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Barbarian Slave
Barbarian Slave
Barbarian Slave
Ebook157 pages2 hours

Barbarian Slave

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About this ebook

Tara had been captured. Kidnapped.

Chained. Used.

The sex toy of a barbaric tribe.

And the private p*ssy of their leader, Drake.

In a world in ruins.

A wasteland of violence and survival.

They represented protection.

But also a life that wasn't worth living.

Tara had to escape, no matter what.

Even if it cost her life.

Anything was better than that.

But her suffering was not over yet.

Release dateMar 16, 2023
Barbarian Slave

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    Barbarian Slave - Lecxia Fenrira

    Dedicated to Lucy, Laura, and Rayne


    Her words began to fade away amidst the subtle sound of the wind that crept through the door to her ears; it took her a few minutes to be able to concentrate on anything other than the sound of his voice, but as she watched, feigning her best face of disinterest, she managed to enter that dreamlike state during lucidity that allowed her to have, at least, a few minutes of peace.

    It was something as sacred as her turn in the bath; the half hour she had left after Drake got up from the tub made of stones they found just outside their territory with the intention of showing off one of their best luxuries, something that was there much longer than she was; that became the moment she longed to repeat the most during the day.

    There, with half of her body submerged in the sacred liquid that in, her time, she fought so hard to get in order not to die, she calmed her sorrows, her problems and Drake's voice from her head.

    -Yes..." she said as she gently lowered her body into the water to get used to the change of climate.

    But at this moment she wasn't in the tub, not sleeping or doing anything else that would keep her away from Drake, no, this time she was with him, pretending to listen to him tell what he was so excited about from her past, how she got there and what she was able to accomplish along the way.

    What mattered to him was feeling heard, no matter what he was saying, as long as Tara gave him her undivided attention, he was at ease. In fact, he had never had someone so close for so long before with whom he could feel that way, so the moment she once showed a little interest, he decided to tell her everything he knew, what he had to live through and the things he loved the most.

    The problem was, everything he kept in his head to say was long gone; a year and a half later (when his stories ceased to be novelty), he chose to repeat them with more and more enthusiasm.

    The more he listened to himself, the more excitement he gave his words. Tara was aware of that and, even if she couldn't stand it and didn't like it at all, it was her duty, with no choice but to be there, facing him, listening to his most boring stories as if she actually cared about them. 

    On the outskirts of that room, past the guards, past the dry earth walls, past the labyrinthine corridors that divided all the sections of what she had not long ago begun to call a castle; through the doorway to what could be freedom, Tara lost herself, imagining what was possible to do being there. A long time ago she tried to cross that door, to act at will and do everything her own way, but that day she discovered that escape was useless and unwise.

    Now, what was left for him was to imagine things outside. What she did not know was that they were the same. Since she was born, Tara had known nothing but ruin, the result of a decaying society and an uncertain future. The few people who still remembered the past, told how exciting everything was at the time, when the lights still shone and people were happy, but they ignored it.

    However, she never knew that happiness. For a long time she walked aimlessly, searching for food, for something that could sustain her existence, but to no avail. It was a never-ending battle with life that constantly depressed her until, one day, Drake simply appeared.

    But freedom was what he was imagining as he listened to his captor tell him about his past, what it was like before and how gloriously he lived his life. The idea of being able to walk until her feet got tired and rely solely on her own abilities to survive was so much better than being with him. She ignored the existence of anything devastating enough to make her not want to be there, at that moment, listening to Drake's voice.

    However, it was just that, his imagination. As if I'm going to leave here, he thought, losing his attention and listening to Drake's voice again.

    -And that's not what I wanted to do, he narrated, at that moment I thought that nothing was going to happen, I thought that at any moment I would have time to buy what I had always wanted; I would only have to work a couple of months more, but that wouldn't be a problem because at the end I would have it, in my hands, he sighed with nostalgia, ah... I really wanted to be able to use it. We had been waiting for it for so long that, in truth, it was worth it.

    Tara no longer needed me to explain more basic concepts of Drake's golden age. She already knew it all, even if she wasn't able to understand what, exactly.

    -I resent it because, just when I thought I could, it just all got ruined. It was like nothing else mattered; we were all running, we all wanted a little bit of everything, he continued, things like cars, TVs, gadgets, cell phones...all of that stopped mattering in a matter of seconds. It's really amazing how everything went to hell. No one wanted anything to do with each other and the few of us who were left had so little to offer life because those who really knew were too busy dying or putting their two cents in where more people were.

    Drake longed for the past as much as anyone else, but he was so comfortable in the present that his way of showing it was to talk about it whenever he could. From time to time, he would interrupt his conversation to get Tara's attention, who no longer seemed so interested, or, in the middle of an hours-long silence, out of nowhere and without going into context, he would continue as if a few seconds had passed since he stopped talking. 

    This time, he took what was left of the afternoon to tell her how incredible it had been for him that all that he once knew disappeared in a matter of seconds. Tara knew that story like the back of her hand.

    -What was I, like seventeen years old? It wasn't that hard to understand what was going on, but the truth was that many of us already knew it was going to happen. It was obvious that as long as things kept going the way they were going, everything was going to go to hell.

    Of all the versions, of all the mouths from which I had heard it and of all the versions that existed, Drake's was nothing more than a cliché.

    -I thought he would die, you don't know how much I thought about it..." he continued.

    I can imagine, he thought, sarcastically and jadedly.

    -Everyone died from one thing or another; I always thought nuclear weapons were a desperate attempt by man to exterminate himself faster than any other species. And look, he raised his arms and swept around the world, alluding to the devastating result, look how it all turned out...".

    Drake hated that part of the story as much as anyone; knowing he had lost so much boiled in his soul, ruining everything exciting life had to offer.

    -After that, I thought too much about whether I wanted to go on, what good was it to me to stay alive if I would have to go through all that, at first I said to myself: yes, I can handle this; because, like many, I thought I was ready for this.

    This was the part that disturbed Tara the most. Each and every time she told it, she would come back to reality and hear clearly what she had to say. Sometimes she would change it or say something different, but in the end, it was the same.

    -The people went crazy... everyone; they ran out of what little was left, they wiped out everything... everything! From the animals they could catch to themselves. It was horrible, said Drake, you couldn't do anything. You couldn't trust anyone because we all just wanted to survive. We forgot values and good manners so fast it was like they never existed. It was madness, I tell you.

    Drake was trying his hardest not to comment on everything he did in the past. As long as he kept it as entertaining as possible for Tara, he would get her attention. But, he knew very well indeed what happened, it pierced his chest in such a way that it left no room for anything else. The seventeen-year-old boy who had once existed had died so long ago that there was no trace of him left. His values, his interests, everything he believed in, vanished along with the world he once belonged to.

    -But I made it, he lifted his chin and added proudly, when I knew I could change the way things happened, the reason I went through all this, you know? I had to survive, otherwise none of this would exist.

    Tara snorted subtly, aware that none of it was true.

    -If it weren't for me, none of these people would be here.

    That's true, she thought, "if it weren't for you, none of us would be here.

    -And none of them could say they are not safe because of me, she added proudly, if it weren't for me, they would surely be out there walking around counting the days until they died because they couldn't find anything that would help them to continue the next day.

    Gradually, he raised his voice.

    -I'm the reason they have a roof over their heads, a future, a life to worry about.

    Tara knew that Drake was just stretching the facts to make himself seem more important than he really was. His involvement in that place was not as idyllic as he claimed: a tyrant, as she said to herself.

    No one could be more vile and disturbingly malevolent than he was. Why does he insist on making me believe he's not crazy? -She wondered, as he spoke, It's not like he doesn't know what he's doing... he's killed people in front of me just because they talked bad to him... what's he trying to do?", his way of maintaining power was with fear so, for her, for him to be like that while they were alone, rivaled what he always did in front of others.

    -But that's not the worst thing, he repeated again, because he always said that, because everything to him was worse than everything else, I had to be alone, he lied, I spent so much time alone that I had to learn to survive on my own. Many of us were not prepared, he reiterated, "so I taught myself what to do. That's why these people owe me everything, because I'm making life better for them with everything I learned and....

    -Sir! -exclaimed one of Drake's subordinates.

    The man crossed the maze of dirt corridors that led from the entrance directly to his room; it was the fastest passage and connected with all the other passages so that he would appear anywhere in almost no time at all.

    -What the hell is going on? Can't you see I'm talking! -Drake exclaimed, standing up furious at being interrupted, until he saw who was in front of him... Matthias," he said, surprised, in a whisper.

    He knew what it meant when he appeared in front of his door.

    -We have a problem, sir," said Matias, panting. He immediately wiped Drake's smile off his face.

    -What happened? What problem?

    -No... no problem, he adjusted his words, the lack of air in his body didn't let him think well what he was going to say, we have one, sir...".

    Tara reacted by

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