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Book of Dracula II: The Hidden: Book of Dracula Series, #2
Book of Dracula II: The Hidden: Book of Dracula Series, #2
Book of Dracula II: The Hidden: Book of Dracula Series, #2
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Book of Dracula II: The Hidden: Book of Dracula Series, #2

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The Saga continues after the minor battle the group won in part one, as the group of friends grows ever larger and their time diminishes ever smaller in the search for the key to end the evil once and for all, and prevent the looming darkness from reigning over the whole world. Their problems only seem to compound as they are once again pulled around the globe searching for the clue that will lead them to the answers they seek. Through tragic loss and meaningful victories they trudge forward against the odds to prevent the world from being cast into a thousand years of darkness. Will they find the answer in time? What are the chances?  

Release dateSep 29, 2023
Book of Dracula II: The Hidden: Book of Dracula Series, #2

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    Book of Dracula II - Ivan T Vincent

    Book of Dracula II

    The Hidden

    Ivan T Vincent

    Ivan T Vincent

    This book is dedicated to those who seek and live for Truth every single day, and who against all adversity never give up! No one can defeat you, but you! Also in dedication to the memory of the Whale Song man himself Dr. Roger Payne.


    Title Page




    Future at Risk

    Round-Trip Ride

    Evil Empire

    Egyptian Mystery

    Alternate view

    Time Altered

    Liaisons of the Force

    Almighty Reigns

    Stop at Go

    The Final Clash


    In my first book in this series you may have been under the impression that my Characters and thus I were some kind of Extreme Right wing people, but in fact that is not the case and as you may or may not have realized that it was not an issue of left or right, but good vs evil and as they progressed you began to see that the characters were learning this through the first Novel. Also I'd like to draw attention to a fact that many overlook. The thing we call Right-wing in this Country is not the same as they call the Right-Wing in other countries, and so there seems to be this disconnect, which does not help in fostering healthy debate. The real proof of that is very simple to see once you really look at it.

    First is that most of the Isms save for Capitalism require that the Government is mostly dominant even to one hundred percent. Which is Communism whether in the form of a dictatorship or oligarchy. However no true dictatorship has ever existed as that requires that a single person is ruling everyone, so thereby the most powerful dictatorships were actually Oligarchies. Because these rulers always require their henchman to do their bidding, just as a monarchy is a form of an oligarchy with it's circles of people in authority known as the Kings court.

    Right-wingers in America are called either a Constitutional Moderate or a Conservative Patriot as some call themselves. If you literally start a graph and show an increase from zero to one hundred percent Government domination. It is inarguable to believe that zero government is anything less than complete lawlessness and Anarchy. The first step up to giving the government very  minimal control is called a Republic. In a Constitutional Republic such as this, the people empower the government through their consent, and if the people no longer do consent there are Checks and balances. Provided that the government does not weaken those and attempt to alter the constitution as unfortunately we have been witnessing in real time over the last one hundred years 'at least!' Most fail to understand that the founding fathers wanted absolutely nothing to do with democracy or the would have founded that party at the beginning, and likewise the Republican party.

    Except that the Republican party was at least started for a very good reason in 1854 and the Democrat party wasn't started until 1828. I have to reiterate again that the founding fathers wanted nothing to do with it. Save that our elections themselves were democratic in nature. The next step towards government control is a democracy, and thus the people and the government within begin to increase in size and begin to try to force people by majority vote and mob mentality  and coercion to follow the pack as it were. Then the freedoms begin to disappear. Ultimately this kind of thinking not only lead to the downfall of the Greek Empire but the infiltration of the same type of Democratic influence into the Empire of Rome also leading to it's downfall. It always goes the same way. Once some become prosperous others become jealous then they begin to systematically try to remove the prosperity of one and give it to another in the name of Equity. this is sad but true. Finally the last step on the scale is really when the government  no longer asks you for your vote as your say has now been completely removed and usurped to those in power. Then nothing is safe and what ever they want they take. I again ask those on the left how they equate Fascism with right wing, but again I feel this comes into the fray with some level of confusion about what is left and what is right and what is Zero government control and what is Government domination. Based on older model scales.

    I actually created a scale that shows the real political spectrum, and in this it may resolve some confusion the left has about what the real 'Right-wing' is and what they think it is. Their version of the right wing which they call fascism could not be further from the American right wing conservatives, who also by the way have never changed positions at all. There is NO extreme right wing, because as I explained the only thing right of right wing and less government is zero government and Anarchy. I don't know a single Conservative who wants law and order and Anarchy simultaneously. However I feel the left themselves somehow believe this Democratic Socialist ideology they have in their heads will give them freedom to be anarchists, and that could also not be further from the truth. They are but instruments for those who seek to achieve total government domination. If they ever got it these people will also comply or be destroyed. You can't have Total Government control and Anarchy at the same time you're simply helping to empower people who want nothing more than to dominate you. This is so far beyond ridiculous! The levels that the current administration, and the Cabal or 'The Order' as I refer to them in these books, has gone to in order to literally brainwash these kids into believing they can have their cake and eat it too is mind boggling. So my characters herein are learning and seeing things they did not understand fully before as each of us should learn everyday. If we don't learn something every day we become stuck and only see things one way. This has never proven to be good for anyone. A quote by Albert Einstein says, "The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious.

    It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: His eyes are closed. After all if you think you already know everything what else is there for you to learn? I can assure you no one knows everything, and certainly we all can learn something new every day. Another was Frank Herbert who wrote Dune. One quote of his was; Without change, something sleeps inside us, and seldom Awakens. The Sleeper must Awaken. It's much more than a catchy line for a book or movie, but a profound statement, and something all the characters are going to learn in depth in the final addition to the series Book of Dracula." Sometimes things, even ones you thought you knew were not what you thought at all. Things change, and so must we. Growing towards the positive versus the negative, and thus towards our own inevitable mental and spiritual freedom. Instead of the characters just returning home and going back to their lives as they were, the events they experienced awakened a sort of wonder and now they seek to move forward without procrastination into solving the rest of the puzzle. To lock away the evil, which they feel in some way would be better to be immediately stopped, rather than wait to seal the evil away once again, and to restore a little sanity back into the world as soon as they can. Freeing the world from the evil is their objective. But they will have some help along the way, and as always stumbling blocks.  Also for the sake of the story in the first book I shifted the New Wave Era ahead by about 20 years. In case you were wondering I was there between 1985-1989, which was during that period. The dance clubs were the big thing then honestly there are things I loved about that time even now.

    There was no judgment or very little and we had those strange hairdos and baggy clothes. Honestly we had a lot of fun and we seem so very far from those times now.  It was never about skin color or where you grew up or what belief system you grew up in. It was purely fun for the sake of fun. The music from Prince to Stacey Q to Depeche Mode to Club Nouveau. Much more positive times than these by far. Enjoy. I also wanted to add a note here and say with utmost honesty; if you're feeling depressed and having thoughts of suicide, please please talk to someone. It's not worth it, and the devastation you leave behind doesn't just hurt the ones you intend it to hurt as much as it hurts the people you aren't even thinking about. My friend of 43 years took his life in April of 2023 and I had a plate full already. Many people I have known and loved had passed prior to him in just the last 2 ½ years time. He made the 25th person. It was not as devastating as losing my wife in some ways, but in other ways it was just as bad. Many many memories! Since I was 13 years old we had been friends. Every Journey song, and every Van Halen song, and every Ozzy song, it was like we were there. And he was friends with my family and like another member of our family. We were all devastated by the bad news. Just speak to someone, there are people who care. People who don't want anything bad to happen to you. RIP Eddie. One last note here. While I was writing this book things that I had no clue of, seemed to tie in at times, with actual dates times and even events and people that I never intentionally originally planned. Just all Very coincidental I suppose????


    This book is the continuation of the first, as I stated in the first book that I had done a lot of research the life of the Real Vlad and Combined it with a strange dream I once had that was so realistic that I decided that at some point I would create a novel from it. My research seemed to point out that in many ways Vlad had been viewed in an unfair light, and yet I still wanted to maintain some of that same atmosphere, and keep just a little of the works of Bram Stoker and others in there in some way. If you read the first book you know by now that this is not just another fanged Casanova who crawls through peoples windows to drink their blood in the night kind of book. The original Count Dracula of the Movies had power that was limited in many ways, and he had many weaknesses. This is not that Dracula again as you may have already perceived from the first installment.

    Also despite the differences in my characters traits, flaws and personalities I wanted to remind everyone, and I mean everyone that we were all friends not so long ago, or at least most of us, and it's not hard to get along with people and all you have to do is not be so offended by everything under the sun. In reality we all have flaws and again like my characters we have our own visions of the future and dreams. It is no more right for me to force you to see my future the way I want you to, than vice versa. Your rights end exactly where mine begin, and you forcing me to see things the way you want is a violation of not only my rights to happiness, but also interferes with my freedom to view the Truth for exactly what it is. This being said As my characters here move forward they have to see things as they are and solve the problem in whatever way they are challenged to do it with even a seashell. They won their first battle but the war lies ahead to once again save as much of humanity as they can save.

    Future at Risk

    The Flight back to Louisville seemed longer than Normal for Dennis and everyone was tired and had fallen asleep except Tuck and Bishenjot were both seated in the cockpit with Dennis. You Know you disobeyed me back there Tuck, said Dennis. However, he said after he paused for a second, I want you to know that I'm proud of you. I mean if you had not disobeyed me this one time things could have turned for the worse in a bad way! You did a very brave thing back there, replied Bishenjot. Don't make a habit out of it though, I mean most of the time I try to steer you right. Dennis added.

    No, Sir, I won't, answered Tuck. I would have stayed in the Hummer, but I just had a very uncomfortable feeling that I shouldn't be there in that Hummer. I knew I had to find Alette!  Hmm? Dennis pondered, They could have been leading you, I mean the angel and all. I mean, Wow! Doesn't everything we just witnessed seem so surreal? 'Like one of the Best 3-D movies I ever saw. Except Live and in Person, replied Tuck. God is Eternal, and Timeless, said Bishenjot. The angel when he spoke he confirmed our entire faith, our beliefs were correct. All along we've been right! He thought about Dracula and the angel named Jedi Knight for a moment. Well at least about the eternal aspect. When he looked and noticed Dennis was looking at him with that so you don't say kind of expression. They both started laughing as Dennis nudged Bishenjot slightly on the shoulder. Yeah, I think we all learned a few things back there, Dennis added. I definitely agree, you really were right about the whole time thing. Now we have to figure out where that other stone is before we run out of time! Well we have 7 years! replied Tuck. I understand that, but no point in putting off until tomorrow what you can accomplish today! Dennis said, but also don't forget that he also said things will only be escalating again and the evil will be perpetuating itself even faster since now it knows for sure that we need only one more stone and its time is finished! I agree, responded Bishenjot.

    I will have my people start looking in the Market for any possible antique Light Purple Jasper Cabochon cut. I'm going to guess somewhere in the range of 3.33 Carats to 6 Carats? I get it. It's the 333 thing and or nine, said Dennis. Precisely, replied Bishenjot. They always use what is God's to mock him! Yes, but don't forget that the pendant and stones and the box, and book were all created by God! Bishenjot replied. Exactly but they mocked him with the Demon Stone, as well as other things, but not for much longer, God willing, and I get the strong feeling he is definitely on our side, he said facetiously while cocking his brow. I'd say so too! added Tuck. The way that thing rained Sulfur down was really a spectacle. So Lot's wife probably saw the flash before, like when we closed all of our eyes that's when the flash happened, and it wasn't maybe the raining sulfur that got her but that flash? Right? asked Tuck. I don't really think that's all there was to it Tuck, but she was told not to look back and she disobeyed God and so she looked and end of story, pillar of salt! Dennis replied. I hadn't thought about that, said Tuck.I was thinking about when they opened the 'Ark of the Covenant' in that movie 'Raiders! Good catch Tuck! Honestly, I've been feeling like there is something we are missing in all of this and I keep going back to Egypt. Why did the shadow creature at first take the likeness and bare the symbol of Anubis?asked Bishenjot. Also why does a third of the lettering appear in Coptic? Then there was the whole Masonic symbol thing. That is what actually enabled us to read the final passage.

    I should have asked the angel before he left what he meant by not reading out of the book? Did he mean I shouldn't read from it aloud, because that is often how incantation rituals are performed or did he mean not to read from it all? I didn't really think of it at the time as I was sort of stuck there in a state of awe to begin with! Bishenjot said. Yeah, me too, Dennis and Tuck both chimed in.That was absolutely unbelievable, except we actually did see it for ourselves! Dennis added. No one will believe that back home! I wonder what lie the Media will think of to get out of this one? asked Dennis. Probably claim there was some kind of volcanic eruption, said Kimmy's voice as she had already awaken and heard part of their conversation. Tuck was seated in the copilots seat and Bishenjot was seated on a small Stool in the Aisle that He and Sydney had found stashed in a small compartment on their way to Gozne. Kimmy kneeled down behind Bishenjot for a moment to get a view out of the Cockpit window. It was daylight now after they had left the Grove and they were about an hour from Louisville. The sky seemed so blue as they all looked out wondering about all they had witnessed. Then in broad daylight a brilliant shooting star streaked across sky far in front of them and burned up. Nearly crossing the entire horizon in their field of vision. Dennis nearly perfectly toned the tune When you wish upon a star, and then stopped himself. It's such as shame, he said  woefully. They were such an inspiration to me as a child and to find out how bad they really were all this time is just...Sad! So much possibility and they turn around and throw it all away, and for what? Power? Money? It's just paper with ink! Cotton Dried Stinking Paper! He boldly added. Like I said..SAD! I have to agree with you, said Bishenjot. Men get so caught up in their quest for power that everything else falls by the wayside.

    Life loses it's value as material things gain value in these peoples eyes, he added. When power and money supersedes the value of life it will only inevitably lead to the  misfortunes of others. They don't care about anyone but themselves, said Kimmy. Tuck agreed, They sure don't! Everyone on the plane had begun to awaken despite being tired from the previous events. Alex kissed Alette on the cheek as she was beginning to wake as he had awaken before her this time. Where are we asked? T Passing over Missouri and we are Less than 50 minutes from Louisville now. Dennis's phone rings and he instantly recognizes his wife's old phone number. Virginia! OMG I completely forgot she was at our house in Palo Alto, he exclaimed as he answered the phone. Virginia, are you okay? he asked her. The group could only hear Dennis's words as he was talking. Well Where is Beau? Left you for an A-Lister? Well probably not anymore, he replied. You wouldn't believe me if I told you, he answered another question. You're Scared? Since when is Virginia Malone-Tompkins scared of anything? You saw what? It chased him? Incinerated? Wow. I guess that would scare anyone. I'm about to land in Louisville, Kentucky. It's not Derby time and no we aren't going downtown, and I don't think they would let us anyway, or anyone for that matter. Are you sure? Well I have a couple things to attend to first and I could fly out in a day or two and get you. Well I have to or I won't even have a plane to come and get you. Jimmy needs this back for something tomorrow, and Tom -- uh a guy is meeting me in Pennsylvania in order for me to acquire another plane.

    I'm not lying to you. Okay it's Tom Baron. Oh, now you really think I'm lying. Okay Virgie. I will take a screenshot when I get to Pennsylvania, will you believe me then? Besides you're being awfully testy for someone who is asking for me to come and help them. Look I'm telling you, I'm on my way to get a plane. Do you want me to come and get you afterward or not? Okay I will prove it to you when I meet him and then I will come and get you. It's a long story Virgie, I have to land the plane in a few minutes, so stay in the house if your worried and order food or whatever you need. If there is anything left. Geez okay Virgie I'll be there as soon as I can. Just try to relax until I get there. It's okay! I'll be there soon. If you have to call me back then call me. Okay! Talk to you later. Bye. You're wife was in California? Yeah she is totally freaked out. She said everything around her is burnt up. God must have spared her for a reason or he didn't want to burn my house? Honestly, I really think Virginia was always good in her heart – Somewhere? She said she saw a ball of fire chasing a guy and he turned and it followed him as he dove in his car and it incinerated him and the car. She seemed really scared. Her would-be Fiance dumped her for some actress or something. Then She assumed I was lying after I slipped Tom's name out. She was always pretty astute. I figured just tell her the truth, and then she really thought I was lying. Geez! Dennis Chuckled as he continued. I can't possibly tell her what we've seen and experienced over the last week. She'd think I was loony.

    By the way Bishenjot do you or Sydney still have the recording of that thing at the Beach? Why yes we do! Bishenjot answered as Sydney agreed from the back of the plane. Just in case, I would like you to share it to my phone if you don't mind. Here let's use my other phone, not the Sat. Phone. He pulled out his iPhone 12 and said, Okay just share it directly from your iPad, said Bishenjot to Sydney. He pulled up the clip and hit the arrow and there was another iPhone in the Airdrop. Here you are! Send! Accepted, replied Dennis. Just in case it gets to that point, but I won't show her unless it is absolutely necessary! Good Idea replied T. I just can't believe I forgot about her being in Palo Alto. Well, don't feel too bad I forgot about Jedi Knight and the Force for over 22 years, and besides you haven't been with Virginia for a while now, so it's understandable. said T. Yeah, I guess you're right. Dennis said as he tried to shake off a little feeling of guilt for having forgotten his wife. Even though in his mind he remembered that she had been the one who legally separated from him some time ago. He still cared about Virginia. In fact he still loved Virgie" despite the arrogance and snobbery he had witnessed when she held her debutante balls and endless soirees for her other stuffy and egocentric friends. In his mind he always thought she seemed to be a fish out of water, and that she didn't really fit in, and yet the phonies allowed her in and allured her into their superficial world. He wondered what had become of all of her friends. Had they all also perished in the burning sulfur? He would find out for sure before too long, he was sure of that much. Bishenjot had a deeper sense of things than most and had perceived Dennis's worry and remarked to Dennis.

    "It's okay Dennis, She is alive and that is the most important thing right now. His intuition wasn't a real surprise as he had always noticed Bishenjot's cognitive abilities. Very Incisive, he replied to Bishenjot. That's what I've always realized about you. 'Sharp as a tack! Bishenjot had moved the stool so the others could visit the Cockpit if they felt like doing so. Well, I have a lot to get done in the next couple of days, said Dennis. After I take you all back to Kentucky. I have to take Sydney, Grant, Bishenjot and Tuck back to New York. Then Meet with this Jason Guy in Pennsylvania to get a different plane. Then I have to fly all the way back to Palo Alto and pick up Virginia! You should take a break and rest at some point Dennis. You know you've not taken much of a break in the last week, said Alex. Well we took a little break at Alette's dad's cabin the night before last night and Wednesday the night before that! he stated in a matter of fact tone of voice. Besides you all don't know about old Dennis. I've survived for weeks with less sleep. I'm honestly really okay right. Feeling pretty good actually. He added. Honestly so do I! said 'T,' and then everyone else also agreed. Like they had all slept and were all well rested and they'd had a full nights sleep. Bishenjot then interjected, I feel like I could arm-wrestle ten men. Not all at once of course, he added. Maybe this has something to do with what Vlad said. That we would all be getting some kind of abilities? suggested Kimmy. You may be right about that," said Dennis as he had everyone quiet down to request his landing at Louisville International Airport.

    Louisville Tower this is Cessna Citation X November Zero Two Seven X-Ray Alpha on Approach from the West about 30 miles out passing over Wyandotte Indiana and the Harrison-Crawford State Forest requesting to enter Louisville airspace for a landing and refueling on runway 4. Citation X  November Zero Two Seven X-Ray Alpha permission granted maintain current heading and speed report 5. the tower replied. Louisville Tower Citation X November Zero Two Seven X-Ray Alpha maintaining present speed report 5. That really sounds so confusing, said Erica.Ha! Wait until you learn about the Atis code. Besides that was even a clean instruction, and not like the ones I get sometimes. Especially if there is heavy air traffic and weather problems. Sounds complicated. she replied. It is at first, but once you get used to it, it's just like riding a bike and becomes second nature. It tells us the location, the weather, the runway being used among other things. Okay we are about five miles out now, hold on. The tower once again came one and gave him clearance to land the plane on runway four, and in a few minutes they were back on the ground in Louisville. They taxied back to the area for private jet owners and soon he was being refueled. 'T' and the others all exited the plane even Grant, Bishenjot and Sydney to stretch in the fresh air for a few moments. You've been awful quiet Grant! said Sydney. Well, I was just wondering what I'm supposed to do? I don't have a job anymore, and if I were to return how am I supposed to explain how I got out  of the Bohemian Grove alive! I'm not sure they won't suspect something? They would probably take me somewhere and shoot me, and dump my body. Grant! said Bishenjot, they can't shoot you! Oh. That's right! I forgot we're all bullet-proof now!

    Such a crazy thought just thinking about it, replied Erica. Well remember that we can't use it for personal gain or selfish reasons or it would be taken away and you really will get shot! Stated 'T.' Truthfully I would prefer not to exercise it at all anyway. Me either, said Erick. I still don't like the idea of being shot at! Well you can play it by ear Grant, but ultimately it's your choice whether you go back, but it still gives us a lead in to what they are up to. Just think about it and what excuse you could possibly use if you ultimately decide to go back to work for them. I will think about it, but I'm not sure yet, said Grant. Then a military Hummer pulled up and Captain Armstrong and Lieutenant Manly pulled up next to the group as they were loading into T's Truck. How did you guys get here so fast? asked Dennis. No offense Dennis, but our jets are a little faster than yours! answered Lieutenant Manly. No Doubt! replied Dennis. We had to  come and give you a little heads up on the situation, and give the rest of the group a ride to the cabin, and discuss any immediate ideas you may have as well. said the lieutenant. Captain Mattingly is still in a meeting with the Alliance at the moment, and one issue we need to resolve quickly is having a sort of make shift base of operations where all of you can be at in a close to equal amount of time. Somewhere close to half way between here and New York would be best. Since Dennis resides there, and T lives in Ohio which puts him closer to halfway than anyone! said Captain Armstrong.

    However we did find a prime location which is slightly closer to New York and to T's home. It's in Berlin, he added. BERLIN? GERMANY? replied Tuck, No, No, Berlin, Ohio! replied the captain. It's in an area of Amish country in Ohio! Not Germany, the captain said laughing. It would also provide some obscurity and far less evil than say a large city and decrease chances of any repeats of the previous week. Honestly I and many others would have opted to keep you all safe and handled this our way, but that doesn't seem prudent at this point. Especially after what we saw in the Grove, continued the captain. Plus the Commander and Chief thinks that it has been God's hand guiding you all to some degree through all of this, and he doesn't want to make the Real Boss angry by interfering in his plans either, he said pointing a finger to the sky. Maybe he's guiding you more than a little? Plus you guys are all bulletproof now! added the lieutenant. Well, like I told the others, we can't take advantage of that too much or the man upstairs might yank that gift and maybe someone could still end up shot anyway? suggested Dennis. What the Lord giveth, the Lord can certainly take away! said Alex. Amen to that! replied Alette. Alex threw his arm around her. It's okay, I'm back now, he said facetiously with a slight grin. Oh, you thought I was talking about you? she replied back in kind, and then kissed Alex. So whose going where? the captain asked. I have to take Tuck, Grant, Sydney, and Bishenjot back to New York before I take the plane back to Jimmy, replied Dennis. So the six of you are heading back to the cabin? he asked. Yes and I'm riding with T this time – finally, added Kimmy causing T to smile.

    Well I can accommodate 4 people more in the Hummer back to the cabin and then me and Lieutenant Manly will be heading back to Knox. Anyway just so you know that area of Amish country has a lot of shops, and everything from Cheese to Meat, and Wine, and more crafting than you can shake a stick at, said Lieutenant Manly. So if you stay there for any time, there is just about anything you want close by. I went there once with my wife when we were visiting her aunt and uncle just a few miles from there. Sounds like a nice place to visit anyway, replied Erica. My only concern with staying there is running my business here while I'm there, said Alette. Well 45 already thought of that as well, and he has made arrangements to not only help you to run your businesses from there as much as possible, but to also offer compensation for any losses you may incur until this issue is resolved. He also made arrangements that once it's over your names will be getting a lot more attention, and so will your businesses. added Captain Armstrong. All of your businesses will be getting a huge boost after it's over!  As for you, Dennis you're about to acquire a charitable gift in the form of an airplane. he added, but it's actually for a good reason, he added. I almost bought a Jet a couple of years ago, but I could never make up my mind about which one I liked the best. At first it was one of those Embraer Praeter 600, but then I decided to just wait awhile. Well I think you'll be surprised with this one, but that's all I can say for now, said the captain. One more thing one of our radars picked up a few low flying aircraft exiting from California just before everything occurred there yesterday! More than than likely members of 'The Order' who sensed things were not going well, and cut and ran!" said the lieutenant.

    Probably Helmuth Weisner, that guy is like a cockroach who won't die. Everyone knows he has deep ties to the 'Red Shield' and 'The Order, said T. Yeah, It's strange how many of those guys are over the hill and complain about everyone else who is getting old and want to practically get rid of all of the older people! Maybe they should start with themselves? suggested Dennis. That alone would spare all of the rest of the older people from those arrogant narcissistic psychopaths, said Alex. Indeed! agreed Bishenjot. So we will be in touch with all of you, but for now we have these, they said as they handed four phones out to the group. One to T, One to Alex, one to Dennis, and one to Bishenjot. These are encrypted phones, and if you look in the contacts you can see there are two numbers. One is to Captain Mattingly, and the other is for Emergencies, and also in case you can't reach the Captain and need to speak to someone in a hurry. Keep these in a safe place as well, as the 'you know what,' he said pointing to the box. That whole thing still confuses me about who was supposed to originally end up with the book and which pendant, said Kimmy. I still haven't quite wrapped my head around that one, she added. Well the first thing we know for sure was that the wrong stone ended up in the book, replied Sydney. Did it Bishenjot said. Which caused everyone to stop for a moment and look. 'Never underestimate evils propensity to deceive the unwitting, he added. If that's true then our switch did little to interfere with the outcome," said the lieutenant.

    We were the ones who sent the gentleman and lady to buy the stones and had them sell them to the opposite sex. We were also the ones who had a fake 'Salvation Stone Pendant' made and let the fake fall into The Order's hands after they learned of the book and the stone. Said the captain adding, we just can't figure out how they learned about the rest, of it? Maybe that's a question we need to ask the higher ups, since we know that some of the things we found and learned were new to everyone, suggested Dennis. Which raises another question, I've been meaning to ask the Alliance, said Bishenjot. Where did the alliance find the 'Salvation Stone' to begin with, since we know it wasn't in the Morar estates property? That's a damn good question, Captain Armstrong stated. One I will find out the answer to before the day is over! he added. I have a meeting myself later today with members of the Alliance, and I will find out the answer to that and how 'The Order' could have known about the box and the other stone pendants. At least if we can find a plausible explanation that is! Let us know what you find out about the location of the other stone, because it could be a clue as to where we could start looking for the real 'Judgment Stone' as well, said Bishenjot. We have to take another trip back to Romania to speak with Andrei Morar II again as well, said Dennis. First things first, however, we must get these four back to New York and then we have to meet with Jason in Pennsylvania to procure another airplane. Yes and as I said we have a meeting in a few hours so if you folks don't mind, we need to deliver some of you back to the cabin and be on our way back to base." said the captain.

    He and the lieutenant both shook hands with Dennis, Bishenjot, and the rest of the group. The group had already grown close and all hugged each other and then they parted ways.  Alette, Alex, Erica, and Erick all loaded into the Hummer with the captain and lieutenant, and Kimmy hopped into T's Super Snake and they were on their way back to the cabin. The fuel truck had finished fueling up the Citation X and then the five of them loaded back in and began their taxi to the runway. Soon they were back in the air on their way to New York again. An Hour and a few minutes and we'll be back home gentlemen! said Dennis. I'm still kind of nervous, said Grant. I'm worried they may know about me now, he added. I will go to your house with you, and we will check it out together, said Sydney. Oh, wait! exclaimed Grant. I forgot to give these back to you after the guards took then from you at the front gate! He pulled out the two pistols that T had given Dennis and Bishenjot to  use on the airplane the day before. A Sig Sauer P320 M-18, and a Beretta M-9! Grant stated as he produced them from his duffle bag. They left them in the guard shack. he added. Actually those belong to T, said Bishenjot. Maybe you two should carry them when you go to Grant's house? Dennis exclaimed. Even though we are bullet-proof, that alone might not drive them away technically, said Sydney. Well since they aren't that would definitely give you an advantage, said Dennis. I suggest you two take those with you when you go to Grant's home, just to be on the safe side. We can give them back to T later when we see him again. Actually I have a 9MM myself at home if I can get to it first, presuming they even suspect me now, said Grant. Nonetheless I would feel safer with something in my hands when I get there, he said. Well also remember we are told to 'fear not, interjected Dennis. Grant sighed and said, I will do my best."

    Meanwhile, the girls had convinced the captain and lieutenant to stop at the fish place again. Moby Dick and picked up fish sandwiches for everyone even the captain and lieutenant. They all managed to eat their fish sandwiches and they had the mushrooms again as well. Who ever thought fish could taste so good? asked Erica. They were all hungry and scarfed down the sandwiches, yet while savoring every bite. Soon they were exiting off of I-65 and onto Western Kentucky Parkway and heading towards Leitchfield again. Even though they had been there just days before it seemed like a long time. Perhaps the sum of the experiences they had been through since they left. Time seemed to be playing tricks on them as it seemed like only moments later they were back at the cabin. They saw as they were coming up the road Jennifer's car was there. What the...responded Alette. Jennifer exited her car as she saw them approaching. It's about time, she exclaimed. I've been here for like a half an hour! Where have you guys been, and why are you here with the Army? she asked giving a puzzled look at the sight of the captain and lieutenant. It's a very long story, said Alette. She was thinking what they could really tell Jennifer without giving her too many details. Alette looked at the captain puzzling about it. The captain thought up a story quick. T is a friend of ours. He wanted to take a ride in our Hummer so we obliged and took a quick trip around the block, well more like a country mile here really, he added with a slight laugh. Oh, you haven't met T yet, said Kimmy.

    This is our friend T and he's a wonderful chef we met on Dennis's boat last week. Dennis? Who is Dennis? And what boat? she asked inquisitively. We'll explain it all later, said Alette as she widened  her eyes slightly looking back towards the captain and lieutenant. Well T we have a meeting to get to, so we will see you guys later, said the captain, as he and the lieutenant got back into the Hummer. Keep in touch, said the lieutenant as they drove away. Why do I get the feeling there is more to this? asked Jennifer. They had the box now wrapped in a cloth still, and took it into the cabin as they all looked around to make sure that no one was there. T this is Jennifer, Jennifer meet  T, said Kimmy. Ah, the one who had to go back for the family reunion thing, exclaimed T. I am also the Chef who will be running the catering out of the restaurant you and Alex here are building. Oh. You're the Seasoned Chef guy, this makes a little more sense now, she replied. So you came all the way down from Ohio to meet us, but our meeting is postponed until Friday, right? she asked. Uh, Yes, interjected Alex. Strange coincidence as it were that we all happened to meet in New York while we were on my friends boat. The chef here cooked us a fantastic lunch. At this point Jennifer seemed even more puzzled. You all aren't making any side deals are you? she asked still looking puzzled. Jennifer it's okay. No secret deals going on here at all! responded Alette. And you are the same Alex who was going to meet my brother, but you postponed the deal? she asked. Well actually the brides family postponed the wedding too!' added T. You guys also left me a message that you were postponing," replied Alex.

    Here it is, said Alex as he played back the message from his phone once again. Hey Alex, it's Ed Hilliard. I was just going to call you about our meeting, when I saw that you had already messaged me. I really didn't want to postpone it, but for whatever reason now our customer backed out on our test run at the last minute until next weekend, because their mother was ill, and my partner also wanted to postpone it as well, and honestly I was going to make my partner who as you already know is my sister come anyway. Now you? I think this was just not meant to happen this week, so it's fine. We can postpone until next week. Anyway call me at your earliest convenience. Take care, bye. So you also postponed, said Alex. Okay!' she said, but this is still all very odd, she insisted. We just all happened to meet the guy who was supposed to meet my brother while we were in another state, who also just happens to meet the other guy in our deal on a boat as well? Yes, I guess that does sound confusing! said Kimmy. That all just seems, very coincidental! Just a little too coincidental! Jennifer added with a very suspicious look now. Jennifer, no one is running a scam on you, Erica and Kimmy and Alette all told her. Besides the deal is running through the bank and none of us own the bank, Erick Exclaimed. There is no way any of us would be involved in a scam! Alex exclaimed. Yeah, so just calm down! exclaimed Kimmy. No one here is scamming anyone! she added. That Sunday, the day after you left, we all went onto Dennis's yacht who is a friend of Alex's and you will no doubt get to meet him eventually. Anyway when we were on the yacht we met his favorite chef, which just so happened to be T.

    We didn't even figure out he was the same chef until later that day, said Kimmy. You all were on a Yacht in New York on Sunday? Jennifer inquired. You know they are still looking for some people on a Yacht from last Sunday? Well that wasn't us! exclaimed Alette. Do you think we would be involved in terrorist activities, really Jennifer? Absolutely Not, Jennifer answered. It's still all very weird that you all met like that. Something still seems really strange about this whole thing, as I said earlier, added Jennifer. Well look at how many times things have happened around Kimmy, said Alette trying to ease Jennifer's suspicions. That's true!' Jennifer said. Like our own little genie in a bottle, she added. She seemed to calm her suspicions down knowing her friends Kimmy, Erica and Alette would surely not be involved with any plots or scams especially against her. Then both of the phones that the captain and lieutenant had given them rang simultaneously. Both ALex and T, answered them as they realized to their surprise, that both the phones were on a speaker setting and it was Tom Baron on the phone, causing Jennifer to pause for only a moment. "That's Tom Baron's voice!  she exclaimed as he greeted the group. Hello guys! Is this a bad time? he asked when Jennifer actually fainted and Erick caught her to keep her from hitting the floor. Not anymore! exclaimed T as Erick sat her on the sleeper sofa and she immediately began to come back to. Sorry, but they just kicked the phones on so they haven't been operational until now. I take it Captain Armstrong and Lieutenant Manly gave you the details for the center of operations? Can you hear me too Dennis" he asked.

    Yes Mr. President we are here too! answered Dennis. Just so you know if you need to shut off the speakers just go to the settings and enter the number 45. That will allow you to change that setting once we are done here. Jennifer was now sitting there in stunned silence. The pendant was originally found in the ruins of the Temple of Sippar in what was part of the ancient Persian and Babylonian empires. Since no one really knew of the existence of the key it was assumed to be just a piece of ancient jewelry. After our people identified it from old photos the alliance had to track it down and it was in a collection in London by that time and had already passed through Romania by ownership. Ironically the families name was Moraru. See I told you, said Sydney from the airplane. The archaeologist who uncovered it also found some Egyptian relics along with it. Cambyses II! declared Bishenjot. That's what he had said too, but he died in 1940. Jean-Vincent Scheil, he also discovered the Code of Hammurabi in 1911! Unfortunately we won't be able to ask him anything, said Sydney woefully. We certainly can't speak with Cambyses either, said Bishenjot. How did he open the box without a key? he asked curiously. The key was still in the book when he took it out of the box. So Vlad told us, but he almost seemed to be asking us, Bishenjot added. Which makes me wonder. interjected Sydney. We put it back together and placed it in the book. So how are we supposed to reopen it and put the Judgment Stone back into place? I hadn't thought of that, said Dennis. Well there is obviously a solution or we wouldn't have been allowed to put it back as he told us to. said Alex. He must have obviously known that we would find the solution, said Alette.

    Perhaps there is another Pendant somewhere? suggested Bishenjot. Well, I'm going to leave that to you smart folks, said Tom Baron. Also we are trying to find out how 'The Order' may have learned about everything else. What we can say is that the answer is still either in Romania, or it's in Egypt, Turkey, London or possibly even Ireland.  Whatever or wherever the answer is we have you, and our people all working on it, and I can't stress enough how important it is that we resolve it, and the sooner the better! Hopefully we can search and find the answers in one of those places! Jennifer was was sitting there trying to understand what she was hearing, and was beginning to feel like it had some connection with everything she had been hearing and seeing in the news. New York they were there, Louisville? California? She wondered if they had been there too? Anyway gang I enjoyed spending time with you all there at the cabin, and I have to get back to business, said Tom Baron. Take care group, and keep in touch. Nice to meet you Jennifer. Tom Baron who hung up then. He knows my name? Jennifer blurted out. How does he even know I'm here and who I am? What in the hell is going on here? The President was right here in this cabin? Why is the former president calling you? Does this have anything to do with all of this crazy crap that's been happening? Okay, whoa slow down Jennifer. One question at a time, said Alette. Suddenly Alex and T's regular phones beeped and each one of them had received a video clip. One from the Island and one was from Downtown Louisville. Thanks Dennis! T said out into the ether. He obviously perceived that Jennifer was there and that they would probably need proof to show her. I hope they sent that from the encrypted phone?" said Alex.

    Jennifer had stood up again and was looking to them for an explanation of everything she had seen and heard so far. Okay, sit down Jennifer, and we will tell you what's really going on! said Alette. First you have to swear not to tell anyone anything about it, and don't talk to anyone about it, because it could put your life in danger, Okay? Alette asked. I don't know this all seems so crazy, she replied. Jennifer if you don't swear then we can't tell you, it's as simple as that! Does this have anything to do with what happened in New York, and what happened in Louisville? Thank God I wasn't there, and that volcano thing in California? Tell me it's not the end of the world! These freak storms and volcanoes and crazy terrorist attacks? I said calm down and we would tell you. Now do you swear? asked Alette again. Yes I swear! Just tell me what's going on! First off, since when do you believe anything the fake news tells you? Asked Alette. Never! she replied. Exactly, now look at this. Alex had received the clip of the Island and handed the phone to Alette and she showed the clip to Jennifer who was virtually frozen watching it. This is real? she said almost panicking. Oh, it was real, Look who's standing right there ! she pointed to herself and the rest of the group playing the clip again. So you all were on that island! Yeah, but does that actually  look like a terrorist attack to you? Are any of us actually doing anything terroristic? asked Alette. No, but what is that thing? she asked. Dracula!" Alette answered bluntly.

    Well sort of! Wait you're telling me that thing is thee Count Dracula? she asked. Okay, this is going to take a while, Alette said handing Alex his phone back and T handed his phone to Alette with a clip of Louisville that they had not even seen themselves except in person. Except Alex who was also curious to see it  himself. Oh, that was those bad guys! Alex said as he saw their vehicles get incinerated. WAS,' the bad guys! stated T. Okay, now I'm nervous to get too close to you! she said looking at Alex. Oh, that thing is gone for now anyway, but it won't stay gone and we have a while before it could come back! said Alex. How do you know that for sure? she asked. Well Vlad told us! said Kimmy. Okay, my head is really swimming now. Do you have any idea of how insane this all sounds? she asked. There was no simple way to make her understand so the group sat there for about 45 minutes explaining every detail of what had occurred after she left NY, in fine detail. To which she finally replied, You know if I hadn't just sat here and heard you actually talking to Tom Baron, and if I didn't know you all, except you, you – and you as she pointed to Alex, Erick, and then  T, I would think you were all completely bat shit crazy. she added. Look! Alette said as she showed her the Junonia shell she took out of her purse to further confirm what they had told her. Wow! That's actually bigger than the ones we found when we were shell hunting on Sanibel Island in Florida last! exclaimed Jennifer. So what is the plan now? I can help with that, a voice rang out from behind them. Vlad! everyone chimed in as he stepped out of the dining area. They looked over and realized Jennifer had fainted again. Perhaps a little too nervous? Vlad said.

    I thought you weren't coming back until we opened the box again? asked T. With the missing stone?, added Erick. "Speaking of which, how are we supposed to open the box again Vlad

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