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A Course in Miracles, Children's Edition: Truth made simple for young minds.
A Course in Miracles, Children's Edition: Truth made simple for young minds.
A Course in Miracles, Children's Edition: Truth made simple for young minds.
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A Course in Miracles, Children's Edition: Truth made simple for young minds.

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Introduce your child to their lifelong transformative journey of self-discovery, helping them to start early with 'A Course in Miracles, Children's Edition.' This enchanting adaptation reproduces the profound teachings of ACIM Text, Workbook, and Manual, including all 365 lessons, and weaves them into a delightful tapestry of simplicity tailored for children of all ages. Whether you're a curious newcomer or a seasoned student, these lessons distill the core essence of ACIM's wisdom, love, and understanding into easily digestible gems. Through colorful stories and engaging activities, this book unlocks the universe's timeless wisdom, inviting young minds to embrace the power of forgiveness, compassion, and mind-training in their daily lives.

This text does not intend to replace, but serves as a bridge for young hearts in understanding the main concepts of 'A Course in Miracles.' May you, your child, and all readers reach the other side and discover the ancient path to inner peace and cosmic union, which knows no age, as we proceed to illuminate the way to awaken and experience the miracles within.
Release dateOct 7, 2023
A Course in Miracles, Children's Edition: Truth made simple for young minds.

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    A Course in Miracles, Children's Edition - Rev. Devan Jesse Byrne

    Text introduction

    A Course In Miracles, Children’s Edition

    Discovering the Peace of Love.

    Hey there, little friend! Have you ever heard of something called

    A Course in Miracles? It might sound a bit tricky, but don't worry; we're going to make it super easy to understand!

    Imagine it's like going to a magical school, and everyone has to go to it, but you get to choose when you want to go. That's what voluntary means – you decide when it's the right time for you.

    Now, here's the fun part: you don't get to decide what you'll learn there. Nope, that's already been set. But you do get to pick which lessons you want to learn at any given time. It's like choosing your favorite ice cream flavor – you have options!

    But here's the super-duper important thing: This school isn't about teaching you what love is because real love is actually a big, amazing thing that's kinda hard to explain. Instead, it's all about helping you find and feel that love inside yourself.

    You know how sometimes you might feel scared or worried? Well, this school wants to help you get rid of those feelings. Fear is like the opposite of love, but love is so big and awesome that it actually doesn't have an opposite.

    So, here's our first mystical phrase to remember from this school:

    "Nothing real can be threatened.

    Nothing unreal exists.

    Herein lies the Peace of God."

    This phrase is like a secret code for finding happiness and feeling loved and we are going to learn how to break it. In a way it means that all the good and real stuff in life can't be hurt or taken away, and all the not-so-good stuff doesn't really matter. Isn't that cool?

    So, my young friend, A Course in Miracles is like your guide to discovering the amazing power of love and finding perfect and complete peace inside yourself. Like a treasure hunt for happiness, and you get to pick the path that works best for you. Doesn’t that sound fun?

    Keep being your wonderful self, and here you will discover that love is always with you, making you feel safe and happy. Now, let us begin this journey of spreading love and miracles in the world!


    Introduction to Miracles


    1. Miracles Are Like Magical Surprises.

    Imagine you have a box of colorful toys, like toy cars and teddy bears. Now, think about how cool it would be if all these toys could come to life and play with you whenever you wanted. Well, that's kind of like miracles! Miracles are like magical surprises, and they're all equally amazing because they come from something super special – love!

    2. The Super Important Source.

    Think of miracles like super cool presents you get on your birthday. You love the presents, right? But what makes them even more awesome is knowing that someone who cares about you gave them to you. That's what matters with miracles too – it's not just the miracle itself, but the love that makes it happen, which is even more incredible!

    3. Miracles Are Love in Action.

    Picture this: When your parents give you a big hug when you're feeling sad, that's like a miracle because it makes you feel better, right? Well, miracles are like that hug, but even more magical! They happen because of love, and anything that comes from love is like a super-duper miracle.

    4. God and the Gift of Life.

    You know how you have your favorite superhero? Well, think of God as the ultimate superhero who gives us the gift of life. It's like having a special guide who helps us know what's right and how to make the world a better place.

    5. Miracles Are Like Awesome Habits.

    Imagine if you could do a good deed every day without even thinking about it, like smiling at a new friend or helping someone tie their shoelaces. That's what miracles should be like – like good habits that come from your heart, not because you have to, but because you want to be kind.

    6. When Things Feel Just Right.

    Sometimes, when you try to put together a puzzle, and all the pieces fit perfectly, it feels amazing, right? Well, that's how the world should be when miracles happen – everything should feel just right. If it doesn't, it's like something's missing, and we want the world to be full of miracles!

    7. Everybody Deserves Miracles.

    Imagine if everyone could have a delicious piece of cake at a birthday party. That's what miracles are like – everyone should get to enjoy them because they make life better. But before we can have lots of miracles, it's like we need to clean our hearts and be extra kind to others.

    8. Miracles Are Like Super Healing Hugs.

    Imagine you have lots of toys, and your friend doesn't have as many. When you share your toys with your friend, it's like giving them a big, magical hug. Miracles are like those hugs. They happen when someone who has a lot of love shares it with someone who needs some extra love to feel better.

    9. Miracles Are Magical Trades of Love.

    Think of miracles as special trades, like trading your peanut butter sandwich for your friend's jelly sandwich because you both love different things. Miracles are like trading love, and when you do that, it's like a love explosion! It makes both the giver and receiver feel super happy.

    10. Miracles Aren't Show-Offs.

    Sometimes people try to use miracles to show off and make others believe in something special. But that's not really what miracles are about. They're like secret love messages meant for people who already believe in love and kindness.

    11. Prayer Is Like Talking to a Friend.

    Imagine you have a friend who lives far away, but you can talk to them on the phone anytime you want. That's a bit like prayer. It's like talking to a really, really good friend who loves you a lot. And when you pray, it's like sharing that love with your friend. Miracles are the way that love shows up in the world when we talk to our special friend.

    12. Miracles Are Like Super Thoughts.

    You know how when you have a great idea, it feels like a light bulb goes off in your head? Well, miracles are like those special ideas, but even more magical! They're like thoughts that make the world a better and kinder place.

    13. Miracles Are Like Time Travelers.

    Sometimes, it seems like time only goes in one direction, from past to present to future, like reading a book. But miracles are like time travelers. They can go back in the story and make things better. It's like a magical way of starting over and making everything awesome.

    14. Miracles Are Truth Tellers.

    Imagine you have a friend who always tells you the truth, just like your parents do. When they say something, you know it's real. Miracles are like those truthful friends. They're super convincing because they come from people who truly believe in love. When you really believe in love, amazing things can happen!

    15. Time, Miracles, and Learning Fun.

    Time is like a big clock that helps us do amazing things every day. Imagine if every day was like a magical adventure filled with miracles. Miracles are like special surprises that make us really happy. Time is our special helper, like a teacher, showing us how to use it wisely. It's like a big puzzle piece that helps us learn and grow. But you know what's super cool? Time won't last forever; it will stop when we've learned all the amazing things it can teach us.

    16. The Magical Power of Miracles.

    Miracles are like super-duper special moments when something really amazing happens. You know what's awesome about them? They teach us that sharing and giving are like magic! When you share a toy or a hug with a friend, it makes you feel super strong inside, like a superhero! And guess what? It makes your friend feel strong and happy too, just like magic! So, miracles are like secret spells of kindness that make both the giver and the receiver feel super special and strong. Isn't that cool?

    17. Miracles: The Magical Disappearing Act.

    Miracles are like when you have a magic cape, and with a whoosh, you disappear, just like a magician on stage! It's not really about your body; it's about your spirit going on a secret adventure to a place where everything is more awesome and amazing. Imagine if you could escape to a land of super-duper fun where everything feels better and happier. That's what miracles do! They make all the not-so-great stuff go away, like turning a frown into a big, giggly smile.

    18. Miracles: Super-Duper Acts of Kindness.

    Imagine a miracle as the most incredible super-duper service one person can do for another. It's like when a superhero swoops in to save the day, but even more amazing! When someone performs a miracle, they are showing love for their neighbor just like they love themselves. It's like saying, You are super special, and I am super special too! Miracles remind us that everyone is incredibly valuable, and when someone does a miracle, they're showing how much they care about making the world a better and happier place.

    19. Miracles and Magic Minds in God's Playground.

    Let's talk about miracles and how they make our minds feel all warm and fuzzy in God's super awesome playground. You see, miracles are like the magic glue that connects our minds with God's big, loving heart. They happen when we all work together like a fantastic team because we're all part of God's amazing family. Miracles don't care about boring old time; they're all about forever and ever stuff!

    20. Miracles: The Magical Truth Detector.

    Let's chat about miracles, those super-duper magical moments that remind us of something amazing. You know, they help us see that our spirit, which is like our super-secret truth detector, is way more important than our body. It's like having a special superpower! When we realize this, it's like unlocking a treasure chest full of healing power. Miracles are like little sparks of magic that help us remember that our spirit is the key to making everything better. So, next time you feel a miracle happening, remember it's like your very own truth detector lighting up the path to happiness!

    21. Miracles: Super-Forgiveness Superpowers.

    Let's talk about miracles, which are like your super-forgiveness superpowers! Imagine forgiving someone when they do something not-so-nice, like a superhero forgiving a villain. Miracles happen when we use this amazing power to say, I forgive you! not just to make things better for ourselves, but also for others. It's like passing on a big, warm hug from God to our friends and even to people we might not know very well. So, when you see a miracle, remember it's like spreading super-forgiveness everywhere, and that makes the world a happier and kinder place for everyone!

    22. Miracles and the Not-So-Tricky Hiding Game.

    Let's explore the world of miracles and this funny thing called hiding. Imagine that sometimes we get scared because we think darkness can hide things from us, like when you can't find your favorite toy in a dark room. But guess what? Miracles are like a magical flashlight that helps us see through the dark!

    First, we learn that darkness can't really hide anything, even if it seems a bit scary at first. That's the first step, and it might make us a little scared, like when you play hide-and-seek and can't find your friends. But then, the second step is super cool! We realize there's nothing we want to hide, not even if we could! It's like saying, I'm not afraid anymore, because I'm awesome just the way I am! So, when you understand these two steps, you can escape from fear and be the fearless adventurer you were born to be!

    23. Miracles: The Great Puzzle Solvers.

    Miracles are like the magical pieces that help us see everything in the right way. Imagine a jigsaw puzzle where the pieces were all mixed up; that would be pretty confusing, right? Well, sometimes our thoughts and feelings get all mixed up too, and that can make us feel not-so-great. But guess what? Miracles come to the rescue!

    They rearrange how we see things, just like putting puzzle pieces in their correct spots. This makes us feel better at every level, like when you're not feeling well, and a warm hug makes you feel better. When you're super honest about how you feel and what you think, it's like saying, I'm okay with being me! That's when you really understand peace and joy, and you can share that with others too.

    You might still have lots to learn, just like when you're figuring out a new game, but that's okay because learning is super fun! And when you're all balanced, you can teach others as much as you learn, like sharing your cool toys.

    24. You're a Super Miracle Maker.

    Did you know that miracles are like superpowers that can help heal the sick and even bring back the pretend-dead stuff? It's because we have this incredible ability to fix things we made go wrong in the first place, like when we build a tower of blocks and it falls down, but then we can build it back up even taller!

    You see, everything that's not nice, like being sick or feeling really sad, we sort of made it up ourselves, like making up a not-so-fun story. But guess what? You are so amazing that you can create things just like your super-awesome Creator! So, all those not-so-nice things are just like silly dreams that aren't real. Only the stuff filled with light and love, the things you create with your heart, those are the real treasures.

    25. Miracles: The Super Chain of Forgiveness.

    Let's talk about something super cool called miracles and how they're like puzzle pieces that fit together to make something awesome called Atonement. Imagine Atonement as a big, magical jigsaw puzzle, and each miracle you do is like a piece that makes the picture complete. And guess what? This puzzle works not just here but in all the cool dimensions of time, like different adventures in a video game!

    Now, there's a superhero, and that's me! I'm here to help you with Atonement, just in case you need a hand. When you share a miracle with someone, it's like sharing a piece of this puzzle with them, and guess what? You're not just helping them; you're helping yourself and me too! I'm here at the end of the puzzle to make sure everything turns out awesome. My job is to erase all the not-so-nice stuff that happens because people forget to love each other. Instead of calling it sin, we should say lack of love because that sounds much nicer, right? There are no real monsters or threats, just stuff people made up.

    26. Miracles: Freedom from Fear and Super-Duper Helpers.

    Hey there, little freedom seeker! Miracles are like the coolest superhero cape that helps us break free from fear. You know what atonement really means? It means undoing, just like when you unlace your shoes. So, when we do miracles, we're like magic shoelace untiers for fear!

    The whole point of atonement is to bring back everything to you, like finding all your favorite toys that you forgot you had. You see, when you were made, you got a treasure chest of everything, just like everyone else. When you remember this, you become a superhero too, part of a big team called Atonement! We're all on a super-duper mission to spread love and make things right.

    Our mission slogan is Listen, learn, and DO! First, we listen to the kind voice inside us (that's like our superhero mentor). Then, we learn to fix mistakes, just like learning a new game. And finally, we DO something to make things better, like sharing a cookie with a friend. You know what's awesome? The power to do miracles is already inside you! I'll give you chances to use it, but you need to be ready and willing, like a brave knight getting ready for a quest.

    27. Miracles: God's Super Special Gifts for Everyone.

    Imagine miracles as super special gifts that come from God, through you, to all your friends and everyone in the world! It's like being a super magical delivery person, but instead of packages, you deliver love and happiness.

    You see, when you forgive someone for something they did, it's like giving them a big, warm hug from your heart. And guess what? It's also a superpower because it makes you feel happy too! Back in the day, Jesus told his friends to be like doctors, but not just for the body; they were doctors for the heart and soul too. They helped others feel better on the inside and outside, just like a superhero nurse!

    But here's the coolest part: they also learned to heal themselves and knew that Jesus would always be there to support them. Being kind and forgiving is like a superhero's job, and it's what we're all meant to do because we're all part of God's amazing family.

    28. Miracles and Revelations: The Epic Mind Adventure.

    Let's go on a super cool adventure into the world of miracles and revelations. Imagine your mind as a giant tower with different levels, just like in a video game!

    So, miracles are like magical treasures hidden in the basement of your mind, the secret, super cool part. They help us feel super close to others, like when you and your best friend share secrets! On the other hand, revelations are like special messages from the attic, the highest part of your mind, where all the wisdom lives.

    But guess what? The main floor, your conscious level, is right in the middle. It's like the controller in a game, reacting to what happens on the basement and attic levels. It's where you make choices and do things. Sometimes it can get a little mixed up, like when you press the wrong button in a game.

    Revelations make you feel super connected to God, like a cozy chat with the biggest friend ever! But don't try to find that same feeling in just physical things; it won't work! On the other hand, miracles bring people closer together, like when you share toys and have tons of fun!

    Now, here's the cool part: Both miracles and revelations are like magical experiences you have in your conscious level, even though they don't come from there. It's like using your controller to make your game character jump and explore exciting new levels. Remember, you can choose what to believe and what to do, and that shows what you believe in your heart.

    29. Miracles and Revelations: Fear-Busting Superpowers.

    Imagine fear like a big, dark cloud, and miracles are like superhero moves that help us kick that cloud away!

    Revelation is like a magical moment when the cloud is already gone, and everything feels super sunny. It's a bit like finding a hidden treasure chest filled with happiness. But here's the tricky part: revelation is so personal that it's like a secret language of the heart. It's so special that words can't really describe it, like trying to explain the taste of your favorite ice cream.

    Miracles, on the other hand, are like cool actions you can do to chase fear away. They're like a superhero saving the day! And right now, they're super important because they help us all work together and make the world a happier place. See, we can't just make fear disappear; we have to earn it by doing kind and brave things, just like superheroes!

    30. Magic Miracles That Make God Smile.

    Did you know that miracles are like special magic tricks that make God really happy? Yup, it's true! These magical moments happen when people do amazing things that show how much they love all the wonderful things God has made. You see, miracles happen when people remember that everything God created is just perfect the way it is. They also help make people feel better when they're sick by reminding them that they're more than just their bodies; they're like superheroes with super souls! Miracles even help put everything in the right order, like fixing a puzzle, so that everyone's spirit can talk to God directly. So, next time you see something truly incredible happen, just remember, it's like a little high-five from God, saying, Great job, my special friend.

    31. Miracles: The Amazing Gratitude Show.

    Miracles are like incredible thank-you notes to God. You know why? Because they remind us how special we are as God's children. Yep, we're super holy, just like superheroes! Sometimes, our holiness might seem a bit hidden, like a treasure in a dark cave. But guess what? Miracles are like shining flashlights that find that treasure and bring it into the sunshine where it belongs! You see, sometimes we get a little confused and think we're not so amazing, but that's just a trick our minds play on us. Miracles are like magic tricks that say, Hey, you're awesome just the way you are! They help us see the truth and get rid of those tricky thoughts that make us scared. So, the next time something amazing happens, remember, it's like a big hug from God, saying, You're awesome, and I love you!

    32. Christ's Amazing Superpower: Making Miracles.

    Did you know that Christ has this incredible superpower? It's called making miracles, and they're like superhero missions! These miracles are like special messages to God, asking Him to help us be our best, most holy selves. When miracles happen, they make everything around us extra special and holy too! Imagine if you could fly above all the rules, like a superhero, and be in a world where everything is just perfect. That's what miracles do! You see, our hearts are always connected to God, but sometimes our minds get a little confused. Miracles help fix our minds and make them work with our hearts, just like a superhero team-up! It's like getting our thinking cap on right and fixing any mistakes we might make.

    33. Miracles: Celebrating Our Awesomeness.

    Miracles are like big, happy celebrations just for you because you are super lovable! They're like magical spells that make all the make-believe things in your head disappear and let your true light shine bright. Sometimes, we get stuck in our own tricky thoughts and feel like we're in a scary dream, but miracles are like superhero rescues that set us free! They help us break out of the pretend prison we put ourselves in and make our minds feel super smart and sane again. You see, sometimes we forget how amazing we are, but miracles remind us that deep inside, we have a super-duper spirit that's always free and full of love.

    34. Miracles: The Awesome Power of Fixing and Helping.

    Miracles are like super-duper fixes for our minds. They help us feel complete and strong, just like wearing an invincible shield. Imagine having a superpower that keeps all the bad stuff away and fills you up with goodness. That's what happens when we forgive and share our love with others. You see, when someone forgives us, it's like they're giving us a big warm hug, and we feel all fuzzy inside. And guess what? We can do the same for our friends and make the world a better place together! It's like being part of a superhero team with Christ, and our mission is to spread love and happiness to everyone.

    35. Miracles: Secret Messages of Love.

    Miracles are like special love notes, but guess what? They don't always have fireworks and big drum rolls! Sometimes, they're like super-secret missions that only a very special person can do. You see, the coolest part is that I can do miracles anytime, anywhere because I'm like a superhero of fixing things! But here's the fun part – you have a secret role too! I'll be the one to tell you what miracles to do. This way, you won't get all tired trying to figure it out because we'll have our own secret way of talking. So, when you're not sure what to do, just ask me, and I'll send you a special message.

    36. Miracles: Super Help from Christ.

    Miracles are like super-help from a really special friend, Christ. He helps us in such a personal way that it's like having your own secret adventure! You know what's cool? Miracles are like secret messages that Christ sends to you. He doesn't force you to do anything, but he gives you the best advice ever! It's like having a guide who shows you the way but lets you choose your path. When we make mistakes, it's like taking the wrong turn on an adventure. But Christ reminds us that we're really awesome deep down, just like a treasure hidden inside us. So, we can choose to let go of our mistakes and follow Christ's guidance to be our best selves. And guess what? When we do that, we help others be their best too!

    37. Miracles: The Superpower of Right Thinking.

    Miracles are like amazing mind workouts that help us think in the right way. It's like having a super-clear telescope to see the stars. When we do miracles, our thoughts become super strong and accurate, just like a superhero's aim. This means we can tell what's inside us and what's outside, like drawing a perfect line on a coloring book. Our thoughts become friends with the truth that God made, so we see things just the way they really are.

    38. Miracles: Super-Fix for Silly Thoughts.

    Miracles are like super-duper fixes for our thoughts. They're like magical spells that mix up our silly ideas and make them right again. Imagine your thoughts are like a big puzzle, and sometimes they get all mixed up. Well, miracles are like superhero helpers who come and put the puzzle pieces in the right spots. When this happens, we get super close to this awesome thing called the Atonement, which is like a big hug from the universe. And guess what? When our thoughts get all fixed, it's like opening a treasure chest of amazing secrets!

    39. The Magical Spiritual Eye.

    Did you know that we have a special magical eye inside us? It's called the Spiritual Eye, and it's like a super-duper truth detector! This eye can see things that are real, like all the wonderful things God created. But it can also tell the difference between things people make up that aren't true. It's like having a super clear pair of glasses that can see everything, not just some things. So, when we use our magical Spiritual Eye, we can always know what's real and what's make-believe.

    40. The Magical Light that Chases Away Darkness.

    Miracles are like super cool spells that make mistakes disappear. You know how when you turn on a light in a dark room, the darkness goes away? Well, it's just like that! Mistakes are like the darkness, and the Spiritual Eye is like a magic flashlight. When we use it, we can see that mistakes aren't real; they're just like pretend shadows. Mistakes have no special powers; they're just things we get wrong sometimes. It's like thinking you don't have enough toys when you actually have a bunch of them! When we understand that we have everything we need, we don't have to rush around or be worried.

    41. The Miracle of Seeing Everyone as Special.

    Imagine a magical way of looking at all the people around you, like your friends and even strangers, as if they were your brothers and sisters. This special way of seeing is called The Miracle. It's like having a secret superpower to see a special mark of God in everyone. This doesn't mean some people are left out; instead, it means that everyone is included and considered special. Sometimes, people might feel like they're missing something in their lives, and when that happens, their way of seeing things gets a bit mixed up. It's like a big family, and when one person feels sad or lost, it affects the whole family. But don't worry, the miracle reminds them that they're loved and important, even if they feel far away inside. You see, God wants all of His creations to be happy and whole, and this special mark of wholeness is called holiness. So, remember, everyone is special in their way, and that's a beautiful and magical thing.

    42. The Magical Power of Wholeness and Miracles.

    Okay, so imagine that miracles are like super cool magic spells that help fix things when we see them in a not-so-good way. These miracles are all about making things whole again, like when you have a puzzle, and some pieces are missing. They magically put those missing pieces back in place and make everything just right! But here's the trick: before we can do these magical miracles, we need to see things the right way. It's like when someone says or does something, and we need to understand it correctly before we can respond. This is where the Golden Rule comes in, which is like a super important rule for being a good friend. It says we should treat others the way we want them to treat us. But to do that, we have to see ourselves as special and important, just like we see others as special. When we do this, our magic miracles can bring love instead of fear and help everyone feel happy and whole. And guess what? There's no such thing as fate or death because we can change how we see things and make our world better with these magical miracles!

    43. Discovering the Magic of Miracles.

    These miracles have an awesome power - they make us feel like we're part of a big, loving family where everyone has everything they need and more. They're like super affirmations that remind us we're complete and full of goodness. You see, the important thing is that the real stuff, like love and kindness, never changes or goes away. It's like your super cool Soul, which is already perfect and can't be changed. But our minds get to choose what they focus on, a bit like choosing what game to play. The only rule is we can't play two games at once because that would be tricky. When we let our minds follow the path of love and kindness, we're like superheroes helping to create amazing things in the world. But if our minds get all mixed up, it's like having a not-so-nice boss in charge, and that's no fun. So, let's choose the magical miracles, follow the kind leader named Christ, and watch the abundance and happiness grow like a big, strong tree with deep roots. We don't want to be stuck with shallow roots or topsy-turvy thinking, right?

    44. The Marvelous Mystery of Miracles.

    Hey there, imagine if there was a special kind of magic in the world, and it all comes from having a super-duper magical mindset! When you have this magical way of thinking, you can share your magic with anyone, even if you don't realize it. It's like when you have a big, super-powered balloon filled with happiness, and just being near someone makes them feel happy too, even if you didn't mean to do it! This magic is super cool because it's not about you or me; it's about all of us being connected to something even more amazing, like a big family where we're all friends with the biggest superhero of all, our Creator.

    45. The Awesome Power of Miracles and Friendship.

    Imagine a super cool thing called a miracle that happens when you feel all warm and fuzzy inside because you're friends with someone named Christ. It's like having a secret handshake with the nicest superhero ever! When you have this special friendship, your mind feels super happy and kind, and it makes you want to be nice to everyone, even people you don't know yet. It's like inviting a new friend to play with you, and then, ta-da, they become your buddy too! So, the magic of a miracle is that it turns strangers into friends because when you're in this happy state, you see the goodness in everyone. It's like turning your heart into a big, friendly hug machine that makes friends wherever it goes. So, let's be miracle-makers and turn strangers into brothers and sisters with our super-friendly hearts.

    46. The Marvelous Mystery of Miracles.

    Hey, did you know that miracles are like hidden treasures of goodness? Sometimes, these magical miracles touch lots of people, even people you don't know! It's like sending out little waves of happiness and kindness into the world. And guess what? These waves can create amazing surprises and good things, even things you didn't expect! But here's the super cool part: you don't have to worry about how it all works because miracles will always make your heart feel happy and warm. You see, there are some miracles that you're not asked to do, but that doesn't mean they're not important. They're like secret signals that show how kind and loving you are. The most important thing is to let someone super special, named Christ, guide the miracles because He knows the whole plan and where the magic can make the most wonderful changes. So, keep being your awesome self, and let the miracles do their thing. Your heart will always be full of grace and kindness, and that's what makes the world a better place!

    47. Getting Ready for Miracles: The Magical Three Words.

    Okay, imagine you have a super special power called miracle-mindedness. It's like being a superhero, but instead of flying or lifting cars, your power is to do amazing kind things! To be a top-notch miracle superhero, you need to remember the three magical Words: Ready, Willing, and Able.

    First, you gotta be Ready like a superhero with their cape on because you have to be all set to listen and pay attention. Then, you should be Willing like a buddy who's eager to learn new games. That means you're excited to find out how to make the world a better place. Lastly, you have to be Able, which means you can do those super-duper kind things when you need to. Now, being Able is the part where your magic powers come into play!

    So, remember, being Ready and Willing are up to you, like choosing your favorite ice cream flavor. But the super fun part, being Able to work your miracles, that's like having a special magic wand. So, keep those three Words in mind, and you'll be an awesome miracle superhero!

    48. The Amazing Difference Between Awe and Love.

    Hey there, let's talk about two super interesting things: awe and love. Imagine awe as the feeling when you see something incredibly amazing, like a superhero or a shooting star. It's like saying, Wow, that's so cool! Now, love is when your heart feels all warm and fuzzy, like when you hug your best friend. Here's the thing: awe is like a big spotlight shining on someone super important, like our Creator. When we talk about awe, it's because our Creator is the biggest superhero of all! But when we talk about love, it's like we're all equal friends, and no one is bigger or smaller.

    So, when we see a miracle, it's not about being in awe like our Creator, because that's too big and worshipful. Miracles are like high-fives of love between friends who are all equal. I'm kind of like an older brother who helps out, but that doesn't mean I'm super different from you. We're all on the same team! So, keep the awe for our amazing Creator and share lots of love with your friends and family, because that's what makes us all super special!

    49. The Super Special Way We Talk to God.

    We have this amazing way to talk to God, and it's called the Holy Spirit. Think of the Holy Spirit like the ultimate communication superhero! But, here's the fun part: sometimes, we have these cool things called miracles. They're like magical walkie-talkies that help us when we need something special. Miracles are like saying, Hey, can you help me out, please? But when we're all super connected with God, we don't need those magical walkie-talkies anymore because we can chat with God directly. The Holy Spirit is like the bridge that helps us talk to God, keeping the line open for when God wants to tell us something super important. So, remember, when God has something awesome to share, it's like a surprise gift from Him to us, and that's what we call revelation. But when we use miracles, it's like sharing our love and kindness with our friends, and it goes both ways. So, let's keep talking to God and spreading love to everyone!

    50. The Miracle's Time-Saving Superpower.

    Hey, did you know that miracles are like time-saving superstars? It's like this: when we're in a world where everyone thinks they're different, it can feel like time goes on and on, like a never-ending road trip. But here comes the miracle to the rescue! Imagine it's like a super speedy shortcut that takes us from the long, horizontal road to a super tall, vertical elevator. It's like magic!

    This magical elevator makes us move way faster in time than we would've otherwise. So, even though it seems like miracles take a little bit of time to happen, they actually save us lots and lots of time. It's like if you wanted to learn something that would take a gazillion years, but a miracle comes and helps you learn it super quickly.

    The miracle is like a time superhero because it makes us realize that we're all equal and super special. And guess what? It's so good at its job that it can even make time seem a little mixed up, like when we change our clocks for daylight saving time. So, miracles are like our own special time machines, making our world better and brighter, just like when we have more daylight in the evenings!

    51. How Miracles Help Us with Time and Needs.

    Miracles are like magical tools that help us control time, but there's also something even more amazing called revelation that's like super-duper magic! You see, miracles are like those handy gadgets you use to make your toys work better. They help you fix things and make life smoother. But revelation is like a superpower that doesn't need time at all!

    Imagine this: when we're all super connected to each other and to something big and loving, like a big family, we won't need miracles anymore because everything will be perfect and happy. It's like when you and your friends play together, and everything is so much fun that you don't need any special toys or tools.

    Now, while we're still learning and growing, we can choose how we want to express ourselves. It's like choosing to be super loving or not so nice. We can be as creative as we want, and nothing can stop our creativity! We might sometimes feel like we're stuck or not moving forward, but we can always change that.

    And guess what? You're super special, just like everyone else! One day, when we all realize that we have everything we need, we won't have to worry about who's better or worse because we'll all be like one big team, sharing everything with love. It's like sharing your toys with your friends, and everyone is happy!

    So, remember, if you ever want to find peace and happiness, all you need to do is forgive and be kind. And when you feel like you need to learn something new, just believe in yourself because you can do it! Miracles and revelation are like your secret superpowers, making the world a better place, one kind act at a time!

    52. The Miracle's Super Fair and Helpful Magic.

    A miracle is like a magic trick that helps fix mistakes we make when we see things not quite right. But here's the fun part: miracles don't care how big or small the mistake is, and they don't even mind which way the mistake goes! They're like the friendliest helpers ever because they correct our not-so-true perceptions, no matter what.

    Now, imagine if we had a friend named Christ who could do these miracles. Christ is like a super-duper magician, but guess what? Christ's magic is super smart because it helps the people who can use it best. And when those people use it, they share the magic with others, creating a big chain of happiness and love!

    But here's the coolest thing: miracles don't follow any rules like size or direction because they're all about bringing back the real way of seeing things. It's like magic that fixes mistakes without any limits. Only us humans make the mistake of thinking that magic should follow rules, and that's because of our silly beliefs.

    So, remember, when you see something not quite right, just believe in the magic of miracles, and they'll help you see the world in a happier way!

    53. The Magical Test of Miracles.

    Miracles are like magic tests that help us figure out what's true and what's not-so-true. It's like sorting our toys to find the best ones to play with!

    So, here's how it works: Miracles help us compare the things we make in our minds with really cool things from a higher level of creation. If they match up and go together like peanut butter and jelly, we know they're true! But if they don't match and seem all mixed up like socks and sandals, we know they're not true.

    Now, let's play a little rhyme game: If perfect love makes fear disappear, and if fear is here, then perfect love must be too. But guess what? Only perfect love is real, and if there's fear, it's like having a real unicorn in your bedroom – it's just not real! So, when you believe in this magic test, you'll be as free as a bird flying in the sky!

    And here's the coolest part: only God can give us this magical solution, and it's like a special gift from God to us.

    Distortions of Miracle Impulses

    The Wonderful World of Miracles: Finding the Real Magic Within.

    Today, we're going to dive into the amazing world of miracles. Miracles are like the coolest magic tricks that help us see the world in a whole new way. But wait, before we start, let's make it super-duper fun!

    Imagine you have a treasure chest in your heart, and inside that chest are super-secret miracle impulses. These impulses are like magical whispers that come from deep inside you. They're full of love, happiness, and all the good stuff. But sometimes, these magical impulses get covered with a big, cloudy blanket of misunderstandings.

    You see, when we have friends and family, we want things from them, like hugs, smiles, or even toys. We use relationships to get what we want, like a magic spell to make our wishes come true. But sometimes, we get all mixed up and see things in a weird way. That's when the blanket of misunderstandings covers our magical impulses, and we forget how special we truly are.

    Now, let's talk about something called defenses. It's like when you build a super strong castle to protect yourself from the dragon of misunderstandings. But here's the tricky part: these defenses can sometimes make our misunderstandings even stronger! It's like having a really fancy shield that doesn't let any good stuff in.

    But guess what? Miracles help us see through the cloudy blanket and the fancy shields. They remind us that we're all connected, like one big happy family. And when we use these magical impulses, we share love and happiness with everyone around us. It's like spreading sunshine and rainbows!

    Now, here's a rhyme to remember: Miracles clear the way, for love and joy to stay. And when we believe in these miracles, we become superheroes of happiness, making the world a better place.

    So, my little friend, always remember that you are here to create love, beauty, and goodness. Use the magic of miracles to see the world with your heart, and you'll discover that real magic is all about sharing love and making everyone smile.


    The Illusion of Separation

    The Amazing Adventure of Knowledge and the Garden of Need-Lack.

    Hey there, young adventurer! Are you ready for a super cool journey into the world of knowledge and the mysterious Garden of Eden? Well, grab your imagination and let's go explore!

    First, we're going to use our magic dictionary to learn some special words. One of them is project. When we use project as a verb, it means to stretch something out, like when you stretch your arm forward. But when it's a noun, project means having a plan in your mind, like when you're thinking about building a cool treehouse.

    Now, let's talk about another big word: world. Imagine our world as a giant puzzle with many pieces. Each piece is like a natural part of our Earth, such as the land, the sea, and even the sky. So, the world is like this grand division of our planet.

    Now, here's where the adventure really starts! We're going to talk about something super interesting called projection. Picture this: You have a big movie screen in your mind, and you can show your thoughts and feelings on it. For example, if you're feeling super happy, you can project happiness all around you, making everyone smile!

    Now, let's journey into the story of the Garden of Eden. But guess what? It's not a regular garden with flowers and trees; it's a magical place in our minds. In this special garden, people used to feel like they needed absolutely nothing. It's like having all your favorite toys, snacks, and hugs right there with you!

    But then, something a bit tricky happened. People started thinking about a tree of knowledge. Now, this isn't just any tree; it's like a special symbol. This tree made everyone curious, and they went on an adventure into something called fear. They started feeling like they needed stuff, like ice cream or toys, and that's when the Garden of Eden turned into a garden of need-lack.

    But here's the exciting part, little explorer! We can learn a super important lesson from this story. Instead of being scared or needing things, we can choose to share love, kindness, and happiness with everyone we meet. We can be like magical wizards who spread joy all around!

    So, even though the Garden of Eden isn't a real garden with apples and birds, it teaches us that we can use our thoughts and feelings to make the world a better place. Let's go on more adventures and create a world full of smiles and laughter!

    The Magical Power of Projection and the Sleeping Spiritual Eye

    Today, we're going to embark on a magical journey to discover some really cool secrets about the power of our minds and something called projection. Are you ready? Let's go!

    Imagine that you have a magical flashlight in your mind. You can use this flashlight to create amazing pictures and stories. That's what we call projecting. It's like telling a fun tale using your thoughts and feelings.

    Guess what? Our wonderful Creator, who we call God, gave us this super special power to project. When God made us and our souls, He also gave us the ability to create and share love, happiness, and all things good. We are like little artists of happiness!

    Now, here's the most fantastic part: our souls are perfect, just like God made them. There's no emptiness or missing pieces inside us. Our souls are so creative because they're made in the image of our loving Creator. We're like little creators-in-training!

    But sometimes, we forget how amazing we are, and we start thinking we need things like toys or ice cream to be happy. That's when we're not using our projection power the right way. It's like using our flashlight to create make-believe stuff instead of real happiness.

    Here's the secret we're going to remember: we can't change what God made, and we can't make ourselves less perfect. We're always super special, just the way we are. So, let's use our magical power of projection to share love, kindness, and joy with everyone we meet. We're like happiness superheroes!

    Now, about this world we live in—it's like a big puzzle created by God. Everything in it is made with love, just like us. So, when we project love and goodness, we make the world even more beautiful.

    Even if our spiritual eye, which helps us see with love, takes a little nap sometimes, it can still see the magic in the world. So, let's keep our spiritual eye awake and share the love and joy that God gave us.

    The Magical Power of Inner Peace and Miracles

    Hey there, little friend! Today, we're going to explore the amazing world of inner peace and something really cool called miracles. Are you ready for an adventure? Let's dive in!

    So, imagine our world, just like a big playground where we meet friends and have fun. Sometimes, we get scared or worried, and that's okay. But guess what? We have this superpower inside us called inner peace. It's like having a heart full of calm and happiness.

    Now, imagine this: we can use our inner peace to create something incredible called miracles. Miracles are like magical acts of love and kindness. They can make worries disappear and bring smiles to everyone around us. Miracles are the superheroes of love!

    Here's the secret: we can choose to use our inner peace to spread love, just like our loving Creator shared His spirit with us. We're like little love-sharing superheroes!

    But sometimes, we forget how powerful we are, and we start believing that we can take away love or hurt others. That's when we get scared and worried. But here's the magic part: we can always choose to go back to our inner peace. It's like waking up from a scary dream and realizing it was just pretend.

    Remember, my little explorer, you are free, and nothing can take that freedom away. You have the power to heal and bring love to any situation. Miracles are your super tools for making the world a better place.

    And guess what? Miracles don't care if something seems big or small; they're always ready to help. So, let's use our superpower of inner peace to create miracles and fill our world with love. Peace is in your heart, and you can share it with the whole wide world.

    The Reinterpretation of Defenses

    Superpower Denial: How to Fill Your Heart with Love and Banish Fear

    You know how sometimes we get scared of things, like monsters under our bed or thunderstorms? Well, being afraid means we think those things can hurt us. But guess what? We've got a superpower called denial, and it's not about hiding stuff, it's about fixing mistakes!

    Imagine you have a treasure in your heart, like love, kindness, and happiness. When we get scared, it's like we're putting the wrong stuff in our treasure chest. We're saying, Hey, I believe in something that can hurt me, but that's not right!

    Our minds can play tricks on us, making us believe in things that aren't true. But the good news is that we can use denial to set things straight. Denial is like a superhero shield; it protects us from believing in things that can't really hurt us.

    You see, we can do amazing things in life, like spreading love and doing miracles. But we can only do them when we believe in ourselves and in the good stuff. God created us perfectly and gave us His peace, so we don't have to be scared. When we're afraid, it's like we're tricking ourselves.

    Our minds should help our hearts, not make us worried. So, let's use our words to spread kindness and mercy, just like God does for us. Remember, you have the power to choose what goes into your treasure chest, so fill it with love, joy, and all the good stuff!

    The Magical Power of Denial and Truth for Kids

    Hey there, little friend! Let's talk about something really cool today: how we can use our minds to make the world a better place. You know, sometimes people make mistakes, and that's when we talk about something called justice. It's like when someone has to say sorry or make up for something they did wrong. But justice is just a way to teach us about something even more important: mercy.

    Imagine you have a special superpower called denial. It's like a shield that protects your mind from making mistakes. You see, when our minds are not free, they can create problems. But when we use denial in the right way, it helps us stay on the path of truth and goodness.

    Now, here's the really cool part: when our minds are truly free, we can't make mistakes because we only see what's true. It's like having a magical compass that always points to the right way. And when we use our superpower of denial to get rid of mistakes, we make room for more love and happiness.

    But sometimes, people get it all mixed up and use denial in the wrong way. That's when they create even more problems. So, the key is to use our superpower for good, just like a superhero. We can join our powers with others and spread love and kindness everywhere.

    So, remember, little one, we have this amazing superpower called denial, and when we use it to find the truth, we make the world a happier and more peaceful place for everyone. Together, we can work for a world where there's no more fear, just endless love and joy!

    Defenses and the Amazing Atonement: Learning to Choose Wisely

    Hey there, young explorer! Let's dive into a world of understanding defenses and the most incredible defense of all, called the Atonement. You see, defenses are like superhero shields that help us deal with life. They can be tricky because they can either make things better or a bit mixed up, depending on how we use them.

    Imagine you have a special power called denial, like a force field that protects you. It's essential to use denial to face mistakes and errors. And there's also projection, which is like sharing your truth with others. But remember, always project the good stuff, like kindness and love.

    When we use our powers wisely, it's like being a superhero for truth and goodness. And there's another cool power called withdrawal, which helps us step away from things that don't make sense. It's not about running away but making things stronger and better.

    Now, let's talk about the Atonement! It's the most fantastic defense that can't be used for harm. It's all about love and healing. It's been around even before superheroes existed, and it's here to help us come together and find peace.

    Long ago, some Souls tried to help us, but we weren't interested in peace. We were too busy fighting and dividing. So, the Atonement was created to be a special, unbreakable shield. It's like a magic spell that can only be used to make things better, never to hurt.

    The Atonement is our final lesson, teaching us that love and unity are the most powerful defenses of all. So, young adventurer, remember to use your superpowers wisely, defend what's good, and let love guide your way!

    Learning and the Magical Atonement: A Journey to Strength

    Let's embark on a journey to understand something amazing called learning and discover a superpower called the Atonement. You see, learning is like an adventure where we gain knowledge and become better at things. But guess what? Learning is temporary because, eventually, we won't need it anymore.

    In the beginning, we had to learn to make better choices because we made some not-so-great ones. It's like leveling up in a video game, going from one degree to the next. But here's the cool part: the Atonement is like a magic tool that helps us undo our past mistakes. It saves us time so we can move forward without constantly looking back.

    The Atonement is all about making things right and protecting ourselves. It's not about attacking others, which is what happens when we use two-way defenses. Miracles, our special superpower, help us turn the Atonement into a shield that protects our inner selves and others.

    When we reinterpret our defenses, we make them stronger and more dependable. They become like our trusty sidekicks, helping us on our journey to becoming the best versions of ourselves. So, remember, learning is like an exciting adventure, and the Atonement is our superhero power, making us strong and ready to protect the world with kindness and love!

    The Inner Temple and the Magical Atonement

    Let's go on a magical journey to discover the wonders of the Atonement and the temple within you. You know, sometimes we think the Atonement is something outside of us, but it's not! It's a special feeling that lives deep inside.

    Imagine your body as a temple, like a beautiful castle. But guess what? The real treasure isn't the castle; it's the secret altar inside. That's where the Atonement belongs, right at the center of the altar. It's like a key that unlocks our true selves and makes us feel whole and strong.

    You see, a long time ago, people got a little mixed up. They thought the temple's beauty was all about the building, but it's not! The real beauty is inside, where the Atonement shines brightly. Our Spiritual eye, which can see the magic in everything, can see it perfectly.

    The Atonement is like a shield that protects us from feeling separated and scared. It helps us remember that we were never meant to be afraid because fear and separation are just silly ideas our minds made up. So, the Atonement is here to heal our hearts and make us invulnerable to fear.

    One day, everyone will understand the Atonement, and it will be like a big, happy party! Even though it may seem like we don't have a choice, we do. We can choose to see the beauty inside the temple, and when we do, we'll be filled with joy and love. It might feel a little tricky at first, like a game of tug-of-war between our regular eyes and our Spiritual eye, but in the end, the magic of the Atonement is as certain as the sun rising every day.

    The Magical Spiritual Eye and the Gift of Atonement

    Let's explore a wonderful world of the Spiritual eye and the amazing gift called the Atonement. Imagine this special eye as a superhero eye that can't see mistakes; it only looks for ways to make things better. It's like having a magical treasure map!

    This magical eye knows that the inside of you, your altar, sometimes gets a little messy. It's okay; we all make mistakes. But this eye sees past those mistakes and looks straight at the

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