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Domination, Lust and Respect
Domination, Lust and Respect
Domination, Lust and Respect
Ebook55 pages38 minutes

Domination, Lust and Respect

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Mild acquaintances, Cody and Anita together agree to have Cody come live with Anita as a live in housekeeper. The move seems like an idea arrangement when one evening when returning from a hard day at the office Anita sees Cody in a different light. Anita seduces her housekeeper and Cody surprisingly enjoys the arrangement.

The relationship swiftly evolves into one of domination and submission, something the tow of them had always subconsciously dreamed of happening. Cody settled into her role always seeming to know what Anita needed or wanted both from a sub and an employee viewpoint. Sometimes the lines were blurred as to who possessed which role in the relationship. One of Anita’s secrets to keeping the fire in their relationship, she would keep a steady stream of sexual variations in their day-to-day affairs.
One such variety happened when Anita planned to bring home a friend, Jamie, to meet Cody. Normally this type of event was exciting for both Cody and Anita. But it was during Jamie’s visit that Anita discovered that Jamie had a cruel streak and took it out on Cody. Anita came to the conclusion that Jamie might need a rude awakening and maybe Cody should administer it.

PublisherTenth Muse
Release dateMay 12, 2023
Domination, Lust and Respect

Candice Christian

Candice was born in Paris KY on 9 January 1988. Her parents, George Bertrand Christian, an attorney who once aspired to be an actor, and Frances Hollowell insisted that Candice and her sister Simone, be sent to a Catholic school. Candice was deeply religious as a child, at one point thought of becoming a nun.

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    Domination, Lust and Respect - Candice Christian

    Domination, Lust, and Respect

    Copyright 2023 Candice Christian

    Published by Tenth Muse at Smashwords

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    'Author's note: All characters depicted in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older.

    Table of Contents


    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    About Candice Christian

    Other books by Candice Christian

    Connect with Candice Christian


    Ashlynn Taylor

    Chapter One

    She is Anita's slave. She didn’t started out being a slave, but one day, it just happened. The funny thing is, she gets paid for being a slave, in a round-about way that is. Her name is Cody, She’s in her mid-twenties and has jet black hair and nice perky tits; not large but not small either. She is slim with nice long legs. She likes her body and is comfortable with the way she looks. She’s also comfortable with who she is. Well, she is now.

    Cody started working for Anita as a live-in maid. Anita has quite a high-powered job and it takes a lot out of her every day of the week. She needs her down time to keep sane; as does everyone. When they met, they got on very well; Cody would say almost as friends as much as an employee and employer.

    They certainly hit it off. Cody had been working for Anita for almost a month, and in that time she caught Anita in various stages of undress. And she did look gorgeous. Well Cody thought so anyway. She’d always been attracted to women; but she loved a good cock as well, that has to be said. However, in that time, her need for cock decreased somewhat and her need for pussy escalated; especially one pussy in particular.

    Anita was gorgeous, she had long blonde hair, medium build with nice legs. She is shorter than Cody but not by that much. She has wonderful, Cody would say, child-bearing hips. Her thighs are smooth and she even paints her toenails. Although she is Cody’s employer, first and foremost, she knew nothing should cross that line.

    Not from Cody anyway. They got on as friends as well as having a good working relationship. Except that fateful night Anita; Anita was definitely not herself; she was a little tipsy having just come home from having a few drinks with her co-workers.

    Her conversation was not normal. She would jokingly start to order Cody to do things for her. Take her coat, get her a drink; which Cody duly complied with. Cody was standing in the kitchen washing up a few

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