyes locked onto her, and momentarily, they seemed to communicate something deeper than words could express. Seraphina felt herself drawn to it, helpless against the pull of destiny. The dragon let out a low growl, its hot breath washing over her skin, as she gently touched its snout. With a powerful flap of its wings, they were airborne, soaring high above the treetops, bonding together as one.

    Back in her chamber, Seraphina paced back and forth, unable to shake the vivid memory of the dream from her mind. The dragon's heat lingered on her skin, and she couldn't help but wonder if it was more than just a dream - if perhaps the prophecy held some truth. She needed answers, and there was only one person she could trust with such secrets - someone who knew Eldoria's ancient lore better than anyone else. With a deep breath, she knocked on the door of her trusted advisor and mentor, Lady Eleanor's chambers.

    Lady Eleanor looked up from her work, a frown creasing her brow as she saw the anxiety etched on her pupil's face. Princess Seraphina, what has you so troubled?

    Seraphina took a seat across from her, her hands trembling slightly. Lady Eleanor, I had a dream...It was unlike anything I've ever experienced before, she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. A dragon - it seemed so real.

    Lady Eleanor listened intently, her eyes widening as Seraphina recounted the dream, recognizing the signs of destiny when she heard them. Tell me more, she urged when the princess fell silent. Seraphina detailed every moment, from the dragon's fiery breath to their

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