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Book 8. Thutmose's Fall and Moses' Appearance
Book 8. Thutmose's Fall and Moses' Appearance
Book 8. Thutmose's Fall and Moses' Appearance
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Book 8. Thutmose's Fall and Moses' Appearance

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Ancient Egypt. XIV century BC. Pharaoh Amenhotep III rules Egypt (Ta-Kemet). Fearing a conspiracy, he decides to move the capital of the kingdom from Memphis (Inebu-Hedj) to Avaris (Hut-Waret). He entrusts the construction of the royal palace in Avaris to his eldest son and heir Thutmose. The young prince finds the ruins of the legendary Behdet, in which the solar-like Ra once ruled. More precisely, he finds the ruins of the Basalt Palace, which was the Abode of the Gods in ancient times.
Thutmose comprehends ancient secrets with the help of the ‘The Book of Gateways’ and he sees the distant past. The priests proclaim him to be the living incarnation of Horus, the God of Light. Thutmose is at the pinnacle of glory. The priests give him the Golden Armor of Horus and the Ark of Might. This is the weapon of the divine Ra, with the help of which Osiris was avenged many centuries ago and the insidious Set was destroyed. The heir to the throne cannot even imagine how much these sacred artifacts can drastically change his life and influence the course of further events.

Release dateAug 8, 2023
Book 8. Thutmose's Fall and Moses' Appearance

Olga Kryuchkova

Olga Kryuchkova began her creative career in 2006. During this time, the author had more than 100 publications and reprints (historical novels, historical adventures, esotericism, art therapy, fantasy). A number of novels were co-written with Elena Kryuchkova.

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    Book 8. Thutmose's Fall and Moses' Appearance - Olga Kryuchkova

    Olga Kryuchkova

    Ark of Divine Power Book Series

    Book 8

    Thutmose's Fall and Moses' Appearance

    Chapter 24

    Having retired from the camp at a fairly decent distance, Thutmose and his companion finally stopped in front of an ancient Nubian pyramid, which probably served as the tomb of one of the local leaders. Khafre hurriedly took refuge in the bushes, which spread out just a few steps from the conspirators. Khafre froze.

    The erpator freed his load-bearing from the cloth, and two golden figurines shone in the moonlight. Great Ra, these are winged divine beings, hammetets! from excitement, the priest, despite the fact that the nights on Nubian soil were far from hot, instantly became covered with sticky sweat. Khafre was an educated person and read more than one hundred scrolls stored in the temples of Yamu and Abdju. He, of course, without difficulty guessed that Thutmose was holding in his hands the divine Ark, which in ancient times belonged to Horus, the first pharaoh of Ta-Kemet. So that’s what the erpator needed Initiation for! So the Golden Armor was just one of the steps to getting the Ark?! But how did the erpator find the Divine Ark? The Ark of Might was considered irretrievably lost, because after the war of Horus and Seth, it was not mentioned in any of the ancient scrolls.

    Meanwhile, Thutmose set the Ark on a stone that lay on the ground about fifty cubits from the Nubian pyramid. (The Nubian pyramids were built of fired bricks and were much smaller than the Egyptian pyramids). Then he opened the ebony case and removed the scepter-uraeus from it.

    Let me touch the scepter, my overlord, Farbis said, as if spellbound. This is the first time I’ve seen him with my own eyes, and besides, it’s so close…

    Thutmose, silently, handed the scepter to the woman, and she accepted it with reverence.

    There is a special hole in the center of the lid of the Ark, the erpator encouraged the concubine, you can insert the wand into it yourself…

    Farbis, glancing gratefully at her master, approached the Ark and carefully placed the scepter between the figures of winged creatures.

    Well, it seems that everything is ready, the erpator said excitedly; for the moment had come for which he had once undergone a difficult rite of Initiation.

    Resolutely throwing off his cloak, Thutmose remained in a short tunic and a Golden breastplate worn over it. Then, seized with spiritual trepidation, he touched the eyes of the uraeus, and a moment later the hammetets ‘spewed out’ two blue rays from themselves, which immediately began to glide over the precious stones that adorned the divine armor. Farbis froze in amazement: for the sake of this spectacle alone, it was worth leaving the native walls of the underground temple of Ptah!

    The divine rays reached the last stone and returned to the ‘bowels’ of the hammetets. Erpator, having restored in memory the centuries-old events peeped in the Abode of the Gods, touched the ‘eyes’ of the uraeus again. And almost at the same moment, a powerful beam of light fell from the eyes of the uraeus, rushing towards the opposite pyramid. There was a booming sound, the ground shook underfoot. The walls of the brick pyramid were first covered, like a web, with a network of luminous cracks. After the walls of the pyramid issued a ‘last groan’ and collapsed directly to the ground, turning into a pile of shapeless stones.

    From fear, Farbis clung to Thutmose, and he hugged her tightly.

    Now I understand why Horus was called the God of Light, the woman said in shock, when the last sounds of broken bricks crumbling to dust died away. Because he knew how to control the Divine Ark!

    Khafre, who had been watching the actions of the erpator all this time from his hiding place, suddenly felt with horror that a veil was covering his eyes. For fear of losing consciousness and thereby revealing his presence, he, having gathered the last of his strength, hastened to silently retire.

    * * *

    Of course, Khafre could not sleep that night. What thoughts were not born in his head! He thought that the erpator, possessing divine power, would now certainly overthrow the pharaoh's father. And that thanks to this, Ta-Kemet will soon conquer the whole world and not one of the states will ever again dare to encroach on the power of the pharaoh. And that he, a simple priest of the temple of Ra, was lucky enough to see with his own eyes the weapon of the god Horus. The priest saw the very weapon with which Horus defeated Set.

    In the light of such reflections, the priest began to be overcome by doubts.

    "Is it worth it in this case to obstruct the erpator? What if Thutmose never thought of usurping power and there really is no conspiracy? Yes, but if you leave everything as it

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