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365 Days of Truth Volume 3: 365 Days of Truth, #3
365 Days of Truth Volume 3: 365 Days of Truth, #3
365 Days of Truth Volume 3: 365 Days of Truth, #3
Ebook152 pages2 hours

365 Days of Truth Volume 3: 365 Days of Truth, #3

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Welcome back! I bet at this point of your study you probably hang out with God most of the time thus harmony has become more your normal and natural expression, you know it and other people know it too!  Life is easier, smoother and more joyous because you have died daily to the errors of human man that cause chaos and as a result are experiencing the allness of God as peace, abundance, health, companionship and purpose. 365 Days of Truth Volume 3 keeps the spiritual party going with another year of "soul food" so you never have to miss a minute of God's Love in your awareness.


PublisherKelly A Logan
Release dateDec 30, 2023
365 Days of Truth Volume 3: 365 Days of Truth, #3

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    365 Days of Truth Volume 3 - Kelly Logan

    365 Days of Truth Volume 3

    Days 1-50


    Truth can be found anywhere it is recognized. I was reading the Costco magazine and there in an article asking for favorite inspirational quotes was this:

    We are all just walking each other home. Ram Dass.

    Can you see the Truth of this? Do you understand it isn’t the words but the sentiment, the knowing of Truth within Ram Dass to bring those exact words into expression? They can only be of one who knows God, one who is a mystic, one who has seen the face of God within and knows Truth.

    Can you see that in those few words lies the entirety of the Christ teaching? We are to help our brothers find their way home by being that which allows them to open to that which is the way home.

    You are a catalyst, the leavening, that which rises all boats. God reveals Truth to you and you reveal Truth to others. If that isn’t the most exciting purpose there could ever be I don’t know what is! Helping to bring lost sheep home to the shepherd who has missed them so! OMG does the fun ever end?!


    The word duality has never set well with me and from the beginning of my journey have been asking God for another way of explaining the difference between the singularity of expression of God and the duality of expression of man. While reading Sense to Soul (yes my book but not my Word if you get my drift) God gave me this:

    Duality is individuality. If you are i, me or my you are expressing as an individual which implies more than one. If you are of I you are expressing harmony which is you expressing oneness with source which is all that is.

    I know that sounds odd but individuality means each which implies more than one which is duality. Duality, though it sounds like it means two specifically means any amount more than one.

    Therefore a gathering of individual men is a gathering of more than one expression of man but a gathering of spiritual man would be a gathering of many forms of one consciousness expressing not thinking individually of self as i, me, mine but being of the singular consciousness they know themselves to be.


    Spiritual power=Spiritual presence

    The word power shouldn’t be used in reference to God because God is not a power as man thinks of as a physical force rather it is a presence that is the harmony unto your experience.

    Some synonyms for the word power are:






    If you were to use any of the other words in place of the word power you would have a much better understanding of what God is and is to you. God is all ability, God is all capacity, God is all potential and potentiality, God is all faculty of being. That is what God is to you and what is meant when the word power is used in conjunction with what man calls God.

    Therefore the power of God, all the synonyms of power, are of you when you are of  the consciousness of God.

    It is not a power or presence you use but that which you let use you as the expression of what transpires when you raise your conscious knowing above that of man.

    When you know God through awareness and keep yourself within that awareness you are the expression of the Christ which is the ability, capability, capacity and potentiality of all that is available to you because you are of it.


    Man’s mind is a reasoning/thinking operating system based on belief.

    Spiritual man’s operating system is an intuitive/receptive consciousness based on revealed Truth.


    It was only those of Christ knowing, of spiritual consciousness who saw Jesus rise from the tomb. Only those with the understanding of the indwelling Christ understood the words I can lay my life down and I can pick it up again.

    That is the purpose of resurrection ie rising up in consciousness to know the Truth of your being, your true nature that proves there is no death just transformation or transfiguration but only if you know Truth by which to witness the miracle.

    It is only the spiritually illumined who receive the confirmation of immortality. There is no way to prove to the human mind that there is life eternal available for them to experience right here while they live. There is no way to prove this to the materially minded for they see the ravage of disease and they see the lifeless body or remains. Lifeless, remains. Finished. Kaput. What man perceives with the senses is always false as is the belief in death.

    Spiritual man knows there is no end to their existence as I am, no power in or of the world or man that can change Law, the Law of creation which is perpetual and eternal be-ing, is-ing which is Life eternal.


    Human man keeps his beliefs only as long as they function for him.

    Spiritual man can live on Truth for all eternity because Truth is God, unchangeable Law, always is therefore can never stop functioning as it is which is revealed as being all that is functioning called this universe.


    The question to be asked when any duality comes into your midst is:

    Who told you?

    Who told you what you just reacted to, labeled or judged is the Truth you are to know?

    Who told you it is good or it is bad?

    No one. You formed your own opinion, you told yourself it was other than is.

    Who told you? There is only one voice of Truth and it is not yours, it is the Father within who reveals Truth.


    God is an infinite state of being where time does not exist and every moment is now.


    Just because you believe something to be a power does not make it so. Thoughts, labels and judgements only deceive the one thinking them ie they cannot be power for all power is of God. There is no power in your expression lest it come from God which would express as harmonious.


    There is only one sin from which all others are born-the belief in a separation from God which creates the belief you are alone. Sin is merely ignorance of your true nature as spiritual man. It is this belief in separation that causes what many over the millennia have called the dark night of the soul. The dissatisfaction that plagues man to seek something and man’s erroneous seeking outside of himself for that which already exists within just waiting for you to become aware of its presence.

    The pain man suffers is because he looks outside of himself for that which will stop the pain but that is actually what is driving the pain-trying to fix a problem on the level of the problem ie searching the world to find God when God is not of this world to be found.


    Healing is merely the undertaking of lifting someone above their current level of consciousness, above the physical plain of materialism and duality to where the laws of matter and mind do not operate, where there is no duality and harmony is. This peace, knowing, relief is God coming into awareness within the healer and the consciousness of the one asking for healing and anyone else in the universe accepting of God’s Truth.

    Remember God is only where God is known so by bringing God into consciousness you are bringing God to earth, to man to be felt by those desiring and wanting God though at the moment they want what their mortal mind says they need-money, health, work-but all needs lead to God as the solution at some point in your life, this life or the next because all that is to be had is of and through conscious oneness with God.


    You must meet people where they are. This has nothing to do with what they look like or present as but where they are consciously-man or spirit. Most everyone is under the laws of man and not the grace of God so to speak to them from your conscious knowing of God and not theirs is to push man away because you are acting/talking weird. Go away. You do not talk of God to man of earth, you silently commune with God to awaken those among man who do not wish to live as man any longer and want to know more.

    Out in the world you are a good citizen of man in your actions and speech. Be normal and natural as each experience dictates from within. You are in the world but not of the world in consciousness, you live among man with the consciousness of duality but you are spirit in form living from the consciousness of God, allness, completeness, wholeness. When you know who you are you begin to express as who you now know yourself to be.

    It is the flip of a switch from man to spirit when you have the mystical experience because Truth has dispelled false belief but the light of God isn’t on yet. The connection has been made but your illumined self only comes into expression to the degree of your desire to know God, study God and live with God and not man.


    The visible form is not a person it is a state of conscious understanding expressing. The form is the instrument of conscious expression ie who and what you think or know yourself to be.

    When you look in the mirror you do not see yourself you see the outward expression of the consciousness you are.

    When you look at me you do not see me, the I of me, you see the form of the consciousness from which I am expressing. The form that you are is yours, not you. Your hands are not you, they are your hands, as is every part of your form. You are not your form, your form is yours.

    You are not in your hands, your feet or your head, they are yours, of you but not you. So where are you? I am not this body and if you make

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