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The Gift
The Gift
The Gift
Ebook39 pages31 minutes

The Gift

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About this ebook

Thomas is a hardworking man who spends his days selling fax machines door to door for large companies. After a particularly gruelling week at work, Thomas only wants to get home however mother nature has other plans for him, grounding his plane due to a blizzard.

Thomas's wife decides to surprise him with a massage in his hotel room for their anniversary. Little does she know that the massage she has purchased includes a full-service option, and Thomas finds himself in the hands of a young woman eager to please him in ways he never imagined. Despite his guilt and confusion, Thomas can't resist the pleasure that comes with the experience.

Read all about what happens on that faithful snowy night in "The Gift"

PublisherJ Baker
Release dateMay 2, 2023
The Gift

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    Book preview

    The Gift - J. Baker

    ~Part One~


    My wife gave me the best gift she has ever gotten for our anniversary, and she is never allowed to know I received it.

    Let me explain.

    I remember those days like they were yesterday. The constant travel, the endless meetings, and the unrelenting pressure to meet my sales targets. It was a soul-sucking job, but it paid the bills and put food on the table.

    I spent countless hours sitting in airport lounges, waiting for my next flight, or cramped up in economy class seats, enduring long-haul flights with crying babies and restless passengers. Sometimes, I would arrive at my destination feeling jet-lagged and disoriented, barely mustering the energy to attend my meetings.

    The worst part of the job was trying to convince potential clients that fax machines were still relevant in the email and instant messaging age. It was a tough sell, and I often needed help to make a case for why someone should invest in a clunky piece of technology that had been around for decades.

    But I soldiered on, fueled by the thought of providing for my family and keeping a roof over our heads. The pay was decent, but it came at a cost. I missed countless family events, including birthdays, school concerts, and Christmas. I knew my wife and kids were disappointed I wasn't around more, but I tried to make up for it whenever possible.

    On one of these long nights away from my family, I got snowed in at the airport and couldn't make it home for my anniversary. I remember the harsh wind whipping through the doors, sending a shiver down my spine when they told me we were indefinitely delayed. I wrapped my coat tighter around myself, trying to ignore the chill that seemed to penetrate my bones.

    After we got off the plane, the terminal, which would usually be bustling with travellers, was completely deserted save for a few stranded souls like me. Everyone else got a lift home or went to a hotel. I stayed behind, hopeful that the weather might pass.

    The only sound was the howling wind and the occasional beep of the airport's intercom system. I looked around at the rows of empty chairs, the abandoned kiosks, and the darkened stores. It was like a ghost town, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease wash over me. The thought of being stuck there for an entire night was daunting, but I had no choice.

    As I tried to make myself comfortable on one of the hard plastic

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