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The Miracle of Prosperity Magic
The Miracle of Prosperity Magic
The Miracle of Prosperity Magic
Ebook239 pages3 hours

The Miracle of Prosperity Magic

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You may tap an astounding power within the universe that can bring you prosperity in every department of your life. I call this power the miracle of Prosperity Magic because it works like magic and it can create seeming miracles in your life.
The moment you begin to release the power of Prosperity Magic it will begin to work its revolutionary miracles in your personal life, your finances, your social life, your romantic and marital affairs, bringing you the fulfillment of every dream that you have ever had.
Release dateNov 6, 2023
The Miracle of Prosperity Magic

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    The Miracle of Prosperity Magic - Norvell

    1 - The Miracle of Prosperity Magic Transforms Failure into Success

    You may tap an astounding power within the universe that can bring you prosperity in every department of your life. I call this power the miracle of Prosperity Magic because it works like magic and it can create seeming miracles in your life.

    The moment you begin to release the power of Prosperity Magic it will begin to work its revolutionary miracles in your personal life, your finances, your social life, your romantic and marital affairs, bringing you the fulfillment of every dream that you have ever had.


    For more than a period of 35 years, I have advised thousands of people, including movie stars, producers, directors, business executives, industrialists, financiers and famous men and women from all over the world. I have learned their secrets and discovered the methods they used for achieving fame and fortune. I have been entertained in their mansions, attended parties on their magnificent yachts, ridden in their Rolls Royces, Mercedes and Cadillacs. I have listened to their fabulous stories of how they became rich and famous.

    From this accumulated lifetime experience of counselling more than 5,000 individuals, I discovered that all of them possessed one thing in common-they used a formula which I have named the miracle of Prosperity Magic to change the circumstances of their lives. They have risen to positions of fame, power, riches and grandeur because they thought in a certain way and were powerfully motivated by some higher psychic power within their minds.


    Now you can use this amazing power of Prosperity Magic to perform miracles in your own life effortlessly. By simply studying these principles a few moments a day you can begin to see astounding results in your life from the very first day.

    Gertrude L. used this secret power to turn her barren and impoverished desert place into a place of incredible beauty and riches.

    People beat a path to her door to give her money! Phyllis R. used one of the principles of Prosperity Magic to turn her dream of love into a perpetual honeymoon with her true soul mate, after she had been denied love all her life.

    Loretta E. tapped the source of all riches when she applied Prosperity Magic to her life after ten years of marriage. Her husband suddenly presented her with a pearl necklace worth $10,000 and the deed to a new dream home.

    Sandra R. was a poor girl in Hollywood when I gave her the cosmic blueprint for her future life. Six months later, the Sunday Supplement carried the story of her engagement to one of the members of a royal family. She then entered international society and was showered by every type of glorious experience.

    These are only a few of the miracles that seemingly ordinary people have achieved through the use of this magic formula. You can begin at this moment to utilize this secret power to bring you riches beyond belief, social prestige and popularity, romantic fulfillment and happiness that will make your life a glittering pageant of beauty, peace and joy.


    Prosperity does not mean money alone, nor does it relate only to success and achievement in business. There are 10 various forms of prosperity that should be in your life if you are to experience every facet of success.

    The following 10 forms of prosperity constitute the Cosmic Blueprint of Destiny that should be in your life:

    1. You should be a success as a person. This means you should be popular and well-liked by others and have the ability to make lifelong friends who will like you for yourself.

    2. You should be in work that you enjoy doing and in which you can achieve the recognition and rewards that you deserve. These rewards should be sufficient to build a financial structure that brings you and your family future security.

    3. Your dream of romantic fulfillment should easily be realized and a happy, prosperous marriage should be possible with the creation of a healthy, happy family of your own. 

    4. Your dream home must become a reality where you can build a family center that you can share with your friends and loved ones. This home should become the foundation of your family unit and bring you enjoyment, peace of mind and romantic fulfillment with your true soul mate.

    5. There should be sufficient money and leisure time for travel, entertainment, sports, cultural pursuits and other activities to break the monotony of routine work and life.

    6. You should be able to afford fine furnishings for your home; beautiful, stylish clothes; and distinctive ornaments and jewelry that give you pleasure. You should also have modern luxuries like color TV, air conditioning, refrigerator and freezer, central heating and all other modem conveniences that give you comfort and enjoyment.

    7. Prosperity Magic applies to more than material treasures. There must be peace of mind and inner tranquility-the ability to meet life's challenges without stress-so you can enjoy the things money can buy. You should be able to share in social reciprocity with your friends, and find time to be with your family, your children and the people who really matter to you.

    8. You should possess a personality that reflects charm and personal magnetism and that is able to attract friends who want to share their lives with you. This type of charm and magnetism does not depend on a perfect face or body, but rather it is a spiritual, inner beauty that transcends the physical self and gives an aura of beauty and radiance to the outer personality. Abraham Lincoln had such a quality of soul-Luminosity.

    9. You should have an avocation or hobby in your life, that relieves the tedium of daily work. You should be able to tap the creative centers of your mind and release your inner gifts and talents that bring beauty to the world. This desire to elevate the world's standards, to bring peace to a war-for world, to erase poverty and crime, is a spiritual quality that can transform and change your life into one of glittering goodness, peace and beauty.

    10. Lastly, but most importantly, there must be soul evolvement and an understanding of the spiritual laws back of life. These are to be found in the Ten Commandments, the Golden Rule, the Sermon on the Mount and also in the revelations of the great spiritual leaders of the world's nine revealed religions.


    You can discover this astounding miracle power of Prosperity Magic immediately. It is not to be found in some far-off mystic shrine in the Himalayas, nor India, nor Egypt. This power resides within your own higher psychic mind centers. It is embodied within your own subconscious and superconscious minds. It is the concentrated life energy that exists in every brain cell, in every nerve and muscle of your body. When you learn how to tap this magical power, it releases Prosperity Magic throughout your brain and body in a flood tide of creative energy that propels you in the direction of the great destiny you desire.

    There is a cosmic force within your higher psychic mind that will shape your destiny in the image of your innermost dreams and desires. You can elect to become anything that you choose. You can rise to heights of great achievement and magnificence if you so desire. You have the power to select the level of income you want because this superpower within you can bring you all the money you desire. You can direct Prosperity Magic to build a million-dollar fortune if you so wish, or you can be satisfied with lesser goals in which you have financial security, a home of your own; a business that brings you profits and enjoyment and love, happiness and fulfillment.


    You can even choose the part you wish to play on the stage of life. Do you wish to be a hero or heroine, or do you want to be a villain? The rewards that go to heroes are much greater than those that go to villains. If you are working out your life drama in a drab, ugly environment, you can release Prosperity Magic and transform your surroundings into something that is beautiful and resplendent. Life will never give you any more than you demand! If you have a million-dollar consciousness and elect to play the part of an important, talented person, you will easily attract large sums of money, good friends, love, happiness and a destiny that reflects the wonderful events you have put into your Cosmic Blueprint of Destiny.


    Phillip T. worked as a clerk/teller in a bank. He did his work well and was well-liked, but he never seemed to get any further ahead than his limited salary and job.

    He married a wonderful girl but she had to work to keep enough money coming in to pay expenses. When a child was on the way, they knew that she would have to stop working to care for the child.

    It was at this point that Phillip came into my class for lessons on Prosperity Magic. He learned that he had chosen to play a role in life that was limited. He soon realized that the only difference between himself and the important bank officials was in the degree of mental energy they expended on their careers.

    Phillip made a decision to act out a different role in his life drama, one that would bring him promotion and importance and much more money. He attended evening classes in banking and administration. He began to dress more like an executive. He kept his hair trimmed, his clothes pressed, his shoes shined. He wore a confident, smiling expression. He gave special attention to his customers and whenever he was in the presence of the vice-president or president of the bank, he projected the golden line of magnetism between his mind and their minds. He had learned in our classes that you can project an invisible, mental line to another person's forehead, and think the thought, I like you and you're going to like me. You'll recognize that I have ability and deserve promotion to a better position. I now ask for recognition of my true worth.

    The miracle of Prosperity Magic worked for Philip! Within six months the manager of his bank was transferred to another branch and Phillip was promoted to the manager's position! All the customers had noticed the way that Phillip treated them-with courtesy, dignity and respect and they remarked to the bank officials what a wonderful personality he had. So when it came time for the officials to choose an employee to fill the bank manager's shoes, they chose Phillip.


    Stand before your mirror and look at yourself. What kind of image does the mirror reflect? Do you seem to be confident, poised and alert? Do you have a smile and a pleasant expression? Do you look like the type of person others would enjoy knowing?

    As you look at yourself in the mirror, hold your head high and feel a sense of pride and importance. Then repeat aloud the following Prosperity Magic statements several times:

    First say your name over a few times.

    I am John Smith or Jane Doe.

    I now program my psychic mind centers with the following positive statements.

    I believe in myself and my destiny.

    I believe I am worthy of a great destiny.

    I now build my new self-image of charm, magnetism and radiance.

    I wish to become successful in my work. I desire the best that life has to offer.

    I wish to have a fortune so I may have all the things that I desire. Every person that I meet will respond to me with friendliness and a desire to help me achieve my goals. I can be anything in life I choose to be.

    I overcome all my negative emotions and I radiate a cheerful, optimistic and hopeful quality that attracts others.

    I shall strive to be worthy of the riches that flow to me in an unending and unlimited supply.

    You can repeat these positive statements every day when you prepare yourself for your various activities. Then several times a day repeat these statements to yourself. You will soon feel the sense of power that they give you, for as they enter your higher psychic mind centers and your subconscious mind, they will automatically be released in positive action through your sympathetic nervous system.


    There is a flow of magnetism that exists between you and every person you meet. To acquire greater power to influence others and to hold their friendship, you should learn how to project this golden line as Phillip did. Each time you meet a person who may help you in your career or personal life, mentally project a golden line between your forehead and theirs. Then mentally pull that line towards yourself, just as though you were pulling in a fish on a line. As you do this you mentally project the positive thought, I like you and you are going to like me. I shall help you, and you will help me. You will advance my interests, buy my products and give me your time and attention, for I shall bring you something of great value.

    You will actually become a super-persuasive personality by using the golden line of infinity. Throughout your life you are selling a valuable commodity-you. When you use these subtle mental commands, you are actually using hypnotic suggestion, but the other person is not aware of this. He will find himself unable to resist your persuasive techniques.


    irk H. was a salesman with a home appliance firm in Los Angeles when I was conducting classes there. In the first session, Dirk admitted that he had lost faith in himself, and he felt he would never be successful as a salesman. Dirk completely re-programmed his higher mind centers with the positive statements given above. Within two weeks he returned and told me he had outsold every other salesman in his territory! I kept in close touch with him for six months and in that short time Dirk won his company's best salesman award, competing with 25 other salespersons!


    Give yourself 10 points for each yes answer. If you answer all the questions yes you will score 100 points. Obviously, you already have a self-image that can carry you to great heights. If your score is 70 points, it is fair and better than the average. If your score is 60 or less, then you need to work harder to implant the Prosperity Magic statements into your higher mind centers so you will become motivated in the direction of greater success, fame and fortune.

    Answer the following questions yes or Number 

    1. Do people react to you in a friendly, positive manner?

    2. Have you had a raise in salary or a promotion in the past year?

    3. Do your friends and relatives treat you with dignity respect? and

    4. Do people gravitate around you and seek you out at social or business gatherings? 

    5. Do you function gracefully in the presence of others, without

    feelings of self-consciousness or inferiority?

    6. Do you have a positive and confident attitude towards life in general?

    7. Do you believe it is possible for you to become rich and famous? 

    8. Do you feel that you have something of value to give to the world that makes you deserving of fame and fortune?

    9. When you first meet people do you smile more often than frown? 

    10. Would you describe yourself as being loveable, kind, considerate and attractive?

    Work on the weak points you discover in yourself. Accentuate the good points that you already reflect in your personality and use them as a beginning point up the ladder of success. Apply all of the Prosperity Magic principles given earlier, until they are incorporated in your higher mind centers. Then you will begin to radiate the self-confidence, poise and power that will bring you greater success and recognition.


    Geraldine R. was a very good secretary, and she received the usual salary for working at a woman's fashion magazine. After five years of effort, she still found herself In the same job without having won a promotion. She enrolled in my Prosperity Magic seminar in New York City, and she began using the above statements and the self-image minor exercises daily. Finally, she was able to answer yes to all of the questions in the self-evaluation test.

    Geraldine then told me her secret ambition: She wanted to become editor of the fashion magazine. Now she added another dimension to her work-Instead of seeing herself as an ordinary secretary, she began to play the role of editor of the magazine. She mentally projected a brass plate over the editor's door with her name boldly inscribed on it.

    Geraldine began to make herself invaluable to the editor. She showed greater interest in the magazine's makeup. By giving suggestions at the board meetings and taking notes of each meeting, she became aware of future plans. Soon people began to notice her. One day the managing editor called her into the office and told her that an assistant editor was leaving the company. She offered Geraldine the job at a great increase in salary!


    1. You can use the secret power of Prosperity Magic to bring you great benefits in your personal life, your finances. your romantic and social life and in fulfillment of your every dream.

    2. Gertrude L used Prosperity Magic to turn her desert place into one of incredible beauty and richness. 

    3. Sandra R. used Prosperity Magic to enter international society and to marry a member of the royal family.

    4. Lorette E. tapped the source of riches when she received a pearl necklace worth $10,000. 

    5. Create 10 miracles of prosperity by using this success formula. 

    6. The miracle power of Prosperity Magic resides within your own higher psychic mind centers. Tap it and change your world. 

    7. You can be a hero or villain on the stage of life: find the million-dollar consciousness and banish poverty forever. 

    8. Phillip T. changed his consciousness and was promoted from a bank teller to a manager in a few short months.

    9. Learn the Prosperity Magic mirror exercise that can instantly change you into a poised, confident, prosperous person. 

    10. The

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