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Happy Cats
Happy Cats
Happy Cats
Ebook141 pages1 hour

Happy Cats

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About this ebook

"Happy Cats" is a book that explores the world of cats and how we can ensure they are happy in our homes. Based on research and personal experiences, this book provides practical tips and advice on creating a healthy and stimulating environment for cats, promoting their physical and emotional well-being. From proper nutrition to the importance of environmental enrichment, "Happy Cats" is a comprehensive guide for all cat lovers who want to provide a happy and fulfilling life for their feline companions.

Throughout the pages of "Happy Cats," you will discover how to better understand cat behavior and meet their natural needs. You will learn about the importance of environmental enrichment, such as providing toys and activities that stimulate cats' hunting instincts, along with tips for creating a safe and comfortable space for them. Topics such as cat socialization, the importance of routine, and healthcare, including regular vet visits, will also be addressed.

Written in accessible language and filled with useful information, "Happy Cats" is an essential book for all cat owners who want to ensure a rich and happy life for their feline friends. Whether you are a new cat owner or someone who has lived with these animals for years, this book offers valuable guidance to ensure that your cat leads a healthy, balanced, and joyful life.

Release dateDec 18, 2023
Happy Cats

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    Happy Cats - Américo Moreira

    Happy Cats


    Americo Moreira

    1 - Introduction to Cats

    1.1 Origin of Cats

    Cats are fascinating and mysterious animals, and their origins date back thousands of years. It is believed that the first domesticated cats appeared in Ancient Egypt, around 4,000 BC. However, the history of cats does not only begin with their domestication, but also with their evolution as a species.

    The ancestors of modern domestic cats are wild felines such as the African wildcat (Felis lybica) and the European wildcat (Felis silvestris). These wild cats are found in various regions of the world, from Africa to Europe and Asia. They are solitary animals and have highly developed hunting skills.

    The first cats are believed to have been attracted to early human settlements due to the abundance of rodents, which were an easy food source. Humans may also have realized that cats were useful for controlling the rodent population, thus protecting their crops and stored food.

    In Ancient Egypt, cats were highly valued and considered sacred animals. They were associated with the goddess Bastet, the goddess of the home, fertility and protection. The Egyptians believed that cats possessed magical powers and were able to ward off evil spirits. Cats were so revered that their deaths were mourned and they were often mummified and buried with honors.

    The domestication of cats occurred gradually over the centuries. Wild cats began to approach human settlements in search of food and shelter. Humans, in turn, began to tolerate the presence of cats and benefit from their hunting abilities. Over time, cats became increasingly dependent on humans and began to breed in greater numbers in close proximity to human communities.

    selection also played an important role in the evolution of domestic cats. Cats with more friendly and sociable characteristics were preferred by humans and had a better chance of surviving and reproducing. As the generations passed, cats became increasingly adapted to life in human environments.

    The domestication of cats spread throughout the world, driven by trade and maritime exploration. Cats were taken to different regions by navigators and traders, helping to control the rodent population on ships and in new settlements. Thus, cats spread throughout Europe, Asia and other parts of the world.

    Today, there are several breeds of cats, each with its own distinct characteristics. These breeds were developed through selective breeding to emphasize certain physical or behavioral characteristics. However, all cat breeds have a common origin in wild felines.

    Cats are incredible animals that have captured people's hearts throughout history. Its origin dates back thousands of years, from wild felines to the domestic cats we know today. The domestication of cats was a gradual process, driven by interaction with humans and natural selection. Cats are true companions and provide us with joy, love and companionship in our lives.

    1.2 Cat Breeds

    Cats are fascinating animals and full of personality. Over the centuries, they have been domesticated and bred in different regions of the world, resulting in a wide variety of cat breeds. Each breed has unique characteristics, both in terms of physical appearance and temperament. In this section, we will explore some of the most popular and interesting cat breeds.

    1 - Persian


    The Persian cat is one of the best known and loved breeds in the world. They are known for their long, lush fur, flat face, and large, expressive eyes. Persians are calm and affectionate cats, who love receiving affection and attention. They are great companions and adapt well to calm and peaceful environments.

    - Siamese


    The Siamese breed is famous for its elegant and distinctive appearance. They have a slender body, intense blue eyes and short, soft fur. Siamese cats are highly intelligent and communicative cats who love interacting with their owners. They are known for being vocal and expressing their opinions clearly. Siamese are sociable animals and get along well with other pets.

    - Maine Coon

    Maine Coon.jpg

    The Maine Coon is one of the largest domestic cat breeds. They have a robust body, long, thick fur, and a long, furry tail. Maine Coons are friendly and sociable cats who love the company of their owners. They are known for being playful and intelligent, and are often compared to dogs due to their loyal and affectionate behavior.

    - Bengal


    The Bengal cat is a relatively new breed, which was developed by crossing domestic cats and Asian leopards. They have an exotic coat, with spots and stripes similar to those of a leopard. Bengals are active and energetic cats who love to play and explore. They are highly intelligent and can learn tricks and commands easily.


    - Sphynx


    The Sphynx cat is known for its unique appearance as they do not have hair. Your skin is soft and warm to the touch. Despite not having hair, Sphynx are very affectionate and sociable cats. They love being around their owners and are known for being excellent companions. Due to their lack of hair, Sphynx require special skin care, such as regular bathing and protection from the sun.

    - Ragdoll


    The Ragdoll is a cat breed known for its calm and docile personality. They have a large, muscular body, with a long, soft coat. Ragdolls are extremely affectionate cats and get along well with children and other pets. They are known for completely relaxing when picked up, hence the name Ragdoll, which means rag doll in English.

    - Scottish Fold

    Scottish Fold.jpg

    The Scottish Fold breed is characterized by their ears folded forward, which gives them a unique and adorable appearance. They have a medium body, short fur and large, round eyes. Scottish Folds are friendly and sociable cats who love the company of their owners. They are known for being playful and get along well with children and other pets.

    These are just some of the many cat breeds that exist. Each of them has its own characteristics and peculiarities, which makes living with cats even more interesting and rewarding. If you are thinking about adopting a cat, it is important to research the different breeds and choose the one that best suits your lifestyle and personal preferences. Remember, regardless of breed, all cats deserve love, care and a happy home.

    1.3 Cat Behavior

    Cats are fascinating and mysterious animals, known for their independence and peculiar behavior. In this section, we will explore the behavior of cats and better understand how they communicate, interact and behave in different situations.

    Feline Communication

    Cats have their own language to communicate with other cats and humans. They use a combination of vocalizations, body postures, and facial expressions to convey their emotions and intentions.

    One of the most common ways cats communicate is through vocalizations. They can meow, purr, growl, hiss and even scream in certain situations. Each type of vocalization has a different meaning, and cats learn to interpret these sounds as babies.

    In addition to vocalizations, cats also communicate through their body postures. For example, when a cat is relaxed and confident, it may lie on its back, exposing its belly. On the other hand, when a cat is feeling threatened or aggressive, it may arch its back, raise its fur, and snort.

    Facial expressions also play an important role in feline communication. Cats may slowly blink their eyes to show affection and trust, while wide eyes and back ears can indicate fear or aggression.

    Instinctive Behaviors

    Cats have a series of instinctive behaviors that are common to all felines. For example, they have a habit of sharpening their claws by scratching surfaces, which helps keep their nails sharp and also demarcates territory. Therefore, it is important to provide suitable scratching posts for cats, preventing them from damaging furniture and objects in the house.

    Another instinctive behavior of cats is hunting. Even domestic cats, which are fed regularly, still have the instinct to chase and capture prey. Therefore, it is common to see cats playing with toys that simulate prey, such as stuffed mice or balls.

    Cats are also territorial animals and have the habit of demarcating their territory by marking them with urine and scratching. This is a form of communication with other cats, indicating that that space is already occupied. It is important to provide cats with suitable places to mark, such as litter boxes and scratching posts, to prevent them from doing so in unwanted locations.

    Social Behavior

    Although cats are known for their independence, they are also social animals and form affectionate bonds with their owners and other pets. Some cats are more sociable and like to interact with people, while

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