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Nobody's Hero
Nobody's Hero
Nobody's Hero
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Nobody's Hero

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Layla Anderson had a rough start. Her mother had run off when she was a baby, leaving her in the care of a teenage father who couldn't take care of her. He turned her over to the state and she was shuffled from one awful foster home to another. She was beaten in one for every minor offense and suffered sexual abuse at the hands of a foster “father” in another. She moved around so much that she fell behind in school and ended up having to repeat fourth grade, making her a year older than most of her peers.

When she was fourteen her real father decided that he wanted her back, so she moved into a dilapidated trailer home on the outskirts of an affluent city with him, his girlfriend Debbie, and their three young children. From that point on she cooked, cleaned, and cared for her half-siblings while the parents spent most evenings at the grubby dive bar down the street. Too often they came home drunk and brawling, Debbie’s shrieking and name-calling inevitably leading to Dad smacking her around. She’d cry, he’d swear it wouldn’t happen again. Then they’d have loud sex while Layla attempted to drown out the moans and creaks by burying her head under her thin pillow.

As they grew, her siblings became world-class brats. She loved them and cared for them the best that she could, but let’s face it. These babies were being raised almost solely by an inexperienced young girl without support. All in all, her home life was less than satisfying.

But while her home life was bad, school was even worse. At least at home, she was primarily ignored. At school, she was despised. She’d never been popular. All the moving around from place to place had prevented her from making any real friends, and when she’d joined her current classmates halfway through seventh grade she was an outsider from the start.

Things probably wouldn’t have been too bad if it weren’t for the fact that Layla was the kind of girl that all insecure middle school girls loved to hate. She was blessed with the kind of beauty that few can claim. With her sunflower blond hair, stunning emerald eyes, and full, pouty lips, she didn’t have a chance at blending into the crowd. Her quiet nature made her come across as cold, which didn’t help the situation. And as she matured her plump breasts, trim waist, and well-formed backside earned her the reputation of class whore. It didn’t matter that she’d never even had a boyfriend. The boys at school wanted nothing to do with her. They were either too intimidated by her centerfold looks or too embarrassed at the prospect of being seen in the company of the school skank. And as for her after-school life, well, she didn’t have one. She was expected to head straight home after school and begin her duties as surrogate mother to her ill-behaved siblings. Though they’d never said it out loud, she knew why her father and Debbie had taken her back out of foster care. She also knew where she’d end up if she decided to bail on her duties. And while her life at home wasn’t great, and her school life was terrible, nothing compared to the hell that she’d endured as a foster kid. She’d do anything to avoid having to go back to that life.

Day after day she dealt with whispers, dirty looks, and nasty remarks scrawled on bathroom walls. Night after night she dealt with piles of dirty laundry, burnt dinners, and back-talk from her half-siblings. Layla was pretty much running on auto-pilot. She numbly ran through the motions of everyday life, her daydreams the only escape.

Then in one instant, everything goes from bad to worse, and Layla finds herself homeless. Layla has no money, no place to stay, and no hope for a brighter future. But then fate gives her a chance to take charge of her destiny. With the help of a new friend, Layla embarks on a lucrative career as a high-end call girl. But when Layla takes on the notorious K.P. as a client, her plans are derailed as she finds herself consumed by the man with the dark, hau

PublisherLeigha James
Release dateAug 19, 2023
Nobody's Hero

Leigha James

Leigha James writes playful and sexy heteroromances with characters you're sure to remember. Always keeping things fun and fast-paced, Leigha's stories are sure to excite the imagination, and always leave you feeling satisfied when the story ends.

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    Book preview

    Nobody's Hero - Leigha James

    Nobody’s Hero

    By Leigha James

    © 2023 - Leigha James

    Chapter 1

    Layla wrapped the too-thin jacket as tightly as possible around herself to ward off the November chill. She walked the half-mile from her school back to Dad and Debbie’s whenever possible. She could have taken the bus, but the long walk home was her respite. Her time to be in silence. In another month the cold Michigan winter would set in for real and avoiding the bus would no longer be an option. But for now, she enjoyed the walk.

    As Layla walked, she daydreamed about what it would be like to belong to one of the town’s wealthy families instead of a member of the run-down trailer park community. She imagined having her hair washed, trimmed, and styled at a ritzy salon, followed by a mani/pedi. She’d walk out with her hair glossy and smelling of coconuts and her perfectly shaped nails shellacked in glossy red. Then she’d jump behind the wheel of her sexy little Audi and be off to the mall where she’d meet up with her girlfriends for some shopping at Saks, or maybe at one of the smaller, luxury boutique stores. She’d have girlfriends too, because nobody called the rich girls skanks, no matter how full their bras were. Then it would be time to head home to her family’s palatial estate. She’d be greeted by the warm smells of a dinner that didn’t contain Ramen Noodles, and had been cooked by someone other than herself. Her mother and father would drop everything to greet their cherished only child, pressing her for every detail of her day. They’d laugh at her jokes, and tell her how smart she was. How kind she was. How pretty she was. How loved she was.

    She was so deep in her daydream that she didn’t hear the Maserati roaring down the street, nor did she notice the large puddle of slushy water that had built up at the edge of the roadway right next to where she was walking. The black coupe snarled down the street. It wasn’t until the wave of icy water hit her that she was brought crashing back to reality. Layla gasped in shock as the dirty water ran down the front of her cream-colored jacket and soaked into her jeans. The black car didn’t slow as it continued down the street, tires squealing as it took the corner much too fast. She just caught the vanity plate before it disappeared into the city. 2FAST4U.

    Trying not to cry, Layla did her best to clean the mud from her face before continuing her long, cold, slog home. Her peaceful walk had been turned into a soggy disaster.

    When she finally got back to the trailer, Layla could hear the kids in the back bedroom watching cartoons. Dad and Debbie were both awake and sitting on the couch, the living room TV switched off. Alarm bells started to go off in Layla’s head. This happened for a few reasons. Number one, Debbie pretty much always took an afternoon nap from just before the kids got home from school until just before she and Dad headed out to the bar for the night. Number two, Dad shouldn’t have been home from work for at least another hour. Number three, the TV was off. And the TV was never off.

    Layla, Dad said, We need to talk.

    Ok, Layla said, crossing her arms over her chest. She felt the old familiar clench of dread in her stomach in anticipation of bad news.

    Debbie and me think that it’s just about time that you get out there on your own, he said.

    What do you mean? Layla asked, hoping like crazy that she’d misunderstood what he’d said.

    Debbie took the reins with characteristic brashness, Well, you are eighteen, and you’ve been living off of us for long enough. Your Dad lost his job today, and we just can’t afford to let you keep freeloading off of us. I’ve got my own kids to think about you know.

    Layla’s mouth went dry, So you’re kicking me out? she hated the smallness of her voice.

    Dad hesitated, then nodded, Yeah, I guess that just about sums it up.

    But, I haven’t even graduated high school! she replied, still hoping to convince them to give her more time.

    Debbie sniffed, Not my problem.

    Aww, hell. Just drop out and get yourself a job. I never graduated from high school and I turned out just fine, Dad said dismissively.

    But, who’s going to look after the kids? Layla asked.

    They’re plenty old enough to look after themselves now, Debbie responded.

    But, Layla sputtered, But, I don’t even have anywhere to go. Can I at least stay until I get a job and save up some money?

    Why don’t you go stay with one of your boyfriends? I know you’ve got them. That’s why you’re always wearing those tight-fitting hoochy tops, so that the boys will look at you, Debbie sneered. She’d never liked Layla much. Layla’s youth made her pine for the days when she herself was young, so many years ago. And Layla’s beauty made her so jealous she could hardly stand to look at her.

    Layla crossed her arms even tighter across her chest, Can I please just stay here for a couple of weeks? Then I’ll leave, I promise.

    Well, I think that might be ok… Dad started.

    Friday, Debbie interrupted, You can stay until Friday and that’s it. Now don’t you have to start dinner?

    Layla turned and stumbled towards the kitchen. She cooked dinner, served her family, helped the kids with homework, and got them off to bed. It wasn’t until she was alone in bed that she allowed herself to cry.

    Chapter 2

    The next morning Layla ditched school and went to the mall to inquire about job openings. Pickings were slim. Nobody, it seemed, wanted to hire an inexperienced high school kid.

    Imagine that.

    Even though she loathed her high school, she decided to hold off on dropping out. She wanted that all-important diploma, without which she would be… well, job hunting in the mall food court. She may have been held back in fourth grade, but Layla Anderson was no dummy. She’d spent enough time with the down-and-out to know that prospects for the uneducated were not great. So she promised herself that she would stay in school unless dropping out was absolutely necessary for survival.

    She finally managed to land a job at Twisted, the pretzel shop in the food court. The manager, a pimpley kid in his early twenties, had stared at her breasts the whole interview. But he seemed to be the only one willing to give her a chance, so Layla accepted the low-paying, part-time position.

    You’ll work every Monday through Friday from 6:00 until we close at 10:00. Sometimes you might get some weekend hours, so make sure you check the schedule. It’s posted on the wall in the break room. We get paid every other Friday. The pay period ends this Friday, so your first check will be on the 18th, the manager, Brian, said to her breasts.

    Wait, so I won’t get paid until next Friday? Layla asked, dread settling again in her belly.

    Right. Is that a problem? Brian asked.

    No, it’s ok, Layla sighed, When can I start?

    You can start tomorrow afternoon, Brian responded, 6:00 sharp. The afternoon manager, Sheila, gets real nasty when people are late.

    Layla left the mall and started making the rounds of the city’s run-down apartment complexes. The cheapest option she could find was a $99 move-in special. That would cover her first month’s rent. Which left her… exactly $99 short of a place to live. Stuffing her hands deep into the pockets of her jacket she headed back home to ask Dad and Debbie if she could borrow $99, or extend her stay in the trailer for an extra week. Somehow, she didn’t feel good about how the conversation would go.

    The next afternoon, Layla arrived thirty minutes before her shift at the pretzel stand was due to begin. Never having held down a job before, she was understandably nervous. She hadn’t wanted to risk any unforeseen events preventing her from being on time for her first day, so she’d been sure to leave the trailer with plenty of time to spare.

    Wanting to appear fifteen minutes early eager, not thirty minutes early desperate, she decided to do some people watching from one of the food court tables to kill some time. She watched the young, rich, and beautiful flitting from one store to another. She watched well-dressed mothers pushing their chubby cheeked offspring in designer strollers. She watched no-nonsense executive types, making a bee line for their desired destination.

    While she watched, she worried. It was Wednesday already. Only two more days until she was out on the streets, penniless and homeless. As expected, the conversation with Dad and Debbie did not go well.

    "Your father doesn’t have a job, and

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