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Mind over Matter: or why your mind still matters in the Brave New World of Spiritual Machines
Mind over Matter: or why your mind still matters in the Brave New World of Spiritual Machines
Mind over Matter: or why your mind still matters in the Brave New World of Spiritual Machines
Ebook245 pages2 hours

Mind over Matter: or why your mind still matters in the Brave New World of Spiritual Machines

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In the Future there will be only two kinds of people: those who will know Behavioral Science and those who will be controlled by it, and THE FUTURE IS NOW.
We are not biochemical robots, we are not just biological machines, we are self-determined free consciousness.
Attention is captured, then carefully aimed towards the direction social engineers want. Truly wise men only want to rule themselves. Mediocre men only want to rule others, but themselves are slaves of the darkness within.
The TRUTH shall set us FREE !

PublisherDan Anghel
Release dateSep 21, 2023
Mind over Matter: or why your mind still matters in the Brave New World of Spiritual Machines

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    Book preview

    Mind over Matter - Dan Anghel


    or why your mind still matters in the Brave New World of Spiritual Machines

    Dan Anghel


    Copyright © 2023 DAN ANGHEL

    All rights reserved

    The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher.

    ISBN: 9798394370984

    Cover design by: DAN ANGHEL

    This book is dedicated to all humankind.

    In the Future there will be only two kinds of people: those who will know Behavioral Science and those who will be  controlled by it, and the Future is Now.

    We are not biochemical robots, we are not just biological machines, we are self-determined free consciousness.

    Attention is captured, then carefully aimed towards the direction social engineers want. Truly wise men only want to rule themselves. Mediocre men only want to rule others, but themselves are slaves of the darkness within.

    If the purpose of hell is the control of others , the purpose of paradise must be the SELF-CONTROL.

    Dan ANGHEL


    Title Page







    Manipulation Techniques

    Protecting Yourself Against Manipulation Techniques

    The Psychology of Social Media

    Protection Against Manipulation in Social Media and Media in General

    Victims on the news mirror the impotence and teach helplessness to the masses

    The Weight of Small Negative Suggestions

    The ABCDE technique

    Monitoring is treatment

    The Cognitive Bias Cocktail

    The Inner Alignment

    The Variable Rewards

    The Boredom Trap: How Digital Algorithms Exploit Our Weakest Moments

    The Dogma

    The Optimism

    Pygmalion Effect

    Behavioral Science


    The Self-Induced Trance

    Creating a Positive Trance through Visualization

    Breaking Free from the Self-Induced Trance

    When You Can't Escape the Trance, Generate a Positive One

    The mirror neurons


    Rage against the dying of the light


    Mirror neurons and the Bobo doll experiment

    Fatigue and suggestibility

    The Social media and our biases

    The negativity bias and algoritms

    Recommendation algorithms

    Many lives many biases

    The negativity bias

    Free Tips

    Reducing friction

    Exercise plan using the behavioral science principles

    Types of manipulation

    Subliminal mental attacks

    Manipulation by coworkers

    The Asch Conformity Experiment

    The Milgram Experiment

    The Automatic Attention System: Protector and Manipulator

    Amygdala hijack

    The Positive Psychology


    Victim Blaming and DARVO

    Becoming indistractable

    Managing Your Fears: A Psychological Self-Defense Technique

    Learning optimism

    Building Good Habits

    Three-Part Attention System

    The Equation of Mindful Learning: Bridging Focus and Time

    Fighting digital addiction

    Eye Tracking Technology


    Meta-Thinking: Or How Knowing the Truth Shall Make You Free

    Meta-Emotion: Master Your Feelings

    From Influence to Heroism

    The Heroic Imagination Project (HIP)

    The Internal Locus of Control

    Parapsychological Self-Defense: A Spiritual Pathway to Resilience

    The Power of Sincere Prayer: A Shield for the Psyche in Parapsychological Self-Defense

    The Great Unknown Unknown: The Science of Parapsychology

    The Power of One

    The Solution to the problem of evil


    Dear Reader,

    You are about to embark on an extraordinary journey—a voyage into the depths of the human mind, the corridors of the soul, and the frontiers of our understanding of reality itself. This is not a book for the faint-hearted or the skeptically inclined; it is an expedition designed for the bold, the curious, and those willing to entertain new perspectives on the nature of existence.

    The first part of this book sets the stage by exploring a logical proof for the existence of the soul. We will navigate through philosophy, spirituality, and science to provide you with a reasoned argument that our essence extends beyond the physical body. We'll delve into metaphysical inquiries, scrutinize empirical evidence, and examine the contours of consciousness to make a compelling case that the soul is not just a concept, but a palpable reality.

    Having established the existence of the soul, we will then transition into a realm that is often shrouded in mystery and misconception: the field of psychological and even parapsychological self-defense. By equipping yourself with the knowledge and tools laid out in this section, you'll learn how to fortify your mental and spiritual boundaries. Whether it's safeguarding yourself against emotional manipulation or understanding the mechanisms behind paranormal phenomena, this guide aims to empower you to be the master of your own reality.

    So why combine these two seemingly disparate topics in a single volume? The answer is simple: understanding the true nature of your soul offers a foundational strength that is indispensable in psychological and parapsychological defense. When you are cognizant of your soul's existence, you become better equipped to defend against influences that aim to manipulate or undermine you—be they of this world or beyond.

    As you turn the pages of this book, I invite you to do so with an open mind and a courageous heart. Question your assumptions, examine your beliefs, and dare to look beyond what is easily visible. For in doing so, you become an active participant in your journey, capable of shaping not just your destiny, but also your very being.

    Let the journey begin.




    In a world of universal deceit, to tell the truth is a revolutionary act.George Orwell.

    The MIND OF GOD, we believe, is cosmic music, music of strings, resonating through 11-dimensional Hyperspace.Michio Kaku

    We will begin with what we scientifically


    We know that the universe and the men are built from atoms, and subatomic particles.

    According to classical physics if we could theoretically know the position of all particles, atoms in the universe and the laws that govern them, we could theoretically predict the movement of the whole universe and men.

    This is calledmaterialistic determinism; it implies that there is no actually free will.

    That was a big philosophical dilemma, until the apparition of the quantum physics.

    In our postmodern era many

    believe that the quantum physics has all the answers, because of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.

    Introduced first in 1927, by the German

    physicist Werner Heisenberg, it states that the more precisely the position of some particle is determined, the

    less precisely its momentum can be known, and vice versa.

    After apparition of the quantum physics the problem of materialistic determinism was solved by the materialistic indeterminism.

    Because we cannot know with absolute

    precision the position of a subatomic particle, that means that the material universe is not absolutely predictable.

    This doesn’t demonstrate that the Human Species is free, but only chaotic, the unpredictability doesn’t prove the freedom, if it depends of the

    Heisenberg's uncertainty principle.

    We must have another support, a non-material hardware to be able to be free.

    The hardware that can support a free consciousness cannot obey the laws of the physical universe.

    The mechanism that can make possible the freedom it is a mechanism without mechanism , to make possible the self-determination.

    An artificial consciousness it is impossible to create.

    Only an infinite Intelligence, can imagine

    and create the support that can make possible the self-determination.

    And the self-consciousness it is even more complex in the nature of its substance.

    The hardware that can make possible the free consciousness is infinite in complexity, and only a free creative being of infinite intelligence can create it.

    Any scientist that says he can create an

    artificial consciousness is delusional, and only a fool can believe him.

    History will prove me right, because in the present there will be many that will pretend they do not understand me.

    And the Mind is self-determined by


    Our profound nature is the free consciousness , the self-determination.

    Because we are free we are self-determined.

    The Human Consciousness is self-determined, the effect it is without cause.

    We are not biochemical robots, we are not just biological machines, we are self-determined free consciousness.

    Einstein said in his book, the Theory of

    relativity for all, that we cannot will to will .

    We mustn’t stay in the paradigm of materialism, in the echo chamber of the all powerful confirmation bias.

    There is a dimension , a universe where not the lows of physics rule, but the will of the Free self-determined Minds, not the exterior determinism, but the interior self-determinism.

    The matter cannot support a hardware, even of infinite complexity, that can have a self-determined consciousness, and it is empirically proven that we are

    self-determined consciousness.

    For example, very similar group of

    people do not behave the same in various psychological experiments,

    in the same conditions.

    There is a majority that behave in a

    predictable manner, but not all.

    And this is the empirical demonstration that we are free.

    The Nature of The hardware that can support the freedom and consciousness it is so complex, that there is no human mind that can imagine it, even

    Einstein when he said we cannot will to will ...we simply will...and the origin of the will is in our divine Nature.

    We are Regnum Dei, not Regnum


    The Freedom is the Profound Nature of the Mind.

    We are not biological, biochemical robots.

    Our consciousness it is not an epiphenomenon of our biochemical machine that we call body, our consciousness it is not just a spectator of the movement of our biological machine, that we call body.

    Our consciousness is interconnected with the freedom and they are both divine in Nature.

    Some of us depend on the void logic of

    mathematics, I relay on the live logic of common sense.

    The Heisenberg uncertainty principle does not demonstrate the liberty but the chaos.

    If a system is unpredictable it means that is chaotic or self-determined, and the Human Species is self-determined.

    We are immortal nucleus of free consciousness and we have the same profound Nature as the profound Nature of God.

    We came of God and we are pieces of God, we are free, immortal and supra-materialistic.

    The material body is just a biological robot, that your free mind controls, from a Supra-materialistic Dimension.

    The free immortal consciousness , our soul, controls the biological machine , that we call material body.

    Because God is Absolute in Good, Truth and Beauty, it implies logically that we are the only responsible for our destiny.

    Because we are self-determined, we are powerful and responsible, the masters of our own destiny.

    God is Spirit ,and where the Holy Spirit of God is, there is freedom.

    God is freedom , in the absolute form of organization.

    God is The Creator , and the superior form of organization of the freedom is the creation.

    And we are not only matter, superior organized, but we came out of God, and we were given by God , the supreme gift of freedom and creation.

    The structure of the soul cannot be imagined by the human mind.

    It is a mechanism without mechanism.

    It took a man , not a machine, to find the Truth.

    The artificial free consciousness is an utopia.


    The Traditional View of Genetics

    For many years, mainstream biology held that genes dictated life. It was believed that we were merely the byproducts of our genetic code, with little to no control over our genetic destiny. The DNA in our cells was seen as the immutable blueprint of our lives, determining everything from our eye color to our risk of certain diseases.

    The Dawn of Epigenetics

    Epigenetics, derived from Greek meaning above or on top of genetics, proposes a radical shift from this deterministic viewpoint. It doesn't contest the information stored within our DNA but focuses on how genes are expressed or silenced. In essence, while our genetic code may remain constant, the way our genes manifest can be influenced by external factors.

    Bruce Lipton's groundbreaking work in this area suggests that environmental stimuli, including our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs, can influence this genetic expression.

    The Cell's 'Brain': The Cell Membrane

    One of Lipton's pivotal revelations was that the cell's true 'brain' is not its nucleus (where the DNA resides), but its membrane. The cell membrane senses environmental signals and then communicates this information to the cell's interior, influencing gene activity.

    Our cells, in many ways, act like tiny computers. They interpret and respond to environmental signals, including chemical, physical, and energetic signals. Lipton's work highlighted that among these signals are our very thoughts and beliefs.

    Mind Over Matter: The Power of Perception

    The environment is objective, but our perception of it is subjective. Two people can experience the same environment but have utterly different responses based on their perceptions. Lipton's work suggests that our perceptions, whether true or false, influence our biology.

    Positive beliefs and perceptions release growth factors, while negative ones can

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