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The Haunted Hunt: Tales of Demon Extermination
The Haunted Hunt: Tales of Demon Extermination
The Haunted Hunt: Tales of Demon Extermination
Ebook220 pages3 hours

The Haunted Hunt: Tales of Demon Extermination

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"The Haunted Hunt: Tales of Demon Extermination" is a spine-chilling collection of ten horror stories that will keep you on the edge of your seat. From cursed quarries to demonic duels, demon hunter horror enthusiasts will be thrilled by the non-stop action and bone-chilling suspense. Each tale is a gripping adventure that pits demon hunters against the forces of evil, as they strive to rid the world of the malevolent creatures that haunt our nightmares. This collection is a must-read for anyone who loves horror stories, particularly those who relish tales of demon hunters battling the forces of darkness. "The Haunted Hunt: Tales of Demon Extermination" will leave you breathless and haunted long after you've turned the final page.

PublisherSean Benoit
Release dateMay 9, 2023
The Haunted Hunt: Tales of Demon Extermination

Sean Benoit

Sean Benoit is a rising star in the world of storytelling, bringing his passion for literature and creative imagination to his writing. As a beginner author, he is constantly seeking to hone his craft and deliver engaging and thought-provoking stories to his readers. Sean's unique perspective and ability to craft vivid characters and intricate plots make him a master storyteller in the making. He is excited to share his work with readers everywhere and invites them to join him on this exciting journey.

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    Book preview

    The Haunted Hunt - Sean Benoit


    Dear Reader,

    I am thrilled to present to you The Haunted Hunt: Tales of Demon Extermination, a collection of ten gripping horror stories that will take you on a journey through the supernatural realm. As a lifelong horror enthusiast, I have always been fascinated by tales of demon hunters battling the forces of darkness, and it was my dream to create a collection of my own. Each story in this book is a testament to my passion for the genre, and I hope that you will enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them.

    The characters in this collection of stories are a diverse group of demon hunters, each with their own unique style and approach to battling the forces of evil. Some are gritty and determined, while others are cunning and quick-witted, but all of them share a common goal: to rid the world of the malevolent creatures that haunt our nightmares. So, whether you're a die-hard horror fan or a newcomer to the genre, I invite you to join me on this haunted hunt and experience the spine-chilling terror that lies within the pages of this book.


    Sean Benoit

    Cursed Quarry

    The phone rang in the middle of the night, jolting Ricky Luna from his sleep. He groggily reached for the receiver, wondering who could be calling at this hour.

    Hello? he said, his voice thick with sleep.

    Ricky, it's John from the quarry, came the voice on the other end of the line. We've got a situation here.

    Ricky sat up straight, instantly awake. John was the manager of the quarry and a longtime friend. If he was calling Ricky, it meant something serious was going on.

    What's going on? Ricky asked, already pulling on his clothes.

    It's hard to explain, John said, his voice low and tense. There have been some strange occurrences here lately. Things that can't be explained by natural causes.

    Ricky felt a chill run down his spine. He had spent his whole life hunting demons, but that didn't mean he was immune to fear. In fact, his fear was what drove him to keep fighting, to make sure that no one else suffered the same fate as his father.

    His father had been a demon hunter too, but he had been killed by one when Ricky was just a child. The memory of that night still haunted him, even after all these years.

    But Ricky couldn't let his fear stop him from doing what needed to be done. He took a deep breath and said, I'll be there as soon as I can.

    He hung up the phone and grabbed his demon-hunting kit. He checked his weapons and made sure everything was in order. He knew he was heading into danger, but he was determined to face it head-on.

    Ricky arrived at the quarry just as the sun was beginning to rise. John met him at the entrance and led him to a group of workers who had gathered nearby.

    Ricky, this is Emily, John said, gesturing to a young woman with a hard hat and a tired expression. She's been seeing things, and she thinks it's some kind of demon.

    Emily stepped forward, her eyes pleading. Please, you have to help us. We've been tormented by this thing for weeks now. It's destroying our equipment, stealing our tools, and scaring the living daylights out of us.

    Ricky nodded, his face grim. I'll do what I can. But I need to know everything you've seen, everything you've heard.

    The workers began to speak at once, their voices overlapping in a chaotic mess. But Ricky listened carefully, piecing together their accounts of strange noises, flickering lights, and eerie shadows that seemed to move on their own.

    As he listened, a sense of unease settled in his gut. He knew that demons often targeted places like this – isolated, industrial, full of hard-working people who wouldn't be missed if they disappeared.

    But this demon seemed different somehow, more malevolent, more powerful. Ricky felt a cold sweat break out on his forehead.

    Can you take me to the places where you've seen it? he asked, his voice steady.

    Emily nodded and led him deeper into the quarry. The workers followed behind, whispering nervously amongst themselves.

    As they walked, Ricky noticed something strange. The air felt heavier, almost oppressive, and he felt a strange pull in his chest, like the demon was drawing him closer.

    As Ricky and the workers walked deeper into the quarry, the sense of dread grew stronger. Ricky's heart raced as he scanned the area, looking for any signs of demonic activity.

    And then he saw it – a strange symbol etched into the rock. It was a circle with a pentagram inside, surrounded by a series of strange, squiggly lines.

    Ricky's blood ran cold. He recognized the symbol as a summoning circle, used by demons to call forth their minions from the depths of hell.

    Get back, he said, motioning for the workers to move away.

    He approached the circle cautiously, his eyes scanning the area for any signs of movement. But the demon was nowhere to be seen.

    Ricky moved closer, examining the symbol. As he did, he noticed something else – deep claw marks etched into the rock, as if something had tried to break through the surface.

    He followed the claw marks, which led him to a pile of rocks. As he climbed over them, he saw a faint glow in the darkness beyond.

    He approached the glow, his weapon drawn, and saw that it was another demonic energy source. He felt a sense of unease, realizing that the demon was using these sources to fuel its power.

    Ricky moved deeper into the shadows, following the energy source. And that's when he saw it – a massive, shadowy figure lurking in the darkness.

    He could feel the demon's presence, its malevolent energy filling the air around him. Ricky knew that he had to act fast – he couldn't let this demon continue to terrorize the workers.

    Ricky approached the demon cautiously, his weapon drawn. But just as he was about to strike, a worker lunged at him from behind.

    Ricky spun around, narrowly avoiding the attack. He saw that the worker's eyes were completely black, a sure sign that he was possessed by the demon.

    The worker attacked again, his movements jerky and inhuman. Ricky dodged his blows, trying to get a clear shot with his weapon.

    But the possessed worker was too fast, too strong. He knocked the weapon out of Ricky's hand and slammed him to the ground.

    Ricky struggled to break free, but the possessed worker was too powerful. He felt the demon's energy coursing through the worker's veins, fueling his strength and driving him to attack.

    He knew he had to act fast. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small bottle filled with holy water.

    He splashed the water onto the possessed worker's face, and he screamed in pain as the holy water burned his skin.

    The possessed worker stumbled back, his movements becoming slower and less coordinated. Ricky saw his chance and tackled him to the ground, pinning him down with all his strength.

    He reached for a small vial of demon-repelling oil and rubbed it onto the worker's forehead, breaking the demon's hold on him.

    The worker's eyes returned to their normal color, and he slumped to the ground, exhausted and confused.

    After subduing the possessed worker, Ricky met with the quarry owner, Marcus Thompson, in his office. Marcus was a tall man with a stern expression, and he looked at Ricky with a mix of relief and suspicion.

    Thank you for coming, Mr. Luna, Marcus said, his voice clipped. I'm sorry to have to bring you out here so early, but we're dealing with a serious situation.

    Ricky nodded, his eyes scanning the room for any signs of demonic activity. He felt the same sense of unease that he had felt in the quarry, and he knew that the demon's presence was close.

    What's going on here? Ricky asked, his voice steady.

    Marcus leaned back in his chair and sighed. This quarry has been cursed for generations, he said. My family has owned it for over a hundred years, and we've always known that there was something... off about it.

    Ricky raised an eyebrow. What do you mean?

    Marcus hesitated, as if unsure whether to continue. But then he leaned forward and spoke in a low, urgent voice.

    There's a demon here, he said. It's been here for as long as anyone can remember, and it's been causing trouble for just as long.

    Ricky felt a chill run down his spine. A demon that had been around for generations? That was rare, even in his line of work.

    What has it been doing? Ricky asked, his voice low

    Marcus hesitated for a moment before continuing. It's been causing accidents, destroying equipment, and even attacking workers, he said. We've tried everything to get rid of it, but nothing seems to work.

    Ricky knew that demons like this were powerful and difficult to banish. He needed to do some research to learn more about this particular demon's history and weaknesses.

    I need to know everything you can tell me about this demon, Ricky said, his voice serious. Its name, its powers, its weaknesses – anything you know.

    Marcus nodded and opened a drawer in his desk, pulling out a thick leather-bound book. This is our family's journal, he said. It dates back to the early 1800s, and it contains everything we know about the demon.

    Ricky took the book and began to read. He learned that the demon's name was Belphegor, and that it had been trapped in the quarry by a group of demon hunters over a hundred years ago.

    But the hunters had made a mistake – they had not destroyed the demon, only trapped it. And now, Belphegor was determined to escape.

    Ricky read on, learning about Belphegor's powers – the ability to possess human bodies, the power to manipulate objects, and the ability to open portals to the underworld.

    But he also learned about Belphegor's weakness – the demon was vulnerable to holy water and fire.

    Ricky closed the book and looked up at Marcus. Thank you, he said. I think I know what we're dealing with now.

    He left Marcus's office and headed to the local church to speak with Father Thomas, a local priest who had experience dealing with demons.

    Father Thomas was waiting for Ricky when he arrived at the church. The priest greeted him warmly, but Ricky could sense the tension in the air.

    Father, I need your help, Ricky said, getting straight to the point. I'm dealing with a demon that's been trapped in the quarry for over a hundred years. Its name is Belphegor.

    Father Thomas's face went white. Belphegor? That demon is one of the most powerful in existence. It's said to be able to possess multiple bodies at once.

    Ricky's heart sank. He knew that this made his job even harder.

    We need to stop it before it can open a portal to the underworld, Ricky said. Do you know how we can do that?

    Father Thomas nodded. We need to find its source of power and destroy it, he said. Without that, the demon will be weakened, and we can banish it back to hell.

    Ricky thanked the priest and left the church, deep in thought. He knew that finding the demon's power source would be difficult, but he also knew that it was his best chance to stop it.

    As he walked back to the quarry, he noticed that the workers were acting strange. They were huddled together in small groups, whispering and casting nervous glances in his direction.

    Ricky approached one of the workers, a man named Miguel Reyes, and asked him if he was feeling okay.

    But Miguel's response was strange. His eyes glazed over, and he began to speak in a deep, unnatural voice.

    Ricky's hand went to the weapon at his side as he watched in horror as Miguel's body began to convulse. The possessed worker's eyes turned pitch-black, and he began to emit a strange, unearthly growl.

    Ricky knew that this was bad news. It meant that Belphegor had possessed more than one person, and that he now had minions working for him.

    Emily, who had been following Ricky, stepped up beside him. What's happening? she asked, her voice shaking.

    We have to move, Ricky said, his eyes scanning the area. Belphegor has possessed more than one worker. We have to get out of here before they attack.

    As the sun began to dip below the horizon, the quarry became even more sinister. Strange shadows danced along the walls, and the air grew thick with a sense of malevolence.

    Ricky and Emily moved quickly, but they could feel the demon's energy growing stronger with every passing moment.

    As they reached the entrance of the quarry, they saw a group of workers blocking their path. The possessed workers growled and snarled, their eyes blazing with an otherworldly fire.

    Ricky knew that he had to fight his way through if they were going to make it out alive. He drew his weapon and charged at the possessed workers, Emily close behind him.

    The workers fought back fiercely, their movements jerky and unnatural. But Ricky was a seasoned demon hunter, and he knew how to fight these kinds of battles.

    He used his knowledge of Belphegor's weaknesses to his advantage, splashing holy water onto the possessed workers and burning them with fire.

    As Ricky fought off the possessed workers, he could feel the demon's power growing stronger. The workers seemed almost invincible, their bodies taking on an otherworldly strength and resilience.

    Despite his best efforts, Ricky was struggling. The demon's minions were too numerous, and their attacks were relentless.

    Finally, with a fierce roar, Belphegor revealed himself. The demon towered over Ricky, its eyes glowing with a malevolent light.

    Ricky knew that he was in trouble. Belphegor was too powerful for him to fight alone.

    He turned to Emily. We have to get out of here, he said. Now.

    But before they could make their escape, the demon launched itself at them, its claws slashing through the air.

    Ricky managed to dodge, but Emily wasn't as lucky. Belphegor's claws raked across her back, and she fell to the ground, screaming in pain.

    Ricky was torn. He knew that he needed to get Emily to safety, but he also knew that he couldn't leave Belphegor to continue wreaking havoc in the quarry.

    He drew upon every ounce of his strength and fought back, but the demon was too powerful. With a final blow, Belphegor sent Ricky crashing to the ground.

    As darkness closed in around him, Ricky knew that he had failed. Belphegor and his minions would continue to terrorize the quarry, and there was nothing he could do to stop them.

    Ricky's eyes fluttered open, and he groaned as he tried to sit up. His head was pounding, and his body ached all over.

    But as his vision cleared, he realized that he was not alone. Julia Chen, his friend and fellow demon hunter, was crouched beside him.

    Julia, he said, his voice hoarse. What happened? Where's Emily?

    Julia's face was grave. She's gone, she said. Belphegor took her. We have to get her back.

    Ricky nodded, pushing himself to his feet. He could feel the demon's presence all around them, and he knew that they were running out of time.

    Did you learn anything while I was out? he asked.

    Julia nodded. I did some research, and I think I know what Belphegor is planning. It's set to culminate in a blood moon, which is only a few days away.

    Ricky's heart sank. A blood moon was a powerful time for demons, and it would give Belphegor the strength he needed to open a portal to the underworld.

    We have to stop him, he said, his voice grim. But first, we have to get Emily back.

    Julia nodded, and the two set off towards the quarry. They knew that they were walking into a trap, but they also knew that they had no other choice.

    As they neared the quarry, Ricky's heart was pounding in his chest. He knew that he was walking into a battle that he might not survive, but he also knew that he couldn't let Belphegor win.

    He turned to Julia. I have to do this, he said, his voice firm. I can't let my fear control me anymore.

    Julia nodded, her eyes filled with understanding. I'll be right beside you, she said.

    Together, they entered the quarry, their weapons at the ready. The air was thick with the demon's energy, and they could feel his malevolent presence all around them.

    Suddenly, Belphegor appeared before them, his eyes blazing with an otherworldly fire.

    Ricky could feel his fear rising, threatening

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