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Cthulhu's Reach: Lovecraftian Horror on the Ocean Floor
Cthulhu's Reach: Lovecraftian Horror on the Ocean Floor
Cthulhu's Reach: Lovecraftian Horror on the Ocean Floor
Ebook170 pages2 hours

Cthulhu's Reach: Lovecraftian Horror on the Ocean Floor

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Cthulhu's Reach: Lovecraftian Horror on the Ocean Floor is a spine-tingling collection of short stories that will take readers on a dark and terrifying journey into the depths of the ocean. Inspired by the works of H.P. Lovecraft, these tales are filled with eldritch horrors and mind-bending terrors that will leave readers questioning their own sanity.


From the tentacled horrors of Cthulhu to the ancient and malevolent entities that lurk in the deep, these stories explore the terrifying possibilities of what lies beneath the waves. The book features ten unique tales that will transport readers to a world of unimaginable terror and darkness, where the ocean is a gateway to unimaginable horrors.


Cthulhu's Reach: Lovecraftian Horror on the Ocean Floor is a must-read for fans of Lovecraftian horror, and anyone who loves a good scare. With vivid and atmospheric writing, these stories will leave readers trembling with fear long after they've turned the last page. Get ready to dive into the abyss and confront the unspeakable horrors that await in the depths of the ocean.

PublisherSean Benoit
Release dateMar 18, 2023
Cthulhu's Reach: Lovecraftian Horror on the Ocean Floor

Sean Benoit

Sean Benoit is a rising star in the world of storytelling, bringing his passion for literature and creative imagination to his writing. As a beginner author, he is constantly seeking to hone his craft and deliver engaging and thought-provoking stories to his readers. Sean's unique perspective and ability to craft vivid characters and intricate plots make him a master storyteller in the making. He is excited to share his work with readers everywhere and invites them to join him on this exciting journey.

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    Book preview

    Cthulhu's Reach - Sean Benoit


    Dear Reader,

    It is with great pleasure that I present to you Cthulhu's Reach: Lovecraftian Horror on the Ocean Floor. This collection of short stories is a labor of love that I've been working on for years, inspired by the works of the legendary H.P. Lovecraft. As a lifelong fan of Lovecraftian horror, I wanted to create something that paid homage to the master while also carving out a unique and terrifying space of its own.

    The stories in this collection explore the dark and twisted world of the Cthulhu Mythos, taking readers on a journey into the heart of darkness. From the sunken ruins of ancient civilizations to the depths of the ocean, these stories are filled with terrors that will haunt your dreams and leave you questioning the nature of reality. I hope that you enjoy reading these stories as much as I enjoyed writing them, and that they transport you to a world of unimaginable horrors. Remember to hold your breath and watch your back, because in the world of Cthulhu's Reach, anything can happen, and anything is possible.


    Sean Benoit

    The Depths of Madness

    Amelia stood at the helm of the research vessel, gazing out at the vast expanse of ocean before her. She took a deep breath and turned to face her crew.

    Alright, everyone, she said, her voice steady. We're about to begin our descent. I know we've all heard the rumors about this place, but I want to remind you all that we are a highly skilled and capable team. We've been preparing for this expedition for months, and we know what we're up against. Let's focus on the task at hand and make this mission a success.

    The crew nodded in agreement, their faces a mixture of excitement and apprehension. They all knew that this expedition would be like nothing they had ever experienced before.

    Okay, let's go over our roles once more, said Amelia. David, you're in charge of navigation and communication. Dr. Chen, you'll be manning the laboratory and conducting our research. Charlie, you'll be responsible for maintaining the equipment and making any necessary repairs. And finally, Tom, you're our dive specialist. You'll be leading our underwater expeditions and ensuring everyone's safety.

    Each crew member nodded in turn, ready to take on their respective roles.

    As they began their descent into the depths, Amelia couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. This location had a reputation for being cursed, and she knew that the dangers they were facing were very real.

    As the pressure increased and the darkness outside their vessel grew more oppressive, the crew members began to share their fears and doubts.

    I've never been this deep before, said Tom, his voice tense. I'm not sure I'm ready for this.

    Don't worry, Tom, said Amelia. You've been training for this for months. You know what you're doing.

    David chimed in, And we've got your back. We'll be monitoring your dive every step of the way.

    Dr. Chen added, And remember, we're here to learn as much as we can. This is an incredible opportunity for us to make new discoveries and push the boundaries of our understanding of the ocean.

    Charlie, who had been silent until now, spoke up. I just hope our equipment holds up. We're pushing it to its limits down here.

    Amelia smiled. That's why you're here, Charlie. You're the best in the business when it comes to equipment maintenance. We're lucky to have you on our team.

    As the descent continued, Amelia revealed her past trauma to the crew. I know this mission is risky, but I need to do this. I lost my brother on a previous mission, and I've been haunted by his death ever since. I need to prove to myself that I can handle this and that his death wasn't in vain.

    The crew was sympathetic and offered their support to Amelia. We're here for you, said David. We'll do everything in our power to make sure you succeed.

    As they neared their destination, the crew braced themselves for what lay ahead. They knew that the dangers of this location were very real, but they were determined to push forward and make new discoveries.

    As they descended further into the darkness, the crew's apprehension grew. The pressure outside the vessel intensified, and the temperature dropped to an icy chill. Despite their fears, they continued onward, eager to uncover the secrets of this mysterious location.

    Suddenly, a massive creature loomed into view outside the vessel's viewport. Its body was long and serpentine, and it was covered in jagged, spiky scales. Its eyes glowed a menacing red as it circled the vessel, seemingly sizing it up.

    Tom, the dive specialist, could feel his heart pounding in his chest. What the hell is that? he gasped.

    David, the navigator, scanned his instruments. I'm not picking up anything like that in the database. It's like nothing I've ever seen before.

    As the creature continued to circle the vessel, Dr. Chen, the marine biologist, watched it with rapt fascination. This is incredible, she said. It defies everything we thought we knew about marine life.

    Suddenly, the creature lunged at the vessel, slamming into it with incredible force. The crew members were thrown from their seats, and alarms began blaring throughout the vessel.

    Charlie, the equipment specialist, quickly sprang into action. We've got a hull breach! he shouted. I need everyone to secure themselves and brace for impact!

    The crew quickly followed Charlie's instructions, strapping themselves into their seats and holding on tight as the vessel was buffeted by the creature's attacks.

    Finally, the creature retreated into the darkness, leaving the crew shaken but unharmed. What the hell was that thing? said Tom, his voice trembling.

    Dr. Chen was practically vibrating with excitement. I have no idea, she said. But I can't wait to study it.

    As they continued their descent, they encountered more and more bizarre creatures that defied all known science. There were creatures with multiple limbs, creatures with glowing eyes, and even a creature that seemed to be made entirely of ice.

    But as they approached a particularly deep trench, Dr. Chen let out a gasp of amazement. Everyone, look! she cried. There's something down there!

    As the vessel descended into the trench, the crew could make out the shadowy shape of what appeared to be ancient ruins. As they drew closer, they saw that the ruins were covered in strange hieroglyphics and symbols that were unlike anything they had ever seen before.

    We need to investigate this, said Dr. Chen, her eyes shining with excitement.

    Amelia nodded in agreement. Charlie, Tom, get the submersible ready. We're going in.

    As they approached the ruins, they discovered that they were surrounded by a field of strange artifacts. There were statues, tablets, and even what appeared to be ancient machinery, all of it covered in a layer of silt and algae.

    Dr. Chen couldn't contain her excitement. This is incredible, she said. These artifacts are unlike anything we've ever seen before. They must be thousands of years old.

    As the crew worked to collect samples and take readings from the artifacts, they couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder. This was what they had come for, to push the boundaries of human understanding and explore the unknown.

    As the crew continued to explore the ancient ruins, they worked tirelessly to collect as much data as possible. But as they settled in for the night, strange things began to happen.

    Tom jolted awake, his heart racing. He had just had a vivid dream of being attacked by the serpentine creature they had encountered earlier. He quickly checked his instruments to make sure it wasn't a real threat, but everything seemed normal.

    The next morning, he mentioned his dream to the rest of the crew. I had a nightmare last night, he said. It was like I was back out there, but the creature was even more aggressive.

    David nodded. I had a weird dream too, he said. I dreamt that the navigation instruments were malfunctioning and we were lost in the abyss.

    Amelia tried to rationalize their experiences. It's just the stress of the mission getting to us, she said. We're all on edge, and it's manifesting in our dreams.

    But as the days wore on, the nightmares continued. Dr. Chen dreamt of being attacked by strange, shadowy figures that lurked in the depths. Charlie dreamt of the submersible failing and plummeting into the abyss.

    Even Amelia couldn't deny that something was off. It's like the whole place is haunted, she said. I can feel it in my bones.

    That's when the geologist, Dr. Rodriguez, made a startling discovery. As she studied the rock formations around the ruins, she noticed something strange. The rocks seemed to be arranged in a pattern that defied natural formation. And upon closer inspection, she found traces of an unusual mineral that she had never seen before.

    This isn't natural, she said. There's an unnatural force at work here.

    As the crew continued to study the ruins, they couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched. And as the nightmares continued to haunt them, they began to wonder if they were truly alone down in the abyss.

    As the crew delved deeper into their research, they found themselves growing more and more uneasy. The nightmares continued to plague them every night, and the feeling of being watched only intensified. They couldn't shake the feeling that something was off, that something was waiting for them in the depths.

    It wasn't until Dr. Chen stumbled upon a curious message etched into the ruins that they found their first clue. Beware the shadows, it read. For they hunger for more than flesh.

    What does that even mean? David asked, frowning.

    I don't know, Dr. Chen replied, but it sounds like a warning.

    Amelia's eyes widened. A warning? From whom?

    That's what we need to find out, Tom said.

    They combed through the ruins, looking for any other clues or messages that might shed some light on what was going on. It wasn't until Charlie discovered a faded journal hidden away in a forgotten corner that they found their answer.

    The journal belonged to a previous expedition that had come to the ruins, a group that had never returned. As they read through the entries, the crew's blood ran cold.

    They were experiencing the same nightmares we are, Dr. Rodriguez said, her voice barely above a whisper. And they were attacked by... something. They didn't know what it was, but it killed most of them.

    That's why there's a warning, Tom said. They left it for us, so we wouldn't suffer the same fate.

    Amelia looked at them all, her expression grim. We need to get out of here, she said. Now.

    But it was too late. Just as they were about to pack up and leave, a deep-sea diver returned with incredible news.

    I found something, he said, his voice trembling with excitement. You won't believe it.

    He led them to a massive underwater city, a place that had never been seen before. As they explored the ancient ruins, they found more clues, more warnings. They discovered that the city had been built by an ancient civilization that had been wiped out by some unknown force.

    It's like they knew something was coming, Dr. Chen said. They built this city to protect themselves, but they couldn't escape whatever it was.

    The crew looked at each other, the realization sinking in. We need to get out of here, Tom said, his voice urgent.

    But as they made their way back to the submersible, they realized that they were not alone. Shadows began to stir around them, dark forms that seemed to move with a mind of their own. The nightmares had come to life, and they were hungry.

    As the shadows closed in around them, the crew scrambled to get back to the safety of their submersible. But as they entered the vehicle, they felt a strange shift in the air. The walls seemed to pulse and warp, and the lights flickered with an unnatural energy.

    What's happening? David asked, his voice shaking.

    I don't know, Tom replied, trying to keep his voice steady. But we need to get out of here.

    As they started the engines and began to ascend, the crew felt the world around them shift and twist. They saw things that shouldn't be possible, heard whispers

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