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When Claire's impulsive sister Hailee impulsively kidnaps Dash, a teen pop sensation, their quiet suburban home quickly transforms into the setting for the most unexpected caper. Hailee's audacious plot lands Dash in their attic, leaving Claire with the daunting task of smuggling the superstar back to his hotel, evading prying paparazzi, and all while keeping the whole debacle under wraps from their unsuspecting parents.

In "Starnapped," every stealthy step Claire takes in her mission to return Dash sends ripples of thrill and hilarity. As she navigates the madness of celebrity culture, the eccentricities of her own family, and the captivating charm of her unexpected guest, Claire must find a way to maintain her composure under the most bizarre circumstances.

From spontaneous serenades in the attic to close calls with nosy neighbors, "Starnapped" is a rollercoaster ride of family drama, teenage antics, and pop star mishaps. Will Claire manage to keep it all a secret, or will their star-studded secret come crashing down around them?

Prepare to be swept off your feet by the unexpected, laugh-out-loud adventures of "Starnapped." It's the page-turning escapade you didn't know you needed, until now!
Release dateMay 25, 2023

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    Book preview

    Starnapped - Laurel Solorzano


    O hmygod! Hallie screeched right in Claire’s ear. Hallie’s phone was so close to her face Claire didn’t know how she could see anything. His plane is touching down in, like, thirty minutes! I wonder where he’s going to go first.

    Who are you talking about? Claire asked, taking the bait as she looked up from her novel.

    Chandler Moore! Hallie squealed. He’s really here! She started flipping through a bunch of papers, spreading them across the kitchen table.

    Claire rolled her eyes and pulled her book closer to her face. She would go upstairs to get away from her annoying older sister as soon as she finished her snack.

    Look! I know just where he’s going to go. Last time he was in Raleigh, he stayed at the Four Seasons. I’ve already looked up their availability, and it’s booked, completely booked. He probably, like, bought out the whole hotel so he wouldn’t have to deal with fans running into him. That hotel hasn’t been fully booked since Christmas, and that was seven months ago! So now—

    Hallie, can you please shut up? No one else wants to hear about Chandler. Go fangirl about him in your room. Claire took a bite of her mac n’cheese.

    "I’m not just any fangirl. He’s actually responded to me. I like and share every one of his photos and he thanked me when I wished him a happy birthday. He actually responded!"

    Claire rolled her head back until it thumped into the back of her chair. Hal, he probably did that for everyone who liked his post.

    Not everyone, Hallie protested. Just some of us. I mean, he’s single right now. He broke up with that Brianna chick over six months ago. He’s got to be ready for a relationship now.

    Yeah, he probably is, but not with someone who thinks he’s God’s child. Just go to his concert. Scream and faint like every other over-obsessed girl and then watch the grainy videos you took for the rest of your life.

    Shut up, Claire! You don’t understand him at all.

    Yeah, and you neither.

    Of course I do! I know everything about him.

    Claire decided that peace and quiet was more important than the rest of her snack. She abandoned it as Hallie began humming one of Chandler’s songs. Once she was upstairs in her room, Claire took a deep breath and dove back into her book. She couldn’t wait for the concert to be over so her sister would shut up about Chandler.

    She knew based on everything her sister had said that the concert would be that night. Hallie was planning to go with several friends. Claire hadn’t been invited and she didn’t care. She much preferred to stay home all evening and read a book in a quiet house. When Claire closed the book with a satisfying snap, she stretched and looked at the clock. It was seven o’clock and not yet dark on long summer evenings like they had ahead of them. If she hurried, she would be able to get to the library before they closed at eight.

    When Claire went back downstairs, her sister’s things were piled neatly at the end of the table, but Hallie was nowhere in sight. Did Hallie leave? she asked her mom.

    Yes, she took the car to her friend’s house. She’s going to have dinner there.

    Claire rolled her eyes. Remember I was going to use the car to go to the library? I told everyone this morning and Hallie didn’t say anything about going to a friend’s house then.

    Her mother shrugged like she couldn’t care less about Claire’s problem. You can go to the library tomorrow, her mother said.

    Claire held up the book she had just finished. What am I supposed to read tonight, then?

    I’m sure you can find something to read on your bookshelves.

    I’ve read all those before, Claire protested. Why was her plan to go to the library less important than what Hallie wanted to do?

    Then why did you buy them if you’re not planning on reading them again?

    Claire sighed. Her mother clearly didn’t care about her problem and nothing Claire said was going to make her care. Claire grabbed her phone and called Hallie’s number. If she couldn’t make her mom care, she could at least yell at Hallie for it. Maybe, just maybe, if she made Hallie feel guilty, she would return the car. Hallie might be a year older, but she still shared the car with Claire. She had to respect her claim.

    Hallie didn’t answer. Annoyed, Claire redialed her sister. Hallie answered on the third try. Leave me alone, Claire, she said. I’m busy.

    Busy doing what? If you were going to take the car when I already claimed it, at least you could have dropped me off at the library before you went.

    What? You’re calling me about the library. Claire, this is way more important.

    You just hung out with Stacy last night. Can’t you chill?

    Be quiet! Is that . . . no, that’s not. Claire, I can’t talk to you right now. You can have the car tomorrow, okay? I need it right now.

    Claire caught something weird in her sister’s voice like she was hiding something. You’re not at Stacy’s house, are you?

    Hallie didn’t reply quickly enough. Shut up, Claire. You don’t know what you’re talking about. The library is probably closed already anyway. You should have taken the car anyway.

    Where are you, Hallie? Claire asked. Are you going to a bar? Don’t do that! It’s not smart!

    I’m not drinking. I don’t have time to talk to you. I have to focus.

    Focus? On what? But Hallie had already hung up. Claire paced back and forth in the living room. Hallie was clearly up to something. Should she tell their mom or would their mom even care?

    Claire opened her mouth three times as she circled back to the kitchen, but each time, she closed it again. Let Hallie make her own mistakes. It wasn’t her job to solve them.


    Claire blinked her eyes open slowly. She glanced at the clock. It was just before eight. She loved summer days when she could sleep in, well, at least as much as she could sleep in. She had always been an early riser. Claire heard a thump above her head and stopped stretching to glare at the ceiling. There wasn’t anything above her room except the attic. Was someone in the attic this morning?

    Claire yawned again and stretched, listening. Had Hallie broken her summer sleep-in record and actually gotten out of bed before nine a.m.?

    Thump. Claire sat up. She wasn’t imagining it, and she was curious. Who was shuffling around in the attic? Both of her parents should already have left the house, so it was just her and Hallie. What was Hallie up to?

    Claire headed out of her room and down the hall to the attic stairs. As soon as she opened the insulated door, the warmth that was constantly trapped up in the attic during the summer hit her full force. Claire stood on the bottom stair and called up.

    Hallie? Are you up there?

    The thumping stopped. Claire listened closely and heard a humming sound like the fan that was usually in the garage so their dog wouldn’t get overheated during the day. Too many things were strange. Claire climbed the rest of the stairs, pausing once she reached the banister. She froze. The person she saw in front of her was not the one she was expecting.

    What are you doing in here? she asked the blond male. The strange boy lounged on the couch with a fan pointed in his direction. The usual mess of games, holiday decorations, and memory boxes surrounded the edges of the attic and crept into the center of the unfinished floor.

    I’d like to know the same thing, he responded. Why did you bring me here?

    Wh . . . what? Claire couldn’t wrap her mind around what he was saying. If she ever brought a boy home, he sure wouldn’t be spending the night in the attic. I don’t know what you’re talking about.

    Let me go, the boy commanded. I’ll give you free tickets to all my concerts for the rest of the year.

    Claire blinked at him, then recognition hit her. He was that Chandler boy Hallie was always raving about. What was he doing in their attic? Her mouth dropped open. Did my sister . . . kidnap you?

    Sister? So you aren’t the one that jumped on me behind the gym last night?

    No way, my sister is the crazy one.

    Claire approached the boy and saw that his hands had been tied to something behind the couch using a dog leash. She untied them quickly and Chandler rubbed at his wrists. He bent down and undid his feet.

    Claire watched him, arms crossed. She knew her sister was crazy, but she didn’t think she would stoop to something as crazy as kidnapping. Uh, you’re not going to call the police are you?

    Why? You don’t want your sister going to jail?

    No, and I know she’s crazy and everything, but she’s my sister. Do you promise? Claire stood over Chandler where he was still undoing his feet. He looked up at her and studied her face for a minute. Claire stared at him unflinchingly and hoped it was clear she wasn’t about to take any crap from him.

    Sure, Chandler shrugged. Claire didn’t believe him. He was a little too nonchalant about the whole thing.

    Claire grabbed his shoulder, clenching it tightly enough that he looked up at her again, finally done untying his ankle. How do I know you’ll keep your promise?

    Chandler rose up in front of her, he was at least four or five inches taller than her. Claire didn’t feel quite as intimidating with him standing in front of her. She dropped her hand, but blocked the stairway.

    Because . . . I don’t want to lose anymore freedom, Chandler crept over to the attic window, peering outside with just the top half of his head over the sill.

    What are you doing? Claire asked.

    I’m seeing if there’s any paparazzi waiting for me, Chandler said,

    You’re in Raleigh, not Hollywood.

    But they know I’m in the city. They’re always combing the streets, trying to take pictures of me. I already know what stories they’ll make up if they see me coming out of your house.


    Chandler looked her in the eyes. Claire didn’t move from her position in front of the stairs. "Stuff about us, about

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