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Dinner For Three
Dinner For Three
Dinner For Three
Ebook62 pages54 minutes

Dinner For Three

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About this ebook

This steamy romance sees James and Keira sharing a single moment that occupies both their thoughts for days afterwards. Drawn to each other but both married they know that it's wrong but the attraction is so strong. James's wife is canny and resourceful, when she finds out, her reaction is something that no-one could expect.

This story is romantic and sexually charged, erotic but not explicit.

PublisherJanice James
Release dateSep 8, 2023
Dinner For Three

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    Book preview

    Dinner For Three - Janice James

    Chapter One

    Dinner at hers

    James had given up on travelling. He used to love it back in the day but now, with all the security and restrictions and being stuck in the airport for hours on end it just didn’t seem worth it. He’d travelled widely, seen a lot of the world and now, with kids, one beach resort was much like any other and he didn’t see the point.

    Besides, when Helen took the kids away he’d have the house and the TV to himself which was actually more relaxing than two weeks in Tunisia or Spain or Provence. It was an odd way to take his two week Summer leave from work but it suited him.

    He could walk around the house naked, he could put porn on the computer any time day or night - with the volume up high - and he could get as drunk as he liked every night. So James was pretty happy to wave Helen and the kids off as their taxi to the airport pulled away.

    He went upstairs to the bedroom and changed his jeans for some baggy lounge pants and his trainers for some beaten up deck shoes he’d had for years. He headed to the living room and fired up the TV to watch Chelsea beat Arsenal and started thinking about what to do about dinner. The phone rang.

    Hi James

    came a voice he recognised as Keira’s. James and Helen had known Keira and Paul since their daughters were at nursery together ten years ago. Now the girls were at Prep school and the two couples were fairly close. They lived about a mile apart and they were good friends.

    They’d holidayed as two families a couple of times and James had regarded Keira’s mature but slender, well kept form in a swim suit appreciatively. For her age, she was a looker. But Keira had always seemed something of an innocent. She never picked up on an innuendo or understood an off colour joke. She blushed and unlike Helen, she never drank much or talked about anything controversial. Never politics, never anything risqué. Never sex.

    Hi Keira James said How’s things?

    Oh not bad you know she replied you know Paul is away with work don’t you?

    I did know, Malaysia this time right?

    Yes, well I was just contemplating cooking for one when I realised you were home alone as it were and I thought I might invite you round for a bite and a glass of something.

    Oh how lovely James said disguising his very mixed emotions. On the one hand it would be nice to have dinner with Keira and she was an old friend and a great cook, on the other he was quite honestly looking forward to a night of porn and wine on his own.

    How come you’re cooking for one? James asked.

    Oh the kids are with my parents in Spain for three weeks - I was thinking about tomorrow about eight? and James was relieved she hadn’t meant tonight.

    That sounds great he said what’s on the menu?

    Well you can choose if you like said Keira Cannelloni or Salad Niçoise, up to you.

    Keira, you are famous for your Cannelloni so there’s no contest.

    OK, don’t dress up or anything - it’s just us she said sounding pleased an evening without kids for both of us. and James could hear the smile on her face.

    I’ll bring a bottle of posh he said and the deal was sealed.

    He ordered himself a huge pizza with everything and when it arrived he opened a bottle of wine and sat down at the computer. He had a quick look at a few people he followed on YouTube, checked the prices of a few stocks he was into and munched on the meat feast monstrosity.

    After four slices he was stuffed but he knew that in a few hours once the bottle was empty he’d want the rest so he closed the box and put it on the range cooker in the kitchen.

    Back at the computer he got into some porn. Soft stuff at first, he had a bit of a lingerie fetish, a bit of a lesbian fetish and he had a thing for windy upskirts. He flicked through a few sites he was familiar with, did a few searches and before long his cock was pretty hard and he was thinking about finishing himself off when a strange thing happened.

    Keira appeared in his head. Keira in a swim suit. Keira

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