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Vancouver Nights: Fluffers, Inc., #3
Vancouver Nights: Fluffers, Inc., #3
Vancouver Nights: Fluffers, Inc., #3
Ebook317 pages4 hours

Vancouver Nights: Fluffers, Inc., #3

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Charlie Heggensford, the Idaho farm boy turned L.A. fluffer for hire, is back for another crazy, sexy adventure. With Rock Harding on tour in The Netherlands, Charlie is forced to find ways to occupy himself: on his knees, on his back… And in trouble. Charlie gets in so much trouble his boss, Kinitia Jones, encourages him to take some time off and get out of town for his own safety.

Charlie hitches a ride to Vancouver, Canada, to visit his good friend and former bear porn star, Brent Harrington, who now owns a pet store. When a member of Brent's bowling team begins to have attendance problems, Charlie steps in as a sub. Soon Charlie is throwing balls around the alley and giving new meaning to the term "pin action" in the back room.

All is well, until a string of pet store break-ins has a hot police inspector keeping his eye on Brent. When evidence begins to stack up against his friend, Charlie decides it's time to take matters into his own hands. As Charlie creates havoc in the pet store, he and Brent work on narrowing their list of suspects for the break-ins, and follow the clues to hunky deliverymen, raunchy sex clubs, and even their own bowling league! This is book three of the Fluffers, Inc. series.

PublisherHank Edwards
Release dateMay 16, 2023
Vancouver Nights: Fluffers, Inc., #3

Hank Edwards

Hank Edwards has been writing gay erotic fiction for more than twenty years. He has written over two dozen novels and even more short stories. His writing crosses many sub-genres, including romance, rom-com, contemporary, paranormal, suspense, mystery, and wacky comedy. Find out more at

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    Vancouver Nights - Hank Edwards



    The rough bristle of Rock's two-day beard scratched along the edge of Charlie's jaw and brought up goose flesh on his arms. Rock's soft lips covered Charlie's mouth, and he felt the insistent press of Rock's tongue against his lips. Charlie opened to him and sucked on Rock's tongue, groaning into his mouth.

    A shiver skimmed along his spine and Charlie felt a little dizzy. This was Rock Harding. He was kissing and touching Rock Harding, a porn star lusted after and longed for by thousands of men. And Rock was here with him, plain old Charlie Heggensford from a dairy farm in Idaho. He had dreamed of being with Rock for a year. Sure, he'd been able to suck the man's cock, but only in a business-like manner as he fluffed Rock on movie sets. Now, however, they were together in not only a fully physical relationship, but a quickly developing emotional one as well. Charlie knew that anything more involved was further down the road, and for now, he was content having Rock in his bed at least twice a week.

    Charlie trailed his fingers over the muscles in Rock's back. Rock ground his erection against Charlie's, fingers stroking his face as his tongue did a slow waltz through Charlie's mouth. With a series of gentle kisses, Rock pulled back and looked down at him.

    God, I've missed you. Lust deepened Rock's voice, and his brown eyes glowed in the light coming through the window. You have no idea how often I wanted to come home to you. I hated being in Europe without you.

    I missed you, too, Charlie said and pulled him back down for a deep, wet kiss. Charlie rolled them over so he sat astride Rock's hips, bent at the waist to maintain their kiss. Rock had been on tour in Netherland for so long, ever since they had stepped off the gangway of the cruise ship that had brought them together. And now Rock was home, back in L.A. and back to Charlie.

    Charlie inched his mouth down Rock's whiskered chin, kissing and licking his salty skin. He suckled lightly at the hollow of Rock's throat and placed his palms on Rock's hairy chest, feeling the vibrations of his moans. Sliding his tongue down through chest hair, Charlie nibbled and sucked at each nipple. They hardened into points beneath his mouth and, with a final lick on each one, Charlie left Rock's chest and eased lower.

    The tip of Charlie's tongue rode the ridges of Rock's muscular abdomen, leaving behind a thin trail of saliva. His tongue parted the trimmed dark hair that covered Rock's belly and slowly circled the oval of his navel.

    Oh, God, Charlie, Rock sighed and raised his head as Charlie quickly dipped his tongue inside. That feels so good.

    Charlie wrapped his fingers around the thick, pulsing length of Rock's erection. It bucked in his grip and he smiled as he moved his mouth down to the dark patch of pubic hair. Charlie planted a kiss in the bush and inhaled, breathing in the musky smell of sweat mingled with the light citrus scent Rock always wore.

    He loved the smell of Rock's body.

    With a slow pump of his hand, Charlie raised Rock's long, hard cock and paused to look at the full length of it. He had missed this fat, powerful cock the last two months. The slit in the smooth, heart-shaped head glistened with pre-come and Charlie touched the tip of his tongue to it. The taste exploded in his mouth and he could not hold back any longer. He opened wide and took in the entire length of Rock's dick.

    Charlie and Rock groaned simultaneously as the wide head bumped and skimmed along the roof of his mouth to nestle in the back of his throat. Charlie closed his eyes and sucked gently. He moved his fingers down between Rock's muscular thighs and clasped his smooth, heavy balls. As he pulled the tightening sack away from Rock's groin, Charlie pressed his lips together and pulled back, dragging his mouth up the veined surface of Rock's prick.

    Oh fuck, Rock said. I've missed your hot mouth.

    Charlie retreated along the shaft until his lips bumped the ridge around the head of Rock's cock, then lowered his mouth again, once more taking it all into his throat. He paused with his nose buried in Rock's pubic hair before sucking the man, slowly at first, then more urgently. With his right hand, Charlie grasped the base of Rock's dick and pumped the shaft in time with his sucking. In his other hand, Charlie held Rock's balls, feeling them pull up in preparation for his orgasm, and he quickened the pace of his sucking. He didn't want to linger. He wanted to taste Rock's cum as his cock spurted in his mouth. He needed to feel the sticky fluid spill out over his lips and drip down his chin.

    Faster and faster he sucked, stroking in time.

    Oh fuck! Rock grunted. I'm coming, Charlie! Oh yeah. Suck that fuckin' juice right out of me. Yeah, suck me dry. Fuck!

    The sharp taste of semen filled his mouth and the smell of Rock's cum burned into his sinuses. Charlie felt the thick fluid bubble out from between his lips and dribble down his chin and his own orgasm rushed up and out of him. He climaxed without touching himself, blowing his load across Rock's muscular thigh as the taste and smell of cum pushed him over the edge, as usual.

    Charlie raised his head and opened his eyes, giving Rock a cum-smeared smile as a sharp beeping sound pierced the air beside him. Charlie frowned and turned his head, wincing as he looked for the source of the irritating sound.

    He rolled his head back and forth on the pillow, static building in his hair as he slowly opened his eyes. Bright sunlight seared his sleepy eyes and he moaned and rolled away from it. Flailing a hand on the floor, Charlie finally connected with his alarm clock and silenced the beeping with a hearty thwack.

    The frame of his futon creaked as he shifted position so he was out of the sunlight streaming in the single window of his tiny studio apartment. The sheet covering his crotch felt sticky and he lifted his head to peer down at himself. A thick wet spot had blossomed over his fading erection and Charlie groaned. A wet dream. Good God, how long had it been since he had had one of those? At least ten years?

    He dropped his head back on the pillow and closed his eyes.

    Another dream about Rock.

    It had been two months since Charlie had last seen Rock Harding. He had been on top of the world after they'd gotten together at the end of the two week cruise aboard the Dominatrix. Their last night aboard the ship, he and Rock had finally spent the night together, fucking and sucking each other with abandon. Charlie had been so happy he felt as if he'd floated down the gangway, happy Rock had been holding his hand and keeping him securely on the ground.

    But minutes after they had disembarked, Rock's agent Barty had arrived in a limo and ripped them apart. Well, he hadn't actually ripped them apart, but he'd taken Rock away to go on a promotional tour of Netherland. That had been weeks ago, and Charlie had only been able to talk with Rock once on the phone in that time. It had been a static-ridden international call that had only lasted five minutes.

    He had received several postcards, however, each one detailing how much Rock missed him. Charlie had to give the man credit, even though Rock was now an internationally recognized gay porn star, for the last eight weeks he really had tried to keep in touch.

    Charlie enjoyed the cards and phone call, but he really just wanted Rock to come back to L.A. so they could start being together. He wanted to hold Rock, kiss him, listen to his travel tales, and then stay up all night fucking and sucking.

    And then?

    Who knew? Charlie wanted to give things a try with Rock, in whatever kind of open relationship that meant since Rock was a porn star and Charlie a fluffer. But, as his mother always said back on the farm, he need to just relax and let the future take care of itself.

    Charlie checked the time and groaned. It was just after eight in the morning. He usually did not get up until nine thirty or ten, why had he set his alarm so early? Closing his eyes, Charlie tried to recall the reason he needed to get up so early. Work out? No, he did that in the evenings.

    He rolled over and squinted through one eye at the jumble of items on his desk. A folded piece of paper caught his attention and a jolt of panic brought him upright in bed. An address was written on the folded paper. It was the place where Kinitia had asked him to meet her at 8:30 that morning. He must have snoozed his alarm several times without waking up, and now had only twenty minutes to get ready and ride the bus to the rendezvous point.

    After a quick shower, Charlie's wet hair hung in his face as he hopped around his apartment, pulling on socks and underwear. He left his shirt hanging out of his jeans, grabbed his shoes, and ran out the door and down four floors to the bus stop in his socks.

    Thirty minutes later, Charlie stumbled off the bus and double-checked the address he had almost forgotten to grab as he had dashed out of his apartment. He walked along the sidewalk, looking in store windows and avoiding the homeless people begging for money. A few minutes later, he located the address and shaded his eyes with a hand to peer at the house before him.

    It was a large, Victorian style home, set a good distance back from the sidewalk. It might have been attractive back in, say, 1910. Paint peeled from every exterior surface, and weeds had overtaken the fenced-in front yard and wraparound porch. A for sale sign stood by the fence, creaking eerily as it swung in the breeze off the ocean which he guessed to be at least two dozen blocks away.

    As he stood before the old house, Charlie had flashbacks to every cheap horror movie he had seen. Turning, he looked up and down the street for Kinitia's car but saw nothing. Was this some kind of joke? Had he written the address down incorrectly?

    A red VW Beetle purred up to the curb and Charlie let out his breath. Finally, a face he recognized. Ken Carlton, senior member of the Fluffers, Inc. team and resurgent porn star, stepped out of the car and smiled. Morning, Charlie!

    Hi there, Charlie replied. Did Kinitia ask you to meet her here, too?

    Yeah, she did. Ken looked up at the house, his voice dropping. What the hell are we doing here?

    I don't know, Charlie whispered back. But I'll bet that people have died in that house.

    Why are we whispering? Ken asked.

    Because we don't want to wake it up.

    As Ken stared at the house, Charlie looked him over. His dark, wavy hair was attractively tousled from driving with the windows down, and a light brown patch of chest hair poked out of the V of his open-necked silk shirt. Ken's blue eyes sparkled and his teeth gleamed in his tan face. Ken caught him looking and smiled, then both jumped as a horn sounded behind them. Turning, Charlie found Kinitia waving from behind the steering wheel of her car.

    Well, she arrives, Ken said.

    They approached Kinitia's Camry as she sat in the car and picked through papers on the passenger seat. With a toss of her extensions over her shoulder, she smiled up at them.

    Good morning, gentlemen. Glad you could make it.

    Not a problem, Ken said and held the car door open for her to step out. What are we doing here? You're not planning on murdering us, are you?

    Kinitia laughed and patted his shoulder. No, no. For that I would invite you drive to Vegas with me and bury you in the desert along the way. Charlie exchanged an uneasy smile with Ken as she moved toward the sidewalk, continuing to talk the entire time. No, I'm looking to buy this place and wanted some other input.

    Buy it? Ken repeated in surprise and joined her on the sidewalk to look at the run down house. For what? A tax write off?

    No. For our new office. She waggled her eyebrows.

    What? Ken said, his expression mirroring Charlie's own shock. You want to move the office in … there?

    Kinitia shrugged. Maybe. I arranged to meet a realtor here for a tour.

    She pushed the gate open and proceeded into the yard. Ken followed right after her, and Charlie brought up the rear along the cracked and uneven front walk. As Charlie passed the for sale sign, he noticed it was faded and peeled almost as badly as the house. Just how long had this place been on the market? They picked their way through the thick tangle of weeds, circling the house and peering in dirty windows. Kinitia simply smiled and shrugged as Charlie and Ken pointed out the many repairs the house would require, as well as the junk piled in the yard, and mattresses and graffiti strewn throughout the rooms inside.

    A few minutes later, as they once again stood in the front yard looking up at the warped roof, a dented and bondo-decorated El Camino chugged up to the curb. The sun on the windshield prevented them from seeing details, but Charlie could make out a short woman behind the wheel, her long, straight hair caressing her face as she turned her head back and forth, gathering items and stuffing them into some kind of briefcase. She appeared to struggle to close the flap on the briefcase before she slid across to the passenger side of the bench seat. As he watched with steadily widening eyes, the woman turned in the seat and placed her feet on the passenger door, then lay on her back out of sight. With a grunt audible from where they stood, the new arrival pushed the passenger door open, the hinges emitting a shriek that made all three of them cringe.

    The woman stepped onto the sidewalk and Charlie found himself looking at a small and thin Asian woman, five feet tall if she was an inch. She had long, straight black hair, a smart navy blue skirted suit, and black frame glasses. The woman reached into the car and pulled her bulging briefcase out to drop it on the sidewalk, then turned her back on the three onlookers and used both hands to push the car door shut, the hinges crying out once again. The woman straightened up, brushed the wrinkles from her navy suit, adjusted her glasses, and then hefted the briefcase to her shoulder. She staggered sideways a few steps under the weight before finding her balance, after which she approached the gate with a brisk step.

    Who in God's name is that? Ken asked.

    That, Kinitia replied with a smile, is Ming Ho, my real estate agent.

    Ming gave them a bright smile as she took hold of the gate to open it. It promptly fell off the hinges and out of her small hand to rattle to the ground. She stopped and glared down at the busted gate.

    Kinitia raised an eyebrow. Hello, Ming. Will that be fixed?

    Oh yeah! Yeah, sure! Ming called and leaned down to pick up the gate, dropping her briefcase in the process, which vomited out a pile of loose papers. Charlie and Ken moved quickly to help her gather the papers before the wind could carry them off as Ming leaned the gate in the space where it had once stood. She turned to thank them with a bright smile, then suddenly stopped. As she looked at Ken her eyes widened and Charlie thought she might have stopped breathing.

    Ming? Kinitia asked. Are you all right?

    Ming blinked, turned her head to look at her, then back at Ken. A deep blush spread across her face as a dazzling smile followed. Oh my God! You’re Ken Carlton!

    Ken grinned and blushed himself. Um, yeah. I am.

    I love you! Ming exclaimed. I mean, I love your movies. I have all your movies, every one! All twenty-seven, even the older ones not available anymore. When they come out on DVD, I’ll buy those too. I think you’re the best. Hot. Really hot. I like to watch you bang other men. Ming curled her small hands into fists and held them out in front of her hips. She thrust her pelvis forward and back hard and fast in imitation of Ken fucking the hell out of one of his co-stars. Bang, bang, bang, like that. I like it when you bang them with your big dick. Oh, yeah. You’re really hot.

    She looked at Kinitia. He’s hot! She turned back to Ken. You get me wet every time I watch your big dick bang men's asses. Whew! She fanned herself as she smiled and stared at Ken.

    Kinitia cleared her throat. Yes, well. So you know Ken. I don't believe you know my other associate, Charlie Heggensford. Charlie smiled as Ming turned to him.

    You a porn star, too? Ming asked.

    Ken snickered and Charlie shot him a dirty look. Um, no. I'm a fluffer.

    Fluffer? Ming repeated and shook her head so her fine, black hair swirled around her face. What’s that?

    Kinitia stepped forward. I own a business called Fluffers, Inc., which supplies men and women to the adult movie studios to provide a specific service for the actors and actresses in the films. A fluffer is someone who keeps a star, usually a man, aroused and ready between scene takes.

    Oh! Ming smiled at Charlie. You suck Ken's cock when the camera stops. She nodded and looked back at Ken, asking in a low voice, Is he a good fluffer?

    Ken laughed and nodded. Oh, yeah. Charlie's one of the best.

    Ming gave Charlie an assessing look. You look kind of plain, but you’ve got nice lips and a cute face. You work out?

    Um, Ming? Kinitia asked. Can we see the house?

    Oh yeah, the house! Sure, sure. Come on. She shouldered her briefcase again and linked her arm through Ken's as they made their way up the uneven pavement of the front walk. You’d sign my video boxes for me if I bring them to your work?

    Ken nodded. Yeah, sure. Bring them up to the office next time you're around and I'll be glad to sign them.

    Ken stopped at the bottom of the steps and allowed Ming to proceed up the warped porch steps first. The woman placed a tiny black loafer on the porch boards and, with a loud crack of wood, her leg went straight through the rotted boards. Oh, shit! I mean, shoot. Sorry. Careful here. That will be fixed, of course, if you buy. Sorry. Watch yourself. Oh, hmm, I seem to be stuck here.

    Charlie and Ken helped Ming pull her leg out of the porch, and she giggled as Ken touched her thigh. Once she was free, they proceeded carefully to the door where Ming stopped to check her suit pockets.

    After searching through each pocket twice, as well as several places in her briefcase, Ming looked up with wide eyes. Oh no, I think I fogot the keys back at the office.

    Kinitia rolled her eyes. There's no lock box?

    Kids were breaking in, so I took it down, Ming explained. She thought a moment, then stepped off the porch and disappeared around the corner of the house. Kinitia, Ken, and Charlie looked at each other, shrugged, and then followed her. They found Ming kneeling by a small basement window she had pushed open, her head and shoulders stuffed out of sight inside the frame.

    Ming, that window is filthy, you're going to ruin your suit, Kinitia said patiently. Let Ken or Charlie do it.

    Ming pulled her head out and Charlie winced at the cobwebs caught in the woman's shiny hair. He hated spiders and dark, creepy basements. He turned and caught Ken smiling at him.

    I'm not crawling in there with this outfit on, Ken said.

    Charlie assessed Ken's silk shirt and dress slacks and sneered at him. Fine, I'll do it, you big sissy. He got down on his knees at the window and peered into the darkness beyond. Anyone living down there? he asked Ming.

    No, not anymore, Ming said and waved for him to crawl in. I chased them away last week. It’s okay.

    Charlie let out his breath and started to turn so he could put his feet in first.

    Not that way, Ming said. Go in head first and see where you’re going. Charlie gave her a dubious look but she nodded vigorously at him. It’s okay. Porn star Ken Carlton and I will hold your ankles and lower you down slow. It’s okay. She made circles in the air with her finger. Turn around and go in head first. Yeah, like that.

    Charlie slowly turned back around, took a breath, and then slid head first in the window, Ming and Ken holding his ankles. Cobwebs brushed his face and he flinched, swiping at them and trying to clear a path through the thick, dusty strands.

    Been a long time since I've held your ankles like this, Charlie, Ken said. Kind of turns me on. Ming giggled and Charlie swung back and forth with the woman's movements. He tried to steady himself with his hands on the grimy cinderblock wall before him, but it felt slimy and he quickly pulled them away.

    Oh, you’ve fucked him? she asked Ken. Did you bang his ass like in your movies?

    Oh yeah, Ken replied and Charlie could picture his cocky grin. I've banged the hell out of Charlie a few times.

    Oh, Ming whispered. That’s hot. Gay sex is really hot.

    Hey, hello! Charlie called out as he was forced to brace himself against the icky-feeling wall. I'm hanging head first in a dark basement! Stop swinging me!


    Ming adjusted her grip on his ankle and he managed to slow his swaying.

    Thank you, Charlie said. Now lower me just a little bit farther, I think there's something down here I can land on.

    As they lowered him, Charlie felt his left leg slip out of Ming's grip and he dropped several inches before Ken was able to stop his descent. Uh! Charlie grunted. Hey! Don't you fuckin' drop me down here!

    Oh! Sorry again! Ming said. My bad.

    I can't hold on much longer, Charlie, Ken groaned. You're kind of heavy. I'm losing my grip!

    No! Charlie cried as his foot slipped free of Ken's grasp and he fell into the darkness. He landed in a large metal bin of some kind, on top of soft, oddly shaped items. Cobwebs covered his face and head and he frantically tried to wipe them off. He grabbed one of the objects beneath him and lifted it, squinting through the cobwebs to make out what it was. In the dim light, he found he had grabbed a human hand, severed at the wrist, a white bone sticking out of the stump. He let out a high, shrill scream and tossed the hand away.

    Charlie? Kinitia called through the window. What's wrong? Are you all right?

    Charlie screamed again as he picked up another severed hand and he tossed that one away as well. His eyes began to adjust to the darkness of the basement and he looked around with growing panic. He was in a large bin filled with human hands, hundreds of them, thousands. He screamed, a high, shrill sound, and scrambled out of the box, tossing hands right and left. His feet hit the basement floor and he turned to run right into a human skeleton hanging from the rafters, the grinning skull staring in his face. A spider crawled out of one of the eye sockets as Charlie sucked in his breath, and he screamed even higher than before. Outside the window, he could hear Kinitia and Ken shouting at Ming to do something.

    Go to the steps! Ming called to Charlie. Go upstairs and unlock front door. Let us in.

    Charlie darted around the skeleton only to find dozens more hanging behind it. He shrieked and batted his way

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