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Ted's Motivation: 21 Years of Personal Inspiration
Ted's Motivation: 21 Years of Personal Inspiration
Ted's Motivation: 21 Years of Personal Inspiration
Ebook270 pages2 hours

Ted's Motivation: 21 Years of Personal Inspiration

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Ted's Motivation: 21 Years of Personal Inspiration


A remarkable book recommended by Mitchell Levy, Global Credibility Expert and international best-selling author, and featuring a forward by Dr. Chérie Carter-Scott, The Mother of Coaching and New York Times best-seller.

Embark on a transformative journey with this unique collection of personal wisdom, motivation, and practical guidance carefully curated over two decades. Each chapter offers a fresh perspective, catering to readers' diverse needs, whether comprehensively read or selectively explored.

Within the pages of this book, you will discover a wealth of wisdom and inspiration. From the power of a right view of God to finding happiness within, the chapters cover a wide range of topics, including continuous learning, positive thinking, seed sowing, and shaping a better tomorrow. Ted shares invaluable insights into authenticity, inner transformation, and the essence of true worship, inviting readers to embark on their own spiritual journeys.

With a focus on practical application, each chapter concludes with actionable steps and reflection exercises. These tools empower readers to internalize the lessons, apply them in daily life, and experience genuine personal growth. The provided blank pages after each chapter encourage jotting down thoughts, recording personal reflections, and creating action plans, fostering a deeper connection with the material and enhancing the transformative experience.

"Ted's Motivation" is more than just a book; it is a companion on your journey towards self-improvement, spiritual enlightenment, and leadership development. The wisdom and inspiration shared within these pages will empower you to embrace authenticity, overcome doubts, and cultivate resilience. You will gain valuable insights into self-perception, decision-making, effective communication, time management, acceptance, and building trusting relationships.

Whether you choose to read this book cover to cover or dive into specific chapters that resonate with your current needs, "Ted's Motivation" will ignite your motivation and guide you towards achievement, fulfillment, and lasting change. Prepare to be inspired, motivated, and transformed as you unlock your true potential and embark on a remarkable journey of personal growth.


Release dateAug 5, 2023
Ted's Motivation: 21 Years of Personal Inspiration

Teddy Kelemwork

Teddy Kelemwork is an accomplished professional with an impressive track record spanning diverse sectors. With a strong commitment to continuous professional development, Teddy has acquired a wide range of qualifications, including an MA in Theology, a Certificate in Corporate Management, International Organization Management, Counseling, Training and Human Resource Development, as well as Leaders of Learning and Policy in U.S. Education from HarvardX University. Additionally, Teddy holds over 20 additional certificates from various sectors. Beyond his extensive qualifications, Teddy adopts a multidisciplinary approach and excels in various roles such as an Author, Motivational Speaker, Soft Skills Trainer, Life Coach, and Pastor. Teddy firmly believes that the key to success lies in unlocking the inherent potential within individuals and organizations. As he consistently emphasizes, “If it’s not within you, it won’t manifest itself.” To facilitate this unleashing of potential, Teddy established, a platform dedicated to empowering individuals, groups, and organizations to realize their capabilities.

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    Book preview

    Ted's Motivation - Teddy Kelemwork

    Chapter 1

    The Power of a Right

    View of God

    "Wrong view of God leads in to wrong kind of life"

    In this chapter, we explore the profound impact that our perception of God has on our lives. When our understanding of God is flawed or distorted, it can lead us astray and result in misguided choices. However, when we develop a correct view of God—one that is rooted in love, grace, and truth—we open ourselves up to a life of purpose, fulfillment, and righteousness. By examining the consequences of a wrong view of God and the transformative power of embracing a right view, we discover the key to living a life that aligns with our true purpose.

    Our view of God shapes the lens through which we perceive the world and ourselves. If our understanding of God is based on fear, judgment, or punishment, it distorts our perception and taints our relationship with the divine. We may live in constant anxiety, striving to earn God's approval or fearing His wrath. This misguided view of God can lead us down a path of legalism, guilt, and spiritual bondage.

    On the other hand, when we embrace a right view of God—one that reflects His true nature of love, compassion, and grace—we experience liberation and transformation. Recognizing God as our loving Creator, who desires a deep and intimate relationship with us, changes the way we approach life. We no longer see ourselves as unworthy or condemned, but as cherished and accepted.

    Embracing a right view of God brings clarity to our purpose and identity. We realize that we are not mere accidents or insignificant beings, but intentional creations designed for a unique purpose. With this understanding, we can live with a sense of meaning and significance, knowing that our lives have a divine calling and contribution to make.

    A right view of God also impacts our moral compass and guides our choices. When we recognize God's perfect righteousness, we understand the importance of living in alignment with His principles. Our actions are no longer driven by selfish desires or societal pressures but are motivated by a genuine desire to honor and please our Creator. We seek to live lives of integrity, compassion, and justice, reflecting the character of God to the world around us.

    Furthermore, embracing a right view of God empowers us to face life's challenges with courage and faith. We understand that God is not distant or indifferent but intimately involved in our lives. In times of hardship, we can find solace in His presence and trust in His unfailing love. We draw strength from the knowledge that He is with us, guiding us through every trial and providing comfort in moments of pain.

    As we deepen our understanding of God's true nature, we also develop a sense of awe and wonder. We stand in awe of His creation, recognizing His power and majesty. We marvel at His wisdom and sovereignty, knowing that He holds the entire universe in His hands. This awe inspires gratitude and fuels our desire to worship and praise Him, experiencing a deep and intimate connection with the divine.

    In conclusion, the power of a right view of God cannot be underestimated. It transforms our perception of ourselves, our purpose, and the world around us. By embracing a view of God that is rooted in love, grace, and truth, we open ourselves up to a life of purpose, fulfillment, and righteousness. Let us embark on a journey to discover the true nature of God, allowing His presence to shape every aspect of our lives and guide us towards a future filled with hope and divine purpose.

    Reflection & Action Plan

    1. After reading this chapter, what were the most eye-opening points or lessons that resonated with you? How do you plan to apply these insights in your own life?


    2. Based on what you've learned in this chapter, what specific action steps will you take to move closer to your goals or aspirations? How will these actions contribute to your personal growth or success?


    3. What inspiring ideas or stories from this chapter impacted you the most? How will you incorporate that inspiration into your daily life or decision-making process?

    Chapter 2

    Finding Happiness Within

    "Before you smile to others smile to your self a

    happy you is the beginning of happiness"

    Before we can spread happiness to others, it is essential to cultivate happiness within ourselves. In this chapter, we delve into the importance of self-care, self-love, and self-acceptance. By learning to genuinely smile at ourselves and finding joy in our own lives, we lay the foundation for lasting happiness. Through personal anecdotes, practical exercises, and insights into the science of happiness, we explore the profound impact that a happy self has on our overall well-being and relationships with others.

    Often, we tend to prioritize the happiness of those around us, neglecting our own needs and well-being in the process. We may seek validation and fulfillment externally, relying on others to make us happy. However, true and sustainable happiness stems from within ourselves. It begins with acknowledging our worth, nurturing a positive self-image, and finding contentment in who we are.

    To cultivate happiness within, we must practice self-care. This means taking time to engage in activities that bring us joy and rejuvenate our spirits. It may involve pursuing hobbies, spending time in nature, practicing mindfulness, or engaging in acts of self-compassion. By prioritizing our well-being and carving out moments of self-care, we replenish our emotional reserves and foster a deep sense of happiness that radiates outward.

    Another vital aspect of finding happiness within is practicing self-love and self-acceptance. Often, we are our harshest critics, focusing on our flaws and imperfections. However, true happiness requires embracing ourselves fully, including our strengths, weaknesses, and quirks. By practicing self-love, we develop a compassionate and non-judgmental attitude towards ourselves. We treat ourselves with kindness, forgiveness, and understanding, fostering a positive and nurturing relationship with our own selves.

    Learning to genuinely smile at ourselves is a powerful act of self-acknowledgment and appreciation. When we look in the mirror and see a reflection that we genuinely care about and love, it boosts our self-esteem and enhances our overall well-being. This inner happiness is not dependent on external factors or validation from others but is rooted in a deep sense of self-acceptance and contentment.

    Scientific studies have shown that cultivating happiness within ourselves has a ripple effect on our relationships and the world around us. When we are genuinely happy, we radiate positive energy and become a magnet for joy. Our interactions with others are infused with warmth, kindness, and authenticity, creating a positive and uplifting environment. We become a source of inspiration and encouragement, uplifting those around us and creating a collective atmosphere of happiness.

    Practical exercises and daily habits can help us nurture happiness within. These may include gratitude journaling, positive affirmations, meditation, acts of kindness, and connecting with loved ones. By incorporating these practices into our daily lives, we develop resilience, inner peace, and a genuine sense of happiness that is not contingent upon external circumstances.

    In conclusion, finding happiness within ourselves is an essential journey that impacts every aspect of our lives. By prioritizing self-care, practicing self-love, and genuinely smiling at ourselves, we lay the foundation for lasting happiness. This happiness radiates outward, positively influencing our relationships and creating a ripple effect of joy in the world. Let us embrace the power of self-acknowledgment, cultivate inner happiness, and become beacons of light, spreading happiness wherever we go.

    Reflection & Action Plan

    1. After reading this chapter, what were the most eye-opening points or lessons that resonated with you? How do you plan to apply these insights in your own life?


    2. Based on what you've learned in this chapter, what specific action steps will you take to move closer to your goals or aspirations? How will these actions contribute to your personal growth or success?


    3. What inspiring ideas or stories from this chapter impacted you the most? How will you incorporate that inspiration into your daily life or decision-making process?

    Chapter 3

    The Power of

    Continuous Learning

    "A Lack of Knowledge is Just Going Around the Circle"

    Seeking knowledge and continuous learning is essential for personal growth, as it propels us forward and prevents us from stagnating.

    In this chapter, we delve into the transformative impact of knowledge and the importance of embracing a mindset of continuous learning. We explore how seeking knowledge enables us to break free from the limitations of ignorance, expand our perspectives, and unlock our full potential.

    Human beings have an inherent thirst for knowledge. From the moment we are born, we are curious beings, constantly seeking to understand the world around us. However, as we grow older, we may find ourselves falling into the trap of complacency, thinking that we have acquired enough knowledge to navigate life. This mindset of stagnation can hinder our personal growth and limit our ability to adapt to an ever-evolving world.

    By recognizing that a lack of knowledge is akin to going around in circles, we awaken a hunger for continuous learning. We understand that knowledge is not static but dynamic, and that there is always more to discover, explore, and understand. This realization becomes the catalyst for our personal and intellectual development.

    Seeking knowledge is not limited to formal education or acquiring degrees. It encompasses a broader spectrum of experiences, such as reading books, engaging in meaningful conversations, attending workshops, seeking mentors, and embracing new perspectives. It is about being open to learning from every situation and every person we encounter.

    The benefits of continuous learning are manifold. Firstly, it broadens our horizons and expands our perspectives. As we expose ourselves to new ideas, cultures, and disciplines, we gain a deeper understanding of the world and the people within it. This broader perspective enables us to approach challenges with creativity, empathy, and a more comprehensive view.

    Secondly, continuous learning empowers us to adapt and thrive in an ever-changing world. In today's rapidly evolving society, knowledge becomes outdated at an alarming rate. By actively seeking new information and staying abreast of current developments, we enhance our ability to navigate uncertainty, seize opportunities, and remain relevant in our chosen fields.

    Furthermore, continuous learning fuels personal growth. It fosters intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. It strengthens our capacity to innovate, to question assumptions, and to challenge the status quo. As we acquire new knowledge and skills, we become more confident, resilient, and adaptable, ready to embrace new challenges and seize new opportunities.

    In the pursuit of knowledge, it is crucial to approach learning with humility and an open mind. We must be willing to acknowledge that there is always more to learn, even in areas where we

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