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Adventures Galore: Bilingual Portuguese-English Short Stories
Adventures Galore: Bilingual Portuguese-English Short Stories
Adventures Galore: Bilingual Portuguese-English Short Stories
Ebook42 pages28 minutes

Adventures Galore: Bilingual Portuguese-English Short Stories

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About this ebook

Embark on a thrilling journey with Adventures Galore, a collection of bilingual short stories that will transport you to exciting worlds in both Portuguese and English! Join brave characters, explore enchanted landscapes, and learn valuable lessons along the way. Whether you're a Portuguese speaker looking to improve your English skills or an English speaker eager to dive into the wonders of the Portuguese language, this book offers the perfect blend of fun and language learning. Get ready for a bilingual adventure like no other, where imagination knows no boundaries and the joy of storytelling unites cultures!

Release dateJul 6, 2023
Adventures Galore: Bilingual Portuguese-English Short Stories

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    Book preview

    Adventures Galore - Teakle

    O Coelhinho Aventureiro

    The Adventurous Little Bunny


    Era uma vez um coelhinho chamado Bolinha. Ele morava em uma toca fofinha no meio da floresta. Bolinha adorava aventuras e sempre estava à procura de novas descobertas. Um dia, enquanto pulava alegremente entre as árvores, Bolinha viu algo brilhante reluzindo no chão. Curioso, ele se aproximou para investigar.

    Once upon a time, there was a little bunny named Bolinha. He lived in a cozy burrow in the middle of the forest. Bolinha loved adventures and was always looking for new discoveries. One day, while hopping happily among the trees, Bolinha saw something shiny gleaming on the ground. Curious, he approached to investigate.

    Para sua surpresa, era um mapa do tesouro! O coelhinho saltitava de alegria enquanto examinava cuidadosamente o mapa. Ele percebeu que o tesouro estava escondido do outro lado do rio, além das colinas e perto da árvore mais alta da floresta. Bolinha sabia que essa seria a aventura perfeita para ele!

    To his surprise, it was a treasure map! The little bunny hopped with joy as he carefully examined the map. He realized that the treasure was hidden on the other side of the river, beyond the hills, and near the tallest tree in the forest. Bolinha knew that this would be the perfect adventure for him!

    Bolinha começou sua jornada rumo ao tesouro, pulando de pedra em pedra para atravessar o rio. Ele subiu as colinas íngremes, sem perder a coragem. Quando finalmente chegou à árvore mais alta, ele olhou ao redor, animado. Mas, para sua decepção, não havia tesouro à vista.

    Bolinha began his journey towards the treasure, hopping from stone to stone to cross the river. He climbed the steep hills, never losing his courage. When he finally reached the tallest tree, he looked around, excited. But to his disappointment, there was no treasure in sight.

    No entanto, o coelhinho não desistiu. Ele decidiu explorar a árvore e procurar em cada canto. Após alguns minutos, Bolinha encontrou um pequeno buraco na base da árvore. Com suas patinhas ágeis, ele cavou fundo até encontrar... um monte de deliciosas cenouras!

    However, the little bunny didn't give up. He decided to explore the tree and search every corner. After a few minutes, Bolinha found a small hole at the base of the tree. With his agile paws, he dug deep until he found... a pile of delicious

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