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Law Enforcement - Part 1
Law Enforcement - Part 1
Law Enforcement - Part 1
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Law Enforcement - Part 1

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William Goldman, a successful defense attorney is on top of his game, a list of wealthy clients even if some of their practices are far from legal.

He has come to the attention of female police officers Pérez and Garcia of the Santa Domina Police Department since he seems to have an unusually high success rate in his cases and they suspect foul play.

They decide to do something about it and so capture him and interrogate him in their own creative ways until he reveals his secrets.

Once he is exposed, in more ways than one, they use their hold on him to use and abuse him in ever more cruel, creative FemDom ways...
Release dateApr 21, 2020
Law Enforcement - Part 1

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    Book preview

    Law Enforcement - Part 1 - S M Johansen

    Law Enforcement - Part 1

    Law Enforcement - Part 1


    S M Johansen

    Copyright © 2020. S M Johansen

    All rights reserved

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without prior written permission from the publisher.

    The right of S M Johansen to be identified as author of this work has been asserted in accordance with section 77 of the copyright, designs and patents act 1988. This book is sold subject to the conditions that it shall not by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s prior consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.


    Law Enforcement - Part 1


    Chapter 1 - Arrest

    Chapter 2 - Interrogation

    Chapter 3 : Mementos

    Chapter 4 : Proceedings

    Chapter 5 : New Girl

    Chapter 6 : Party

    Chapter 1 - Arrest

    William Goldman was having a great day.

    He’d successfully defended his wealthy client so was due for quite a healthy fee for this latest case.

    After court he’d been invited back to his client’s hilltop mansion for a celebratory drink and was now on his way home, cruising down the highway in his soft-top Maserati.

    Life was good, very good indeed.

    The highway was quite empty and he felt like he owned the city, a rush of adrenaline coursing through his body, unaware that he was being followed.

    He pulled off the highway down the slip road and was about to sink his foot to the floor when he heard the short sharp wail of a siren and a shiver of ice cold terror shot up his spine.

    Glancing in the rear-view mirror he saw the dreaded flash of red and blue and knew he had no option but to pull over.

    He crunched to a stop on the gravel area to the side of the road and was suddenly aware of how quiet and lonely the road to his house was at this time of night.

    Another glance in the rear-view mirror and he saw the door of the patrol car open and a police officer climb out and approach.

    Good evening sir the police officer announced.

    Will was immediately surprised as the voice was female and he spun his head round to find himself looking up at a hot, young sexy female police officer and could not contain his excited grin.

    Having a bit too much fun tonight are we sir? she quizzed.

    I-I-I’m not sure what you mean officer he stammered back at her.

    Well sir, you were doing nearly eighty back there and also you pulled off the highway without using your turn signals. It seems you’re a little out of control tonight sir? she asked with a quizzical expression.

    OK honey he replied casually.

    I’m not sure you know who I am but I’m sure we don’t need to make a big deal of this do we?

    The police officer smirked as she heard him address her as honey, a disapproving frown letting Will know in an instant that he’d made a big mistake.

    You will address me as officer Pérez, I’m not your honey, sir! she calmly informed him.

    Yes officer, sorry officer Pérez he blubbed, instantly realising he’d read this situation badly and this girl was not going to take any of his shit.

    Have you been drinking this evening sir? You seem rather agitated and a little flushed? she asked.

    No officer. Well... I had like a glass or two of champagne but that was a while ago he replied.

    I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask you to step out of the vehicle sir and I’ll need to see your driver’s licence and insurance.

    Will now leaned over to the glove compartment but before he could open it he was stopped in his tracks.

    Freeze! Raise your hands in the air motherfucker! screamed officer Pérez.

    She screamed into her radio to her partner in the patrol car.

    Suspect attempted to reach for a weapon! Please assist so that we can contain the threat!

    Will raised his hands quickly and turned to find himself staring down the barrel of office Pérez’s service pistol.

    Officer Pérez was not messing around. Her face was a mask of anger and Will shuddered with the shock of this instant acceleration of events.

    Reach outside the vehicle and open the door from the outside! she yelled.

    Keep your hands in full view at all times!

    Will followed her instructions and stepped from the vehicle, his hands now raised again above his head.

    Now, on your knees and place your hands on the back of your head officer Pérez ordered.

    Will did as instructed and no sooner had his hands touched his head, his arms were twisted down behind his back and he felt the click of cuffs as officer Pérez’s partner restrained him.

    Thanks Tessa. Looks like we’ve got a live one tonight. Don’t you just hate it when it’s quiet and boring officer Pérez said to her partner, the women chuckling a little as they watched Will trembling on his knees.

    Yes Jess. I guess we’d better check out what he was reaching for in that glove compartment yes?

    Tessa leaned into the car and flicked open the glove compartment, reaching in and pulling out his driver’s licence.

    Seems he didn’t have a weapon after all. Never mind, better safe than sorry eh Jess? she laughed, both officers now holstering their weapons and circling round Will, at their feet on his knees.

    From his vantage point he had a very close up and personal view of officers Pérez and Garcia.

    They were both dressed in full patrol officer uniform, tight black pants, fingerless black leather gloves, knee-length flat-heeled leather boots and a utility belt complete with cuffs, pepper spray, taser, night-stick and every other intimidating accessory.

    So, looks like we have a big shot here Jess. Mr William Goldman, attorney-at-law no less she smiled.

    Yes officers. I am a criminal defence attorney. We are sort of on the same side in law enforcement, yes officers? he weakly pleaded.

    Jessica Pérez, a.k.a Jess now threw her head back, laughing hard at his pathetic little attempt at friendliness.

    I don’t think so Mr Goldman. We catch the criminals and losers like you help them to escape justice. I hardly think we’re on the same side Jess replied.


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