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A girl wakes up on a beach with no memory. She ends up finding out she is a Lightning Element and learns her powers again. Along the way, she meets other elements of earth, air, water, and fire. They are the four core, but there are more. Her father is a Metal and Mineral Element, and these weird creatures, called chimeras, keep appearing with the power of time and space. Violet has the aid of a Kitsune, a magical fox, and is jumped around the timeline. There is this bad guy, Martin Krazor, who has a machine that he uses to devour the life and essence of elements and create his own artificial elements. He has a plan to become very powerful and try to devour the legendary element spoken of in old tales and legends. He and his son, Oliver, are also Lightning Elements. In the end, Martin and Violet will have to battle for supremacy. A mysterious voice is constantly advising Violet on her journey. She finds out what that entity really is at the end.

Release dateJul 27, 2020

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    Violet - Cassandra Buittner

    Chapter 1

    Bound from the Beginning

    Splashing. Tides. Wind.

    Over the horizon, a solid beam of sunlight begins hovering the ocean. Dancing waves leap up, trying to grab the orange rays. Seagulls swoop in for their morning grub, embracing the calm winds. The sky is clear and the air feels crisp. All the sand on the beach is untouched and some is over various rock formations. Some of the rocks form out from the cliff and descend into the ocean. While others look like giant chocolate chips that have been gnawed on. The breeze picks up and lifts a soiled flyer from the ground. It cycles through the air and over the rocks. On it was a runny picture with a reward statement and location of drop-off. When the wind elevated it began churning the water more aggressively. As the paper reaches the top of the descending rocks, it dives down over them. That same gust brought in a tide carrying large amounts of bundled seaweed with a young female upon it. Various rubble, equipment, and other assorted objects washed in beside. The sound of paper colliding with her face slammed together in sync with a large wave crashing on shore. As the breeze rests and the waves regress back to a sway, she begins to show signs of life.

    This girl is lying belly down with her head turned on its left side. The paper is gently covering features of her face. One of her arms is parallel with her body. While the other is bent with its hand slightly closed near the neck. The seaweed appears to make a raft-like bed as she laid upon it. However, it does not keep her dry, and the skin on her phalanges are pruned. Soaked, long, curly, wavy hair is well-kept in a ponytail. Tatters, rips, singes, and stains cape her clothing. The attire is mostly normal, navy blue shirt with black pants. The only abnormal garment is a white lab coat. Remaining blood slowly seeps from wounds on her lower back and upper hips, showing evidence of a brutal impact. It appears she had been penetrated by eight round sharp objects. Three holes on the right, also to her left, seem about the same size and almost form a triangular shape. While the fourth on each side is slightly smaller and farther down. They are almost in line with the top point. All the blood has dripped down her right back leg, causing her foot to be discoloured. The part that wasn’t bloody, along with her other foot, is pale and pinkish.

    The girl starts clamping her right fist and opens both eyes. Startled at first by the unknown, she quickly notices a smudged printed drawing of an animal. Instincts kick in, and she removes the paper from her sight, while crinkling it in her right hand. Her breathing becomes heavy in a slight panic. Slowly, a feeling of faintness starts to tingle in the back of her head. She moves both hands into a push-up position and now has most of her weight on the knees. Slowly, she raises her torso and takes a look around. Daybreak has passed, and the morning is still young. It is very bright out. So, the girl has a hard time focusing, almost like she had been in darkness for a long time. Using her hand as a visor, she can notice glistening sand for a long distance toward the right. On her left are many rocks and more sand. For a moment, she closes her eyes to think. Nothing comes to mind at first, but suddenly she sees an explosion! Reopening her eyes, they are quickly drawn to the descending rock formation. Briefly, staring at it she takes another look around. The surrounding area becomes shaded by a fluffy cloud. Out of nowhere, an intense ringing noise fills the area. Followed by a feeling of numbness overwhelming the girl’s body.

    First, she crinkles her hands and face. Then, both arms are hastily thrown up covering the ears as she starts coughing. Soon after, her body gives out and instantly falls forward against the seaweed-covered sand. From there, the noise elevates. She clenches her entire body and shuts her eyes. As best she could, her focus is drawn to blocking out the sound. In her mind, everything is dark. Slowly, the obnoxious noise becomes more and more distant. At the same time, her mind begins to fill with a shadowy mist. Distorted, deep, and dark shades of purple, black, and gray fill her mind. She feels lightweight and empty.

    To herself, she whispers, Funny…I feel sad. Now that the sound is faint…

    I found a way, says a deep, mysterious, and disembodied whisper.

    What? the girl asks. Who are you? Do you know what’s happening? Show yourself!

    The voice chuckles and says, Calm yourself, my congenital archaic. I wish to help guide you. This sound you hear is something to fear. Do not fear it… Do not let it consume you… Do not fear anything you will encounter… Everything must fall into place. In time…

    "Okay? What is that supposed to mean? What is this way you found? Hello? she says to herself, alone. Realizing the mysterious voice is gone, her body still feels lightweight and empty. Nothing around. Just herself, black mist, shadows, and emptiness inside her mind. Why is my mind like this? I feel like something is missing…but what? Who am I? Where do I go? Or do?"

    Suddenly she is blinded through the darkness. Mesmerized like a moth to a light, she sees a woman’s silhouette. The only details, other than shadow, are eyes that twinkle like diamonds and an orb-like object on top of what seems to be a glistening staff. Strangely, she looks to be wearing a cape that is moving in the wind, but her hair is weightless and not moving at all. The woman closes her eyes and moves the staff from her side to directly in front. Teeth become noticeable from a smile, as she raises the staff with both hands above the head. After that, she slams the staff down, and the orb’s light fades out. Everything disappears.

    What…just happened? the girl says in confusion.

    When hearing her own voice, the unknown sound returns, and the girl opens her eyes in shock! Not expecting to be floating in midair, she ignores how it is happening and looks around for a clue of what to do. Quickly her attention was drawn back to the obnoxious ringing noise. Swinging her arms up to cover the ears, she swirls through the air. Sand is all around her, floating, making it difficult to see in any direction. Through various specks of sand, random objects, and seaweed, she notices something running toward her in the distance. She thinks it’s an animal. The exact type is unclear through everything. Rays from the bright sun blind her, making details smudge together. It appears to have stopped and begins running around in a circle. For a moment, she sees a second animal’s tail and begins to assume it is playing with another. A large tidal wave fiercely emerges in and pulls the girl down to the ground. Simultaneously, the ringing noise ceases, and everything that was floating falls too.

    What’s going on? she says with some struggle, after impacting the ground. From there, the girl starts bringing her left knee up. Using it for support with both hands to stand on two feet, she soon falls right back down. Tearing, burning, stinging, and bleeding begin emitting from her leg. There is something wrong with the back of her right leg. This time applying all her weight to the left leg, she gets to a stand and begins hobbling over to the descending rock formation. Sitting for a moment in confusion, while gazing at the blue sky, her being becomes bleak. Thinking of the whos, whats, whens, wheres, whys, and hows she ended up in this situation. Not a thing comes to mind. She can’t think of her name, whom the voice belongs to, the lady, or what she should be doing. The explosion flashes through her mind a second time.

    I remember…seeing that…, she says, looking down, thinking about it. I think I was falling…towards it? Her face becomes confused. And the ocean? That voice said, don’t fear? It found a way. What is fear? I’m not supposed to fear anything I encounter. Her voice trembles as she speaks while closing her eyes. Everything will fall into place. That’s what the voice said. I’m not really sure of anything right now? Is this fear?

    You cannot have fear, my congenital archaic. Clear your mind… the mysterious voice returns. I will show you something. Close your eyes and open yourself to me.

    The girl shuts her eyes and returns to the empty darkness in her mind. Why do I feel empty and sad again?

    My apologies. This form of communication allows us to share one another’s essence, thoughts, or feelings. My existence is commonly filled with this feeling… Ha ha ah ha ah ha ah. Strange… Speaking with you makes me feel the opposite, the voice responds.


    A blue lightning bolt zooms across the dark. As it impacts, a room appears and the dark disperses. There are many people trapped in different cages. Inside are unusual people. A few appear to have no sign of life, while others seem to be reaching the end of theirs. It is gloomy, and the girl can only see shadows, unable to make out the details of their faces. However, one person is not inside a cage. Instead a gentleman is secured into a chair underneath a bazaar machine that is emanating strange blue electrical activity. It is in the center of the room. The cages surround it, like numbers on a clock, and are elevated off the ground some. The man is dressed in an all-white and silver embroidered suit. Similar to something a knight or someone in royalty would wear. His arms, legs, and chest have many rubber elastic rings attached through his skin and are connected to long strands with devices mounted in the surrounding walls, floors, and chair he sits in. With a fierce look, the man sits up with a struggle and leans forward. Looking directly at the girl’s presence, he shouts as if it were his last breath, "Leave this place! Do not return! Hide yourself and never remember this! End this! Get out!"

    Naturally the girl begins to respond, I—

    The mysterious voice interrupts and everything vanishes. This is what makes me suffer. I do not possess the ability to intervene.

    The girl asks hastily, "What do you want with me? Why did you show me this! Who is that man? What was that place? How do I know I can trust you?"

    Now isn’t your time… I will return when we can put things right. Do not have fear. Your trust in the path you choose will determine the outcome. I’m merely an ideator, says the mysterious voice.

    Chapter 2

    The Rescue

    Coming out of a daze, the girl is back sitting on the rock. Basking in the sun for a moment, she looks up in its direction. It sits higher in the blue sky, shining bright and vibrant among some clouds. It glistens the waves as they crash in rhythm, and many seagulls now wade in the water. The girl’s face is grim, while thinking about one of the cages she had seen. It left her very broken and torn apart inside. Suddenly, in her mind, she sees a green, white, and purple flower bloom. Wondering why she is seeing this, her body fills with happiness. Somewhere inside herself, the flower is familiar. Then, a light flashes from the flower as it splits itself into three individual flowers. A solid green, a solid white, and a solid purple flower are now rotating in the darkness of her mind. Soon after, the white one withers, and the girl feels much sorrow and sympathy for it. Meanwhile, the green one grows bigger and consumes the purple flower. The girl’s heart begins beating rapidly, and she opens her eyes.

    To herself, she says, What was that? Why do I feel this way? Is this fear?

    Snapping out of her thoughts, for now, she tries to focus on the pain from her leg. Using both hands she reaches behind the right knee and lifts her foot onto the rock. From there, she leans around and looks behind her right thigh. Using the left hand, she barely brushes a gash. It starts just below the back left side of her knee and slightly curves around to the lower right side of her thigh. It looks deep and is an inch wide in places. Something sharp, with lots of force, made this immense tear. The girl can’t recall anything about it.

    Was I attacked by a shark? Or maybe I hit a rock and debris when I was in the water. Talking to herself, the girl continues examining the wound.

    Right now, it looks to have opened up. Blood is slowly seeping where the width is largest in the center. Most likely from standing up too fast. Not enough blood is coming out for it to drip, but grains of sand are within it, causing discomfort. After looking at it, she decides to wrap her leg with some seaweed. She begins ripping and tearing different pieces into flat strips. Loudly, she hears an explosion! Looking around¹, the girl spots smoke rising in the distance. Quickly she finishes wrapping the wound and takes off down the beach with a limp.

    Seashells and crustaceans of all kinds are on the untouched sand. This is causing the girl’s footsteps to be scattered throughout, with the occasional abnormality from her limp. The crabs make her smile and feel happy seeing them about their business. Walking below the cliff, she soon nears the smoke. It is rising from atop somewhere. Realizing she could not approach the smoke directly, she continues walking down the beach.

    Strange…these sun’s rays, she calmly speaks to herself. She closes her eyes. I remember the sun…in a garden?

    Some time passes. The seaweed has helped ease the pain of the girl’s leg, and she is not limping as much. Her right foot still leaves a distinguished footprint in the sand. The beach and cliff begin to curve. A lighthouse becomes visible in the distance. It is built into the cliffside with a red painted stripe that spirals over the white stone. On top is a metal and glass cage for the bulb. From the beach, there is a path with stairs zigzagging through the rock up to the lighthouse and above the cliff. The girl hurries toward them. Before approaching, she stops and looks back. Only a few rocks from the descending formation can be seen from here. Strangely, a silhouette of a person standing in the water overlooking the ocean caught her eyes.

    Maybe I should have stayed where I woke up? There has to be somebody looking for me. Right? the girl thinks to herself. Although, who knows if they are friendly or not? No fear?

    As the girl turns around, to climb up the first step, she hears a strange noise. It sounded like a whimper or a yelp of an animal. Listening carefully, she hears the yelp again. It is extremely faint. As she decides to continue on the beach around the lighthouse, the yelp becomes more distinguished. Soon, the beach begins running out of sand and becomes rocky. After a few minutes of walking, she comes to a small run of water flowing into the ocean. Looking to her left was an extremely large cave within the cliff.

    Hello! the girl shouts into the mouth of the cave.

    Many echoes bounce back to her of a whimper and fill the cave loudly. It sounds too high-pitched for a dog, but it doesn’t sound like a cat. Looking into the cave, the girl can only see darkness. Kneeling down to the water exiting the cave, she submerges a hand. It is filled with sand, and the bottom is smooth, along with the walls. It looks and feels like large amounts of water passed through there often. The girl stands up and steps into the water. Her feet sink into the sand, and she carefully scoots into the dark, damp, and deep cave. As she is walking down the dripping tunnel, she keeps looking back at the opening to see how far she has gone. The sunlight is comforting to her and helps alleviate some worries.

    As she makes her way, the girl is thinking to herself. Why is that animal in here? What type of animal is it? Why am I trying to help it? I hope this cave doesn’t fill with water while we are in here.

    The whimpers become louder as she makes her way farther into the cave and its waters. By this point, she is almost submerged to the knees. Turning her head, to look back, something bright catches the corner of her eye. Straight ahead in the darkness is something glimmering. It disappears quickly, and the girl looks around, hoping to see it again. With no luck, she continues on toward the cries for help. For the last hundred feet, the girl has been taking baby steps. One foot in front of the other with a hand on the wall for balance. It is completely dark, and only the light from the entrance of the cave remains as a small circle. The tunnel has become narrower, and her arms can reach the ceiling. The circumstance is creating eerie vibes. Pushing it aside, she does her best to focus on the light at the entrance and helping the animal. The yelps and cries for help are now accompanied with splashing.


    The girl hits rock and comes to what feels like a dead end for her. Many stalagmites are blocking her path. Yelp! Yelp! Yeeelp yelp yelp! The animal sounds like it’s right in front of her.

    I’m sorry! I can’t see in this darkness! she says with despair. I will try to help you. If I can find you?

    The girl starts feeling around all over. Under, through, beside, on top, and inside anything and everything. In a frantic pace, she is stumbling, slamming, nicking, and bruising herself on rock. More yelps are exclaimed, with a small howl afterward. It was not of a wolf or coyote. The girl closes her eyes. She tries to think and listen through the dark. Drops, yelps, and splashes echo around her perfectly like an amphitheater. Something flashes across her mind. Trying to focus, she begins to hear nothing around her. Complete silence.


    This time in her mind, she sees many people wearing the same lab coat as her. In a room, possibly a science or medical lab, the girl is centered between everybody. Unlike before, every little detail is clear. From the food left in someone’s mustache standing by the coffee pot to tags on shirts and files with paperwork inside, everything can easily be made out. Many scientists and doctors are doing essential tasks throughout. Some are looking into microscopes, while others are carrying specimens and equipment around. Suddenly, a male doctor walks in front of her. He is fully dressed in white scrubs with a head mirror and face mask. He is wearing glasses with multiple magnifying adjustments on them and has a belt with other medical tools. On his name badge below his picture it reads, dr. oliver s. krazor. security clearance: alpha purple. lead doctor #1 level 3 k.r.a.z.o.r. #39192.

    Oliver reaches into the right chest pocket of his lab coat, where his name badge is clipped. Grabbing a small black flashlight, he turns it on and points it directly toward the girl’s face. Then, it flashes off for a moment and begins flickering. The doctor taps it in his palm. It continues to blink. Stepping in was a second older doctor. He leans over, yelling at the girl, shaking her from the shoulders, and yelling back at Oliver. The girl cannot feel or hear anything and soon realizes she cannot move or speak either. The second man wheels over a light on a stand and pulls it down over her face. After that, he yells at Oliver and points at her with intense frustration. The girl’s attention is drawn to her own hands that are reaching out slowly to try to grab the older man’s neck. Upon doing this he grabs her wrists and approaches her face-to-face. Every light begins flashing in the room as they glare at one another. The man says something to her, but the girl hears something other than a man’s voice.

    Through the silence she hears a howl. Quickly, she snaps out of her mind and refocuses her attention on the rescue. The girl has an idea and starts to feel around her chest for the same pocket Oliver reached into. Inside was the same small black flashlight. Turning it on, she can now see around the stalagmites and spots the animal! It is splashing around with its head and tip of tail sticking out of the water. As suspected, rocks and stalagmites blocked their connection. Soon, she finds a perfect hole to reach an arm through to the creature. It leans toward her hand and licks it graciously. The girl scratches the side of its face and scruff. She can feel a collar made of some type of metal and rubber. When she begins to pull up an obnoxious noise begins emitting from the collar and a soft blue-coloured light turns on. It is very similar to what she heard earlier on the beach, but is less effective. The animal yelps, and the girl cringes. Unfortunately, the girl lets go of the collar and drops the flashlight. It sinks into the water. The sound is elevating. Her entire body goes numb, empty and weightless. Noticing the flashlight beam moving in the water, she realizes everything is starting to move! Before injuring herself, she removes her arm from within the rocks. The animal, flashlight, and herself are floating as the water is rippling. Some droplets are ascending the cave wall, and the light at the entrance is blocked completely by water. Unsure to what is happening, the girl snags the flashlight and examines the animal. A metal and rubber leash along with a metal chain, that had a ring on it, came up from the water with some rocks and a fox!

    As she looked for the best way to bring the fox to her side of the stalagmites, the flashlight began to flicker, and an odd low growl starts to shake the entire cave. The obnoxious noise ceases, and everything lands in the water. The little fox begins to howl. Far down into the tunnel, the girl sees two glimmering lights. A second grumble, slightly quieter, fades out. The two lights disperse, and the girl gestures the fox to come through the opening. She leans down, grabs the leash, and picks up the fox. Using the flashlight, she examines the fox to make sure there are no injuries. Printed on the collar was kitsune #3-1c. She also notices that the fox has three tails! To the far left was all white, a red one is in the center, and on the right is orange. The rest of the fox is a light beige colour with black paws. The front of its chest has white streaks on it with red and orange ones down its back sides.

    Hello! is echoed down the tunnel from behind. Startling both the girl and fox. They look back and see two people at the entrance blocking the light.

    Do you need help? That’s not a safe place to be! says the voice.

    After that, it is followed by a younger voice, My brother may be goofy, but he does want to help. As for myself, I think you’re crazy and stupid to be inside the Sea Demon’s Mouth that far. If we have to come in there and rescue you— He is interrupted.

    I will be out soon. I was rescuing a fox! the girl shouts and begins to make her way out of the cave holding the fox.

    ¹ Heroes, Ten Station.

    Chapter 3

    Precarious Deed

    As the girl approaches the mouth of the cave, the older guy rushes in toward her. He looks a bit older than her, and the other looks a bit younger, but they are all close to the same age. While exiting the cave, the fox jumps down and starts running. It goes to the younger guy and yelps in excitement. It stops in front of him, sits down, picks up its right paw, and howls.

    Kit! Where have you been? How much trouble did you cause for this girl? says the younger guy, while looking down smiling at the fox. The fox rushes back to the girl and snags the chain, with the ring on it, from her hand. After running a few laps around the younger guy, it stands on its hind legs with the chain hanging from its mouth. Wow, Kit! Thank you! I can’t believe you found this!

    The girl asks him, Do you know this little fox? Is it yours?

    He’s not ours, but we do know the owner. He was stolen from her! the younger guy replies, while the older one reaches around the girl’s back lending his arm and shoulder for her to lean on. The fox yelps with a large leap and dashes into the younger guy’s arm. My name is Simon, and the strong, robust dude helping you is my older brother Avery.

    Yelp, yelp.

    Oh, and this is Kit. You already know each other, but I suppose he likes to be introduced too! They all laugh, standing at the entrance of the cave. So, Violet. Tell me? What happened to you? You look… His words become absent as he examines her.

    Avery finishes Simon’s sentence, You look like you lost a fight to a lawn mower that exploded and threw you into the ocean.

    The girl smiles and asks, Violet? Me? You know who I am? Excited, she rushes close to Simon’s face. He is now bashful.

    Simon points to a name badge attached to her pocket. Isn’t that your picture and name?

    Violet looks down at the badge. It was clipped to a pocket on the lower part of her lab coat. The smile disappears from her face as she responds, Sorry. I don’t remember anything from before this morning. Actually, I didn’t know my name or notice the tag until you pointed it out. A cloud in the sky covers the sun. Sadness starts to fill her face as she looks down and steps away from the guys.

    With a smile full of determination, Avery says to Violet, Well, I want to help you. It looks like you were attacked by something with large claws or stabbed by something. Maybe even tortured! He is looking at her backside and gently places his hand next to one of the round punctures on her lower back. Do these hurt? She flinches. Sorry. He removes his hand and points to the seaweed on her leg and asks, Is your leg even worse than these punctures?

    Violet has a clueless and empty expression on her face. I didn’t know I had any other wounds. Just the gash in my leg hurts a tad. It’s fine. Don’t worry yourselves over it. The smile returns to her face as she turns, facing Avery. Looking up at him, she places her hand on his shoulder. Thank you! Avery looks puzzled and Violet removes her hand. If you really want to help, I won’t say no. I will go along with you guys until I figure something out. I mean, this fox has three tails! I don’t think things could get more bizarre. The sun returns, shining bright on all of them. Suddenly, they all break out in a laughter.

    Simon is first to cease as he reaches up to Violet’s shoulders. Here, let me help you. I doubt this is really your choice of fashion anyways. Kit jumps down, and Simon removes the lab coat. After that, he removes his own jacket and puts it on her. Simon’s face flinches some and he looks at Avery fast. Quickly, he rolls up the lab coat. Kit jumps back into his arms. He is now on top of the lab coat, lying upon it like a pillow. It draws less attention if you are not wearing a white bloodstained coat. Especially, since lab coats are never a good sign. They’re usually from that horrid research facility. Your badge is…unusual? It doesn’t look like any employee ones I’ve seen, but that doesn’t mean it’s not from there. Hopefully, they weren’t experimenting on you. They always try to with Kit.

    Is that why he has three tails? Violet asks.

    Both Avery and Simon look at each other. Avery seems to trust you, and since he can’t do things without me, I will too. If you haven’t noticed I can’t stop looking at you. Even though you look like you survived a fight with a butcher who had a knife in one hand and a torch in the other, you are very beautiful! Simon says with a smile to Violet. I will tell you all about Kit. But first, you need to have some tea with our aunt.

    Avery throws an arm around Simon’s shoulder. Check out my little bro! He’s cute. Ain’t he? That’s the ole flirty flame burning! He puts his other arm around Violet and turns them both, facing the ocean. Tea with our aunt will do us all good. I do agree with my little bro and think you are quite beautiful, but I believe I am in love with someone else! That’s a story for another day.

    Shut up! It’s not like that. Don’t you sense it? Simon directly asks Avery as he removes the arm from his shoulders and steps away.

    Violet asks, Sense what?

    Avery replies, Like we’ve known each other for a long time.

    Laughter overwhelms the three of them as they stand in the sunlight at the mouth of the cave. Violet speaks up, Thank you! I do feel it. Inside my chest. We have known each other for a very long time. Strange, as I laugh with you two, I feel a need to protect and preserve it. She steps forward from them to the ocean’s edge. Looking at the sun, she becomes mesmerized by it and thinks about her conversation with the mysterious voice. That voice has also shared a laugh with her, but this does not feel the same as before. Do you see and feel this warm light? As we laugh together, I feel warmth from you two. Just like this sunlight… Never mind. Shrugging her head, she turns toward them with a smile. Anyways, I would like to have tea with your aunt.

    Okay! First, I want to remove this leash from Kit. Violet, will you hold Kit, please? He sets Kit on the ground and the coat beside him. Violet grabs the fox’s back and chest. Avery, you and I are going to stretch out the ring around his neck. Then, Violet, you help pull him out. The collar and leash are now off. This stupid thing! Simon wraps and ties it to a rock, making sure no piece of it was loose. After doing this, he throws it as far as possible into the ocean. It sank immediately.

    Yelp, yelp!

    The fox runs around everyone happily, excitedly, and most important freely. He returns to lying on the lab coat as soon as Simon picked it up. They all begin walking down the beach.

    Over there. Violet points. Just before those descending rocks is where I woke up. I don’t remember anything from before then.

    Let’s go check out the area for anything you may have missed. Since, you didn’t notice your name badge, Avery chuckles, and the three walk to the descending rocks.

    Violet rushes in front of Avery and Simon. Everything is gone! The beach looks empty and spotless. Both Avery and Simon walk up to her and place a hand on each shoulder.

    It’s okay. We will figure something out. It’s no big deal. Our aunt, she knows lots of things. Especially about that research facility. She will have an idea of some sort. Simon and I won’t give up, says Avery.

    Violet sits on the same rock as earlier, after shrugging their arms off her. Using both hands, she reaches behind her leg, pulling it up on the rock. Hugging her leg and resting her head on the knee, she holds in a cry. I don’t understand? What’s going on?

    From atop the cliff, a flock of crows comes swooping in. It surrounds everyone. Dozens of them are aggressively flying around and pecking. Kit jumped up toward one in particular and snags the left wing in his mouth. Forcing it to the ground, he pins it with his paws on both wings. Growling in its face, the crow looked frightened. Violet picks Kit up and moves down the beach. Avery soon follows. Some of the crows grab the lab coat from Simon’s arms, while others peck at him. He manages to grab the name badge off the coat. All the birds fly off above the cliff.

    Avery runs over to Simon. Are you okay? That was some freaky behaviour for crows!

    Simon replies, I’m fine. Just a few nicks. Nothing compared to paper cuts. Violet, do you remember anything about crows?

    Both Avery and Simon shout simultaneously, Violet! She was staring blankly in the direction that the crows flew off. Some black mist is emitting from her body.

    Avery reaches out to Violet and starts shaking her. Violet! Violet! Can you hear me!

    Chapter 4

    The Mysterious Duo

    Watching from atop the cliff, a mesmerized young man dressed in a black polo and slacks watches stealthily. Accompanying his ensemble are sunglasses. They are currently placed in his right hand, partially closed, by his shoulder. With his other hand, he leans on a rock. The flock of crows carrying the bloodstained lab coat begins to cycle toward the ground behind him. Suddenly, they all come very close to one another and their details merge into one big glob. In an instant, the crows are gone, and left standing is a young woman. She is also dressed in a black polo shirt, but with a black pleated skirt on.

    "That stupid fox! When we get him back, I’m going to request its file to be placed on my list of subjects to terminate! If it ever gets deemed no longer useful! She begins to throw a small anger fit, stomping the ground and shaking her fists. As she calmed down, her right hand is quickly placed over a wound on her left arm. Great…I will have to wear long sleeves for a while. The girl walks over to the young man, who is still gazing down at Violet talking to Avery and Simon. The girl reaches up and taps him on the shoulder from behind. Oliver? Hello? He doesn’t respond. Opening the lab coat, she throws it over his face. I got the coat back like you wanted, but not the tag. At least it doesn’t have any door clearance."

    Cut it out, Whinnie! I was trying to concentrate on their conversation, he says while removing the lab coat from his head and examining it. I actually heard something interesting. Violet was just explaining about—

    Whatever! That wasn’t all you were doing, Whinnie interrupts him while lightly punching his shoulder. You weren’t even moving or looking in any other direction. She pauses for a second. It was very intense, compared to your normal eavesdropping. But, I forgive you…today. Whinnie leans in and kisses him on the cheek, grabbing his arm and resting her head on it; a big smile fills her face. Together they look over the lab coat. What are you looking for? She looks up at the young man.

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