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Elvis Presley still had dreams
Elvis Presley still had dreams
Elvis Presley still had dreams
Ebook35 pages28 minutes

Elvis Presley still had dreams

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"Elvis Presley Still Had Dreams" is a captivating book that shows the legendary Elvis Presley in a fictional but profound light. It is based on extensive research and well-known facts, giving readers a unique insight into the life of this music icon.
The story begins on a pivotal night in Elvis' life, when he awakens from a nightmare and makes a groundbreaking decision that could change his fate. With only his father and doctor as confidants, who promise to keep him quiet, he embarks on a hopeful emotional journey. This book invites the reader to ask themselves, "What if Elvis had taken a different path?
This story is more than just a story about a famous musician, it is a tribute to a person who, despite his status as a superstar, faced everyday challenges and desires. With sincere devotion and deep understanding of Elvis Presley's character and life's work, the author has created a work that appeals not only to his fans, but also to lovers of captivating biographies and human destinies. This book is an opportunity to experience Elvis Presley not only as the "King of Rock'n Roll" but also as a person who sought happiness, love and recognition. It is an inspiring read that shows how, despite fame and success, one person faces the same challenges, dreams and desires as all of us. By illuminating the many facets of Elvis' personality - his passion, his charisma, his willingness to help, his desire to bring joy to others, to name just a few - this book offers a profound and moving experience. Readers will not only be entertained, but inspired and touched as they explore the "what if" moments in Elvis' life.
Elvis Presley Still Had Dreams is an essential book for anyone interested in the fascinating story behind one of the greatest music legends of all time. It's an addition to any book collection and a perfect gift for music lovers, history buffs, and anyone drawn to extraordinary human stories.
Release dateDec 18, 2023
Elvis Presley still had dreams

Andrea Mariadas

"Andrea Mariadas, geboren 1967 in Bochum-Wattenscheid, vereint in ihrer beeindruckenden Vita eine tiefe menschliche Einsicht mit beruflicher Expertise. Als Mutter einer Tochter versteht sie die Facetten des menschlichen Lebens aus einer persönlichen Perspektive. Ihre Karriere begann beim Landgericht Wuppertal als Justizangestellte, eine Position, die ihr einen einzigartigen Einblick in menschliche Schicksale und die Komplexität des Lebens gewährte. Dieser Einblick in die menschliche Natur wurde durch ihre Ausbildung zur psychologischen Beraterin weiter vertieft, wodurch sie ein umfassendes Verständnis für emotionale Dynamiken und zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen entwickelte. Ihre Nebentätigkeit als pädagogische Mitarbeiterin auf einem Wuppertaler Gymnasium erweiterte ihr Spektrum an Erfahrungen und ermöglichte ihr, jüngere Generationen und ihre Sichtweisen zu verstehen. Diese Kombination aus juristischem Einblick, psychologischem Verständnis und pädagogischer Erfahrung prädestiniert Mariadas als eine Autorin, die komplexe Charaktere und Lebensgeschichten mit Authentizität und Tiefe darstellen kann. Schon seit ihrer Kindheit von einer unbändigen Phantasie angetrieben, hat sie sich stets Gedanken über den Sinn des Lebens und menschliche Schicksale gemacht. Ihre Leidenschaft für das Schreiben, gepaart mit ihrer lebensfrohen, wissbegierigen und vielseitig interessierten Natur, ermöglicht es ihr, Geschichten zu erschaffen, die sowohl tiefgründig als auch inspirierend sind. Ihr kreativer Geist findet sich nicht nur in ihren schriftstellerischen Werken, sondern auch in anderen kreativen Bereichen wieder, was ihre Fähigkeit unterstreicht, komplexe Themen auf vielfältige Weise zu vermitteln. Inspiriert durch das Schicksal eines Menschen, begann sie vor einiger Zeit wieder mit dem Schreiben und vollendete ihr erstes Werk. Ihre Auseinandersetzung mit menschlichen Schicksalen und Werten, gepaart mit ihrem beruflichen und persönlichen Hintergrund, macht Andrea Mariadas zu einer Autorin, die in der Lage ist, eine Geschichte wie die von Elvis Presley mit Einfühlungsvermögen, Tiefgang und einem reichen Verständnis für die menschliche Psyche zu erzählen. Leser können sicher sein, dass sie in ihrem Buch "Elvis Presley hatte noch Träume" eine Geschichte finden, die sowohl authentisch als auch tief berührend ist."

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    Book preview

    Elvis Presley still had dreams - Andrea Mariadas


    The awakening

    He woke up in horror and immediately knew: It cannot carry on like this! How did he know? He only knew that he was alive and breathing.

    Immediately he stood up and tumbled into the bathroom. He leaned on the sink and for a moment he looked into the mirror. What he observed he didn´t like, not in a long time! That is not me he thought and freshened up with a handful of water, another and another until he could clearly think again. He sat down on the floor and buried his face in his hands. He felt like tears wanted to well up in him and could not really hold them back.

    As he sat there, he asked himself, how could it have come to this? When did I lose control? Where has the lively part of me gone which was cheerful, curious, and full of energy? He saw himself walking down the street in his younger days, laughing and fidgeting, full of zest of action. For a brief moment he felt this clarity and certainty again, which he had always felt in himself, when he really wanted something. He briefly opened his eyes; they were full of tears. Immediately afterwards he closed them again and alternately ran his hands over his eyes to dry them. Then he saw his parents in front of him laughing and joking at each other; as his mum laid the table and they ate together. He never stopped missing her! But then he also saw her lying there with her eyes closed when she had already left him. Thiat was the moment everything in his life had changed and he cried. Back then he did not have much time to mourn. He previously had been called up as a soldier. His mother partly lived through his basic training, and it bothered her. Soon after her death he was posted to Germany. He was in the public eye and had to pull himself together. She had always been his support, his motivation. He knew he could count on her one hundred percent. She would have understood, comforted him and built him up. She would not have been able to cope with him feeling so bad because since birth they had a particularly close connection. And nothing had ever changed about that. Suddenly he

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