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BROKEN SPIRIT AWAKENED SOUL: My Journey Of Healing With The Angels
BROKEN SPIRIT AWAKENED SOUL: My Journey Of Healing With The Angels
BROKEN SPIRIT AWAKENED SOUL: My Journey Of Healing With The Angels
Ebook181 pages2 hours

BROKEN SPIRIT AWAKENED SOUL: My Journey Of Healing With The Angels

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Through Divine Angelic Intervention, on May 20, 1996, Brenda Rachel’s conscious suicide attempt was unsuccessful and the Angels saved her life. Brenda Rachel’s Journey of Healing with the Angels began from this near-death situation and she made the conscious decision to keep on living and never try to take her life again.

Brenda Rachel’s book is for anyone, (but especially those who may be going through their own depths of despair, pain and sense of hopelessness), who would like to be inspired by the Angelic Messages she received from the Angels throughout the period of her 8 neardeath situations and 4 disabilities. Brenda Rachel has been gifted by the Angels with her Inspirational and Spiritual Website, Music EP, Published Book and Music YouTube Channel.

Brenda Rachel is now a “Messenger of Hope” for the Angels and her desire is that anyone who reads her book is helped along their own Journey of Healing.
Release dateJul 7, 2023
BROKEN SPIRIT AWAKENED SOUL: My Journey Of Healing With The Angels


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    I came to earth as a bubbly soul with sparkling eyes, a warm, kind heart, a compassionate spirit and wanted everyone to be happy. My spiritual purpose was to be a Light for those around me, so they would feel loved and cared for. The first words I spoke to Mom were, Don’t Worry, Mommy! I believe I knew intrinsically, even before I could speak, how much emotional suffering Mom was experiencing, and my purpose in this lifetime was to provide encouragement to her and be a support person for her. I was happiest in my life when things were harmonious and the other people around me were content.

    I also came to earth as a peacemaker, creating harmony through kindness and compassion wherever I went. I came here for the Contrast of Life, to experience the duality of the emotional and physical components of life (love/fear, peace/conflict, faith/doubt, happiness/sadness, togetherness/separateness, health/sickness, abundance/lack). I have had an unshakeable spiritual philosophy since early childhood, which laid the deep faith-based foundation upon which all my values were formed. Throughout my life, I had many spiritual tests. Mom tried to commit suicide several times during my childhood to teenage years, so from age eight to 15 when these attempts happened, in addition to attending school the responsibility fell on my shoulders, being the eldest child, to help as much as I could around the house, which included preparing dinner, doing the laundry, helping with washing and/or drying dishes, and caring for my three younger siblings. I lived with four disabilities and had eight near-death situations between 1979 and present day. I was in an abusive, alcoholic relationship for 12 years, from 1974-1986 (the last four years being married), which ended in divorce in 1987. I went bankrupt in 1991. My 22-year-old niece died in 2005, Dad died in 2007, and Mom died in 2010. All these experiences caused me, at times, to deviate from having a happy, harmonious, and peaceful existence. I got through these incredibly challenging times by becoming immersed in my spiritual teachings and being a caregiver to the pets I had during these years, who I loved unconditionally.

    During the lowest of my lows, I consciously made the decision to take my own life on May 20, 1996, as I had no quality of life due to a serious illness and knew there was no cure for my disability. I had been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in the Spring of 1994, and my prognosis was that, at the age of 40, I was going to end up in a wheelchair, with no predictable timetable for this to happen. I consciously chose to say farewell to this planet at the age of 42. I dictated a tape for my family, who lived thousands of miles away from me, and told them how much I loved them and that I was solely responsible for my decision. I told them I knew what I was doing and, in my heart, I believed there was a loving and peaceful place on the Other Side that was filled with Spiritual Light, and this was where I wanted to be. From the depths of my soul to the center of my heart I had been a Broken Spirit, and now was choosing to be an Awakened Soul, by returning Home, knowing I would be wholly embraced with love and in peace.


    Over the course of my lifetime, it has truly been a blessing for me to have been introduced to many spiritual philosophies. From my early childhood to my high school graduation in 1971, I was raised in the Baptist Church. Mom played the piano during the Sunday church service throughout my childhood years, and Dad sang in the choir. In my early to mid-teens, I attended Explorers and CGIT, which were girls’ youth groups, taught Sunday School, and in my later teen years, joined the co-ed Youth Group. Going to Sunday School and church was the highlight of my week, and I was so happy to be able to do this.

    I moved away from home at the age of 17 in 1971, after graduating from high school, and relocated two hours away. I found a non-denominational spiritual group that met in a hotel ballroom for their Sunday morning service. I felt extremely comfortable with everyone, was warmly accepted into the group, and enjoyed their messages. When I met a man, who eventually became my husband, and then ex-husband, we began attending regular services at an Anglican Church, as we had chosen to be married in this church.

    Before my divorce in 1987, while attending regular Al-Anon meetings, I learned that alcoholism is a disease. My husband was an active alcoholic and I found out about this 12-step program in 1986, when I was going through a very rough time in my life. I was very distraught and reached out for help by calling Al-Anon, spoke to a lady who was so understanding and compassionate and she directed me to a meeting. This is where I discovered I was the one who needed to focus on myself and how I was living my life, and not on my husband and what he was doing with his life. Al-Anon became a large part of my spiritual foundation for several years, and it was during these meetings I became aware that I was the one, in all my relationships, who chose my reaction or response to any given situation. This new concept of me being accountable for my own actions or responses, by accepting I was powerless over another person’s action or response was life-altering, and led me down a new path of self-empowerment and accountability. I stopped blaming other people for my lot in life. Through Al-Anon, I got to a place of not only understanding, but also accepting that alcoholism is a disease, and I was able to love my husband as unconditionally as I could. It felt very freeing for me to remove the blame I placed on him, for his actions and/or responses, as I now understood he had a disease, but I also knew it would be my choice, if I chose to leave the relationship. As I began to grow in wisdom and evolve spiritually, we outgrew each other. I was 20 when we met and he was 45, married him at age 28, and left the marriage at age 32, after 12 years together.

    When I left my husband and moved to a new city, I started attending a Science of Mind Church in 1987. I was introduced to this church through one of the ladies I met at Al-Anon and it was wonderful for me to see her there on Sunday, as well as at our Al-Anon meeting during the week. We became very good friends for many years, and she became an instrumental part of my healing journey in 1996.

    The basic spiritual foundation of the Science of Mind Church is that each person is a Divine, Spiritual Being and God flows in, around and through everything in this Universe. There is no separation between God and us. We are One! We all come here perfect, whole, and complete, and this is the Truth of Who We Are. Through the five-step Spiritual Mind Treatment process (see below), also known as Affirmative Prayer, I was able to visualize in my mind, the perfection, wholeness, and completeness of my body, and began to use this method to help in the healing of my various disabilities. By changing my thoughts and understanding that even if I was experiencing something debilitating in my physical body, my inherent state, as a Spiritual Being, was one of perfection, wholeness, and completeness, and being at one with God.

    Spiritual Mind Treatment Definition taken from

    the following website:

    "During the process of a Spiritual Mind Treatment, also known as Affirmative Prayer, Scientific Prayer or simply ‘Treatment,’ we come to the realisation that within the Universe there is one Infinite, Universal Presence that permeates everything, and therefore this Presence, being everywhere, has to be right within us, as well. With this attitude of mind, we reach an acceptance of new possibilities in life, we are able to ‘see,’ ‘feel’ and speak of the good we desire as already ours. Then we let the Universe work its magic.

    A ‘Treatment’ is not about convincing God to do something for us. It is becoming aware of the God presence within.

    Step one: We acknowledge that within the Universe there is ONE pervading presence, ONE force encompassing everything that is in existence, ONE energy from which all things are made of. Many people throughout the ages have called this Source of all things, God. The name is not important, what matters is that we recognise this truth.

    Step two: Having recognised the magnificence and awesome power of the ONE presence that is absolutely everywhere within the Universe, we realise that this same intelligence that created everything, does not stop being where we are. Therefore, It is within us; It is the substance that life is made of. In this step we become aware of who we really are: A Divine Being made of God’s energy and having a human experience.

    Step three: We name our desire(s) with the feeling that as we do this, it is already ours. We are moving away from the feeling of ‘wanting’ to the feeling of ‘having’ already received.

    Step four: We summon, from within ourselves, a feeling of gratitude. Of course, the Source of ‘ALL That Is’, does not need our gratitude to function; it is rather that an attitude of gratitude opens our consciousness to receiving even more good. As the Law of the Universe is such that what we focus on, is what we manifest in our experience, when we are focused on the good that we already have, then we can only attract more good.

    Step five: Once we have accomplished the four previous steps, all we need to do is trust. We release it to the wisdom and the love of the Universe. The Creator does not require our input on ‘how’ our desire is manifesting itself for us!"

    I felt called to pursue the path of becoming a minister in the Science of Mind Church, and I began attending the required classes for the first two years. After that, I started my Practitioner Training, which was a further two-year pre-ministerial course, and had to withdraw twice due to illness. My favorite time in class was when I presented my paper at the front of the room to the small group of six to eight students, and knew I was in my element. I was sharing information and insights on topics close to my heart and was living in alignment with my soul’s purpose. I felt a connection to Spirit that I had not known before, and my spirit was at peace. During these years of studying, I became extremely ill with Fibromyalgia. Due to my debilitating health, I was not able to work full-time during the day, and then attend evening classes once a week, which were well over an hour’s drive from home, each way. The schedule was too much for me, and I no longer had the stamina to do this. After a lot of soul searching and withdrawing twice from my Practitioner Training over a two-year period, I decided that my path to becoming a minister, and having my own church, was no longer something I wanted to pursue. I loved then, and still love today the Science of Mind principles.

    In 1995, I became involved with a wonderful Baha’i community. I read their spiritual books alone, or with a group I attended, either in my home or other people’s homes, where the most beautiful passages of pure love towards humankind taught me how to be more present with each person I encountered, and aware of all the beauty around me. My heart and soul were resonating more and more from these words, which were about treating all of humanity in a compassionate and kind manner, so that harmony and unity would prevail on our planet. This spiritual philosophy eventually became part of my soul’s evolution purpose work, here on earth. Through their teachings, I embarked on my journey of wanting to bring the consciousness of Oneness to our

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